NonDawg I thought Trump was going to have a National Quarintine

Not according to my fiance's Uncle who is the head of defense for the Navy. Of course, the whole situation is more fluid than recruiting!

Hate to say this but I wish he would. This is going to get much worse before it gets better and we need to do more than stop the schools. We are following Italy's lead far more than South Korea's model. Just my opinion
Hate to say this but I wish he would. This is going to get much worse before it gets better and we need to do more than stop the schools. We are following Italy's lead far more than South Korea's model. Just my opinion
Well, 2 weeks ago it was a "hoax" so... I'd say buckle up and expect the unexpected.
Speaking of disinformation...Trump never said the virus was a hoax. He said the Dems and MSM criticism of him handling of the virus was their newest hoax.
I watched a wonderful timeline of his quotes since January this morning. He's done a 180 on every one of them in the last week. He downplayed the thing up until last week.
I watched a wonderful timeline of his quotes since January this morning. He's done a 180 on every one of them in the last week. He downplayed the thing up until last week.

Technically he didn't say it was a hoax but he absolutely downplayed and I agree he has done a 180 which is good. The issue now is with the people who are not adapting continue to move on without taking precautions. I just drove to downtown Buford and it looks like Saturday night at 8PM...
Speaking of disinformation...Trump never said the virus was a hoax. He said the Dems and MSM criticism of him handling of the virus was their newest hoax.
That quote was a little nebulous, so I'll give you a pass on that one.

How bout these:

March 6: "Calm, you have to be calm. It'll go away"

And my favorite on February 24: The Coronovirus is very much under control in the USA. Stock market starting to look very good to me" (Dow was at 27,000 at the time).
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That quote was a little nebulous, so I'll give you a pass on that one.

How bout these:

March 6: "Calm, you have to be calm. It'll go away"

And my favorite on February 24: The Coronovirus is very much under control in the USA. Stock market starting to look very good to me" (Dow was at 27,000 at the time).
So you keep dates and notes?
That quote was a little nebulous, so I'll give you a pass on that one.

How bout these:

March 6: "Calm, you have to be calm. It'll go away"

And my favorite on February 24: The Coronovirus is very much under control in the USA. Stock market starting to look very good to me" (Dow was at 27,000 at the time).
Yeah and if he’d said ‘ folks, this is going to be bad. Real Bad, likely shutting down schools and businesses for several weeks and people are going to die.” You’d have been on here 3 weeks criticizing him of being a fear mongerer and creating panic unnecessarily! He can’t win with you Dems if his life depended on it. There are few things I know with absolute certainty, but this is one! Can’t you admit that he had a tough job of trying to downplay things while still being extremely cautious like the travel ban. Damn, I swear sometimes y’all aggravate the piss out me w your constant garbage.
Yeah and if he’d said ‘ folks, this is going to be bad. Real Bad, likely shutting down schools and businesses for several weeks and people are going to die.” You’d have been on here 3 weeks criticizing him of being a fear mongerer and creating panic unnecessarily! He can’t win with you Dems if his life depended on it. There are few things I know with absolute certainty, but this is one! Can’t you admit that he had a tough job of trying to downplay things while still being extremely cautious like the travel ban. Damn, I swear sometimes y’all aggravate the piss out me w your constant garbage.
Not true, Trump was going against the advice of the medical experts until last Friday, and I, like most Americans, thought this was a terrible idea. Look at us now, we can't even test people.

One of the best comments I have heard was the head of Norway's Education Dept. advising students overseas to return home, especially ones that were in less developed countries such as the US.
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I watched a wonderful timeline of his quotes since January this morning. He's done a 180 on every one of them in the last week. He downplayed the thing up until last week.

He's a mess, ain't he? But, what is a person in charge supposed to do or say with so many overly emotional "children" to consider in his charge, and with a scary bug looming just outside the door? Does he immediately start to run in circles screaming and flailing his hands wildly to warn all the children to run for their lives? Or, does he attempt to assuage their fears with calm, parental type rhetoric like, "We're gonna be okay. Don't worry?"

Let's say he chose to be frantic from the start, and by doing so, encouraged much more panic and chaos? Where would we be now? Would the CDC test kits have worked properly then? Would enough respirators/any appropriate devices be available to meet this totally unprecedented/burgeoning need? Or would all available care facility equipment & associated supplies have disappeared into the global black market? Who knows? We do not.

