Hunter guilty. Think Trump should publicly say he will pardon him if elected....

The Bidens have been knowingly breaking the law for decades. Joe himself has lied about it a million times. The big difference is that they are more skillful in plausible deniability and the use of the system than most. Perfected by 50 years in “public service”.

And if he wasn’t interested in personal benefit, he would have stepped aside and let someone else beat Trump this election. His selfishness is electing trump as we speak. In other words, the vehicle for the man you can’t stand being prez again is the selfishness of the one you defend.
“Biden has his issues, but undermining the rule of law is generally not one of them”

Thank you for the laugh of the day. That is absolutely hilarious.
Weis has been investigating the Bidens since 2018. That's six years and he has made it clear that the change from the Trump administration to the Biden administration did not constrain his investigation in any way (you know, that whole "rule of law" thing). He has the recently resolved gun case and the tax case and that's it.

At some point, insisting that major crimes have taken place without the proof just makes you look ridiculous. Not only has the Oversight Committee failed to prove anything regarding Joe, the investigation and most of the witnesses have been absurd and the committee has embarrassed themselves over and over again. Russian agents, Chinese agents, tapes that were promised and never existed, it's a joke. You guys just keep insisting that Joe is an international criminal mastermind because you need him to be to feel better about supporting DJT.

You require no actual proof for Joe, you can't even identify a single example of the supposed influence pedaling he was supposedly paid millions for, but you ignore mountains of proof against Trump, most of it consisting of tapes, his own words and the testimony of former staff members, all of whom are lifelong republicans. And that's not even accounting for the fact that a jury in NY just unanimously convicted him of 34 felonies related to illegally attempting to suppress information about an affair with a porn star that, had it gone public, may have altered the outcome of a very close election.

The GOP has to live in a post fact/post truth world because supporting Trump requires it. Don't expect the rest of us to come along for the ride.
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Weis has been investigating the Bidens since 2018. That's six years and he has made it clear that the change from the Trump administration to the Biden administration did not constrain his investigation in any way (you know, that whole "rule of law" thing). He has the recently resolved gun case and the tax case and that's it.

At some point, insisting that major crimes have taken place without the proof just makes you look ridiculous. Not only has the Oversight Committee failed to prove anything regarding Joe, the investigation and most of the witnesses have been absurd and the committee has embarrassed themselves over and over again. Russian agents, Chinese agents, tapes that were promised and never existed, it's a joke. You guys just keep insisting that Joe is an international criminal mastermind because you need him to be to feel better about supporting DJT.

You require no actual proof for Joe, you can't even identify a single example of the supposed influence pedaling he was supposedly paid millions for, but you ignore mountains of proof against Trump, most of it consisting of tapes, his own words and the testimony of former staff members, all of whom are lifelong republicans. And that's not even accounting for the fact that a jury in NY just unanimously convicted him of 34 felonies related to illegally attempting to suppress information about an affair with a porn star that, had it gone public, may have altered the outcome of a very close election.

The GOP has to live in a post fact/post truth world because supporting Trump requires it. Don't expect the rest of us to come along for the ride.
Not reading, no further reply. Assume same old shit.
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Not reading, no further reply. Assume same old shit.
Perfect. Cheers.

Johan Derksen Silence GIF by Vandaag Inside
Not reading, no further reply. Assume same old shit.
@nice marmot thinks it's laughable that Joe could be replaced by Kamala, who will pardon Hunter. I'm not predicting it, but it's possible because Hunter faces real jeopardy. See below. I also don't put it past the ppl pulling the strings on the Left to sacrifice Hunter to normalize jailing Trump.

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No I don’t. I think he should have moved on. Without Jan 6th, no one would consider voting for anyone on the left this cycle if you have a brain. I think Trump goes away. The news and democrats wouldn’t let him go away. So here we are.

I think it has been terrible for our democracy. I don’t think there was fraud. But for sure that election should be investigated. 22 million more voters. In a pandemic. Not seeing their families. Nursing homes on lockdown and the elderly voted more than ever. The new rules were brilliantly used. Period. I tip my cap. To fight figuring out why that happened isn’t good either. What trump continues to say without real proof isn’t good at all. Just say what it is that you can prove.

I don’t think the previous four years were good for democracy either. Do you remember any president being called illegitimate before Trump? I don’t. Maybe gore said it about bush. Jimmy Carter said Russia stole the election for trump. An ex president. That wasn’t a first for you?

