I have a feeling Kirby might well take The Bama job if He's successful here..

well then if he ultimately ends up at bama sounds like you will be happy so good for you.

How do You get ''it sounds like'' I will be happy if Kirby ends up leaving ?
I want a coach LOYAL to Our program and Our players, if that isn't Kirby, than yeah, don't let the door hit Him in the ass.
If He let's go of Saban's tit, does things ''The Georgia Way'' and wins, I want Him to stay. It will be a slap in the face if he leaves for Bama in 2 or 3 years, not to mention a set back.
Why aren't you saying the same thing about Richt??? He isn't even coaching a bowl yet he has made only a couple of hires. Our staff is more filled out than his by far. I think you are continuing to beat a dead horse because you don't have any other arguments regarding Richt leaving and Kirby coming. He gave his word to the kids he would stay, kudos to him (unlike Pruitt who bailed on his kids to get out of town for his new job). He hired the most important position coach he needed and secured the QB recruit everyone said we needed to have. Him staying is no less than what Richt did when he was hired to come here. Did Richt leave when Bowden retired? So why do you think Kirby will be any different? Kirby wants to be UGA's Saban (his alma mater at that), why would he go back to Bama to constantly be compared to Saban??
I agree totally with what your saying... I've never seen more misinformation, speculation and vitriol against a new coach who is doing his job and maintaing his values and integrity..... He's been called everything in the book and I hope he gets information on the feelings of many on this board so he can see what he has to deal with...... The powers to be are monitoring what he is doing and we have no influence on that..... I wish Kirby the best of luck and especially at this stage in the process support him completely!
He said He's 24/7 preparing for Michigan State. Whatever happened to the claim He'd spend down time making calls for UGA .

• On how much time he is spending daily on Georgia: “Five or six hours. I sleep about six hours so that leaves, what 10 or 12 (on Alabama)? This has changed everything,” Smart said, holding up his cellphone. He noted, “The bus ride over here to the stadium was 30 minutes,” enough time for phone calls.

Smart said Saban has been very accommodating and that he has been excused from recruiting or academic meetings since accepting the Georgia job.
Stop and think if he wins multiple tittles at UGA I repeat multiple I'm talking bear at Bama or even more than bear. At UGA I mind you. He will get a statue plus go down as the greatest UGA coach people will say Richt who. Kirby would say the Vince this is my town. He would not get the same accolades at Bama. Eason would not have to worry about a pro career. He would get his own show. Kirby would walk into a restraunt and eat his meals for free. Know you tell me why would he want to leave Athens. If he has more success than Saban and the bear. I think he will more succes than Saban and the bear. Chubb would replace Hershel if he wins next year. Statues buildings would get erected with Kirbys name. They would rename Sanford stadium call it smart stadium. You tell me would Kirby give all this Up no he would not. Kirby wil have his own coaching tree but the times retires as head coach at UGA I said retire at UGA not Bama

I think just getting to live in Athens should be enough incentive to stay. He has been very clear in He and His family's love for The Tuscaloosa area though.
I don't see UGA becoming an endless tribute to a coach, regardless of His achievements. I want to win, but I'm don't want the School to model itself after GumpTown.
I don't see UGA becoming an endless tribute to a coach, regardless of His achievements.
People still talk about Vince Dooley and Herschel in hushed tones and bow their head. Still to this day! That is 35 years of tribute. If Kirby pulled it off here, not only would they put up a bronze statue of him but they might even rename the stadium. You are reading way too much in comments made by someone who is trying his best to finish the drill before he starts a new chapter in his life here. Take a look at the introductory press conference again and tell me that Kirby is a guy who considers coaching UGA as a stepping stone to Bama. This is the job he wanted, he will be given every chance to succeed. The pressure here is no where near what it would be at Bama living under Saban's shadow.
I think just getting to live in Athens should be enough incentive to stay. He has been very clear in He and His family's love for The Tuscaloosa area though.
I don't see UGA becoming an endless tribute to a coach, regardless of His achievements. I want to win, but I'm don't want the School to model itself after GumpTown.
I'm not saying that the model he will a winng model not fallow gump town I want the tittles not the gump town model. Does Saban recruit a 5 star Qb. No did the bear recruit Hershel no. We fallow the gump town model. You tell me Kirby could have hired Meacham or some spread guy. Eason you tell me based on his talent Eason is more talented than any Bama QB. Um dolley got a statue buck got a radio gig straight out of collage. You tell me if he wins more tittles than the bear it won't be the gump town model. Gump town would only dream of winning more titles than the bear. The Atown would be the new model.
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Y'all are some crybabies the man hasn't even got to Athens a you're talking about him taking the bama job really?

