Hunter guilty. Think Trump should publicly say he will pardon him if elected....

Good to see that even in Biden’s hometown of Wilmington, Delaware that they could see thru the bullshit and find Hunter guilty today. Would still like to see him on trial for his over seas shenanigans he to this point has gotten away with and which is more corrupt imo.
Good to see that even in Biden’s hometown of Wilmington, Delaware that they could see thru the bullshit and find Hunter guilty today. Would still like to see him on trial for his over seas shenanigans he to this point has gotten away with and which is more corrupt imo.
Agreed on the second point.

On the first point - did he break the law? Yes. Should the jury have convicted him based on the facts? Yes. Would this have ever been tried if this wasn't Hunter Biden? Of course not. I could be wrong, but I doubt there is any precedent regarding a case of an addict failing to check that he's an addict on a gun form.
Imo, Trump shouldn't say anything at all about Hunter. While true that HB wouldn't have been prosecuted for this crime, he's certainly done a number of things that would have put his ass in the slammer if he wasn't protected. Imo, Trump's response should be that he is going to appoint a hard nosed but fair AG and let the investigations run their course. No way he should issue a statement about pardons while he is appealing a kangaroo court verdict and has a federal prosecutor on his ass.

Imo, there is a lot more dirt that needs to be swept from DC and you don't start sweeping by giving away the broom. Trump will have plenty of time to extend pardons and call off the dogs. Now isn't that time.
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Bottom line, no way Hunter gets tried and convicted if he wasn't Hunter. He's done a helluva lot worse shit than lie on a gun form, but this was political just like Trump's NYC bullshit.

Be bigger and show a willingness to end this political persecution trend.
Interesting take. I agree that Hunter was indicted on these charges because of who he is. Nonetheless, he broke the law and by most accounts received a fair trial.

It already has been and will continue to be a telling compare and contrast in how the two candidates react to their respective situations. Joe has made no comments to date besides acknowledging the need for respect for the rule of law and pledging to not pardon his son if convicted. I’m sure he will make a statement of personal support and do it without undermining the rule of law.

Regarding future pardons, I doubt very seriously that the guy who made “lock her up” a consistent part of a previous campaign is going to suddenly become a great unifier, but I could be wrong. Your optimism is admirable.
They had a plea deal before it got blown up. This kind of case is almost never prosecuted especially about a gun no longer in his possession that he didn’t do anything with. It’s also unusual to pursue a tax case with circumstances similar to his. I do tax work and I have clients with a lot of un filed returns we’re working on who owe quite a bit of money. Never had it turn to criminal prosecution especially after the returns were filed.

Really to people this investigation was really about things a lot of people think happened with the Chinese. If it could have been proven those charges would have been brought. Instead Hunter was selectively prosecuted for political reasons and if the right wingers hadn’t pitched a fit it would have been resolved before trial.

Of course part of Biden’s appeal is in restoring faith in institutions so he’s not going to attack the judge, Congress, and the special prosecutor while the Trump people are about ready to burn the country down. Hunter is a troubled person who got caught in the crossfire. This should have been evaluated based on the fact pattern and circumstances regardless of who he is.

Any way I hope the tin foil hat wearing white trash are happy.
Totally different scenarios I’m terms of the clarity that any felony was committed and in terms of who prosecuted the crime. And why. And where.
Of course. There’s always an excuse for Trump’s aberrant, narcissistic behavior as its always someone else’s fault. Always.

As I said, it’s a very telling compare and contrast.

Totally different scenarios I’m terms of the clarity that any felony was committed and in terms of who prosecuted the crime. And why. And where.
Got cha.....just like elections.
They are only legit only if your guy wins.
No Biden fan here, but if you can't see the different reactions between Trump and Biden on our judicial system, I don't know what to tell you.
Both had negative outcomes.
Both were cases that may not have happened if it wasn't for their last names.
One rants and raves about being rigged, constantly dogging the judge, sowing doubt about our whole judicial system. Not to mention he is also running for president of the United States.
One says, that while he loves his son, he respects the decision.
Of course. There’s always an excuse for Trump’s aberrant, narcissistic behavior as its always someone else’s fault. Always.

