Joe Biden just knocked it out of the park.....


Gold Member
Jan 24, 2003
a great acceptance speech, perfectly delineating between light and darkness (Trumpism, White supremacy, cronyism, dishonesty, fraud, dysfunctional government). All of you good old boys and ignorant Trump supporters get ready for a whoopin’ Nov. 3!
a great acceptance speech, perfectly delineating between light and darkness (Trumpism, White supremacy, cronyism, dishonesty, fraud, dysfunctional government). All of you good old boys and ignorant Trump supporters get ready for a whoopin’ Nov. 3!
Biden has always been a political fraud. Follows the political winds in his party. Now it’s socialism. The Biden I knew was a moderate. His party is left of left now. Sad and scary for all of us.
a great acceptance speech, perfectly delineating between light and darkness (Trumpism, White supremacy, cronyism, dishonesty, fraud, dysfunctional government). All of you good old boys and ignorant Trump supporters get ready for a whoopin’ Nov. 3!

You got all that from a career politician?

What about taxes, strong military, city and border security?

What about freedom of speech, expression?

What about seeing people as citizens, and motivating them to use our system of economy to build independent and self sufficient lives?

Career politicians creating massive levels of government control is the enemy to our Constitution and our country as a whole. It cheapens the value of our citizenship.

With all the Biden supporters burning down cities, and killing born babies, please define your idea of darkness. Would like to figure that one out.
a great acceptance speech, perfectly delineating between light and darkness (Trumpism, White supremacy, cronyism, dishonesty, fraud, dysfunctional government). All of you good old boys and ignorant Trump supporters get ready for a whoopin’ Nov. 3!
Your right, he did. He knocked it out of a peewee field off a tee with a huge fungo. How about when he is getting nasty curves and change ups with a stick to swing?
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Didn’t hit out of the park for me because I didn’t watch . Viewership was down for the DNC . So not many people watch .

also it’s funny to hear Biden talk about dishonesty, fraud when during the Obama administration they spy on Trump and the you have the Hunter Biden stuff . Also Biden been in DC for 40 years . Our problems didn’t start with 4 years of Trump . You also won’t see the DNC unite with support of police and Military.

I think I just rob Biden of his “ homerun “
I can read a prepared speech with the best of them too but that doesn’t erase ones past.
But that’s the thing right there. The Trump campaign has placed a huge bet on Biden’s lack of mental acuity. That was just blown out of the water. In the meantime you have Trump talking about places such as “Thighland” and “Yo-semite”.

The DNC has been planning for a virtual convention since April and even Fox News is admiting they mostly pulled it off. The GOP has had about a month to organize a very challenging event to stage. Next week could be brutal for the President’s chances. One thing we can say for sure, this week was very tough for DJT.
But that’s the thing right there. The Trump campaign has placed a huge bet on Biden’s lack of mental acuity. That was just blown out of the water. In the meantime you have Trump talking about places such as “Thighland” and “Yo-semite”.

The DNC has been planning for a virtual convention since April and even Fox News is admiting they mostly pulled it off. The GOP has had about a month to organize a very challenging event to stage. Next week could be brutal for the President’s chances. One thing we can say for sure, this week was very tough for DJT.
So they planned their jokes since April? I’d hate to see them come up with a joke on the fly!
Darkness huh? Did he condemn the black clad rioters that operate behind dark mask under the cover of darkness? Did he equate record jobs among minorities to darkness. Was shaking down foreign officials to stop investigating his son's benefactor an example of the light he wants to bring to DC? Is running a campaign from his basement and refusing to answer questions an example of honest, competent and open government.

In case you haven't noticed, Trump is constantly in front of media, hostile and friendly, and nobody is wondering about where he and his Veep stand on issues. So sure, Biden may have looked awake and read some sweet sounding bs in a controlled environment but he will be drooling in his oatmeal by November. We have a life long boob and a chick not even dems like running on the Dem ticket. Yeah, they are going to knock it right out of the park.
Let’s face it like these talking heads on CNN and MSNBC and Chris Wallace will say Biden bomb has t .

I’m calling it now , Chris Wallace will find something negative to say about every RNC speaker and Trump speech . Same thing with the other network heads . Because it’s predictable.
But that’s the thing right there. The Trump campaign has placed a huge bet on Biden’s lack of mental acuity. That was just blown out of the water. In the meantime you have Trump talking about places such as “Thighland” and “Yo-semite”.

The DNC has been planning for a virtual convention since April and even Fox News is admiting they mostly pulled it off. The GOP has had about a month to organize a very challenging event to stage. Next week could be brutal for the President’s chances. One thing we can say for sure, this week was very tough for DJT.

yeah I won’t argue that point, but one speech, well thought and prepared for one thing and one thing only, votes, doesn’t make the man. He has a book of work that says he will be a very bad choice for the future of this country. Trump can be argued is a giant dipshit but his policies have strengthened this country.
a great acceptance speech, perfectly delineating between light and darkness (Trumpism, White supremacy, cronyism, dishonesty, fraud, dysfunctional government). All of you good old boys and ignorant Trump supporters get ready for a whoopin’ Nov. 3!
That was a foul tip bunt off of his foot that bounced up and hit him in the chin.