But, darn it, we're the world's best at the blame game. We can blame it all on whomever we choose as well as any population in history. WE the people are expertly taught and drilled regularly on the one truth we almost universally accept, finding someone or something to blame. Blaming is the perfect solution for all of our problems. Our experienced politicians demonstrate that truth every election cycle and every day in between. They can't be wrong. So, we must be right in casting blame as the "ultimate solution" for all the bogeymen we can imagine. Act like children. Be treated like children. Aren't we special?
He's a mess, ain't he? But, what is a person in charge supposed to do or say with so many overly emotional "children" to consider in his charge, and with a scary bug looming just outside the door? Does he immediately start to run in circles screaming and flailing his hands wildly to warn all the children to run for their lives? Or, does he attempt to assuage their fears with calm, parental type rhetoric like, "We're gonna be okay. Don't worry?"

Let's say he chose to be frantic from the start, and by doing so, encouraged much more panic and chaos? Where would we be now? Would the CDC test kits have worked properly then? Would enough respirators/any appropriate devices be available to meet this totally unprecedented/burgeoning need? Or would all available care facility equipment & associated supplies have disappeared into the global black market? Who knows? We do not.

But, darn it, we're the world's best at the blame game. We can blame it all on whomever we choose as well as any population in history. WE the people are expertly taught and drilled regularly on the one truth we almost universally accept, finding someone or something to blame. Blaming is the perfect solution for all of our problems. Our experienced politicians demonstrate that truth every election cycle and every day in between. They can't be wrong. So, we must be right in casting blame as the "ultimate solution" for all the bogeymen we can imagine. Act like children. Be treated like children. Aren't we special?

He can't win for losing. No matter what he does they will criticize. Thy can't be honest and see anything positive.
Speaking of disinformation...Trump never said the virus was a hoax. He said the Dems and MSM criticism of him handling of the virus was their newest hoax.

don't bring up facts.. they knew what he was saying, but they are being intellectual dishonest because it suits their TDS regarding Trump..
On March 11, Dr. Fauci told Congress, "Bottom line, it's going to get worse"

On the same day, Trump said, "I think we're going to get through it very well"

There is the problem, Trump was concerned about getting re-elected, rolled the dice, and refused to listen to the experts.
So you keep dates and notes?

hahaha.. nah they got those liberal sites make up fake quotes and throw in some real quotes that are repeated.. you know it's just a copy and paste from their latest email sent out to their followers. it's pretty funny to see the exact same quotes being repeated on multiple sites.. some true, some false.. but it doesn't matter since both fit that TDS agenda.
Yeah and if he’d said ‘ folks, this is going to be bad. Real Bad, likely shutting down schools and businesses for several weeks and people are going to die.” You’d have been on here 3 weeks criticizing him of being a fear mongerer and creating panic unnecessarily! He can’t win with you Dems if his life depended on it. There are few things I know with absolute certainty, but this is one! Can’t you admit that he had a tough job of trying to downplay things while still being extremely cautious like the travel ban. Damn, I swear sometimes y’all aggravate the piss out me w your constant garbage.

well said.. remember when he did the first travel ban the democrats and liberal new sites called him a racist and xenophobe (i think it's funny they always resort to that for any conservative who does something they disagree with) for doing the travel ban with china. he will never win with the liberals which is fine because you have the same group who called romney and mccain racists when they ran for the Presidency only to turn around and praise them and kiss their butt when they are both anti-Trump.. shows you exactly the type of people they are.
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On March 11, Dr. Fauci told Congress, "Bottom line, it's going to get worse"

On the same day, Trump said, "I think we're going to get through it very well"

There is the problem, Trump was concerned about getting re-elected, rolled the dice, and refused to listen to the experts.
Yeah... that Fauci comment was a big reach wasn't it? Both comments can still be correct.
Edit: not a shot at Fauci... love that guy.
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On March 11, Dr. Fauci told Congress, "Bottom line, it's going to get worse"

On the same day, Trump said, "I think we're going to get through it very well"

There is the problem, Trump was concerned about getting re-elected, rolled the dice, and refused to listen to the experts.

No, a leader doesn’t panic a nation. He leads.

Even with China & WHO spreading disinformation like that in the middle of January POTUS closed travel with China a few days after that disinformation above. Was called a xenophobe by Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, & media.

At same time he declared a health emergency.

Within 24 hrs of WHO finally declaring a pandemic last week he declared a national emergency.

Since then he’s invoked wartime like powers of various acts to mobilize FEMA, DOD, Army Corp of engineers, & private industry. Slashed burdensome FDA regulations at every step to allow local, state, & private healthcare to make the decisions they need to.

