Kamala does not want to debate Trump…


Diehard supporter
Jan 17, 2020
Her intention is to ride out the last few months taking little to no questions and only then from “friendly” media. It’s a gamble. While it protects her from making mistakes or trying to defend how she now sounds like a GOP candidate instead of a Dem, I think many undecided voters will be turned off by her Jekyll and Hyde routine.
It speaks volumes that her side is now requesting an open mic, sit behind a desk and have notes. They knew Trumps campaign would balk and instead of defending their new requirements, they instead want the public to think Trump can’t handle her in a debate.
It all comes down to them hoping for a showdown between a frustrated Trump and a strong woman telling him that it’s her time to speak. Just like her VP debate with Pence, using the opportunity to look strong and make the man look sexist if they try to shut her down on an issue.
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Her intention is to ride out the last few months taking little to no questions and only then from “friendly” media. It’s a gamble. While it protects her from making mistakes or trying to defend how she now sounds like a GOP candidate instead of a Dem, I think many undecided voters will be turned off by her Jekyll and Hyde routine.
It speaks volumes that her side is now requesting an open mic, sit behind a desk and have notes. They knew Trumps campaign would balk and instead of defending their new requirements, they instead want the public to think Trump can’t handle her in a debate.
It all comes down to them hoping for a showdown between a frustrated Trump and a strong woman telling him that it’s her time to speak. Just like her VP debate with Pence, using the opportunity to look strong and make the man look sexist if they try to shut her down on an issue.
Yall are really falling right into briar patch. They will debate and she will have zero expectation
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My comment was my clumsy attempt to call Kamala the bre’er rabbit. She wants yall to keep calling her an idiot. It just makes her job easier.
I didn’t call her an idiot, in fact she is a very shrewd politician. I’m just saying that her strategy is risky for undecided voters.
She needs to answer why her position on so many issues that are important to the average voter has changed almost 180 degrees since 2019. The question remains whether or not Trump can get her to stumble in the debate without coming across as a sexist, which is what her campaign is betting on.
I didn’t call her an idiot, in fact she is a very shrewd politician. I’m just saying that her strategy is risky for undecided voters.
She needs to answer why her position on so many issues that are important to the average voter has changed almost 180 degrees since 2019. The question remains whether or not Trump can get her to stumble in the debate without coming across as a sexist, which is what her campaign is betting on.
So many politicians shift their positions after the primary (you are quoting her from the 2020 primary). Trump is not immune to this.
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So many politicians shift their positions after the primary (you are quoting her from the 2020 primary). Trump is not immune to this.
You really think she is a moderate?
I’m just shocked that the far left is not screaming at some of her positions now on Israel, the border, etc.
If she has truly changed, face the media and explain it.
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You really think she is a moderate?
I’m just shocked that the far left is not screaming at some of her positions now on Israel, the border, etc.
If she has truly changed, face the media and explain it.
She is the daughter of a Marxist, has held marxist views, expressed an economic policy right out of marxist 101 class, she was and is a marxist, but the lefties do not care. She isn't trump is all that matters to the kamala "males". Very soft and get their feelings hurt easily.
Her intention is to ride out the last few months taking little to no questions and only then from “friendly” media. It’s a gamble. While it protects her from making mistakes or trying to defend how she now sounds like a GOP candidate instead of a Dem, I think many undecided voters will be turned off by her Jekyll and Hyde routine.
It speaks volumes that her side is now requesting an open mic, sit behind a desk and have notes. They knew Trumps campaign would balk and instead of defending their new requirements, they instead want the public to think Trump can’t handle her in a debate.
It all comes down to them hoping for a showdown between a frustrated Trump and a strong woman telling him that it’s her time to speak. Just like her VP debate with Pence, using the opportunity to look strong and make the man look sexist if they try to shut her down on an issue.
Trying to get out it every way she can..even though she’s going on her friendly biased best friend’s
She will call him a racist before the campaign is over.

She called Biden a racist.

Biden called Trump a racist.

