James Edward Oglethorpe established Georgia as a Brit penal colony


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
And much if not most Scot Irish immigation to the American south was slavery based. The British government would clear out the prisons haul the poor devils to American ports and auction off the prisoners to plantation owners. Whites, especially in the south have just not made a habit of screaming their shortcomings are due to being brought here as slaves. Most were somewhat ashamed of it and tried to move past it and deny it. Brits also shipped Scot Irish rebellion detainees from their native lands here and later to Australia after the American Revolution. Which was the FIRST CIVIL WAR in AMERICA! It was fought between those better off folks who were loyal to the crown and the Scot Irish who came here as slaves and many still were. The British government interceded on behalf of the loyalists. Funny how we change history to fit our wishes.

The French also used Louisiana as a penal colony. Dumping and auctioning prisoners into the swamps where the plantation owners were desperate for workers.
And much if not most Scot Irish immigation to the American south was slavery based. The British government would clear out the prisons haul the poor devils to American ports and auction off the prisoners to plantation owners. Whites, especially in the south have just not made a habit of screaming their shortcomings are due to being brought here as slaves. Most were somewhat ashamed of it and tried to move past it and deny it. Brits also shipped Scot Irish rebellion detainees from their native lands here and later to Australia after the American Revolution. Which was the FIRST CIVIL WAR in AMERICA! It was fought between those better off folks who were loyal to the crown and the Scot Irish who came here as slaves and many still were. The British government interceded on behalf of the loyalists. Funny how we change history to fit our wishes.

The French also used Louisiana as a penal colony. Dumping and auctioning prisoners into the swamps where the plantation owners were desperate for workers.

We as oppressed white men have carried this burden by being successful and helping others. It is not PC to remind the left that all races or creeds have been at some point enslaved or oppressed. The US was made great by men who took chances and realized their dreams with hard work and dedication.
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According Kenneth Coleman and his, "A History of Georgia", second edition, the first voyage was made up of tradesmen, businessmen, and a few unemployed. A screening process actually eliminated released debtors.
We as oppressed white men have carried this burden by being successful and helping others. It is not PC to remind the left that all races or creeds have been at some point enslaved or oppressed. The US was made great by men who took chances and realized their dreams with hard work and dedication.

Yes, those poor, downtrodden, oppressed white men!
White, brown, tan it didn't matter pug, they were the lowest of the low in the society they came from and arrived here as slaves, literally. Your close minded look at history is strangely typical of some sort of agenda that in your dark view, trumps all. The Scots and Irish made up most of those poor wretches but there were others as well.

Until fairly recent times there were still overtones of hatred toward the English in some quarters of the south. A significant part of the reluctance to enter WW11 and the isolationist movement here was hangover from hatred of the British. But at the end of the day even though we regarded them as SOB's they were still our SOB's. Tribal feelings. Many people are surprised to find out that what we call the civil war was actually the second civil war in America. The first was what we now call The Revolutionary War, which it was, a revolution of the lower classes in America by those who were the downtrodden and ex and even current slaves of the gentry, mostly English, in America. That was a horror filled war, especially in the south where the rebels were largely Scot/Irish underclass. When the rebels won some of the fights, particularly in South Carolina there was mass murder afterward, not of the Brit soldiers but of the loyalists gentry fighting with them and being protected by them.

If you have interest in educating yourself so as to gain a better understanding of that of which you clearly have no idea of or have no interest in knowing as it refutes some sort of agenda you may cling too, the information is readily available. If interested a quick and incomplete story is on the Daily KOS (you'll like that) called "The Slaves Time Forgot"

BTW, it wasn't just the English who used the New World as a penal colony and used the underclass and the poor to forcibly colonize. The French couldn't of course find many to volunteer to go to the swamps of Louisiana even though many French Acadians from Canada did accept land grants, so they used prisoners to populate that area. Most of them enslaved. And many more parts of the world.
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And much if not most Scot Irish immigation to the American south was slavery based.