As I said, it’s a very telling compare and contrast.

See what happened here? Instead of indiscriminately celebrating the conviction of a known shithead and son of the Presidential candidate I don’t like, I hold an opinion that the fact that he was tried at all was political. And I didn’t like it.

And just like clockwork you use that olive branch of sorts to attack Trump. Note also that you don’t see a bunch of republicans rejoicing in this thing.

As to the total differences in these two situations?

Hunter, tried in Delaware. And prosecuted by someone with no political ties or motivation to Trump.

Zero gray area in terms of facts of the case or law.

It was headed for a plea deal, and if not for a judge who smelled a rat, nothing to see here. Hunter was arrogant enough to let it go to trial thinking he was untouchable.

Had the “Russian” laptop not come forward, probably nothing to see here.

Trump’s “crime” takes unprecedented legal gymnastics to try and even define if there was a crime.

Prosecuted by a DA who was elected on a platform.of getting Trump. Top DOJ guy leaves the Biden DOJ to ride shotgun.

Tried in New York with a Biden supporting and conflicted judge seemingly inserting himself into the case at every turn, most notably with jury instructions that effectively allowed the invention of a felony.

You are way too smart to not call out your own hypocrisy and total inability to attempt to be impartial on the facts.

What is Biden gonna say? Of course he appropriately said he respects the verdict on an air tight case prosecuted by someone with no bias in his friendly home state.

As for Trump, he is running a bit more disciplined campaign this time around, but I have no doubt he will say something dumb regarding Hunter. I hope he doesn’t.
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Got cha.....just like elections.
They are only legit only if your guy wins.
No Biden fan here, but if you can't see the different reactions between Trump and Biden on our judicial system, I don't know what to tell you.
Both had negative outcomes.
Both were cases that may not have happened if it wasn't for their last names.
One rants and raves about being rigged, constantly dogging the judge, sowing doubt about our whole judicial system. Not to mention he is also running for president of the United States.
One says, that while he loves his son, he respects the decision.
Although many of your points above have merit, there are a couple of differences:

Hunter had his jury, suspect all if not 10 of the 12 were Biden voters​
I don't think there was a Trump voter on his jury​
Hunter's case was held on his home turf, Trump's was not and should have been moved to another venue​
I could be wrong but in reading about the case i did not see anywhere the Judge prevented a key witness from testifying (this was my main point of contention from me in the Trump NY case) nor did judge in the Biden case get in a tussle with any pro defense witnesses. He played it low key and let the defense do their job.​
Hunters' defense team and the US Justice Department almost got a get out of jail free card but another Judge stopped it​
Most of us would have been much more accepting of a Trump felony if it the case would have been held in another venue, under a different judge and the judge would have appeared to act more impartial. None of those occurred so Trump had much more to yell about and it has merit, the amount is certainly debatable.
Example, if Trump gets convicted in the Florida case, and if he loses the election he certainly could, i suspect you get little or any blowback from myself or anyone else on this board. its his homecourt and a sympathetic judge.
See what happened here? Instead of indiscriminately celebrating the conviction of a known shithead and son of the Presidential candidate I don’t like, I hold an opinion that the fact that he was tried at all was political. And I didn’t like it.

And just like clockwork you use that olive branch of sorts to attack Trump. Note also that you don’t see a bunch of republicans rejoicing in this thing.

As to the total differences in these two situations?

Hunter, tried in Delaware. And prosecuted by someone with no political ties or motivation to Trump.

Zero gray area in terms of facts of the case or law.

It was headed for a plea deal, and if not for a judge who smelled a rat, nothing to see here. Hunter was arrogant enough to let it go to trial thinking he was untouchable.

Had the “Russian” laptop not come forward, probably nothing to see here.