Really. He speaks with absolute reverence about Alabama.
When He mentioned Pruitt it was clear He considered The Bama DC job a better opportunity than the same position at UGA. These hints are hard to overlook.
One thing, He is now completely contradicting His past statements. He'd said he was only focused on preparing for MSU, 24/7 and wasn't concerned about anything else now.
Now he claims to be spending 5 or 6 hours a day on UGA. Which is the truth, and which the lie ?
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People still talk about Vince Dooley and Herschel in hushed tones and bow their head. Still to this day! That is 35 years of tribute. If Kirby pulled it off here, not only would they put up a bronze statue of him but they might even rename the stadium. You are reading way too much in comments made by someone who is trying his best to finish the drill before he starts a new chapter in his life here. Take a look at the introductory press conference again and tell me that Kirby is a guy who considers coaching UGA as a stepping stone to Bama. This is the job he wanted, he will be given every chance to succeed. The pressure here is no where near what it would be at Bama living under Saban's shadow.

I doubt anybody bows Their head when speaking of either.
Walker is by far the #1 UGA sports legend, but it's not like We built an entire museum like Bama did for The bear.
Herschel and The bear finished #1 and #2 in a recent ESPN poll of all time College Football icons, surprisingly HW took #1.
Really. He speaks with absolute reverence about Alabama.
When He mentioned Pruitt it was clear He considered The Bama DC job a better opportunity than the same position at UGA. These hints are hard to overlook.
One thing, He is now completely contradicting His past statements. He'd said he was only focused on preparing for MSU, 24/7 and wasn't concerned about anything else now.
Now he claims to be spending 5 or 6 hours a day of UGA. Which is the truth, and which the lie ?
Bama is Pruitts alma matter fact Pruitt want total control over the D witch he wouldn't get a UGA fact! And the man flying out to see the his future dawgs play on Saturday let Kirby do him he's gonna do great things for the program for however long he is here
People still talk about Vince Dooley and Herschel in hushed tones and bow their head. Still to this day! That is 35 years of tribute. If Kirby pulled it off here, not only would they put up a bronze statue of him but they might even rename the stadium. You are reading way too much in comments made by someone who is trying his best to finish the drill before he starts a new chapter in his life here. Take a look at the introductory press conference again and tell me that Kirby is a guy who considers coaching UGA as a stepping stone to Bama. This is the job he wanted, he will be given every chance to succeed. The pressure here is no where near what it would be at Bama living under Saban's shadow.
The bear played at Bama gues who coached at Bama
I doubt anybody bows Their head when speaking of either.
Walker is by far the #1 UGA sports legend, but it's not like We built an entire museum like Bama did for The bear.
Herschel and The bear finished #1 and #2 in a recent ESPN poll of all time College Football icons, surprisingly HW took #1.
um who statue out the side the stadium. Hm I wander who might that be m. Hm hm wonder. Who statue it might be hm. Well the buts the building is named after buts. Hm dolley . Hm who's record did Chubb break.
Bama is Pruitts alma matter fact Pruitt want total control over the D witch he wouldn't get a UGA fact! And the man flying out to see the his future dawgs play on Saturday let Kirby do him he's gonna do great things for the program for however long he is here
Kirby is going to be at UGA for the rest of his carrer
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Thank you
No prob can't say the same thing about Greg or fox know if Fox is gone and we hire coach cal or some one like I would not be shocked my cousin is friends with Kahns nephew he said Kahn and the money are running the show. Aprently UGA moneys want to be more involved but not football nope that Kirbys baby. Kirby can start a slush fund if he wanted to to pay players. The money wants to win know
don't be so negative. i bet money that the staff is already picked and those coaches that can let the world know have already done that. But his picks are like him...they are committed for the next few weeks. I'm not worried about it. Getting coaches to come to UGA is not going to be a problem. The only way he will ever leave UGA is either for $$$s or we get rid of him. That holds true for everyone and their job.
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don't be so negative. i bet money that the staff is already picked and those coaches that can let the world know have already done that. But his picks are like him...they are committed for the next few weeks. I'm not worried about it. Getting coaches to come to UGA is not going to be a problem. The only way he will ever leave UGA is either for $$$s or we get rid of him. That holds true for everyone and their job.
Thank you only way he leaves Athens if he can't win something tells me he will win
don't be so negative. i bet money that the staff is already picked and those coaches that can let the world know have already done that. But his picks are like him...they are committed for the next few weeks. I'm not worried about it. Getting coaches to come to UGA is not going to be a problem. The only way he will ever leave UGA is either for $$$s or we get rid of him. That holds true for everyone and their job.