The race card will be can count on it.
Did Trump play the race card when he repeatedly insisted that Harris, the woman with the black father who attended Howard University, only recently decided she was black? Or is this a one-way race card kind of a thing?
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Did Trump play the race card when he repeatedly insisted that Harris, the woman with the black father who attended Howard University, only recently decided she was black? Or is this a one-way race card kind of a thing?
Funny how blacks loved Trump b4 he got into politics. They loved him as a Dem and of course they loved his money.
Did Trump play the race card when he repeatedly insisted that Harris, the woman with the black father who attended Howard University, only recently decided she was black? Or is this a one-way race card kind of a thing?
You do realize that up until just a few years ago Kamala was touted as being of Indian heritage? She “became” a black politician when it became beneficial to her career.
Her intention is to ride out the last few months taking little to no questions and only then from “friendly” media. It’s a gamble. While it protects her from making mistakes or trying to defend how she now sounds like a GOP candidate instead of a Dem, I think many undecided voters will be turned off by her Jekyll and Hyde routine.
It speaks volumes that her side is now requesting an open mic, sit behind a desk and have notes. They knew Trumps campaign would balk and instead of defending their new requirements, they instead want the public to think Trump can’t handle her in a debate.
It all comes down to them hoping for a showdown between a frustrated Trump and a strong woman telling him that it’s her time to speak. Just like her VP debate with Pence, using the opportunity to look strong and make the man look sexist if they try to shut her down on an issue.
The open mic is exactly like you said. Seated behind a desk to minimize the height disparity. They want to use notes because Harris gets in trouble when she goes off script.
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You do realize that up until just a few years ago Kamala was touted as being of Indian heritage? She “became” a black politician when it became beneficial to her career.
That’s just simply not true at all. Do you believe this becoase it’s what Trump has said, or based on some other information?

Throughout her career, she has discussed being of mixed black and Indian heritage. In 2005, she gave a speech at Howard, the HBCU where she attended and graduated in the early ‘80s, discussing how the school shaped her as a black woman.

As both SF DA and State of California DA she focused on her experiences as a person of mixed heritage and how it impacted her approach to both jobs. Unsurprisingly, it was an important part of her campaigns.

Her interview by the SF Chronicle in 2008 was significantly focused on her experiences as a mixed race person.

her 2016 senate campaign repeatedly featured her heritage as both Asian and black. She even discussed t during her speech at the 2016 DNC.

So Trump is lying about this as he lies about so much and yes, a white guy attempting to tell a minority woman how she can refer to her own racial identity is an act deeply rooted in our racist past.
Imagine a presidential candidate having zero expectation in a debate. Woman is lost and will set this country back a long way. If you vote for Kamala Harris, you hate our country.
Interesting that you bring up debates. Trump used his debate against Biden to instruct the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by”. These are the same Proud Boys that were found guilty of sedition and are serving decades in prison for their role leading up to and during J6. This was part of the effort by Trump to thwart the will of the people and stay in office.

So when you say a vote for Harris means you hate your country, it’s difficult to understand how you could possibly reach that conclusion unless you believe that our 250 year history as a representative republic means nothing.

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So many politicians shift their positions after the primary (you are quoting her from the 2020 primary). Trump is not immune to this.
This isn't running to the middle like all pols tend to do in a general. This is a complete remake of what was considered the most liberal senator, an ineffective VP that swore Biden was fit and the border was secure while having a history in public life of being far left. This remake is also occurring without her verbalizing her new positions. JD Vance went on a less than sycophantic media outlet and explained why his position on Trump changed but Harris hasn't explained why she's selling a complete 180 from her previous voting record as well as stated policy positions.

