Don't think so. I just can't see the Repub establishment going with Cruz. They're meeting now finding an alternative.
Rubio bowing out and throwing his support to Cruz is the only straight forward scenario I see to trip Trump.
The whole convention intervention might work, but it would be very destructive to the party for a long time to come.
True. But I don't think the establishment cares. They don't want any of the 4 that was on stage Thurs. There was a time, it was Rubio. I don't think so anymore.
LOL! Choosing between Trump and Cruz is like choosing between syphilis and chlamydia.
If Rubio and kasich drop out Cruz will probley to I could see trump offering a scotus.Don't think so. I just can't see the Repub establishment going with Cruz. They're meeting now finding an alternative.
If Rubio and kasich drop out Cruz will probley to I could see trump offering a scotus.
Don't think so. I just can't see the Repub establishment going with Cruz. They're meeting now finding an alternative.
He said all that YET he wouldn't answer (twice) who he would endorse. Said it had to wait till AFTER the convention. Another reason to think the establishment has shananigans going on besides the rumors of most be on Sea Island this past weekend, Romney's strange speech and timing (not to mention him delivering it), Koch's withholding their 800 billion and not endorsing, etc. Neither is Sheldon Adelson. Of course he blew 20 million on Newt last time. Then spent another 80 million more.
I suppose Romney delivered it to "take one for the team" since many are running again elsewhere, he's an "outsider" and the focus would be on him the rest of the day and the next with the media. The others, with so much focus on interviewing Romney, could get out of town quietly to "undisclosed" location and plan what they're going to do.
If the GOP pulls in an outside establishment guy at the convention, it's over. They will have made the decision to giftwrap the election to Hillary and basically blow up the GOP as we know it. I can't see that happening. Cruz is not liked by the establishment but he is a true conservative and I think would be a viable candidate to represent the GOP. I'm ready to try someone right of center instead of the old centrist retreads we've gotten the past 2 elections.
If the GOP pulls in an outside establishment guy at the convention, it's over. They will have made the decision to giftwrap the election to Hillary and basically blow up the GOP as we know it. I can't see that happening. Cruz is not liked by the establishment but he is a true conservative and I think would be a viable candidate to represent the GOP. I'm ready to try someone right of center instead of the old centrist retreads we've gotten the past 2 elections.
If the GOP pulls in an outside establishment guy at the convention, it's over. They will have made the decision to giftwrap the election to Hillary and basically blow up the GOP as we know it. I can't see that happening. Cruz is not liked by the establishment but he is a true conservative and I think would be a viable candidate to represent the GOP. I'm ready to try someone right of center instead of the old centrist retreads we've gotten the past 2 elections.
It's possible the GOP is already "blown up".
I think the establishment voters WILL leave if Trump is the nominee. And I think the working class conservatives will leave if an establishment guy is the nominee.
I think Cruz is the only one who might be able to keep the GOP as it stands today around for another election cycle or two with the same sort of makeup. I don't think he'll win... but he'll keep the party from splintering... barely.
Sadly I thing Cruz is less palatable than Trump to the GOP. With Trump he might not be a true Conservative but he would play the political game necessary to keep the GOP establishment relevant. Cruz would be true to his word and call out the establishment if necessary and that would not go over well. I think with the GOP elites it's either Rubio / Kasich or they pull in a new person.
In which case the GOP is done as a party... they'll either lose the big business establishment or the working class voters that each make up 1/3rd of their party (the other third being evangelicals). They wont' be relevant with all three legs of their coalition.
We might end up with something called "The Republican Party" afterwards that has success at some point... but it will be a different animal. Kind of like when the GOP lost the civil rights movement voters tot he democrats and "got religion" by taking the evangelical vote. Still called the GOP... but not the party of Lincoln anymore.