There is more to molding the program than hiring official coaches, and none of Us know if He has is coaches or not.
There is an entire organization to be tailored to CKB's specs.
If His latest story is the true one, He's spending 5 or 6 hours a day on UGA business, which is a direct contrast to what he had been saying.
There is more to molding the program than hiring official coaches, and none of Us know if He has is coaches or not.
There is an entire organization to be tailored to CKB's specs.
If His latest story is the true one, He's spending 5 or 6 hours a day on UGA business, which is a direct contrast to what he had been saying.
You mean what dawgvent so called insiders not taking about radi or staff .
There is more to molding the program than hiring official coaches, and none of Us know if He has is coaches or not.
There is an entire organization to be tailored to CKB's specs.
If His latest story is the true one, He's spending 5 or 6 hours a day on UGA business, which is a direct contrast to what he had been saying.

What I was trying to say nicely is it's not his priority to let you know what is going on yet. He landed the recruit everyone was worried he would lose. He is bringing recruits we didn't have a chance for. I'm not concerned in the least if any of the existing staff stays. Kirby obviously takes his responsibilities very serious and he is very loyal. You worry if you must....I simply won't because we are better off today than we were 2 months ago.
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He part of dawgvent sell called insider crowd not named radi.
It al
Man Kirby is all up in your head. The Kirby booger is in your closet, under your bed. LOL! You have got Kirby issues and making a fool of yourself. It's still a free country today so have at it but understand not a damn thing you say or do is going to change anything. He is Georgia's coach and that is his lifelong dream. And frankly he doesn't give a damn about the weak, negative folks who loved maybe CMR more than the school or so it seems. And I doubt seriously if he cares one way or another about winning you over. Simply because it takes all kinds and those folks will be drowned out by 10K to 1 when it comes together. Just let it go.

Seriously Kirby Smart is a rare individual anymore. A young man with old school principals. He was raised by an old football coach/dad, born in old school Alabama, raised in old school Georgia and went to an old school program at Georgia. He makes a commitment and sticks to it just like he expects and demands from his players. And that is why the folks who matter at UGA selected him. He told them straight up and they know exactly what they are getting with Kirby. Those principals are hard for some people to grasp, obviously, but he is not changing and he never should. Hopefully some of what he has is rubbing off on his kids and players.[/QUOTE
It all stems from saban issues. He is everywhere. He controls the sec
What I was trying to say nicely is it's not his priority to let you know what is going on yet. He landed the recruit everyone was worried he would lose. He is bringing recruits we didn't have a chance for. I'm not concerned in the least if any of the existing staff stays. Kirby obviously takes his responsibilities very serious and he is very loyal. You worry if you must....I simply won't because we are better off today than we were 2 months ago.