I don’t disagree with you. The topic of the election and Jan 6th are the absolute killer for trump. Even over abortion imo. It doesn’t change the other things I see wrong either though Mitchell.

This tells you all you need to know.
I think what you fail to see (or maybe you don't), is that it's not like it's some off the cuff comment he uttered a couple of times. He literally says it EVERY DAY. It is slowly taking hold and crumbling the very foundation of this country. Now he wants the job again.
The country can recover from bad policy, and it will recover if Trump goes back in, but the damage he has done and still doing to our democracy will take years to get over.
I know we don't agree, that's ok too.
Have a good one.
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Even Will admitted someone likely paid her to come forward. Do you believe no one pushed her to come forward 13 days before the election? She went back to them for more money when things went south. They dropped her. The case had been dropped before. You know that too right. Maybe not everyone. Anyone who is not unbelievably gullible and thinks she decided on her own to come forward ten years later wouldn’t be included I guess.

What is not believable here. The book she writes describes the event in detail with trump. Then on the stand she claimed she passed out. Mitchell this is the basic set of what happened. The rest is just window dressing. She was encouraged to come forward for money and to effect an election. No matter if it was true or not he had to pay her off. The fbi buried the laptop. If they believe this influenced the election more than that would have, I got nothing to argue if you believe anything different. Trump is a liar for sure. So is she. Which liar do you believe and why?
I don't believe anything that comes out of Trumps mouth, with good reason. Would not take her word on face value either.
It was a stupid case from the jump, but as the old saying goes, you lay with dogs, you rise with flees.
Committing adultery on your pregnant third wife isn't a good look either. But hey, it's not a crime. Just hard to build a house on sinking sand.
I think what you fail to see (or maybe you don't), is that it's not like it's some off the cuff comment he uttered a couple of times. He literally says it EVERY DAY. It is slowly taking hold and crumbling the very foundation of this country. Now he wants the job again.
The country can recover from bad policy, and it will recover if Trump goes back in, but the damage he has done and still doing to our democracy will take years to get over.
I know we don't agree, that's ok too.
Have a good one.
Add Paul Ryan to the list of notable republicans who understand the damage Trump is doing to our country.

Add Paul Ryan to the list of notable republicans who understand the damage Trump is doing to our country.

Big fan of Ryan. Wish he was running for Prez.

He also went on to say that Biden is absolutely a slave to the left and not the same guy he debated in 2016.

He will be writing in a candidate but understands those who agree with him on Trump’s character but Will vote for him because it is a binary choice.

He also says he doesn’t buy into any of the end of democracy bullshif. Thought trump was railroaded on BS charges in NYC. Separation of powers work. And even if someone wanted to be a “dictator” there’s no way they could be.
I don't believe anything that comes out of Trumps mouth, with good reason. Would not take her word on face value either.
It was a stupid case from the jump, but as the old saying goes, you lay with dogs, you rise with flees.
Committing adultery on your pregnant third wife isn't a good look either. But hey, it's not a crime. Just hard to build a house on sinking sand.
If he committed adultry it means you believe her. His story never changed. Her story changed several times. Because of trump’s history he doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt. Which I get, but I am not believing a money hungry, cash grabbing porn star either way.

My point is still the same. It was a paid off political assassination attempt. And the person it was used on now has a felony because of it. Puff your chest out about the felony. But that is all it is when you break it down. Exactly like I said.
If he committed adultry it means you believe her. His story never changed. Her story changed several times. Because of trump’s history he doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt. Which I get, but I am not believing a money hungry, cash grabbing porn star either way.

My point is still the same. It was a paid off political assassination attempt. And the person it was used on now has a felony because of it. Puff your chest out about the felony. But that is all it is when you break it down. Exactly like I said.
What is a chest puff?
You always like to get a shot in.
I did not find Trump guilty of anything.
Most on here (and I am starting to think you too), think Trump has never told a lie.
There is nothing Trump could do or say that would make you not vote for him.
If Trump would humble himself and tell the truth about 2020 and stop all the "rigged" shit on anything he don't like, I actually would consider voting for him as I did in 2016.
We both know that will never happen.
A narcissist can never be wrong.
Have a good evening.
If he committed adultry it means you believe her. His story never changed. Her story changed several times. Because of trump’s history he doesn’t get the benefit of the doubt. Which I get, but I am not believing a money hungry, cash grabbing porn star either way.