Trump’s “crime” takes unprecedented legal gymnastics to try and even define if there was a crime.

Prosecuted by a DA who was elected on a platform.of getting Trump. Top DOJ guy leaves the Biden DOJ to ride shotgun.

Tried in New York with a Biden supporting and conflicted judge seemingly inserting himself into the case at every turn, most notably with jury instructions that effectively allowed the invention of a felony.

You are way too smart to not call out your own hypocrisy and total inability to attempt to be impartial on the facts.

What is Biden gonna say? Of course he appropriately said he respects the verdict on an air tight case prosecuted by someone with no bias in his friendly home state.

As for Trump, he is running a bit more disciplined campaign this time around, but I have no doubt he will say something dumb regarding Hunter. I hope he doesn’t.
You responded better than i...........
Got cha.....just like elections.
They are only legit only if your guy wins.
No Biden fan here, but if you can't see the different reactions between Trump and Biden on our judicial system, I don't know what to tell you.
Both had negative outcomes.
Both were cases that may not have happened if it wasn't for their last names.
One rants and raves about being rigged, constantly dogging the judge, sowing doubt about our whole judicial system. Not to mention he is also running for president of the United States.
One says, that while he loves his son, he respects the decision.
Hunter, tried in Delaware. And prosecuted by someone with no political ties or motivation to Trump.

Zero gray area in terms of facts of the case or law.

It was headed for a plea deal, and if not for a judge who smelled a rat, nothing to see here. Hunter was arrogant enough to let it go to trial thinking he was untouchable.

Had the “Russian” laptop not come forward, probably nothing to see here.

Trump’s “crime” takes unprecedented legal gymnastics to try and even define if there was a crime.

Prosecuted by a DA who was elected on a platform.of getting Trump. Top DOJ guy leaves the Biden DOJ to ride shotgun.

Tried in New York with a Biden supporting and conflicted judge seemingly inserting himself into the case at every turn, most notably with jury instructions that effectively allowed the invention of a felony.

I’m not a fan of Trump’s rhetoric but his NYC trial was total bullshit. As was his $400M judgement on inflating the value of his assets. If I were him I wouldn’t use the term rigged, but I would absolutely call out the conflicts on the judge, the political nature of the case to begin with, the ridiculous legal gymnastics required to even define what he was being accused of, etc.
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Hunter, tried in Delaware. And prosecuted by someone with no political ties or motivation to Trump.

Zero gray area in terms of facts of the case or law.

It was headed for a plea deal, and if not for a judge who smelled a rat, nothing to see here. Hunter was arrogant enough to let it go to trial thinking he was untouchable.

Had the “Russian” laptop not come forward, probably nothing to see here.

Trump’s “crime” takes unprecedented legal gymnastics to try and even define if there was a crime.

Prosecuted by a DA who was elected on a platform.of getting Trump. Top DOJ guy leaves the Biden DOJ to ride shotgun.

Tried in New York with a Biden supporting and conflicted judge seemingly inserting himself into the case at every turn, most notably with jury instructions that effectively allowed the invention of a felony.

I’m not a fan of Trump’s rhetoric but his NYC trial was total bullshit. As was his $400M judgement on inflating the value of his assets. If I were him I wouldn’t use the term rigged, but I would absolutely call out the conflicts on the judge, the political nature of the case to begin with, the ridiculous legal gymnastics required to even define what he was being accused of, etc.
Although many of your points above have merit, there are a couple of differences:

Hunter had his jury, suspect all if not 10 of the 12 were Biden voters​
I don't think there was a Trump voter on his jury​
Hunter's case was held on his home turf, Trump's was not and should have been moved to another venue​
I could be wrong but in reading about the case i did not see anywhere the Judge prevented a key witness from testifying (this was my main point of contention from me in the Trump NY case) nor did judge in the Biden case get in a tussle with any pro defense witnesses. He played it low key and let the defense do their job.​
Hunters' defense team and the US Justice Department almost got a get out of jail free card but another Judge stopped it​
Most of us would have been much more accepting of a Trump felony if it the case would have been held in another venue, under a different judge and the judge would have appeared to act more impartial. None of those occurred so Trump had much more to yell about and it has merit, the amount is certainly debatable.
Example, if Trump gets convicted in the Florida case, and if he loses the election he certainly could, i suspect you get little or any blowback from myself or anyone else on this board. its his homecourt and a sympathetic judge.
if the crimes were committed in NY, where should the trial have taken place?
At the end of the day, both were found guilty.
One behaved the way 99% of us would.
One behaved like a spoiled know, the one that says it's always someone else fault.
Hunter's case was held on his home turf, Trump's was not and should have been moved to another venue
I'm what world is NYC not trump's home turf? He has his name on F-ing building for crying out loud. In Manhattan. Literally his home for years.

Now the people there may not like him...but to say it's not home turf is disingenuous.
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Good to see that even in Biden’s hometown of Wilmington, Delaware that they could see thru the bullshit and find Hunter guilty today. Would still like to see him on trial for his over seas shenanigans he to this point has gotten away with and which is more corrupt imo.
May compel Joe to step aside, and Kamala pardons.
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See what happened here? Instead of indiscriminately celebrating the conviction of a known shithead and son of the Presidential candidate I don’t like, I hold an opinion that the fact that he was tried at all was political. And I didn’t like it.

And just like clockwork you use that olive branch of sorts to attack Trump. Note also that you don’t see a bunch of republicans rejoicing in this thing.

As to the total differences in these two situations?

Hunter, tried in Delaware. And prosecuted by someone with no political ties or motivation to Trump.

Zero gray area in terms of facts of the case or law.

It was headed for a plea deal, and if not for a judge who smelled a rat, nothing to see here. Hunter was arrogant enough to let it go to trial thinking he was untouchable.

Had the “Russian” laptop not come forward, probably nothing to see here.

Trump’s “crime” takes unprecedented legal gymnastics to try and even define if there was a crime.

Prosecuted by a DA who was elected on a platform.of getting Trump. Top DOJ guy leaves the Biden DOJ to ride shotgun.

Tried in New York with a Biden supporting and conflicted judge seemingly inserting himself into the case at every turn, most notably with jury instructions that effectively allowed the invention of a felony.

You are way too smart to not call out your own hypocrisy and total inability to attempt to be impartial on the facts.

What is Biden gonna say? Of course he appropriately said he respects the verdict on an air tight case prosecuted by someone with no bias in his friendly home state.
Come on, lowcountry. It was a Trump/Barr appointed special prosecutor who preceded the current administration and who brought a case that typically doesn't see the light of day. If anyone wanted to whine about unfairness there are plenty of extraordinary circumstances you could point to with this trial. Bottom line, Biden was prosecuted and convicted for felonies he clearly committed by a jury of his peers.

The trial took place in DE because that's where the law was broken, just as the Trump trial took place in NY because that's where the law was broken. If Trump didn't like the venue, he should have done his crimes in Omaha.

My comments in that last post were regarding the conduct of the two candidates for POTUS. You know, the one person in our country most responsible for ensuring the rule of law. Trump has consistently and destructively undermined the rule of law in multiple areas for years. Did the libs force him to lie, just outright lie, about election fraud? Did the libs force Trump to assemble his supporters and, after his VP refused to bend to his will, send them off to the Capitol to stop certification (and yes, that's exactly what happened as proven by how Trump praises them and has promised to pardon them)? Are the libs responsible for the documents case? But it's always someone else's fault. In the many, many legal cases, impeachments and civil trials, it is never Trump who's responsible.

The only legal proceeding Trump doesn't whine about is the documents case. That's the one overseen by the judge Trump appointed just prior to leaving office, which by your logic she should recuse herself from.