That was just empty promises that make his base happy
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DNC strategy overall is lock step with Joseph Goebbels. Repeat a lie often enough and people start to believe it. Dem goal is to ostracize conservatives and make them seem like the plaque of the country. Next step, gun confiscation, unemployment and property seizure. Redistribution of wealth. It’s all part of the Nazi playbook.
a great acceptance speech, perfectly delineating between light and darkness (Trumpism, White supremacy, cronyism, dishonesty, fraud, dysfunctional government). All of you good old boys and ignorant Trump supporters get ready for a whoopin’ Nov. 3!
All these democratic career politicians who have been in Washington for DECADES are now blaming Trump for their incompetent polices. Why hasn’t Alzheimer’s Joe solved these problems in his 44 years?? The answer is that HE IS the problem. He never made a private dollar in his life.
I’m sure they had old Joe juiced with Adderall, so that he could get through his prepared speech. Let’s see how he does when he has to talk off-script.
DJT has been rumored to hit the Adderall for years now. The problem is it isn't working anymore.
a great acceptance speech, perfectly delineating between light and darkness (Trumpism, White supremacy, cronyism, dishonesty, fraud, dysfunctional government). All of you good old boys and ignorant Trump supporters get ready for a whoopin’ Nov. 3!

And if he wins I will be a man (unlike some cry babies on here) and support the president.
a great acceptance speech, perfectly delineating between light and darkness (Trumpism, White supremacy, cronyism, dishonesty, fraud, dysfunctional government). All of you good old boys and ignorant Trump supporters get ready for a whoopin’ Nov. 3!
Biden will get a pop in the polls. RNC is next week, so my guess is that his bounce will be short lived. It is funny how some educated people support political candidates based on personalities and the cocktail party circuit. Clearly the Democrats have taken a hard left turn that will only lead to economic destruction. I'm sure you are smart enough to understand that. I'm not so much a Trump supporter as someone who supports freedom and I don't like what I see around the corner from the donkeys.
a great acceptance speech, perfectly delineating between light and darkness (Trumpism, White supremacy, cronyism, dishonesty, fraud, dysfunctional government). All of you good old boys and ignorant Trump supporters get ready for a whoopin’ Nov. 3!
Cronisym, Fraud, Dysfunctional Govt.....sounds like 8 years of Obama/Biden to me....keep bloviating....please be here on Nov.4th to take your bite of the big old Dookey sandwich that will be waiting on you and your Clown Posse....
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Can you support
And if he wins I will be a man (unlike some cry babies on here) and support the president.

Can you support socialism with ,a stripped military, reduced police protection ,open borders , and the destruction of our energy sector ? I couldn't , no matter what party was in power !!
Biden will get a pop in the polls. RNC is next week, so my guess is that his bounce will be short lived. It is funny how some educated people support political candidates based on personalities and the cocktail party circuit. Clearly the Democrats have taken a hard left turn that will only lead to economic destruction. I'm sure you are smart enough to understand that. I'm not so much a Trump supporter as someone who supports freedom and I don't like what I see around the corner from the donkeys.
You are generous with the "smart" assumption...
a great acceptance speech, perfectly delineating between light and darkness (Trumpism, White supremacy, cronyism, dishonesty, fraud, dysfunctional government). All of you good old boys and ignorant Trump supporters get ready for a whoopin’ Nov. 3!

LMAO he won't leave his basement. He won't take unscripted questions. He has dementia. He is an empty vessel. He won't ever be president. Thank God.
All these democratic career politicians who have been in Washington for DECADES are now blaming Trump for their incompetent polices. Why hasn’t Alzheimer’s Joe solved these problems in his 44 years?? The answer is that HE IS the problem. He never made a private dollar in his life.
He sure is good at extorting $$$ out of Foreign countries though....
a great acceptance speech, perfectly delineating between light and darkness (Trumpism, White supremacy, cronyism, dishonesty, fraud, dysfunctional government). All of you good old boys and ignorant Trump supporters get ready for a whoopin’ Nov. 3!

The DNC ratings are down 50%. There is ZERO enthusiasm for Lying Biden. The good thing is he probably does not even know he's running for president so it won't hurt him too bad when he loses. Plus since he extorted other countries so well when he still had his right mind he has plenty of money to retire on.
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Can you support

Can you support socialism with ,a stripped military, reduced police protection ,open borders , and the destruction of our energy sector ? I couldn't , no matter what party was in power !!

I sure won't go cry about it, riot and destroy property and do what the radicals are doing now. I was raised to ALWAYS do my best and support the president no matter if it's who I voted for or not. That doesn't mean I'll agree with what they do but he will be our president for 4 years if he wins so we better learn to deal with it
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a great acceptance speech, perfectly delineating between light and darkness (Trumpism, White supremacy, cronyism, dishonesty, fraud, dysfunctional government). All of you good old boys and ignorant Trump supporters get ready for a whoopin’ Nov. 3!

You have no idea the darkness that is the leftist party....

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