My point is still the same. It was a paid off political assassination attempt. And the person it was used on now has a felony because of it. Puff your chest out about the felony. But that is all it is when you break it down. Exactly like I said.
So he didn’t falsify his business records?
Good to see that even in Biden’s hometown of Wilmington, Delaware that they could see thru the bullshit and find Hunter guilty today. Would still like to see him on trial for his over seas shenanigans he to this point has gotten away with and which is more corrupt imo.
You probably won’t see that unless Trump opens up the files wh
Weis has been investigating the Bidens since 2018. That's six years and he has made it clear that the change from the Trump administration to the Biden administration did not constrain his investigation in any way (you know, that whole "rule of law" thing). He has the recently resolved gun case and the tax case and that's it.

At some point, insisting that major crimes have taken place without the proof just makes you look ridiculous. Not only has the Oversight Committee failed to prove anything regarding Joe, the investigation and most of the witnesses have been absurd and the committee has embarrassed themselves over and over again. Russian agents, Chinese agents, tapes that were promised and never existed, it's a joke. You guys just keep insisting that Joe is an international criminal mastermind because you need him to be to feel better about supporting DJT.

You require no actual proof for Joe, you can't even identify a single example of the supposed influence pedaling he was supposedly paid millions for, but you ignore mountains of proof against Trump, most of it consisting of tapes, his own words and the testimony of former staff members, all of whom are lifelong republicans. And that's not even accounting for the fact that a jury in NY just unanimously convicted him of 34 felonies related to illegally attempting to suppress information about an affair with a porn star that, had it gone public, may have altered the outcome of a very close election.

The GOP has to live in a post fact/post truth world because supporting Trump requires it. Don't expect the rest of us to come along for the ride.
Will you get so far out there you are actually funny.
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So he didn’t falsify his business records?
Depends on who you ask! Cohen paid Stormy - Trump paid Cohen. Cohen was acting as Trumps attorney. Therefore attorney fee’s. Ask most CPA’s & tax attorneys - no issue. Ask a Liberal Judge & Jury - Guilty of falsifying. Funny thing is Stormy was going back to the shake down well - perfect timing.
I think what you fail to see (or maybe you don't), is that it's not like it's some off the cuff comment he uttered a couple of times. He literally says it EVERY DAY. It is slowly taking hold and crumbling the very foundation of this country. Now he wants the job again.
The country can recover from bad policy, and it will recover if Trump goes back in, but the damage he has done and still doing to our democracy will take years to get over.
I know we don't agree, that's ok too.
Have a good one.
Your opinion is one I hear a lot. Trump will destroy democracy and the country. He was president all ready. The democracy is still standing. One man can’t destroy it. We have checks and balances in place to ever keep that from happening. You think policy means nothing. So we can continue to ride towards the cliff and you are ok with it. What can change democracy in reality is having a president who doesn’t answer questions. Which we have. A msm who is complicit in covering up for the president. Pushing narratives and covering everything from a partisan perspective. People complain about fox. Can you imagine if fox wasn’t around. All we had is the regular msm. There is no accountability from the left as it is. Hunter being convicted is a damn miracle. They tired to give him a deal.

Not to mention actual health Mitchell. 45 republicans and democrats just went on record saying Biden isn’t right. I didn’t see much of this from any media source. The ones that did cover it that I saw from the msm rebutted that article and poked holes in it. You have influential tv hosts refusing to say anything bad about the president. Refusing to call anything like they see it, only as their party sees it. To me this is the most dangerous issue. Our press secretary takes one rough question a session. Holy shit. We wound like North Korea in how we treat Biden.