Biden sucked it up and said that he respects the decision and loves his son. No equivocation, no whining, no undermining the prosecutor. It was exactly what we should expect and demand from our POTUS.
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One of the jurors said it seemed like a waste of government resources and another said he really didn’t think Hunter belonged in jail. I really don’t think jurors understand nullification is a legitimate option.
Come on, lowcountry. It was a Trump/Barr appointed special prosecutor who preceded the current administration and who brought a case that typically doesn't see the light of day. If anyone wanted to whine about unfairness there are plenty of extraordinary circumstances you could point to with this trial. Bottom line, Biden was prosecuted and convicted for felonies he clearly committed by a jury of his peers.

The trial took place in DE because that's where the law was broken, just as the Trump trial took place in NY because that's where the law was broken. If Trump didn't like the venue, he should have done his crimes in Omaha.

My comments in that last post were regarding the conduct of the two candidates for POTUS. You know, the one person in our country most responsible for ensuring the rule of law. Trump has consistently and destructively undermined the rule of law in multiple areas for years. Did the libs force him to lie, just outright lie, about election fraud? Did the libs force Trump to assemble his supporters and, after his VP refused to bend to his will, send them off to the Capitol to stop certification (and yes, that's exactly what happened as proven by how Trump praises them and has promised to pardon them)? Are the libs responsible for the documents case? But it's always someone else's fault. In the many, many legal cases, impeachments and civil trials, it is never Trump who's responsible.

The only legal proceeding Trump doesn't whine about is the documents case. That's the one overseen by the judge Trump appointed just prior to leaving office, which by your logic she should recuse herself from.

Biden sucked it up and said that he respects the decision and loves his son. No equivocation, no whining, no undermining the prosecutor. It was exactly what we should expect and demand from our POTUS.
Curious in specific examples in which Trump tried to undermine the rule of law? Also, your thoughts of current President’s philosophy of enforcing rule of law?
if the crimes were committed in NY, where should the trial have taken place?
At the end of the day, both were found guilty.
One behaved the way 99% of us would.
One behaved like a spoiled know, the one that says it's always someone else fault.
@jlson412 amd @mithcelldawg - replying to both

Stanten Island instead of Manhattan, jury pool would have been very different. What was requested by the defense. Could have been tried anywhere in NY, the Judge had the power to move it, chose not too. May have gotten the same verdict, maybe not. Would have been closer to a jury of his peers.

If Jury pools don't matter, move the trial against Trump in Georgia to Polk County. fairly sure the defense want object.
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The biggest difference here isn’t the politics. Certainly part of the deal for both trials. One doesn’t have 50 people calling out what just happened. Most of whom don’t like the defendant. The other is hunter is not and never has been the president of the United States. You can call it whining or whatever you want. We broke precedent in the Trump case for that. A victimless crime. The victim was likely the one who got the felony. Everyone is quite sure a Democrat paid stormy to come forward before the election. She had him between a rock and a hard place. Whether the affair is true or not didn’t matter. Yet he went down for whatever the crime was. I don’t get why this is so hard to see and understand.

Hate the guy or not, this is some twisted bs. There is no proof she had sex with him. She lost every case about it and had to pay his lawyer fees. Changed her story five times now. Yet he just got a felony count because he was trying to win an election. Using a nda that is completely legal. This is what we want to break a precedent never seen in our country’s history. I can’t even believe people defend this.

This could have been tried in more conservative areas if New York. One of forty judges without a direct conflict of interest could have been chosen. But it wasn’t. Tell me a reason why other than an easy win, and I will never defend it again.
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@jlson412 amd @mithcelldawg - replying to both

Stanten Island instead of Manhattan, jury pool would have been very different. What was requested by the defense. Could have been tried anywhere in NY, the Judge had the power to move it, chose not too. May have gotten the same verdict, maybe not. Would have been closer to a jury of his peers.

