Imagine how much more passionate Kamala would be if she had actually won the nomination.

You really think Trump’s acceptance speech compares favorably to Kamala’s? You think Trump addressed more of his prospective policies than Harris?
Not gonna gush over Trump's speech, but the fact that he has already been President and has never shied away from taking questions and answering them about policy puts a million times more of the burden on Kamala to address these things, no?

Especially because it seems every one of her stated policies her entire career run totally counter to what her surrogates seem to imply. Not to mention she has made it clear that her campaign is dethatched from current Biden policy. If so, what is it?

I don't blame her for staying silent on all this. The media is coddling her even without substance. Why mess with that, especially when your strength lies in appearances/vibe/energy rather than the ability to coherently answer questions unscripted and any substance whatsoever.
You really think Trump’s acceptance speech compares favorably to Kamala’s? You think Trump addressed more of his prospective policies than Harris?
Never said that I liked Trumps RNC speech, much too long and he got off script. I thought Harris provided a very good speech. But, Trump was honest about the current state of affairs regarding the border, economy and world wars. Harris spoke about a utopian country that no one recognizes and the fact that she is part of the administration that caused many of the problems is just hypocritical.
Never said that I liked Trumps RNC speech, much too long and he got off script. I thought Harris provided a very good speech. But, Trump was honest about the current state of affairs regarding the border, economy and world wars. Harris spoke about a utopian country that no one recognizes and the fact that she is part of the administration that caused many of the problems is just hypocritical.
Can't blame her. So long as the media allows it, the utopian vibe strategy with zero substance or unscripted media appearances is a good strategy.
You really think Trump’s acceptance speech compares favorably to Kamala’s? You think Trump addressed more of his prospective policies than Harris?

She will fix everything on day 1 ……….thousand 4 hundred sixty one of her days in office. Just you wait. 😂

The excitement of her as a “new candidate “ is very interesting. Good social experiment really
I’m sure the left is pleased but all I heard was platitude to the Dem base, nothing of substance.
I never thought the debate will be important, but it actually might be. It is the once chance people will have to see what she really is. The bar is so low for her. It is amazing. Even here people don’t care that what she has proposed is insanity, they just believe it won’t pass. We are ok.

The media will claim this is a monster success. She is riding a huge wave of momentum again. I feel better that just last week the odds swung towards Trump. This is the last of this kind of thing. She has to get thru the next few months without exposing he ineptitude. The race is on.
I never thought the debate will be important, but it actually might be. It is the once chance people will have to see what she really is. The bar is so low for her. It is amazing. Even here people don’t care that what she has proposed is insanity, they just believe it won’t pass. We are ok.

The media will claim this is a monster success. She is riding a huge wave of momentum again. I feel better that just last week the odds swung towards Trump. This is the last of this kind of thing. She has to get thru the next few months without exposing he ineptitude. The race is on.
She is like most politicians, she can speak from a teleprompter and deliver a good speech. I’m interested in how she responds and has to answer a question on the fly.
The question becomes whether or not the debate moderators will push her on issues.
You really think Trump’s acceptance speech compares favorably to Kamala’s? You think Trump addressed more of his prospective policies than Harris?
Putting down the gloves for a minute. How in the hell can you be ok again with another president who doesn’t answer questions ever. You can no longer say it is preparation she was missing, or she doesn’t have time. This is a real thing. The media will cover for her for four years. Trump is a lot of things. But he will literally sit down with anyone. This isn’t about him. How can you want to hire anyone who is afraid to answer the simple question how?

This is the most basic function of a president. To answer to the American people to explain what they are doing and why. Will, what is going to happen to her at the 100’s of meetings overseas and here, when she has to give her own opinion.
She is like most politicians, she can speak from a teleprompter and deliver a good speech. I’m interested in how she responds and has to answer a question on the fly.
The question becomes whether or not the debate moderators will push her on issues.
Or give her the questions ahead of time. How do you think your plan will help the real estate market? Can someone for the love of god ask that one question.
She is like most politicians, she can speak from a teleprompter and deliver a good speech. I’m interested in how she responds and has to answer a question on the fly.
The question becomes whether or not the debate moderators will push her on issues.
Even on teleprompter, her voice is Hillary-level annoying.
Never said that I liked Trumps RNC speech, much too long and he got off script. I thought Harris provided a very good speech. But, Trump was honest about the current state of affairs regarding the border, economy and world wars. Harris spoke about a utopian country that no one recognizes and the fact that she is part of the administration that caused many of the problems is just hypocritical.
I don’t think the majority of the country sees the same hellscape (yes, I’m being dramatic) that Trump keeps evoking and that’s why her message seems to be resonating right now.