Meanwhile these are being deployed.


We’re all in this together. Hope you realize this.
hahaha.. nah they got those liberal sites make up fake quotes and throw in some real quotes that are repeated.. you know it's just a copy and paste from their latest email sent out to their followers. it's pretty funny to see the exact same quotes being repeated on multiple sites.. some true, some false.. but it doesn't matter since both fit that TDS agenda.
Like the liars saying Trump disbanded the pandemic response team, i.e. Beth Campbell. She stated it in an interview, but Tim Morrison says not so fast.
On March 11, Dr. Fauci told Congress, "Bottom line, it's going to get worse"

On the same day, Trump said, "I think we're going to get through it very well"

There is the problem, Trump was concerned about getting re-elected, rolled the dice, and refused to listen to the experts.
One statement doesn't even contradict the other, so WTF is your point? Dr Fauci is at every one of his press conferences and he has him give his EXPERT opinion and answer questions. The President was aware of this virus and took steps to protect America before people in the US had ever heard of it. Even that moron Biden was attacking him because he shut down travel from China. He did not politicize this, the MSM and Dems did. Can we stop looking at his comments as anything other than a responsible person who was trying to calm peoples fears and help prevent panic? He's not perfect, none of us are and he may make mistakes but not so far on this. He has been ahead of the curve for the most part and when I hear reasonable, unbiased people look at the situation they think he done a good job. If you want to blame him for not having enough testing kits, then you have to be fair and make the same criticism of Obama. Obama dealt with Zika, Ebola and other viruses and apparently he didn't plan ahead for the next outbreak or we would have had millions of kits in reserve.
On March 11, Dr. Fauci told Congress, "Bottom line, it's going to get worse"

On the same day, Trump said, "I think we're going to get through it very well"

There is the problem, Trump was concerned about getting re-elected, rolled the dice, and refused to listen to the experts.

So, if something (anything, anywhere, anytime) "is going to get worse," that automatically cancels anyone's positive thoughts at that same time about getting "through it?" That is bizarrely negative thinking worthy of
yep saw the interview with tim morrison where he denied that happened and said it was 100% false.. they repeat it as if it's fact.. lol

Thank you, and from the Washington Post, too! WaPo gets it right much of the time, when they invest in "whole truth" vs. bits & pieces of it aka "selected facts" presented to feed a narrative favored by the writer or his editor.

Too many of us (like the folks in news media as well as politics) are so desperate to have the scoop on who or what to blame for everything, that we completely lose our ability to reason or to respond objectively on anything. It is embarrassing (or should be) proof of just how gleefully brainwashed we are by this shell game of a political process that seems to prefer delaying and deferring action over pragmatic solution. If they solved all of those same old problems, they'd soon have very little purpose or associated power. Hmmmm...

"They" (DC level political and marketing operatives,the word's finest in their craft) can almost totally predict if not control how we react to proven methods of tending to the herd. We are always too quick to point fingers, not to solve anything for anyone, but to place the blame on the "other team," the one we are also indoctrinated to hate & distrust. Most futuristic stories warn us about this trap of ceding all thought control to a corporate or political (hand in glove) entity.. We're fans in the stands, cheering or jeering according to what our team's cue cards tell us to do and when. WE (all of us) surely need to wake up, and start more effectively demanding a viable third party. The two frat houses that have ruled DC's influential circles for generations are masters of splitting us down the middle to better control us on which boxes to believe everything our team says and to distrust everything the other team says. Such intelligent sheep we are!

Term limits would be a start. A viable third party would force coalition (just imagine that!), which would facilitate actual solutions (practical, functional, realistic and sustainable) to our most enduring problems. News flash: Our most familiar and common societal issues/problems have been around (some call them 'political footballs.' How convenient for us fans of the process) for 70+ years.

But, if we allow our "leaders" (both teams) to keep making attempts at talking our problems to death, few or none will ever be resolved. WE all know this, yet, we get caught up in the game and entertainment value of politics, and not so much in the results we should all demand.
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So, if something (anything, anywhere, anytime) "is going to get worse," that automatically cancels anyone's positive thoughts at that same time about getting "through it?" That is bizarrely negative thinking worthy of

Thank you, and from the Washington Post, too! WaPo gets it right much of the time, when they invest in "whole truth" vs. bits & pieces of it aka "selected facts" presented to feed a narrative favored by the writer or his editor.