Iows, I think I could sell you an ocean view in AZ if you think she'll govern like a moderate. KH's campaign is what it would look like if Bernie came out running on a Reagan platform.
This isn't running to the middle like all pols tend to do in a general. This is a complete remake of what was considered the most liberal senator, an ineffective VP that swore Biden was fit and the border was secure while having a history in public life of being far left. This remake is also occurring without her verbalizing her new positions. JD Vance went on a less than sycophantic media outlet and explained why his position on Trump changed but Harris hasn't explained why she's selling a complete 180 from her previous voting record as well as stated policy positions. Iows, I think I could sell you an ocean view in AZ if you think she'll govern like a moderate.
See you lose me when you say “the most liberal Senator” because 1) the GOP trots this out there every single presidential cycle- John Kerry, Barack Obama. 2) Does anyone actually believe she is more liberal than Warren or Bernie? Or Tammy Baldwin? Or Ed Markey? Or Jeff Merkley? Or countless others? 3) See I’m old enough to remember when she was decried as a “cop.” So pardon me if I don’t just fall for that line every four years for the rest of my life.
See you lose me when you say “the most liberal Senator” because 1) the GOP trots this out there every single presidential cycle- John Kerry, Barack Obama. 2) Does anyone actually believe she is more liberal than Warren or Bernie? Or Tammy Baldwin? Or Ed Markey? Or Jeff Merkley? Or countless others? 3) See I’m old enough to remember when she was decried as a “cop.” So pardon me if I don’t just fall for that line every four years for the rest of my life.
Her voting record said she was farther left than Bernie or Warren, et al so I don't think you can sell her as Joe Manchin. She has made crystal clear statements like price controls and snatching patents that are extreme in my view and if Joe Biden governed from the left, I'm betting Harris would be worse. I'm not from MO but I've always been a show me guy and KH has shown me she's a far left radical. And the kicker, she's not the one doing interviews stating her views have changed. So, I'm still about 99% certain she's a hands up don't shoot, the riots won't end and shouldn't end, patent grabbing, no private health insurance radical she's always been.
Imagine a presidential candidate having zero expectation in a debate. Woman is lost and will set this country back a long way. If you vote for Kamala Harris, you hate our country.
Not according to these Low T Libs. They would rather pay more for everything and be overrun by illegals than vote for Trump. When they get taxed into next week, I wonder if they will have remorse? I doubt it.
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See you lose me when you say “the most liberal Senator” because 1) the GOP trots this out there every single presidential cycle- John Kerry, Barack Obama. 2) Does anyone actually believe she is more liberal than Warren or Bernie? Or Tammy Baldwin? Or Ed Markey? Or Jeff Merkley? Or countless others? 3) See I’m old enough to remember when she was decried as a “cop.” So pardon me if I don’t just fall for that line every four years for the rest of my life.
In 2019 she was named the most Liberal Senator in Washington. The poll used to be out there , but once it became public, they deleted it from Govtrack. And yes, she was more Liberal than Sanders and Warren.

Harris just wants to run out the clock. That's all there is to it. Avoid any substantial discussion, or unscripted exposure, until the election. "I can't let them see how incompetent I am, until its too late"

The sad thing is, America is stupid enough to go along with it.

I'm a genius.
Take my word for it
I know I avoid interviews and talk like an airhead....but I'm really a genius.

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So many politicians shift their positions after the primary (you are quoting her from the 2020 primary). Trump is not immune to this.
True. But they are usually much more nuanced positions. When your starting point is defunding police, funding bail for criminals, “stay wokest”, eliminating private healthcare, a complete ban on fracking, etc……and then your surrogates come out and don’t just walk back all those positions but do a complete 180……after four years of an admin that won on a platform of being moderate and uniting the country only to govern from the far left and divide us……..

…..don’t you think the INCUMBENT party owes Americans an explanation for these reversals or God forbid an interview or response to tough questions?…….to maybe determine whether this is the biggest Trojan horse campaign of all time?

Vibes and Joy!!!!!
That’s just the thing. That same poll had Senator Warren as 15 spots more moderate than her. Pardon me if I believe my lying eyes.
2019 was deleted. Here are 2018 and 2020 and they arent much better.

2019 was deleted. Here are 2018 and 2020 and they arent much better.