I do know that the media bubble that we all seem to live in is shaping our views more than ever. I’m as guilty as anyone. I thought Joe was able to overcome his age-related deterioration. My wife, who doesn’t spend anything like the same amount of time engaged in politics as I do, was far more worried about it and she was correct.

Whether Trump’s doom and gloom resonates more with people than Kamala’s message of joy and opportunity is ultimately going to determine the outcome of the election. I think that we are going to find that the personally compromised old guy is going to fail to convince the country that he is the solution to anything and that the current state of the country is not as awful as Fox News works to convince everyone. We will see.
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Putting down the gloves for a minute. How in the hell can you be ok again with another president who doesn’t answer questions ever. You can no longer say it is preparation she was missing, or she doesn’t have time. This is a real thing. The media will cover for her for four years. Trump is a lot of things. But he will literally sit down with anyone. This isn’t about him. How can you want to hire anyone who is afraid to answer the simple question how?

This is the most basic function of a president. To answer to the American people to explain what they are doing and why. Will, what is going to happen to her at the 100’s of meetings overseas and here, when she has to give her own opinion.
So just to ensure that we don’t move the goal posts later, what exactly are you looking for? press conferences? An in-depth one on one? How long before the election do these things need to occur to check this box?
I don’t think the majority of the country sees the same hellscape (yes, I’m being dramatic) that Trump keeps evoking and that’s why her message seems to be resonating right now.

I do know that the media bubble that we all seem to live in is shaping our views more than ever. I’m as guilty as anyone. I thought Joe was able to overcome his age-related deterioration. My wife, who doesn’t spend anything like the same amount of time engaged in politics as I do, was far more worried about it and she was correct.

Whether Trump’s doom and gloom resonates more with people than Kamala’s message of joy and opportunity is ultimately going to determine the outcome of the election. I think that we are going to find that the personally compromised old guy is going to fail to convince the country that he is the solution to anything and that the current state of the country is not as awful as Fox News works to convince everyone. We will see.
I see it as the younger candidate that has all of the answers has caused most of the problems we face today. It’s all in perspective of our political leaning.
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So just to ensure that we don’t move the goal posts later, what exactly are you looking for? press conferences? An in-depth one on one? How long before the election do these things need to occur to check this box?
Simple. We know now why Joe didn’t answer questions the last 3.5 years of his presidency. We can agree on that. I am assuming we can agree that she isn’t answering questions for a reason. She is terrible at it.

How long has it been said anywhere that the job of the president is to answer to the American people. Not every four years. But every day. Yet are we now willing to go against this long time philosophy twice in a row. It is the basic function. Not speeches with prompters. Questions from journalists. She will be asked things off the cuff in other countries. Answering them well is a sign of strength. Something that has been a huge issue with Joe. No way to deny that. He is laughed at all over the world. Here is my link so you can see the stats.

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Simple. We know now why Joe didn’t answer questions the last 3.5 years of his presidency. We can agree on that. I am assuming we can agree that she isn’t answering questions for a reason. She is terrible at it.

How long has it been said anywhere that the job of the president is to answer to the American people. Not every four years. But every day. Yet are we now willing to go against this long time philosophy twice in a row. It is the basic function. Not speeches with prompters. Questions from journalists. She will be asked things off the cuff in other countries. Answering them well is a sign of strength. Something that has been a huge issue with Joe. No way to deny that. He is laughed at all over the world. Here is my link so you can see the stats.

I think your base supposition is not based on facts.

I think your base supposition is not based on facts.

Well, if you read the entire article it covers that. Why that isn’t the same? All of the different types of pressers he can have is covered. And the reasons you have each one. Solo pressers are reading from a prompter.

You ducking the question tells me all I need to know. You don’t care. Same with Biden.

You tell me how many times he has fielded questions from reporters. Has he ever fielded a question from a right leaning reporter. Oh the horror.

Quite positive yours isn’t based on facts. My own eyes and ears tell me that is spin. One article is made to defend. The other article is comparing and contrasting. Totally different tone. If you can name a time when Biden took questions from the dc media core outside of the trainwreck hur interview response I am all ears.
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Never said that I liked Trumps RNC speech, much too long and he got off script. I thought Harris provided a very good speech. But, Trump was honest about the current state of affairs regarding the border, economy and world wars. Harris spoke about a utopian country that no one recognizes and the fact that she is part of the administration that caused many of the problems is just hypocritical.
BOOM! And so truthful..same shit different yr..the typical fairyland bullshi+ promises..we see where that’s gotten us
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Well, if you read the entire article it covers that. Why that isn’t the same? All of the different types of pressers he can have is covered. And the reasons you have each one. Solo pressers are reading from a prompter.