Kirby is very loyal to Nick Saban, He clearly isn't concerned with this season's UGA team, if he was I expect Pruitt would be coaching Our defense this week.
What all of this says about where His ultimate loyalties will lie is an open question.
I do wonder why He felt the need to claim He wasn't spending any time worrying about His UGA job, only to reverse and say He's spending 5 to 6 hours a day on His UGA duties.
I do think His fan supported salary and the fact UGA is a public institutions puts some responsibility to be forthcoming with the fan base.
Again, I do want to win, but I don't want a football coach running The University like Saban does Bama.
Kirby is very loyal to Nick Saban, He clearly isn't concerned with this season's UGA team, if he was I expect Pruitt would be coaching Our defense this week.
What all of this says about where His ultimate loyalties will lie is an open question.
I do wonder why He felt the need to claim He wasn't spending any time worrying about His UGA job, only to reverse and say He's spending 5 to 6 hours a day on His UGA duties.
I do think His fan supported salary and the fact UGA is a public institutions puts some responsibility to be forthcoming with the fan base.
Again, I do want to win, but I don't want a football coach running The University like Saban does Bama.
If he running our program like Bama. Then why would he want to recruit Eason besides make our fans demanding he does. Tell me our program is runned like the patriots of anything.
Man Kirby is all up in your head. The Kirby booger is in your closet, under your bed. LOL! You have got Kirby issues and making a fool of yourself. It's still a free country today so have at it but understand not a damn thing you say or do is going to change anything. He is Georgia's coach and that is his lifelong dream. And frankly he doesn't give a damn about the weak, negative folks who loved maybe CMR more than the school or so it seems. And I doubt seriously if he cares one way or another about winning you over. Simply because it takes all kinds and those folks will be drowned out by 10K to 1 when it comes together. Just let it go.

Seriously Kirby Smart is a rare individual anymore. A young man with old school principals. He was raised by an old football coach/dad, born in old school Alabama, raised in old school Georgia and went to an old school program at Georgia. He makes a commitment and sticks to it just like he expects and demands from his players. And that is why the folks who matter at UGA selected him. He told them straight up and they know exactly what they are getting with Kirby. Those principals are hard for some people to grasp, obviously, but he is not changing and he never should. Hopefully some of what he has is rubbing off on his kids and players.

Too much wrong in that post to get into. Those principles seemed to disappear when it came to poaching Our DC when He should be coaching HIS players in Jax right now.
Too much wrong in that post to get into. Those principles seemed to disappear when it came to poaching Our DC when He should be coaching HIS players in Jax right now.
Um maybe because our old dc was a a hole and stuped.
If he running our program like Bama. Then why would he want to recruit Eason besides make our fans demanding he does. Tell me our program is runned like the patriots of anything.

Bama runs a Pro-style offense too, so Eason would fit Their offense just fine.
The Patriots play almost exclusively out of a shotgun formation, Eason's one absolute was he wants to lineup under center, he's never done so in HS and He wants the experience before being drafted.
Bama runs a Pro-style offense too, so Eason would fit Their offense just fine.
The Patriots play almost exclusively out of a shotgun formation, Eason's one absolute was he wants to lineup under center, he's never done so in HS and He wants the experience before being drafted.
I'm saying offense I'm talking about media and leaking info
Um maybe because our old dc was a a hole and stuped.

Sure, that explains why He was the only person Saban considered to replace Kirby. These continued attacks on Pruitt have never added up and they've been proven to be BS. If He'd been eased out at Bama before, as many of You claimed, He wouldn't have been hired at FSU, and He damn sure wouldn't have been Saban's ''no brainer'' choice to come back as His DC.
Every coach and player who worked directly with Pruitt are loyal to Him. I think His leaving was about Saban wanting Him recruiting right away.
Sure, that explains why He was the only person Saban considered to replace Kirby. These continued attacks on Pruitt have never added up and they've been proven to be BS. If He'd been eased out at Bama before, as many of You claimed, He wouldn't have been hired at FSU, and He damn sure wouldn't have been Saban's ''no brainer'' choice to come back as His DC.
Every coach and player who worded directly with Pruitt are loyal to Him. I think His leaving was about Saban wanting Him recruiting right away.
Ok think about Pruitt and Kirby both have egos.
We don't know whose decision it was to leave, Saban may have told Him he was needed in Tuscaloosa, or Kirby might have told him he wasn't needed in Athens, therefore helping Bama.
It's a part of why I believe Saban has reamed Us as much as he could is this transition.
I don't see how anybody could look at the current situation and not conclude, Kirby, Saban and Pruitt haven't given UGA's needs anywhere close to fair consideration.