If Jury pools don't matter, move the trial against Trump in Georgia to Polk County. fairly sure the defense want object.
Doesn't change the "home turf" narrative. He could've been convicted in Floyd County GA and folks would complain about an unfair jurisdiction.
Curious in specific examples in which Trump tried to undermine the rule of law? Also, your thoughts of current President’s philosophy of enforcing rule of law?
Every word he has spoken about election fraud has turned out to be a lie, there is plenty of evidence that he knew he was lying, and he has continued with the lies despite the continued absence of evidence.

Most of his election legal team has either been indicted or already been found or pled guilty to serious crimes and will end up either disbarred or with multi-year bar suspensions. They have literally undermined the rule of law and are paying the price.

His promise to pardon convicted felons who were acting to prevent the certification that his VP refused to delay is an egregious undermining of the rule of law.

Biden has his issues, but undermining the rule of law is generally not one of them. I understand the problems people have with the border, many of which I agree with, but they aren't done for personal benefit like so many of Trump's maneuvers.
Every word he has spoken about election fraud has turned out to be a lie, there is plenty of evidence that he knew he was lying, and he has continued with the lies despite the continued absence of evidence.

Most of his election legal team has either been indicted or already been found or pled guilty to serious crimes and will end up either disbarred or with multi-year bar suspensions. They have literally undermined the rule of law and are paying the price.

His promise to pardon convicted felons who were acting to prevent the certification that his VP refused to delay is an egregious undermining of the rule of law.

Biden has his issues, but undermining the rule of law is generally not one of them. I understand the problems people have with the border, many of which I agree with, but they aren't done for personal benefit like so many of Trump's maneuvers.
The Bidens have been knowingly breaking the law for decades. Joe himself has lied about it a million times. The big difference is that they are more skillful in plausible deniability and the use of the system than most. Perfected by 50 years in “public service”.

And if he wasn’t interested in personal benefit, he would have stepped aside and let someone else beat Trump this election. His selfishness is electing trump as we speak. In other words, the vehicle for the man you can’t stand being prez again is the selfishness of the one you defend.
Every word he has spoken about election fraud has turned out to be a lie, there is plenty of evidence that he knew he was lying, and he has continued with the lies despite the continued absence of evidence.

Most of his election legal team has either been indicted or already been found or pled guilty to serious crimes and will end up either disbarred or with multi-year bar suspensions. They have literally undermined the rule of law and are paying the price.

His promise to pardon convicted felons who were acting to prevent the certification that his VP refused to delay is an egregious undermining of the rule of law.

Biden has his issues, but undermining the rule of law is generally not one of them. I understand the problems people have with the border, many of which I agree with, but they aren't done for personal benefit like so many of Trump's maneuvers.
“Biden has his issues, but undermining the rule of law is generally not one of them”

Thank you for the laugh of the day. That is absolutely hilarious.
“Biden has his issues, but undermining the rule of law is generally not one of them”

Thank you for the laugh of the day. That is absolutely hilarious.
C‘’Mon man. He invented the law. Grew up in the slums of Harlem and went on to study under Perry Mason himself. Actually juked Mason out of his jockstrap en route to his 98th touchdown of the year at Yale.
Every word he has spoken about election fraud has turned out to be a lie, there is plenty of evidence that he knew he was lying, and he has continued with the lies despite the continued absence of evidence.

Most of his election legal team has either been indicted or already been found or pled guilty to serious crimes and will end up either disbarred or with multi-year bar suspensions. They have literally undermined the rule of law and are paying the price.

His promise to pardon convicted felons who were acting to prevent the certification that his VP refused to delay is an egregious undermining of the rule of law.