You ducking the question tells me all I need to know. You don’t care. Same with Biden.

You tell me how many times he has fielded questions from reporters. Has he ever fielded a question from a right leaning reporter. Oh the horror.

Quite positive yours isn’t based on facts
February and he took a number of hostile questions. Do I need to go back and document every single instance for the last 3.5 years?

February and he took a number of hostile questions. Do I need to go back and document every single instance for the last 3.5 years?

Yes. I mentioned this one in my edit. It is the only one I can remember. And it was a trainwreck. Will. Come on man.

You went and googled and it was the only one you could find. I did the same. 😂
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February and he took a number of hostile questions. Do I need to go back and document every single instance for the last 3.5 years?

This is easily the best of the bunch. Defines everything you are avoiding. Even the reporters are like how could we know. We never got to speak with him.

This isn’t a new thing being brought up. There are 100’s of articles like these.
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So just to ensure that we don’t move the goal posts later, what exactly are you looking for? press conferences? An in-depth one on one? How long before the election do these things need to occur to check this box?
I think the bigger issue is that it is symptomatic of an enabling media that you would think maybe learned some things after covering for Biden and getting totally exposed. Going to the mat over the “gratuitous” report that exposed him as senile. Using that word specifically in obvious coordination with the Democratic Party.

The media has always leaned left. That’s fine. But with Trump they have taken it to a level that is effectively cheerleading the left.

Even their “honest” reporting about Biden had an agenda. They wanted him out so there would be a chance to beat Trump. And since that time their coverage has been absolutely embarrassing. A new low which is saying a lot.

All I ask is that a bare minimum the media demand Kamala debate several times, give interviews, and ask plain questions about her policies and how they have changed from four years ago if at all. That is the job of the media in a democracy.

If America wants President Harris after a legitimate accounting from the media on how she will govern and what kind of leader she will be, so be it.
I think the bigger issue is that it is symptomatic of an enabling media that you would think maybe learned some things after covering for Biden and getting totally exposed. Going to the mat over the “gratuitous” report that exposed him as senile. Using that word specifically in obvious coordination with the Democratic Party.

The media has always leaned left. That’s fine. But with Trump they have taken it to a level that is effectively cheerleading the left.

Even their “honest” reporting about Biden had an agenda. They wanted him out so there would be a chance to beat Trump. And since that time their coverage has been absolutely embarrassing. A new low which is saying a lot.

All I ask is that a bare minimum the media demand Kamala debate several times, give interviews, and ask plain questions about her policies and how they have changed from four years ago if at all. That is the job of the media in a democracy.

If America wants President Harris after a legitimate accounting from the media on how she will govern and what kind of leader she will be, so be it.

One of the articles I posted documents exactly what you are saying here.

This is easily the best of the bunch. Defines everything you are avoiding. Even the reporters are like how could we know. We never got to speak with him.

This isn’t a new thing being brought up. There are 100’s of articles like these.
Sorry. I didn’t have time read all those articles. I was reading about the dozen former WH lawyers who worked under Reagan and both Bush I and II who have come out and endorsed Kamala.

They seem comfortable enough with her messaging and press engagement. Guess it works for me as well.

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I think the bigger issue is that it is symptomatic of an enabling media that you would think maybe learned some things after covering for Biden and getting totally exposed. Going to the mat over the “gratuitous” report that exposed him as senile. Using that word specifically in obvious coordination with the Democratic Party.

The media has always leaned left. That’s fine. But with Trump they have taken it to a level that is effectively cheerleading the left.

Even their “honest” reporting about Biden had an agenda. They wanted him out so there would be a chance to beat Trump. And since that time their coverage has been absolutely embarrassing. A new low which is saying a lot.

All I ask is that a bare minimum the media demand Kamala debate several times, give interviews, and ask plain questions about her policies and how they have changed from four years ago if at all. That is the job of the media in a democracy.

If America wants President Harris after a legitimate accounting from the media on how she will govern and what kind of leader she will be, so be it.
Honestly, the complaints about the media are tiresome. Anybody paying an ounce of attention are well aware of what the deal is. Last I checked, only one network had to pay the second largest defamation sum ever for their direct and knowing lies in support of a political figure. And the largest sum ever was owed by a guy who shills for the far right as well.

If voters disagree with her comms strategy, they can punish her at the ballot box. I’m sure she will do interviews, press conferences and more between now and then. But unsurprisingly, I’m also sure that the people like you and Zinger who would never vote for her will find her efforts insufficient.

And in the mean time, after all of the complaints about a candidate too old to serve as POTUS for another four years, this is the best you can do. An old, bitter and broken man who has a multitude of prominent figures in his own party, many of whom worked in his administration, publicly supporting his opponent.

