Harris up in IOWA in latest poll …

Kamala had a higher probability of winning that you have of getting ole Pharm to reply. the guy hates facts, the way... the way... well, the way Dems hate facts... ( i was gonna say the way cats hate water... but more cats like water than Dems like facts)
Dude disappeared faster than someone in the “witness protection program”. 😂😂😂 He was always FOS even before his BS prognostications.
This pollster has gotten Iowa right within 1-2 pts in 2012, 2016, and 2020.

  • The poll shows that women — particularly those who are older or are politically independent — are driving the late shift toward Harris.

Ann Selzer is literally the only poll to pay attention to. You trumpers can keep your head in the sand, but Harris leading Trump in Iowa by 3 pts is a HUGE red flag even if Trump does win Iowa. This should be common sense. By the way, Selzer was the only poll that had Trump by 8 pts in 2016 when everyone single other poll had Hillary walking about with it.
Keeping my head in the keep yours up your Ass....
Ann Selzer is literally the only poll to pay attention to. You trumpers can keep your head in the sand, but Harris leading Trump in Iowa by 3 pts is a HUGE red flag even if Trump does win Iowa. This should be common sense. By the way, Selzer was the only poll that had Trump by 8 pts in 2016 when everyone single other poll had Hillary walking about with it.
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
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"In response to a critique that I “manipulated” the data, or had been paid (by some anonymous source, presumably on the Democratic side), or that I was exercising psyops or some sort of voter suppression: I told more than one news outlet that the findings from this last poll could actually energize and activate Republican voters who thought they would likely coast to victory. Maybe that’s what happened.

In 2004, the final Iowa Poll had John Kerry with a small 3-point lead over President George W. Bush. In the end, Bush won Iowa by less than a percentage point. I had the good fortune to run into former Gov. Terry Branstad, who gave me a masterclass on why things move late. He credited an enormous rally in Sioux City, closed to the press, with activating a turnout strategy he thought led to a substantial widening of the Bush winning margin in the 5th Congressional District in western Iowa. He also suspected that rally was the cause of Sen. Tom Daschle getting drummed out of office in South Dakota.

That story stays with me now. But, what other stories are out there to explain the miss? We’ll be looking at turnout rates at the polls and comparing them to our demographic mix. We’ll be looking at what amount to tea leaves in our poll about the trending story about Black and Latino men’s growing alignment with Trump and his policies. We’ll be looking at how the late deciders fell, if we can figure that out without a traditional exit poll for Iowa."

‘I was wrong, but maybe my poll caused GOP turnout to increase even though it’s a ruby red state that even Kamala’s people knew they had no shot at winning’ is quite the takeaway here.

And also, the complete arrogance of Harris-supporters in this thread at those of us that noted the obvious flaws in this poll (and their subsequent insistence it meant "bad news" for Trump) is sweet, sweet schadenfreude. I'm not surprised they haven't showed here, since.

michael ian black animation GIF by Cartuna
Dude disappeared faster than someone in the “witness protection program”. 😂😂😂 He was always FOS even before his BS prognostications.
He ran away like a scared little girl. Or maybe a boy that wants to be a girl. I don't know anymore.
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This pollster has gotten Iowa right within 1-2 pts in 2012, 2016, and 2020.

  • The poll shows that women — particularly those who are older or are politically independent — are driving the late shift toward Harris.

These are important tweets to re-read. Seltzer was predicting older white women to be more liberal than the state of California. Abject nonsense.

It was really misleading to Democrats.

It's why I keep hoping for any sort of reply. I pointed out at the time what you quote above regarding how completely ridiculous the cross-tabs were, got mocked a bit for it ("go outside!" which was funny, tbh), but then was told that this poll is a clear indicator of what to expect on election day...and the worst offenders haven't even bothered to acknowledge it.

For The People Yes GIF by Kamala Harris
Ann Selzer is literally the only poll to pay attention to. You trumpers can keep your head in the sand, but Harris leading Trump in Iowa by 3 pts is a HUGE red flag even if Trump does win Iowa. This should be common sense. By the way, Selzer was the only poll that had Trump by 8 pts in 2016 when everyone single other poll had Hillary walking about with it.
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sure, we will find out soon enough.

Ann Selzer is a very good pollster. She's revered. Very few people, probably including her, think Harris is going to win Iowa.

Like every other poll, it's just another data point, albeit one by someone who has been doing it and is well respected in the field, versus say Praecones Analytica.
Ms. Revered is retiring in disgrace....another Dem useful idiot