Incorrect or Myth: "Though Oglethorpe and others wanted debtors' prisoners to inhabit the new colony of Georgia, the Crown determined otherwise. The Colony would become a military buffer for South Carolina against the Spanish and some Creek factions. Each of the new "Georgians" was chosen for their work skills, which would best contribute to the colony. The men were trained and made members of the militia for the defense of Georgia and South Carolina. Most of the 114 Oglethorpe settlers included wives, children and servants."

In fact Oglethorpe, as embodied by his famous "plan", was staunchly opposed to slavery and believed in social / economic equality while envisioning an agrarian colony. There's is a also massive difference between released debtor prisoners flooding London due to abhorrent Brit prison conditions and "slaves" or Scots-Irish riffraff as you state. Mine was a Scottish sea captain... anything but as you describe. Needless to say others had different ideas re slavery but your statements re Oglethorpe are flawed.
White, brown, tan it didn't matter pug, they were the lowest of the low in the society they came from and arrived here as slaves, literally. Your close minded look at history is strangely typical of some sort of agenda that in your dark view, trumps all. The Scots and Irish made up most of those poor wretches but there were others as well.

Until fairly recent times there were still overtones of hatred toward the English in some quarters of the south. A significant part of the reluctance to enter WW11 and the isolationist movement here was hangover from hatred of the British. But at the end of the day even though we regarded them as SOB's they were still our SOB's. Tribal feelings. Many people are surprised to find out that what we call the civil war was actually the second civil war in America. The first was what we now call The Revolutionary War, which it was, a revolution of the lower classes in America by those who were the downtrodden and ex and even current slaves of the gentry, mostly English, in America. That was a horror filled war, especially in the south where the rebels were largely Scot/Irish underclass. When the rebels won some of the fights, particularly in South Carolina there was mass murder afterward, not of the Brit soldiers but of the loyalists gentry fighting with them and being protected by them.

If you have interest in educating yourself so as to gain a better understanding of that of which you clearly have no idea of or have no interest in knowing as it refutes some sort of agenda you may cling too, the information is readily available. If interested a quick and incomplete story is on the Daily KOS (you'll like that) called "The Slaves Time Forgot"

BTW, it wasn't just the English who used the New World as a penal colony and used the underclass and the poor to forcibly colonize. The French couldn't of course find many to volunteer to go to the swamps of Louisiana even though many French Acadians from Canada did accept land grants, so they used prisoners to populate that area. Most of them enslaved. And many more parts of the world.
Usually when some nimrod says 'educate yourself'. They usually mean Google search, followed by some link or reference to an opinion piece that references a whole lot of other opinion pieces

You haven't educated yourself , you're not smart enough to do that .... You've deluded yourself into believing you know more than the mainstream

Go smoke another bone
LOL @ your self imposed blind eye to historical fact. Again e-d-u-c-a-t-e your self. Little hint: even a freaking idiot can find a public library of significance. Simply go in and ask for any accounting of 1600's Irish migration to America and pay particular attention to indentured Irish immigrants. It would likely be too much to ask one of you shiftless broke hanger ons to go by Barnes and Nobles and buy a historical publication.

Look I understand you little sissy leftists are feeling empowered by recent events which allowed you to pizz away your lives smoking dope while living off welfare and marrying your boyfriend and getting your spouse signed up for benefits as well. It's understandable you hate yourself, dodging responsibility, never serving in the military and living off others. So many of you little losers do that anymore, feeling like someone owes you something but you don't have to be ignorant. So get started. Doesn't mean you'll ever be a real man but it's a start toward being accountable.
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LOL @ your self imposed blind eye to historical fact. Again e-d-u-c-a-t-e your self. Little hint: even a freaking idiot can find a public library of significance. Simply go in and ask for any accounting of 1600's Irish migration to America and pay particular attention to indentured Irish immigrants. It would likely be too much to ask one of you shiftless broke hanger ons to go by Barnes and Nobles and buy a historical publication.

