Important win for our country


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
Jun 28, 2016
I doubt Biden even knew the policy. He is not running the show. The swine behind are very dangerous radicals who hate you and your country.
Sounds like you didn't know the policy either considering it has been in practice since 2004...
No, Trump was much more humane and locked refugee children in cages and separated them from their families...
I doubt Biden even knew the policy. He is not running the show. The swine behind are very dangerous radicals who hate you and your country.

I read some highlights of the summary, not sure if accurate but it said that every 90 days since Biden opened the border creates a five year back log of paperwork and cost 50 million dollars. Some of these people will never get a case heard but are just walking around on a parole and alternative to detention program.
politics are always sensitive (especially on the internet). I have come around on this border issue to have a different POV

Initially I was pissed all these folks are streaming across our border. I fully supported Trump's politics in this regard.

Now, I have a different view. I think we need a revamped immigration policy and we do need some of these folks. Do I want an open border: NO!!! However we do need immigrants. Our population would be on the decline without immigrants. Look at the current unemployment rate. Go visit a company looking to hire hourly employees? There aren't enough of them......

The baby boomer generation ( our largest) is in the process of retiring and we need more workers in this country. Having more babies from US citizens is great, but that takes 2 decades to impact the workforce. We need solutions now to help our industry. If we are truly going to pursue this "on-shoring" of industrial manufacturing, we need more workers. PERIOD
I read some highlights of the summary, not sure if accurate but it said that every 90 days since Biden opened the border creates a five year back log of paperwork and cost 50 million dollars. Some of these people will never get a case heard but are just walking around on a parole and alternative to detention program.
politics are always sensitive (especially on the internet). I have come around on this border issue to have a different POV

Initially I was pissed all these folks are streaming across our border. I fully supported Trump's politics in this regard.

Now, I have a different view. I think we need a revamped immigration policy and we do need some of these folks. Do I want an open border: NO!!! However we do need immigrants. Our population would be on the decline without immigrants. Look at the current unemployment rate. Go visit a company looking to hire hourly employees? There aren't enough of them......

The baby boomer generation ( our largest) is in the process of retiring and we need more workers in this country. Having more babies from US citizens is great, but that takes 2 decades to impact the workforce. We need solutions now to help our industry. If we are truly going to pursue this "on-shoring" of industrial manufacturing, we need more workers. PERIOD
I agree but we don't need the women coming over, not working, having 4 kids, and the living off the goverment. Puts a burden on the school system and the communities. I see it first hand. They contribute nothing.
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No, Trump was much more humane and locked refugee children in cages and separated them from their families...

Obama built the cages. Both deals were taken out of context. But Obama built the cages. They were to seperate kids from adults. You really think both sides were evil here. I have enough common sense to know obama didn’t want to put anyone in cages. They were chain linked areas to seperate men and women. Children from adults. Coyotes brought kids across the border. They don’t just let them into the mainstream so they had to put them some where to figure it all out. Nothing sinister about it. The guy in charge of one facility during the Obama and trump era, said it wasn’t ideal. But we couldn’t just let them roam free all over the cities. Fwiw.
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politics are always sensitive (especially on the internet). I have come around on this border issue to have a different POV

Initially I was pissed all these folks are streaming across our border. I fully supported Trump's politics in this regard.

Now, I have a different view. I think we need a revamped immigration policy and we do need some of these folks. Do I want an open border: NO!!! However we do need immigrants. Our population would be on the decline without immigrants. Look at the current unemployment rate. Go visit a company looking to hire hourly employees? There aren't enough of them......

The baby boomer generation ( our largest) is in the process of retiring and we need more workers in this country. Having more babies from US citizens is great, but that takes 2 decades to impact the workforce. We need solutions now to help our industry. If we are truly going to pursue this "on-shoring" of industrial manufacturing, we need more workers. PERIOD
We have an unemployment problem but not because of a shortage of people who COULD do those jobs. We have the problem because federal (and some state) policies make it more profitable to collect free money from the system than it is to work.
You obviously have no idea how much money these migrants can get through our various systems. I know some Mexicans in the San Diego area who get $4k per month each. Three living together and getting $12k per month, most of which they send across the border.
These migrants are being taught to school the system and get benefits whether they work or not. Spoiled, lazy ass, entitled Americans is our problem. Inner city minority kids with no job skills, no education and no example of success through work ethic in their family is our problem.
This country should not spend a dime outside our borders or let in ANY migrants or immigrants without marketable skills that benefit our country until we get that problem under control.

