I'm with TyTyrone on the Roundup issue.*

I'm not sure why they don't pick on the other companies that do the

same type of work. Somebody must have gotten fired at some point in the past.

Guy came on and talked about agent orange linking it to Monsanto, Nobody said bathing in chemicals was good and you damn sure shouldn't drink it.
Roundup and Vodka ain't bad.

Breathed enough while spraying fence lines to kill everybody in Viet Nam. You too, I suppect.
I did and breathed enough dust to kill a mule. We used to sprinkle

DDT on cows backs for horn flies. Worse mistake I ever made was spilling Warbex on my boot and not knowing it. Can't even spray wasp spray now.
Re: I did and breathed enough dust to kill a mule. We used to sprinkle

Don't know how many gallons of 2,4,5 -T mix I had leak out of backpacks and run down my back.
Re: I did and breathed enough dust to kill a mule. We used to sprinkle

That's agent orange with a different color.
Re: Diesel will make it stick***

One of my friends sold his farm and is moving to Fort Smith. He told me to come out and help myself to some of his chemicals. I got 5 gallons of 2,4d-amine, 2 gal. of Tordon 101, 3 gal. of Remedy ( same mis as the Garlon we used to use), and 1 gal of MSMA. I passed on a gallon of 2,4,5-t and a gallon of Chlordane. Was very tempted on the Chlordane to declare war on the fire ants but figured I would have wiped out all the neighborhood pets in the process.
Re: Oh. it had 2-4D in it as well. The orange color was a surfactant**

Walked in it every night for 19 mo's. Sentry dog handler in 'Nam. Even sprayed around the kennels. Plus dipped our Dogs in malathion. Got that stuff all over us. Have already had open heart at 49, carotid artery surgery at 58. What's next?
Good find, wish I could get some of the old stuff they used for

termites. I think it was DDT. They used to use chlordane on vegetables. The safest one is Sevin. You can eat that stuff.
The Chlordane was the king of termite killers. We had an experiment station

near Lake City, Fla. that had some Cholrdane test area sprays that were 50 years old and smelled like they had been sprayed less than 24 hours.
I use sevin and it works pretty well, I put it in the Chickens Dust pits.*

This post was edited on 3/9 12:14 PM by TEEDAWG
Termites and any other living thing nearby. Had a friend that sprayed a....

copperhead with some Lindane mix he had; he said the snake stood on its tail for a few minutes then died.
Re: My brother was there and died of lung cancer at 40***

My condolences Ty TYDawg. It has been HELL on everyone.**