Kerry is on the Sunday Talk show calling out "pubs" Iran letter. Amnesia


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
is a hell of a thing since he says he has never heard of such an outrageous thing from any group or private citizens or congressional person interfering with the WH with a foreign government in sensitive matters. Must have for gotten his trip to Paris to meet with both the Viet Cong and the South Vietnamese government over American policy and attempting to negotiate as a "veteran"....and his Dear Comandante letter to Comandante Ortega trying to negotiate shortly after he became a congressman and bypassing the Reagan WH. Even getting a commitment from Ortega to do certain things if he could get the WH to cut off support for the Conrtras whom Kerry called "terrorists"...and his under minding Bush with a letter and meeting in the middle east with Assad. The guy is a liar and a prick. What is it about Secretary of States?

This post was edited on 3/15 1:21 PM by fcpup
Kerry got a short memory. The Facebooks are on all-out outrage at the

"Treason" that the PUBs committed by writing an open letter to Iran. I mean, OUTRAGE.

Not many of them actually know what's in the letter, however. But the base is good n riled up. The base is demanding that Iran be allowed to make nuclear weapons if they feel like it. Imperial US has no right to stop them. US has been acting like Nazis by protecting the Jews.

The DEM base is something to behold. Our fellow countrymen. But don't bully them by disagreeing with them, though. That's intolerant. That wood be a lynch mob. We must accept their point of view, and allow it to prevail. Mah-jor-i-tee RULZ!!! "This is what Democracy looks like!!!" All points of view are valid now.
Hash tag somethin like 47traitors. Really. We all know the real Traitor**


This post was edited on 3/15 1:34 PM by FIELDARTILLERYDAWG

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