Is the Biden Mental Acuity scandal the biggest political coverup in US history?

Let’s see, who all is complicit? The Democratic party, the media, his physician, his family, and I guess John’s Hopkins leadership as a whole.

What a sick thing to do this great Republic and its citizens. And yeah, I said Republic. If I left anyone out please add it in the thread.
Pretty fair question because the difference between this and Nixon is that the media did not cover for Nixon.
Pretty fair question because the difference between this and Nixon is that the media did not cover for Nixon.
Nixon committed far less than Biden's crimes, not to diminish his breaking the law by the way.
He makes Nixon look like a boy scout that cheated on a test.
Biden has committed crimes against Humanity! He is a swindler, pedophile, Liar, cheat, and an arrogant POS!
Let’s see, who all is complicit? The Democratic party, the media, his physician, his family, and I guess John’s Hopkins leadership as a whole.

What a sick thing to do this great Republic and its citizens. And yeah, I said Republic. If I left anyone out please add it in the thread.
I see it as just a giant example of democrats’ unfitness to govern. They have given us 4 years of Biden with his unrestrained spending and DEI/woke nonsense, and now they want to saddle us with a nonfunctional retard for another four years. Everything dems touch turns to 💩.
Pretty fair question because the difference between this and Nixon is that the media did not cover for Nixon.
Nixon was 100% taken out by the deep state. Deep throat was an FBI asset at WaPo and drove the entire narrative. The Agnew for Ford replacement was orchestrated by many of the same individuals who were in Dallas in 1963. Hell Ford was even on the Warren coverup commission and was rewarded. Same people were also responsible for the Watergate break-in.
I see it as just a giant example of democrats’ unfitness to govern. They have given us 4 years of Biden with his unrestrained spending and DEI/woke nonsense, and now they want to saddle us with a nonfunctional retard for another four years. Everything dems touch turns to 💩.
Sounds like they’re gonna substitute The Blow Job Queen for the Nonfunctional Retard. o_O
Woodrow Wilson had a stroke in 1919 and was completely out of commission more so than Biden,...Judith Wilson (surprise,surprise) the wife of Woodrow and his personal doctor kept it a secret for almost 2 years,...he was never replaced while in charge,...and while the 25th amendment exists and came into being in 1960s,'s a difficult execution because you will have the wife, son, doctor of the hypothetical president always cheer them on,..the 25th amendment only becomes viable if a president ever becomes a complete human vegetable to where ones inner circle must completely capitulate,...but if they can still walk and half garble from a teleprompter, it's hard to execute the 25th amendment
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No. The Supreme Court being trumps lackey and granting partial immunity is.
In case you didn’t notice our presidents of the past have always had implied immunity. And once politicians were out of office the current office holder didn’t pursue legal action against them in order to keep us from becoming a banana republic. Example - Hillary Clinton. Those days are over now. You Dems are going to wish you never let that genie out of the bottle.
Let’s see, who all is complicit? The Democratic party, the media, his physician, his family, and I guess John’s Hopkins leadership as a whole.

What a sick thing to do this great Republic and its citizens. And yeah, I said Republic. If I left anyone out please add it in the thread.
There was this thing back in the 70's where the POTUS resigned. Can't remember the name of it right off. Water World? No, that's not it. Stargate? No. It'll come to me in a bit.
Woodrow Wilson had a stroke in 1919 and was completely out of commission more so than Biden,...Judith Wilson (surprise,surprise) the wife of Woodrow and his personal doctor kept it a secret for almost 2 years,...he was never replaced while in charge,...and while the 25th amendment exists and came into being in 1960s,'s a difficult execution because you will have the wife, son, doctor of the hypothetical president always cheer them on,..the 25th amendment only becomes viable if a president ever becomes a complete human vegetable to where ones inner circle must completely capitulate,...but if they can still walk and half garble from a teleprompter, it's hard to execute the 25th amendment
The truth is we know more than we have ever known about what's going on behind the scenes. Do we know much? No. But it's still a lot more than before. FDR wasn't doing very much the last months before he passed away.