Obama built the cages. Both deals were taken out of context. But Obama built the cages. They were to seperate kids from adults. You really think both sides were evil here. I have enough common sense to know obama didn’t want to put anyone in cages. They were chain linked areas to seperate men and women. Children from adults. Coyotes brought kids across the border. They don’t just let them into the mainstream so they had to put them some where to figure it all out. Nothing sinister about it. The guy in charge of one facility during the Obama and trump era, said it wasn’t ideal. But we couldn’t just let them roam free all over the cities. Fwiw.
A significant amount of the kids were just paired with adults posing as their parents. Fact. I do not know the percentages. I doubt anyone does - even our government. But it did and still happens. You are correct. It was not ideal but far from inhumane. It was a way to figure things out.
Inner city minority kids with no job skills, no education and no example of success through work ethic in their family is our problem.
I mean tell us how you really feel. Do you always have such racist thoughts or are you more subtle off the internet? TANF has time limits and work requirements and has since 1996. The idea of a 'welfare queen' is a stereotype from the 1970s and isn't an actual thing. Maybe try and read a bit and join us in 2023 before falling back to long debunked racist stereotypes?
A significant amount of the kids were just paired with adults posing as their parents. Fact. I do not know the percentages. I doubt anyone does - even our government. But it did and still happens. You are correct. It was not ideal but far from inhumane. It was a way to figure things out.
Hell both obama and trump were smart enough to know, you want to have a clue of who you are letting into your country, before you let them into your country. Unlike what we have now. When all of the people seeking asylum or whatever were waiting together, it was quickly learned that putting men and women in the same areas was a bad idea. Same with children. Crimes were committed. So while not the best conditions, they are still better than what most of them came from. And at least they were checked out before we let a sex offender, or a killer, or a drug dealer into our country. I am quite sure our enemies have figured this out. At some point, there will be some kind of domestic bombing tied back to an illegal entry.
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I mean tell us how you really feel. Do you always have such racist thoughts or are you more subtle off the internet? TANF has time limits and work requirements and has since 1996. The idea of a 'welfare queen' is a stereotype from the 1970s and isn't an actual thing. Maybe try and read a bit and join us in 2023 before falling back to long debunked racist stereotypes?
As usual, you miss the point and default to RAT narrative claiming racism and of course victimhood. BTW there are more poor white people in this country than minority and they need this help also. Reaching those kids is even harder because they are not clustered.
Here is what I think.
The federal government should stop foreign aid and ALL immigration long enough to build a network of trade schools in our inner city ghettos. Then canvas those areas for 16+ aged kids who want a chance to build a better life. The federal government knows which specific trades and services are understaffed and by how much. For instance, currently there is a deficit of 1M trained technicians for heating/ac alone. An ac tech with and EPA certification makes minimum $30 per hour.
Of course this would not solve the entire problem but it would help. The RAT party does not want the problem solved because when people escape poverty and have something to lose which they worked for and earned, they begin to see what the RAT's real agenda is ... keeping the poor in fear of starving and buying their vote in return for enough to stay alive but not thrive ... the RAT plantation.

As to the Mexicans I mentioned; The father is a doctor. I have known him for 30 years. He moved across from TJ a few years ago. His wife and two young adult daughters are the people getting $4k each. They live in Chula Vista, CA.
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RAT narrative claiming racism
You literally said that inner city minority kid's families have no work ethic and are the problem and that is some kind of Democrat narrative? Not spinning any kind of narrative. Your words describe you perfectly well.

And I'm really curious how these immigrants get $4k a month. Please explain how that works. What programs do they get checks from?