Look I understand you little sissy leftists are feeling empowered by recent events which allowed you to pizz away your lives smoking dope while living off welfare and marrying your boyfriend and getting your spouse signed up for benefits as well. It's understandable you hate yourself, dodging responsibility, never serving in the military and living off others. So many of you little losers do that anymore, feeling like someone owes you something but you don't have to be ignorant. So get started. Doesn't mean you'll ever be a real man but it's a start toward being accountable.
Whew, some on this board have been served! lol!
LOL @ your self imposed blind eye to historical fact. Again e-d-u-c-a-t-e your self. Little hint: even a freaking idiot can find a public library of significance. Simply go in and ask for any accounting of 1600's Irish migration to America and pay particular attention to indentured Irish immigrants. It would likely be too much to ask one of you shiftless broke hanger ons to go by Barnes and Nobles and buy a historical publication.

Look I understand you little sissy leftists are feeling empowered by recent events which allowed you to pizz away your lives smoking dope while living off welfare and marrying your boyfriend and getting your spouse signed up for benefits as well. It's understandable you hate yourself, dodging responsibility, never serving in the military and living off others. So many of you little losers do that anymore, feeling like someone owes you something but you don't have to be ignorant. So get started. Doesn't mean you'll ever be a real man but it's a start toward being accountable.
You sure do have your life view packaged up and ready to spew , regardless of the target or your complete lack of understanding of what a fact is

I have to say....I've seen better posts on a silt fence
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Awe did I hurt your feelings. Not to worry. Borrow mommie's credit card and go rent yourself a cute little blue Prius and head off to Pensacola Bch for Labor Day weekend. Maybe you'll get lucky and find your own little swimmer.
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Incorrect or Myth: "Though Oglethorpe and others wanted debtors' prisoners to inhabit the new colony of Georgia, the Crown determined otherwise. The Colony would become a military buffer for South Carolina against the Spanish and some Creek factions. Each of the new "Georgians" was chosen for their work skills, which would best contribute to the colony. The men were trained and made members of the militia for the defense of Georgia and South Carolina. Most of the 114 Oglethorpe settlers included wives, children and servants."

In fact Oglethorpe, as embodied by his famous "plan", was staunchly opposed to slavery and believed in social / economic equality while envisioning an agrarian colony. There's is a also massive difference between released debtor prisoners flooding London due to abhorrent Brit prison conditions and "slaves" or Scots-Irish riffraff as you state. Mine was a Scottish sea captain... anything but as you describe. Needless to say others had different ideas re slavery but your statements re Oglethorpe are flawed.

The anti-slavery era was very short in Georgia history, 1735-1751.
Usually when some nimrod says 'educate yourself'. They usually mean Google search, followed by some link or reference to an opinion piece that references a whole lot of other opinion pieces

You haven't educated yourself , you're not smart enough to do that .... You've deluded yourself into believing you know more than the mainstream

Go smoke another bone

Anthony Johnson, a black Angolan, purchased the first black slave in America. Slavery prior to that was blind to race. But he bought the first black, back in the 1600's, when it was legally allowed to purchase from the black slave traders.

It was also an indentured servitude. You were bought, worked for so many years, then freed.

It is as easy as what CJP did with IPF.
According Kenneth Coleman and his, "A History of Georgia", second edition, the first voyage was made up of tradesmen, businessmen, and a few unemployed. A screening process actually eliminated released debtors.

This is the real story, Georgia was never a slave colony. That myth was born from JO's long fight for prison reform and his original ideas when lobbying for a charter from King George.
In fact there were no prisoners among the first settlers.
The plan had evolved by 1732 and the colony was meant to be slave and class free, a type of early socialist experiment. African slaves from SC and militia did most of the first clearing and building though. All houses were built to identical specs on standard sized lots. The wonderful squares we see today in Old Savannah were laid out to JO's specifications.
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