Yeah but she holds none of those positions now. She’s gonna govern to the right of Joe Biden with joy and maximum vibe. Forward.
Did Trump play the race card when he repeatedly insisted that Harris, the woman with the black father who attended Howard University, only recently decided she was black? Or is this a one-way race card kind of a thing?
no.....but she has.
Yeah but she holds none of those positions now. She’s gonna govern to the right of Joe Biden with joy and maximum vibe. Forward.
Democratic National Convention Joy GIF by PBS News
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Her intention is to ride out the last few months taking little to no questions and only then from “friendly” media. It’s a gamble. While it protects her from making mistakes or trying to defend how she now sounds like a GOP candidate instead of a Dem, I think many undecided voters will be turned off by her Jekyll and Hyde routine.
It speaks volumes that her side is now requesting an open mic, sit behind a desk and have notes. They knew Trumps campaign would balk and instead of defending their new requirements, they instead want the public to think Trump can’t handle her in a debate.
It all comes down to them hoping for a showdown between a frustrated Trump and a strong woman telling him that it’s her time to speak. Just like her VP debate with Pence, using the opportunity to look strong and make the man look sexist if they try to shut her down on an issue.
She does want a border wall now though, you can't make it up any more. These dems have no core values. That is the scary thing about her and the entire party, they flip flop daily. Very easy to predict unless you are easily manipulated.

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Did Trump play the race card when he repeatedly insisted that Harris, the woman with the black father who attended Howard University, only recently decided she was black? Or is this a one-way race card kind of a thing?
Turnabout is fair play IMHO.
Interesting that you bring up debates. Trump used his debate against Biden to instruct the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by”. These are the same Proud Boys that were found guilty of sedition and are serving decades in prison for their role leading up to and during J6. This was part of the effort by Trump to thwart the will of the people and stay in office.

So when you say a vote for Harris means you hate your country, it’s difficult to understand how you could possibly reach that conclusion unless you believe that our 250 year history as a representative republic means nothing.

So y’all just admit that are only voting for Kamala because you hate Trump. Because she didn’t suddenly become smart and a good candidate.
So y’all just admit that are only voting for Kamala because you hate Trump. Because she didn’t suddenly become smart and a good candidate.
For such an idiot, she seems to have navigated a very challenging transition from Biden to herself quite effectively and she is currently running an effective campaign.

Beyond keeping Trump out of the WH, I am voting for:
  • reproductive rights
  • a more moderate SCOTUS
  • ongoing support for Ukraine
  • ongoing support for NATO
  • continuing growth in manufacturing jobs and investment in factories
  • LGBTQ rights
  • tax policy that addresses the unhealthy concentration of wealth amongst the top 1%, which is at levels we have not seen since the Gilded Age in the late 1800s.
Take five minutes and watch this video. Most people I have shared it with find it quite shocking. Bottom line, Trump will further the unhealthy concentration of wealth at the very top and Harris won't.

For such an idiot, she seems to have navigated a very challenging transition from Biden to herself quite effectively and she is currently running an effective campaign.

Beyond keeping Trump out of the WH, I am voting for:
  • reproductive rights
  • a more moderate SCOTUS
  • ongoing support for Ukraine
  • ongoing support for NATO
  • continuing growth in manufacturing jobs and investment in factories
  • LGBTQ rights
  • tax policy that addresses the unhealthy concentration of wealth amongst the top 1%, which is at levels we have not seen since the Gilded Age in the late 1800s.
Take five minutes and watch this video. Most people I have shared it with find it quite shocking. Bottom line, Trump will further the unhealthy concentration of wealth at the very top and Harris won't.

First of all, moderate and Kamala should not be used in the same post.

Biden has made my wallet hurt waaaaaay more than Trump did. I can promise you that if Kamala wins, your wallet will hurt way more in the next 4 years than if Trump does.

What more rights do LSBGTAQCB need that they do not currently have. They can enter the Olympics as the other gender for God sake.

The jobs created by Biden admin is a complete joke and the numbers have even fact checked to have been a lie.