I wanted two new candidates. Would love to have two people under 60 at least. To not recognize Biden’s mental issues and allowing him to continue to run the country is the most dangerous thing you can ask. It isn’t easy to get a president removed for mental issues. He isn’t getting better.
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I think what you fail to see (or maybe you don't), is that it's not like it's some off the cuff comment he uttered a couple of times. He literally says it EVERY DAY. It is slowly taking hold and crumbling the very foundation of this country. Now he wants the job again.
The country can recover from bad policy, and it will recover if Trump goes back in, but the damage he has done and still doing to our democracy will take years to get over.
I know we don't agree, that's ok too.
Have a good one.
Good God Almighty how can you even get those lies out of your mouth without being struck dead by lightning! You crazy Dems don’t care how much you lie now.
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What is a chest puff?
You always like to get a shot in.
I did not find Trump guilty of anything.
Most on here (and I am starting to think you too), think Trump has never told a lie.
There is nothing Trump could do or say that would make you not vote for him.
If Trump would humble himself and tell the truth about 2020 and stop all the "rigged" shit on anything he don't like, I actually would consider voting for him as I did in 2016.
We both know that will never happen.
A narcissist can never be wrong.
Have a good evening.
Wasn’t taking a shot Mitchell. Jesus man. Everyone is so sensitive. I thought we were having a conversation. Yes there is. If he said I am stepping aside so someone else can run against Joe. It is funny. You know why I say tds is real. Because there is no in between. I can say negative things about trump, which I did in the response. Called him a liar myself Mitchell. Yet you say a narcissist can never be wrong. I just said he has been wrong. Even said it about Jan 6th and the election fraud stuff. In our conversation. When I go to call them like I see them in his favor it is the same thing. You guys can’t say one positive thing. And it is damn hard to say one negative thing about Biden. Isn’t hard for me at all for Trump. I literally called him a liar in my response to you. I still try to call them as I see them. It is amazing. Can say it right there in a response and you don’t recognize. Please go reread what I said to you. More than once!!! Sure. Good evening. And wtf
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Got cha.....just like elections.
They are only legit only if your guy wins.
No Biden fan here, but if you can't see the different reactions between Trump and Biden on our judicial system, I don't know what to tell you.
Both had negative outcomes.
Both were cases that may not have happened if it wasn't for their last names.
One rants and raves about being rigged, constantly dogging the judge, sowing doubt about our whole judicial system. Not to mention he is also running for president of the United States.
One says, that while he loves his son, he respects the decision.
One thing I cam say for certain is that I will not be voting for Hunter Biden this election
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Good God Almighty how can you even get those lies out of your mouth without being struck dead by lightning! You crazy Dems don’t care how much you lie now.
You are entitled to your opinion, and will not argue with you.
Don't know you, but I am guessing you are a old man and don't want to upset you.
Get a good night's sleep.
Wasn’t taking a shot Mitchell. Jesus man. Everyone is so sensitive. I thought we were having a conversation. Yes there is. If he said I am stepping aside so someone else can run against Joe. It is funny. You know why I say tds is real. Because there is no in between. I can say negative things about trump, which I did in the response. Called him a liar myself Mitchell. Yet you say a narcissist can never be wrong. I just said he has been wrong. Even said it about Jan 6th and the election fraud stuff. In our conversation. When I go to call them like I see them in his favor it is the same thing. You guys can’t say one positive thing. And it is damn hard to say one negative thing about Biden. Isn’t hard for me at all for Trump. I literally called him a liar in my response to you. I still try to call them as I see them. It is amazing. Can say it right there in a response and you don’t recognize. Please go reread what I said to you. More than once!!! Sure. Good evening. And wtf
I was calling Trump a narcissist, not you.
I was calling Trump a narcissist, not you.
What is a chest puff?
You always like to get a shot in.
I did not find Trump guilty of anything.
Most on here (and I am starting to think you too), think Trump has never told a lie.
There is nothing Trump could do or say that would make you not vote for him.
If Trump would humble himself and tell the truth about 2020 and stop all the "rigged" shit on anything he don't like, I actually would consider voting for him as I did in 2016.
We both know that will never happen.
A narcissist can never be wrong.
Have a good evening.
And I quote you. Most on here(I am starting to think you too) think Trump has never told a lie. You didn’t read the five different times I said it in responses to you. This is what is so incredibly frustrating. You are totally wrong in a statement about me in the same thread. 🤦‍♂️ you won’t even say what policy of Biden you do support. Your only policy is it isn’t Trump. There is a definition for that. If you want to have a conversation I am fine.
And I quote you. Most on here(I am starting to think you too) think Trump has never told a lie. You didn’t read the five different times I said it in responses to you. This is what is so incredibly frustrating. You are totally wrong in a statement about me in the same thread. 🤦‍♂️ you won’t even say what policy of Biden you do support. Your only policy is it isn’t Trump. There is a definition for that. If you want to have a conversation I am fine.
Was I asked what policy of Bidens I support?
I think he has passed some good things, such as the chips act.
That's about it. His non-border policy has been a disaster.
However, they could have gotten a really good bill passed but the pubs sucked up to Trump. Biden could have done something much sooner, but the bill not passing is on Trump.
I won't be voting for either man.
Biden is to old and needs to step down. I will say if he loses, he will accept the results just like he did with the jury verdict today.
Trump (imo) is a totally unfit to serve again. He WILL NOT accept the results unless he wins, neither will the cult of MAGA.
That's one of the things that makes him so dangerous. He could stop much of the division just by telling the truth.....but he never will.
So I am sitting this one out.
  • Like
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Was I asked what policy of Bidens I support?
I think he has passed some good things, such as the chips act.
That's about it. His non-border policy has been a disaster.
However, they could have gotten a really good bill passed but the pubs sucked up to Trump. Biden could have done something much sooner, but the bill not passing is on Trump.
I won't be voting for either man.
Biden is to old and needs to step down. I will say if he loses, he will accept the results just like he did with the jury verdict today.
Trump (imo) is a totally unfit to serve again. He WILL NOT accept the results unless he wins, neither will the cult of MAGA.
That's one of the things that makes him so dangerous. He could stop much of the division just by telling the truth.....but he never will.
So I am sitting this one out.
You know Biden wasn’t going to accept the results in this past election right? That is what is interesting about these takes. Total blindness. He declared being the winner before midnight. While behind. I was watching msnbc when this happened. It is good to flip around during the election. They all said he did this so Biden could contest the results. It was his strategy according to the pundits. All democrats. Even mentioning Hillary instructing the dnc to contest anything and everything if it was close. That is a fact. I am sure Biden would have handled it better. Like a politician. That is where Trump went wrong. He handled like a foot stomping leader of a business used to getting his way. Barreling head first into fraud and creating a stir. That being said, both were contesting the results. And the democrats also asked Biden to not certify the results. In 2016. Pretty ironic. Which Biden upheld. We have two choices. One who according to you is unfit. The other according to me is mentally unfit. Comes down to what scares you the most. I know what it is for me.
You know Biden wasn’t going to accept the results in this past election right? That is what is interesting about these takes. Total blindness. He declared being the winner before midnight. While behind. I was watching msnbc when this happened. It is good to flip around during the election. They all said he did this so Biden could contest the results. It was his strategy according to the pundits. All democrats. Even mentioning Hillary instructing the dnc to contest anything and everything if it was close. That is a fact. I am sure Biden would have handled it better. Like a politician. That is where Trump went wrong. He handled like a foot stomping leader of a business used to getting his way. Barreling head first into fraud and creating a stir. That being said, both were contesting the results. And the democrats also asked Biden to not certify the results. In 2016. Pretty ironic. Which Biden upheld. We have two choices. One who according to you is unfit. The other according to me is mentally unfit. Comes down to what scares you the most. I know what it is for me.
Zinger, I hate to start the day this way, but that is just total BS. You have suggested multiple times that Biden was not going to accept the results of a close election and then create yet another false equivalency to what Trump did.