What we DO know is ALL of them were asked to stay and coach the bowl the game, see it through to the end for their players and especially seniors to win 40 games. They were under contract to do so. IF they stayed, the bowl $$, etc. would come. What we DON'T know is if he's even being paid by Bama. There are limitations on coaches. Was there room for him? Kirby is under contract at Bama but has signed a memorandum of understanding with us. I'm sure Pruitt has done the same. Whether he's being paid and how is the interesting part. Good news is, we don't owe Pruitt anything by him leaving early. Assuming he'll be making what he was making here.
It's impossible to say what might happen. I think a lot depends on how Smart gells with the AD, President, and alumni base. Richt obviously won over a lot of hearts but failed to produce championship. The landscape is a lot different than it was 20-30 years ago. There's a lot more turnaround with head coaches these days. If you look at the current tenure of NCAA coaches the longest tenure is 16 years and the majority of the coaches have been at their school less than 5 years.
Sure, that explains why He was the only person Saban considered to replace Kirby. These continued attacks on Pruitt have never added up and they've been proven to be BS. If He'd been eased out at Bama before, as many of You claimed, He wouldn't have been hired at FSU, and He damn sure wouldn't have been Saban's ''no brainer'' choice to come back as His DC.
Every coach and player who worked directly with Pruitt are loyal to Him. I think His leaving was about Saban wanting Him recruiting right away.
What we DO know is ALL of them were asked to stay and coach the bowl the game, see it through to the end for their players and especially seniors to win 40 games. They were under contract to do so. IF they stayed, the bowl $$, etc. would come. What we DON'T know is if he's even being paid by Bama. There are limitations on coaches. Was there room for him? Kirby is under contract at Bama but has signed a memorandum of understanding with us. I'm sure Pruitt has done the same. Whether he's being paid and how is the interesting part. Good news is, we don't owe Pruitt anything by him leaving early. Assuming he'll be making what he was making here.

If Saban had thought turn about is fair play, Pruitt would be finishing out at UGA this week.
That is what people seem to miss, or just won't address. Saban kept Kirby, then in an obvious insult, took Pruitt as well. Most people would have felt a sense of fairness, but Saban will take as much as he is allowed to, it's His M.O.
That Our new HC has in effect taken midget's side over Our interest pisses Me off.
I don't trust Kirby, this seems like the same Guy who trashed UGA on the recruiting trail.
I don't believe He has His staff. He admitted He spent time game planning for Michigan State while in Athens (all of one week).He is spending 24/7 preparing for MSU ( His words) while in Tuscaloosa as well. He has OUR DC working for Him as well as ''His right hand man'' Schumman working for Bama when He should be in Athens fielding calls from Kirby to help prepare things so Smart can hit the ground recruiting when He finally graces Us with His presence.
It looks like to Me He is still Saban's lap dog, at Our expense, but at least he can live with Himself.
He said he spends 10-12 on bama - 6 on Uga and he sleeps 6
Bama is Pruitts alma matter fact Pruitt want total control over the D witch he wouldn't get a UGA fact! And the man flying out to see the his future dawgs play on Saturday let Kirby do him he's gonna do great things for the program for however long he is here
You better believe Pruitt won't have control of defense at bama - u think Saban just gonna hand him the keys?
That side line will blow up. Next year it's going to get ugly fast at Bama.

I give it 2 yrs before the big blow up and what happened here will happen again.

Then again, I believe he MAY have respect for Saban and behave. He didn't have it for CMR.
I give it 2 yrs before the big blow up and what happened here will happen again.

Then again, I believe he MAY have respect for Saban and behave. He didn't have it for CMR.
That's what I'm thinking. He wants to be Alabama head coach.
Bama is Pruitts alma matter fact Pruitt want total control over the D witch he wouldn't get a UGA fact! And the man flying out to see the his future dawgs play on Saturday let Kirby do him he's gonna do great things for the program for however long he is here

You're way off if You think Saban would give anybody complete control over HIS defense. I have no idea what makes You think Kirby would give Pruitt less of a free hand. Pruitt will be allowed some room, but Saban has always used His two gap 3-4 as the base defense, and that won't change.
You're way off if You think Saban would give anybody complete control over HIS defense. I have no idea what makes You think Kirby would give Pruitt less of a free hand. Pruitt will be allowed some room, but Saban has always used His two gap 3-4 as the base defense, and that won't change.
Pruitt ran a 3-4 at uga. Alabama runs like 4-3 3-4 hybrid