If Biden wins reelection will those on the right start saying reversing Roe was a mistake? The independent voter numbers......

Coming out of NH from exit polls has to be concerning.
Murdering human life is always murder. Why would anyone change their opinion on murder based on political agenda?

Hopefully we have more moral and ethical standards than that.

You can disagree with the basis of what you think is murder, but if I think it’s murder, based on my beliefs, from science to respect for my Creator, I would have to be an ass to compromise. Would you not agree?
Coming out of NH from exit polls has to be concerning.
No, the primary issues are the southern border and whether suburban women can vote for Trump. Biden is an unmitigated disaster.

Actually, the Dobbs case was the result of an overreach by the ACLU. To them, Roe didn't go far enough. But take a look at the fear-mongering following Dobbs. Nothing anywhere close has occurred.

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No, what makes you an asshole is trying to impose your personal beliefs on the 60% of Americans who don't agree
If I am not mistaken the Courts turned that over to the states. In other words the Federal Government should keep their damn nose out of how the states vote. This should not be a liberal or conservative matter any longer. Let the people speak for a change!
No, the primary issues are the southern border and whether suburban women can vote for Trump. Biden is an unmitigated disaster.

Actually, the Dibbs case was the result of an overreach by the ACLU. To them, Roe didn't go far enough. But take a look at the fear-mongering following Dobbs. Nothing anywhere close has occurred.

And you think suburban women don't care about their
If I am not mistaken the Courts turned that over to the states. In other words the Federal Government should keep their damn nose out of how the states vote. This should not be a liberal or conservative matter any longer. Let the people speak for a change!
Is not the government made to serve the people
And you think suburban women don't care about their

Is not the government made to serve the people
Women wicked enough to slaughter children will under no circumstances ever vote for the right so putting aside the obvious reason to outlaw abortion, it's utterly pointless for the right to chase the vote of such a constituency.
Women wicked enough to slaughter children will under no circumstances ever vote for the right so putting aside the obvious reason to outlaw abortion, it's utterly pointless for the right to chase the vote of such a constituency.
That's easily one of the more tyrannical things I've heard on this board. So because more of the citizenry disagrees with you they don't deserve representation?
No, what makes you an asshole is trying to impose your personal beliefs on the 60% of Americans who don't agree
I must be a pretty powerful asshole to IMPOSE my beliefs and my will on nearly 200 million people who don’t agree with me.

Do you implode every time someone has an opinion that differs from you? You seem to get quite emotional.

Why not just defend your opinion? By your calculations, nearly 200 million people agree with me.

You have an opinion or just scream?
The child sacrifice will stop
devil satan GIF
Abortion seems to only get brought up on this board when you bring it up. And you seem to do it just to give yourself the opportunity to ridicule and disparage those who value the sanctity of life. Why is that?
Why is it any of your business? Again why do you feel the need to control your fellow Americans?
Why is it any of your business? Again why do you feel the need to control your fellow Americans?
You are free to hate children and celebrate their murders, no one is stopping you. It must be tough to think there is nothing after we perish from this earth! You should really consider love and life. Jesus can heal your pain and hatred.
Why is it any of your business? Again why do you feel the need to control your fellow Americans?
This is a discussion board. It’s my business as much as yours or anyone else’s. You started the abortion discussion and now you seem very insecure in your opinion. So, you post a provocative thread and then attack those who dare refuse to repudiate their convictions for political gain. Of course a left-winger would consider a court decision a mistake if it cost them votes without regard to morality. Many others would not due to strength of convictions. Live with it, regardless of how uncomfortable it makes you.
I think on this one you’re FOS. You proclaim the Chat to be a bad place and then use that lame reason to explain why you are here every day for many years. Why do you desire seemingly greatly to mingle with the “freudian slobs?”
It is a bad place.

except that with tact and indelible patience some (@willdup @celticdawg @mitchelldawg @Chopdawg75 @shonuff253) are here efforting to make it better by providing a different perspective.

I am here to applaud them and to understand where people I disagree with are coming from, at least to the extent they are able to express it.
It is a bad place.

except that with tact and indelible patience some (@willdup @celticdawg @mitchelldawg @Chopdawg75 @shonuff253) are here efforting to make it better by providing a different perspective.

I am here to applaud them and to understand where people I disagree with are coming from, at least to the extent they are able to express it.
Y’all should start a kumbaya band called Will and the Toadies.

And you forgot dawgfood and roydawgmercer.
And you think suburban women don't care about their

Is not the government made to serve the people
I think you left something out of your post, but I get your point.

Speaking for myself, I'm not a a single issue voter. A lot of polls these days, if not all of them, show the southern border, as opposed to abortion, is at the top of the list. The economy is a close second. Biden (and pretty much all Ds) fails miserably on those 2 issues. Add inflation, the division caused by DEI and reparations talk, the farce that is the green movement, and our inexplicable foreign policy under Biden, suburban women have a lot of reasons not to vote for Biden. But will they vote for Trump? I don't know.
Isn't that "true" of literally every law on the books?

Your premise is odd, and could be twisted to argue for many things that most would find reprehensible.
So laws are to control people not having a functioning society?