Biden has his issues, but undermining the rule of law is generally not one of them. I understand the problems people have with the border, many of which I agree with, but they aren't done for personal benefit like so many of Trump's maneuvers.
A lie? Every word?
The biggest difference here isn’t the politics. Certainly part of the deal for both trials. One doesn’t have 50 people calling out what just happened. Most of whom don’t like the defendant. The other is hunter is not and never has been the president of the United States. You can call it whining or whatever you want. We broke precedent in the Trump case for that. A victimless crime. The victim was likely the one who got the felony. Everyone is quite sure a Democrat paid stormy to come forward before the election. She had him between a rock and a hard place. Whether the affair is true or not didn’t matter. Yet he went down for whatever the crime was. I don’t get why this is so hard to see and understand.

Hate the guy or not, this is some twisted bs. There is no proof she had sex with him. She lost every case about it and had to pay his lawyer fees. Changed her story five times now. Yet he just got a felony count because he was trying to win an election. Using a nda that is completely legal. This is what we want to break a precedent never seen in our country’s history. I can’t even believe people defend this.

This could have been tried in more conservative areas if New York. One of forty judges without a direct conflict of interest could have been chosen. But it wasn’t. Tell me a reason why other than an easy win, and I will never defend it again.
Who is everyone?
That is the big disconnect. It blows my mind that lefties and independents actually believe that.
Do you believe the constant doubt casting of our judicial system and election fixing claims for the last 4 years have been good for our democracy?
Please no mention of anyone else because NO President or former President ever has had a daily fixation with said topics.
Agreed on the second point.

On the first point - did he break the law? Yes. Should the jury have convicted him based on the facts? Yes. Would this have ever been tried if this wasn't Hunter Biden? Of course not. I could be wrong, but I doubt there is any precedent regarding a case of an addict failing to check that he's an addict on a gun form.
You would put a gun in the hands of an addict?
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That is the big disconnect. It blows my mind that lefties and independents actually believe that.
It is why they are really not worth arguing with. They parrot the government and the government’s news media and any opposing view is illegitimate to them because it opposes the “official” view. I can not imagine any course to forming opinions more stupid than that. I am determined to cease protracted arguments with them because I can not imagine anything more pointless. You might as well have a discussion with Jennifer Rubin because in effect that’s what you’re doing.
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Who is everyone?
Even Will admitted someone likely paid her to come forward. Do you believe no one pushed her to come forward 13 days before the election? She went back to them for more money when things went south. They dropped her. The case had been dropped before. You know that too right. Maybe not everyone. Anyone who is not unbelievably gullible and thinks she decided on her own to come forward ten years later wouldn’t be included I guess.

What is not believable here. The book she writes describes the event in detail with trump. Then on the stand she claimed she passed out. Mitchell this is the basic set of what happened. The rest is just window dressing. She was encouraged to come forward for money and to effect an election. No matter if it was true or not he had to pay her off. The fbi buried the laptop. If they believe this influenced the election more than that would have, I got nothing to argue if you believe anything different. Trump is a liar for sure. So is she. Which liar do you believe and why?
Do you believe the constant doubt casting of our judicial system and election fixing claims for the last 4 years have been good for our democracy?
Please no mention of anyone else because NO President or former President ever has had a daily fixation with said topics.
No I don’t. I think he should have moved on. Without Jan 6th, no one would consider voting for anyone on the left this cycle if you have a brain. I think Trump goes away. The news and democrats wouldn’t let him go away. So here we are.

I think it has been terrible for our democracy. I don’t think there was fraud. But for sure that election should be investigated. 22 million more voters. In a pandemic. Not seeing their families. Nursing homes on lockdown and the elderly voted more than ever. The new rules were brilliantly used. Period. I tip my cap. To fight figuring out why that happened isn’t good either. What trump continues to say without real proof isn’t good at all. Just say what it is that you can prove.

I don’t think the previous four years were good for democracy either. Do you remember any president being called illegitimate before Trump? I don’t. Maybe gore said it about bush. Jimmy Carter said Russia stole the election for trump. An ex president. That wasn’t a first for you?

I don’t disagree with you. The topic of the election and Jan 6th are the absolute killer for trump. Even over abortion imo. It doesn’t change the other things I see wrong either though Mitchell.

This tells you all you need to know.
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