Biden and the Dems would have certainly pursued every legal avenue to ensure an accurate outcome in a close election, and for very good reason! They did not trust Trump to abide by the rules and respect the system, and guess what? They were proven absolutely right about that.

The Trump campaign started with the legal means to contest the election, and those efforts were a total failure so they quickly moved on to other options. The lies about fraud, the perfect phone call seeking votes in GA, the fake elector plots in multiple states, the pressure campaign on Barr to suggest there was fraud, the pressure campaign on Pence to stop certification and finally J6. Not only were Biden and the Dems correct about what Trump was willing to do to stay in office, it was worse than they or any of the rest of us imagined possible.

Thankfully for the country, the margin of victory was just enough in enough states to doom these efforts to failure.

False equivalencies are like oxygen for Trump supporters. It’s difficult for y’all to get through any discussion without using them to justify what can’t otherwise be justified.

Edit: I’ll add that we will likely never have another close election for POTUS that isn’t legally contested by the loser and we can thank Trump and his years-long efforts to undermine faith in our elections for that.
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Zinger, I hate to start the day this way, but that is just total BS. You have suggested multiple times that Biden was not going to accept the results of a close election and then create yet another false equivalency to what Trump did.

Biden and the Dems would have certainly pursued every legal avenue to ensure an accurate outcome in a close election, and for very good reason! They did not trust Trump to abide by the rules and respect the system, and guess what? They were proven absolutely right about that.