Seems a tough hand to me.

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Sorry. I didn’t have time read all those articles. I was reading about the dozen former WH lawyers who worked under Reagan and both Bush I and II who have come out and endorsed Kamala.

They seem comfortable enough with her messaging and press engagement. Guess it works for me as well.

A Kennedy just endorsed Trump or is about to. That doesn’t answer anything. Which is fine. You are learning well from her how not to answer a question. I will give you that. 😂

Some world class deflection. And you were worried about the goal posts moving.
A Kennedy just endorsed Trump or is about to. That doesn’t answer anything. Which is fine. You are learning well from her how not to answer a question. I will give you that. 😂

Some world class deflection. And you were worried about the goal posts moving.
Your response to the multitude of loyal Republicans who have come out against Trump in the loudest voices possible is to point to the guy with brain worms who collects road kill for meals and was such a bad person he drove one of his ex-wives to kill herself?

That’s totally the same as both of Trump’s former Defense Secretaries, just to pick the first two who come to mind.

Even Karl Rove knows what a loser RFK Jr is.

Your response to the multitude of loyal Republicans who have come out against Trump in the loudest voices possible is to point to the guy with brain worms who collects road kill for meals and was such a bad person he drove one of his ex-wives to kill herself?

That’s totally the same as both of Trump’s former Defense Secretaries, just to pick the first two who come to mind.
More deflection. Simple question. Why does anyone asking how make Kamala wet the bed. And not the way she is well known for. I bet the 92 percent of staffers who ran from her employ over the last four years probably aren’t endorsing Kamala either.

LOL....Kamala is just another Dem....lacks the intelligence and motivation to do something on her own and then demands that the government give it to her. Perfect candidate for them IMHO.....she echos everything they believe in.

They had this shit planned all along...use the old, white, male, "moderate" Biden to gain control of the White House and then push him out by the next election cycle and hand it over to an extreme lefty. Joe was never gonna be a 2 term POTUS.
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More deflection. Simple question. Why does anyone asking how make Kamala wet the bed. And not the way she is well known for. I bet the 92 percent of staffers who ran from her employ over the last four years probably aren’t endorsing Kamala either.
I don’t know and I don’t care. And I don’t believe you care either. There is literally nothing she will say or do to win over you and people like you, so I doubt her team is spending time thinking about it.

Ride or die with Trump. That’s established.

Maybe she will decide to start engaging with the press more after she’s in the WH.
I don’t know and I don’t care. And I don’t believe you care either. There is literally nothing she will say or do to win over you and people like you, so I doubt her team is spending time thinking about it.

Ride or die with Trump. That’s established.

Maybe she will decide to start engaging with the press more after she’s in the WH.
I would have ridden with anyone else. Damn dude. You are supporting someone for potus who can’t answer questions on her own. Do you realize we had two of them in office at the same time. No wonder they set records for negative job approval. I got a better idea for you. Let’s nominate one of them. She can’t suck that bad again can she?

It is a basic task your president should be able to handle. You pretended with Biden. Let’s see where this gets you.

Well, we know she can’t independently think on her own. But hell, she is brave and a fighter. And inspires joy.
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Your response to the multitude of loyal Republicans who have come out against Trump in the loudest voices possible is to point to the guy with brain worms who collects road kill for meals and was such a bad person he drove one of his ex-wives to kill herself?

That’s totally the same as both of Trump’s former Defense Secretaries, just to pick the first two who come to mind.

Even Karl Rove knows what a loser RFK Jr is.

Your favorite spank site. How many times did they say his name. Over 1000. Yikes. Would have loved to see some real substance. We should know better. What is funny about ole Karl’s statements. He didn’t even quote what he said correctly. F’ing contagious when you blue pill I guess.

I am assuming Karl believes that is worse than the current president taking money from the Ukraine in exchange for policy favors. Way more proof of that than what he was quoting incorrectly
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I would have ridden with anyone else. Damn dude. You are supporting someone for potus who can’t answer questions on her own. Do you realize we had two of them in office at the same time. No wonder they set records for negative job approval. I got a better idea for you. Let’s nominate one of them. She can’t suck that bad again can she?

It is a basic task your president should be able to handle. You pretended with Biden. Let’s see where this gets you.

Well, we know she can’t independently think on her own. But hell, she is brave and a fighter. And inspires joy.
You keep bringing up approval ratings when the only president who had a worse approval rating at the end of their term was Nixon, and Trump only beat him by a few points. Is that your argument?

The approval rating that matters is the one conducted November 5th. Trump is going to need a lot more than promising a loser like RFK a cabinet position in trade for his endorsement to make that one work out in his favor.

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