Let’s see what the policies are for Harris

She has to pay for her outlandish spending somehow. And she'll still need more. If the unrealized cap gains bit is actually true that is the wildest thing I've ever heard.

Meanwhile she's speaking through aides through other third party reps on very important issues. While nobody cares about investigating the validity of anything directly from her. Plausible deniability about everything. What a life to have no expectations, a president no less.

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So far
Price Controls
28% corporate tax
44.6% capital gains tax
25% tax on unrealized gains
$25,000 for first time home buyers.

This is nuts.
false re: unrealized... people are taking specific comments re: Bidens 2025 plan as a blanket endorsement apptly.
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She has to pay for her outlandish spending somehow. And she'll still need more. If the unrealized cap gains bit is actually true that is the wildest thing I've ever heard.

Meanwhile she's speaking through aides through other third party reps on very important issues. While nobody cares about investigating the validity of anything directly from her. Plausible deniability about everything. What a life to have no expectations, a president no less.

This is a good thing
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No chance in hell a tax on unrealized gains ever gets passed into law.

that can’t be real
It sure is. The bad thing is she leaks her policy positions through surrogates because she’s too stupid to tell us herself.,
Why not leak it, let's Iran know no matter who wins in November they're still F'd in the A. There should never be ambiguity with foreign policy.
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Why not tell us/ Iran herself instead of insulating herself from the public?
About many things. She’s walked back about half dozen long-held beliefs through staffers without any explanation or reasoning or questions about it. “I never said that, I don’t know which staffer did but it was inaccurate.”
Anyone voting for her needs their head examined. Policy has to matter somewhere. Holy shit! I am assuming this is real. Not doubting you. Just haven’t seen it yet
The sad thing is there are a lot of people in this country with oatmeal for brains. She is a f’ing disaster and would destroy our country. If people want four more years of Biden then go ahead and vote for her. The scary thing is though. She is more radical than he is
I didn’t think forgiving the student loans would happen but it is.
It's not real.

Harris did not endorse Biden's plan. Her plan does not have any new taxes (i.e. tax on unrealized gains)

Under Biden’s plan, a tax on unrealized gain kicked in only if you had in excess of $100M in gains that year.

must be nice.
Taxed by local municipalities to pay for the schools, police, fire dept, and other local services directly benefitting homeowners.

Apples and oranges. And appropriate.
None of which addresses the point or the discussion at hand.

Unrealized gains subject to taxation. That's the point. Has been used to force the sale of real estate by rezoning or re-appraising property and charging higher taxes.
None of which addresses the point.

Unrealized gains subject to taxation. That's the point. Has been used to force the sale of real estate by re-evaluating property and charging higher taxes to force owners to sell.
The point is that folks who try and defend taxing unsold assets / unrealized gains (aka federal government taking) point to real estate taxes as an example. And that isn’t a fair comparison. Will never happen.
It sure is. The bad thing is she leaks her policy positions through surrogates because she’s too stupid to tell us herself.,
BOOM! That just happened...........

Shake Head GIF by PAPER
The point is that folks who try and defend taxing unsold assets / unrealized gains (aka federal government taking) point to real estate taxes as an example. And that isn’t a fair comparison. Will never happen.
I understand that. It was not the point of the conversation that I was addressing with another poster.

I am not trying to defend taxing unsold assets or unrealized gains. Some government entities have used property tax shenanigans against property owners to force them out or to take other actions against their wishes. The same could easily be done with unrealized gains on other types of assets. For this reason I'm for not changing valuations until property changes hands.
What's sad is, it doesn't matter what ridiculous policies Harris proposes NOW, or how impractical they are. They sound good to the left and that's all that matters.

Promise the moon
Get elected
Blame the right for failing to deliver YOUR promise.

It's a great strategy. Nothing to lose!
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some form of price gouging law exists in ~34 states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, etc.

Price gouging as a means to protect consumers in the wake of a hurricane is one thing.

Villifying entire industries to deflect blame on your own admin's inflation record, and falsely accusing a 1.5% margin industry of price gouging, then making government control of pricing of groceries a cornerstone of your economic policy is something entirely different - displaying either:

1) a terrifying mis-understanding of how the market sets pricing, and what price controls would do up and down the supply chain, from farmers to suppliers, to employees, etc.


2) A pathetic attempt to both deflect blame towards honest businesses and away from your shitty own policies.

Watching her side attempt to defend or backtrack her terrible speech Friday is entertaining.
No chance in hell a tax on unrealized gains ever gets passed into law.

that can’t be real
How many things that are actually happening today did we all say "no way in hell" about 20 years ago.
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