The Trump campaign started with the legal means to contest the election, and those efforts were a total failure so they quickly moved on to other options. The lies about fraud, the perfect phone call seeking votes in GA, the fake elector plots in multiple states, the pressure campaign on Barr to suggest there was fraud, the pressure campaign on Pence to stop certification and finally J6. Not only were Biden and the Dems correct about what Trump was willing to do to stay in office, it was worse than they or any of the rest of us imagined possible.

Thankfully for the country, the margin of victory was just enough in enough states to doom these efforts to failure.

False equivalencies are like oxygen for Trump supporters. It’s difficult for y’all to get through any discussion without using them to justify what can’t otherwise be justified.

Edit: I’ll add that we will likely never have another close election for POTUS that isn’t legally contested by the loser and we can thank Trump and his years-long efforts to undermine faith in our elections for that.
Will. So you start out the day calling me a liar. Kind of hard to make that stuff up. He did declare victory right before midnight when he was behind. And that was exactly what was said. Word for f’ing word. You want to try starting the day off again.

It isn’t that much of a stretch. Hillary was banging that same drum for four years. Or do I need to post the 500 different interviews where she said the election was stolen. And the 500 different interviews where she said to contest anything if it is close.

We will never know. The miraculous comeback began after that. I had never heard of that before. Kind of hard to make something like that up

Again. Putting me in a category when I said Biden would have handled things differently. The part in you post towards the end, that I completely contradicted. Not sure why I try.

I hate to tell you this but the last two elections prior to Trump that were denied vehemently were gore and Hillary. But sure. Blame Trump only. 🤦‍♂️

This never happened right

Or this.
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Zinger, I hate to start the day this way, but that is just total BS. You have suggested multiple times that Biden was not going to accept the results of a close election and then create yet another false equivalency to what Trump did.

Biden and the Dems would have certainly pursued every legal avenue to ensure an accurate outcome in a close election, and for very good reason! They did not trust Trump to abide by the rules and respect the system, and guess what? They were proven absolutely right about that.

The Trump campaign started with the legal means to contest the election, and those efforts were a total failure so they quickly moved on to other options. The lies about fraud, the perfect phone call seeking votes in GA, the fake elector plots in multiple states, the pressure campaign on Barr to suggest there was fraud, the pressure campaign on Pence to stop certification and finally J6. Not only were Biden and the Dems correct about what Trump was willing to do to stay in office, it was worse than they or any of the rest of us imagined possible.

Thankfully for the country, the margin of victory was just enough in enough states to doom these efforts to failure.

False equivalencies are like oxygen for Trump supporters. It’s difficult for y’all to get through any discussion without using them to justify what can’t otherwise be justified.

Edit: I’ll add that we will likely never have another close election for POTUS that isn’t legally contested by the loser and we can thank Trump and his years-long efforts to undermine faith in our elections for that.
You are kidding? Hillary is still in denial.
Was I asked what policy of Bidens I support?
I think he has passed some good things, such as the chips act.
That's about it. His non-border policy has been a disaster.
However, they could have gotten a really good bill passed but the pubs sucked up to Trump. Biden could have done something much sooner, but the bill not passing is on Trump.
I won't be voting for either man.
Biden is to old and needs to step down. I will say if he loses, he will accept the results just like he did with the jury verdict today.
Trump (imo) is a totally unfit to serve again. He WILL NOT accept the results unless he wins, neither will the cult of MAGA.
That's one of the things that makes him so dangerous. He could stop much of the division just by telling the truth.....but he never will.
So I am sitting this one out.
“I think he has passed some good things, such as the chips act.
That's about it. His non-border policy has been a disaster.”

So, you think the Chips Act is “about it” as far as good things Biden has done. And you have no idea that the Act is a huge failure. Once semiconductor manufacturers got a look at the bill they cancelled plans to build in the US. Intel and Samsung canceled US plans and reallocated capital to Israel and Asia. TSMC also canceled upon realizing they could not achieve the goal with the government’s DEI requirements, which include hiring 40% women for facility construction and quotas for Native Americans for assembly. Here is a summary of the brilliant Chips Act:

“The CHIPS Act sadly is a massive failure not because it wasn’t a good idea or the economics of building fabs in the US doesn’t work. It’s a failure because of the stupid onerous requirements that Democrats added to the bill which make accepting the subsidies unfeasible for these large companies.

The result? No new fabs will be built in the US, chips will continue to be made abroad in conflict zones, national security will suffer, and tens of thousands of jobs and hundreds of billions of dollars in investment in the US will be made abroad.

