Bring up the fact he has threatened to run as a independent and say look at the poll numbers and there no way he will win the electoral college vote .
If he was such a republican he would know that his run as a independent would all but give the election to Hilary because George W almost lost the election because of the independent run by the run of a guy name Ralph N .
Don't sound much like a republican too me . Sounds like a man that wants to hold a party hostage and threaten the country well being :
Watch them get po
If he was such a republican he would know that his run as a independent would all but give the election to Hilary because George W almost lost the election because of the independent run by the run of a guy name Ralph N .
Don't sound much like a republican too me . Sounds like a man that wants to hold a party hostage and threaten the country well being :
Watch them get po