Too many of us (like the folks in news media as well as politics) are so desperate to have the scoop on who or what to blame for everything, that we completely lose our ability to reason or to respond objectively on anything. It is embarrassing (or should be) proof of just how gleefully brainwashed we are by this shell game of a political process that seems to prefer delaying and deferring action over pragmatic solution. If they solved all of those same old problems, they'd soon have very little purpose or associated power. Hmmmm...

"They" (DC level political and marketing operatives,the word's finest in their craft) can almost totally predict if not control how we react to proven methods of tending to the herd. We are always too quick to point fingers, not to solve anything for anyone, but to place the blame on the "other team," the one we are also indoctrinated to hate & distrust. Most futuristic stories warn us about this trap of ceding all thought control to a corporate or political (hand in glove) entity.. We're fans in the stands, cheering or jeering according to what our team's cue cards tell us to do and when. WE (all of us) surely need to wake up, and start more effectively demanding a viable third party. The two frat houses that have ruled DC's influential circles for generations are masters of splitting us down the middle to better control us on which boxes to believe everything our team says and to distrust everything the other team says. Such intelligent sheep we are!

Term limits would be a start. A viable third party would force coalition (just imagine that!), which would facilitate actual solutions (practical, functional, realistic and sustainable) to our most enduring problems. News flash: Our most familiar and common societal issues/problems have been around (some call them 'political footballs.' How convenient for us fans of the process) for 70+ years.

But, if we allow our "leaders" (both teams) to keep making attempts at talking our problems to death, few or none will ever be resolved. WE all know this, yet, we get caught up in the game and entertainment value of politics, and not so much in the results we should all demand.

I can recall a lot of flak given to Chris Christie when O showed up after a disaster in NJ. As much as I detest O the politician at that moment he was Potus & doing his job as was Christie as governor. NJ needed help & they got it.

This past week we’ve seen Governor Newsome of California & Coumo of NY praise the response from this administration with POTUS also complimenting both governors. As far apart as we are in politics times like these call for laying down certain grievances. They can & will be picked up at a later time.
I can recall a lot of flak given to Chris Christie when O showed up after a disaster in NJ. As much as I detest O the politician at that moment he was Potus & doing his job as was Christie as governor. NJ needed help & they got it.

This past week we’ve seen Governor Newsome of California & Coumo of NY praise the response from this administration with POTUS also complimenting both governors. As far apart as we are in politics times like these call for laying down certain grievances. They can & will be picked up at a later time.
Spot on.
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I was glad to see DJT and Cuomo put their arguments aside. I was afraid it was going to blow up after seeing DJT tweet out that Cuomo needs to do more. We are all fighting the same war. There shouldn’t be sides. Us against the virus.
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On March 11, Dr. Fauci told Congress, "Bottom line, it's going to get worse"

On the same day, Trump said, "I think we're going to get through it very well"

There is the problem, Trump was concerned about getting re-elected, rolled the dice, and refused to listen to the experts.
No he was worried about folks like you buying up all the toilet paper. I get that you must stick to your talking points and tow the line of your party but must you be so obtuse in doing so. Jesus if the mortality rate of this thing were 30 percent or more like some seriously worrisome bugs, you wouldn’t have made it a week and here we are in what, week 5-6 and you are still kicking. Perhaps you should be thanking your luckily stars instead of arguing in hindsight about what COULD have been done. I know I’m thanking mine you and yours weren’t making life saving decisions.
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No he was worried about folks like you buying up all the toilet paper. I get that you must stick to your talking points and tow the line of your party but must you be so obtuse in doing so. Jesus if the mortality rate of this thing were 30 percent or more like some seriously worrisome bugs, you wouldn’t have made it a week and here we are in what, week 5-6 and you are still kicking. Perhaps you should be thanking your luckily stars instead of arguing in hindsight about what COULD have been done. I know I’m thanking mine you and yours weren’t making life saving decisions.


I loved the talking points comment.. it's just so obvious..
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I loved the talking points comment.. it's just so obvious..
And tiresome! I think my patience is wearing thin sitting at home and listening to the “woulda, shoulda, coulda “ bull$#|t when anyone with a half a brain knows nobody would intentionally do things to make this worse on the people of the US and the World. It’s ridiculous and not worth the argument!
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And tiresome! I think my patience is wearing thin sitting at home and listening to the “woulda, shoulda, coulda “ bull$#|t when anyone with a half a brain knows nobody would intentionally do things to make this worse on the people of the US and the World. It’s ridiculous and not worth the argument!

they all say the same thing.. it's like they received's email to their followers and just repeat the same nonsense whether true or not.. it's beyond ridiculous.
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