CalFresh provides up to $281 a month for food and is incredibly difficult to receive
CalWorks provides up to $779 a month in cash assistance and is temporary

Combined that is up to $1060 a month, which is nowhere near $4k and is also reduced dollar for dollar for people with any income. And you have to be a legal immigrant to receive.
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You literally said that inner city minority kid's families have no work ethic and are the problem and that is some kind of Democrat narrative? Not spinning any kind of narrative. Your words describe you perfectly well.

And I'm really curious how these immigrants get $4k a month. Please explain how that works. What programs do they get checks from?

CalFresh provides up to $281 a month for food and is incredibly difficult to receive
CalWorks provides up to $779 a month in cash assistance and is temporary

Combined that is up to $1060 a month, which is nowhere near $4k and is also reduced dollar for dollar for people with any income. And you have to be a legal immigrant to receive.
First, "Not spinning any kind of narrative", is not a sentence so I'm not positive what you're saying.
I made two separate statements. Thus the period ending each. I am pasting what I actually said here:
1) "Spoiled, lazy ass, entitled Americans is our problem."
This refers to the brain dead, telephone worshiping, internet addicted Americans born approximately from 1990 on who (not all but as a general group) are the most physically weak, obese and out of shape and also test poorer than any before them in practical education (reading, writing and arithmetic). They, more than any before them, lack motivation and determination to succeed as individuals and want or feel that they should have the trappings of success without the work required to earn it. The problem exists across all racial groups in this country.
2) "Inner city minority kids with no job skills, no education and no example of success through work ethic in their family is our problem."
Mostly this is black kids but certainly not exclusively and I never said it was (as much as you would try to twist the words). We now have thousands upon thousands of one parent families in our inner cities with that parent having never held a job which paid enough to support themselves plus their children. The children in that family see that and too many conclude that working is not worth it because it leads nowhere. So, they grow up with no work ethic. In fact it is an anti-work ethic.
If we do not stop this trend, what comes in a few more years is much worse. I was under cover in St, Croix, USVI and, just because I was there for several months, saw the shocking result of a 3rd generation welfare society. It is a devastating plunge into hopelessness and criminal endeavor. It will be much, much worse in this country if it is not remedied.
As I said earlier, the democRATs do not want it remedied because they use those impoverished people to maintain their power. Less poverty, less democRAT votes. It is that simple.
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Doesn't matter if something is deemed illegal, there is no accountability in DC, and they will do whatever the hell they want law be damned. There is no one to enforce the law in this country.
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politics are always sensitive (especially on the internet). I have come around on this border issue to have a different POV

Initially I was pissed all these folks are streaming across our border. I fully supported Trump's politics in this regard.

Now, I have a different view. I think we need a revamped immigration policy and we do need some of these folks. Do I want an open border: NO!!! However we do need immigrants. Our population would be on the decline without immigrants. Look at the current unemployment rate. Go visit a company looking to hire hourly employees? There aren't enough of them......

The baby boomer generation ( our largest) is in the process of retiring and we need more workers in this country. Having more babies from US citizens is great, but that takes 2 decades to impact the workforce. We need solutions now to help our industry. If we are truly going to pursue this "on-shoring" of industrial manufacturing, we need more workers. PERIOD
I agree but the immigrates should be vetted before entering our country. This is a damn invasion.
"Note: ... The data for 2013 and beyond reflect the implementation of the redesigned income questions"

What a bunch of CYA bullshit by the swamp!
You just gobble it up.
So you’re saying poverty hasn’t fallen because they changed the survey questions in 2013 to address the implementation of Obamacare on healthcare costs? And conservatives wonder why the Fox News hosts think they are stupid…
So you’re saying poverty hasn’t fallen because they changed the survey questions in 2013 to address the implementation of Obamacare on healthcare costs? And conservatives wonder why the Fox News hosts think they are stupid…
I am actually saying that if you believe poverty has fallen in this country then your koolaid has been spiked.
Unemployment went down too ... when Obama started striking off those who gave up looking for work.
CYA moves in the swamp are for people like you who just gobble it up.
Now quote me some government statistic which claims I am wrong,😂
But for heaven sake don't look around on the streets of LA or NYC or Chicago. Just believe the gospel according to MSDNC.