Smart move, morons.”

If you want to read the same thing from dozens of sources, google “Chips Act DEI” and take your pick. You will find the same thing from liberal and conservative sources. They made the DEI requirements so onerous that not even billions of dollars in subsidies make it possible for the world’s greatest semiconductor manufacturers to relocate facilities to the US.

That is the citizens’ tax money, which I’m certain can now be made available for climate bullshit since the semiconductor companies can not and will not use it. The most astounding reality is that jackasses actually vote for these incompetents.
Agreed on the second point.

On the first point - did he break the law? Yes. Should the jury have convicted him based on the facts? Yes. Would this have ever been tried if this wasn't Hunter Biden? Of course not. I could be wrong, but I doubt there is any precedent regarding a case of an addict failing to check that he's an addict on a gun form.
Oh, as someone with some actual info on this given my field of work they ABSOLUTELY lie on the forms about not being a drug addict, allllll the damn time. Usually when they do though they are stupid have just done drugs and stink of it when trying to buy do they get blocked before they ever have a shot of leaving with the gun. I’m positive nobody was going to try and block Hunter Biden from buying a gun however if he passed the background check though, and with him being so well known after the fact that he was a drug addict is what I’m sure eventually lead to this.

Don’t do drugs kids!
Will. So you start out the day calling me a liar. Kind of hard to make that stuff up. He did declare victory right before midnight when he was behind. And that was exactly what was said. Word for f’ing word. You want to try starting the day off again.

It isn’t that much of a stretch. Hillary was banging that same drum for four years. Or do I need to post the 500 different interviews where she said the election was stolen. And the 500 different interviews where she said to contest anything if it is close.

We will never know. The miraculous comeback began after that. I had never heard of that before. Kind of hard to make something like that up

Again. Putting me in a category when I said Biden would have handled things differently. The part in you post towards the end, that I completely contradicted. Not sure why I try.

I hate to tell you this but the last two elections prior to Trump that were denied vehemently were gore and Hillary. But sure. Blame Trump only. 🤦‍♂️

This never happened right

Or this.
Just to clarify, accusing you of false equivalencies is in no way accusing you of lying. I'm simply pointing out that I strongly disagree with your efforts to draw parallels between what Trump has done and anything the Hillary, Biden or any Dems have done as it relates to elections. I've also tried to detail what is behind my thoughts.

I've also stated that I believe that being a Trump supporter requires these kinds of false equivalencies because otherwise it would be very difficult to continue to support him. Suggesting that both parties are equally corrupt so it's reasonable to vote on policy alone is not a position that I find to be supported by the facts, but you know this already.

I don't think that I've ever accused you or anyone else here of lying, and I take that very seriously. As much as we disagree, and we certainly disagree, attacking someone in that way is out of bounds from my perspective. If that is the impression I gave, I sincerely apologize and want to make clear, I don't think you were lying in that post or any other I've seen.
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Just to clarify, accusing you of false equivalencies is in no way accusing you of lying. I'm simply pointing out that I strongly disagree with your efforts to draw parallels between what Trump has done and anything the Hillary, Biden or any Dems have done as it relates to elections. I've also tried to detail what is behind my thoughts.

I've also stated that I believe that being a Trump supporter requires these kinds of false equivalencies because otherwise it would be very difficult to continue to support him. Suggesting that both parties are equally corrupt so it's reasonable to vote on policy alone is not a position that I find to be supported by the facts, but you know this already.

I don't think that I've ever accused you or anyone else here of lying, and I take that very seriously. As much as we disagree, and we certainly disagree, attacking someone in that way is out of bounds from my perspective. If that is the impression I gave, I sincerely apologize and want to make clear, I don't think you were lying in that post or any other I've seen.
I appreciate the post. I wasn’t drawing a parallel to how trump handled things and how Biden would have or even how Hillary did so much. That’s what I said in the post Trump handled it like a ruthless businessman would. Hillary and likely Biden would have handled it like a politician. But blaming him for election denial going forward is just not right either. Gore was the first. Hillary still is in denial. Biden was asked to not certify trump’s election as well. Which like pence he didn’t listen to. Again that was what politicians do. Trump is not and never will be a politician.

Biden is a fifty year politician. He has said he has grown up Greek, Italian, African American, Jewish, etc. it is all out there. That is what a politician does. I think there were many parralels between 16 and 20, but Jan 6 is the biggest difference.
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