LOL DJT says he wont declassify the Epstein island files because he knows some of it is fake....hes such a fraud......but some of you will

do your cult duty and vote for him anyways.....
When and where did he supposedly say this?? I saw a recent interview and he said he would declassify them as well as JFK and others. I think your info is wrong.
Epstein was found dead in Aug 2019....I think DJT was still pres or standing up there making $$$
Trump has nothing to do with that shit. But Clinton and lots of Dems will go down when Trump declassifies which he started a few days ago he WOULD declassify them when asked. Where the hell do you get your info? Try actually watching what Trump says instead of the lies from the Dem media.
This is a weird thread and really demonstrates the thinking of the left.

Incredible lack of self awareness
Random blaming of Trump for Epstein

"Trump was in office, that's all you need to know"

Does the OP really want to create that as a standard? Do you really want to play that game? Because some pretty awful things happened, during the Biden Administration.
The op mentions declassifying docs. I watched a documentary about jfk last night. I am not getting into that, but I find trump’s position on the jfk files to be incredibly fascinating.

We can all agree. Left and right. “Independent”. Trump hates the cia and fbi. They clearly hate him. When Trump was running he claimed he would be sure to declassify all of the jfk stuff. Yet somehow the fbi and cia were able to convince him not to release all of the info to the public. In the interest of national security. I am just wondering what in the hell is in there for him to allow the three letter asshats to convince him otherwise.

Seems like he gives it some thought on what he declassifies, despite evidence to the contrary
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The op mentions declassifying docs. I watched a documentary about jfk last night. I am not getting into that, but I find trump’s position on the jfk files to be incredibly fascinating.

We can all agree. Left and right. “Independent”. Trump hates the cia and fbi. They clearly hate him. When Trump was running he claimed he would be sure to declassify all of the jfk stuff. Yet somehow the fbi and cia were able to convince him not to release all of the info to the public. In the interest of national security. I am just wondering what in the hell is in there for him to allow the three letter asshats to convince him otherwise.

Seems like he gives it some thought on what he declassifies, despite evidence to the contrary
Man you are bringing up some of my favorite topics.
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Never said how I was voting.
I bet she can spell potato unlike a former R VP
He was waiting on congress to do their job and when it was clear they couldnt do anything because of MAGA and DJT he handled it
Then release the island files so they can all hang(but he says he wont now Alex Jones will cry more)
video is AI and fake and she was paid off to say that by some invisible R donor
I'm just curious as I've seen this many, many times on message boards... why is it anytime someone comes in to prop up Joe while bashing Trump and the republicans then gets pushed on how they will vote they always, always use the "never said I was voting democrat", "never said I'm a liberal", "never said how I was going to vote" line?? Why not own it?
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must be with some DJTards because he was asked about this 9/11 and the JFK files...U know all the Q stuff

Edit: but please point us to anything DJT has said he would do for any "election issue" his health care plan is 2 weeks out.....Biden is shutting down the border.....oil market is tanking so no reason to frack but if you are willing Im sure they will do it on your property. I will say abortion is an election issue and hes already f'ed that up no pun intended......
I don’t let the election stuff twist me up as you seem to be about the old orange dude.

Why should I defend Trump to you when you love lib government? You have your team and wear the jersey and that is your perogative
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I'm just curious as I've seen this many, many times on message boards... why is it anytime someone comes in to prop up Joe while bashing Trump and the republicans then gets pushed on how they will vote they always, always use the "never said I was voting democrat", "never said I'm a liberal", "never said I how I was going to vote" line?? Why not own it?
exaclty lol'
libs are scum
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SEND THIS ISH TO THE CHAT. This thread feels like a Facebook rant = leave it there please. If I am wrong = PLEASE LET ME KNOW but i would prefer this place be for UGA football, occasionally baseball, and very occasionally(lol) basketball = can we ban Trump and Biden posts?
You can post any video of Biden you want as long as you also post the times DJT made woman uncomfortable. Tit for tat.......Im not sure what you want me to say about the VP not sure any VP has done anything worth while.....

except Pence did follow the constitution and do his duty as VP even though DJT and MAGA didnt want him too.
You guys and your twisted moral equivalents.

Do you have kids? Do you think that making women uncomfortable is the same as sniffing hair and fondling children? Neither is appropriate, but you cannot compare minors to adults. I mean, seriously.
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SEND THIS ISH TO THE CHAT. This thread feels like a Facebook rant = leave it there please. If I am wrong = PLEASE LET ME KNOW but i would prefer this place be for UGA football, occasionally baseball, and very occasionally(lol) basketball = can we ban Trump and Biden posts?

I'm sorry sir, this is a Wendy's.
Never said how I was voting.
I bet she can spell potato unlike a former R VP
He was waiting on congress to do their job and when it was clear they couldnt do anything because of MAGA and DJT he handled it
Then release the island files so they can all hang(but he says he wont now Alex Jones will cry more)
video is AI and fake and she was paid off to say that by some invisible R donor
Classic misdirection. You can't answer the question without comparing to others. Why can't you take the candidate mentioned and answer some simple questions? She is the most underqualified VP we have ever had. Why did Biden wait 3+ years? The problem has been present since the day he took office. Why did he undo the EO of the previous president. The EO that was working by the way. He didn't have to wait on congress - and I think that is a cheap cop out for an excuse. The only reason he is doing anything now is because he is forced into a corner.
Regarding Epstein, I think the files should be released. But I also think the information regarding Russia and the Dossier should be completely released and transparent. I also think there should be an explanation of the 20 shell corporations owned by the Biden family in which millions of dollars have been funneled from other parts of the world. I also think they should be transparent about why the prosecutor in Ukraine was fired after launching an investigation into Burisma.
None of those things have anything to do with DJT. They have everything to do with Biden. No misdirection. Just realistic questions.
You think one side is evil and the other is lilly white. I hate to break it to you - they're both stained. You best vote for policy and not a person. That's the only choices we have left.
do your cult duty and vote for him anyways.....
The "look at this shiny object and ignore inflation, the economy, the inability to buy a house, the border, world peace, life in 2019 v today, _________________, ______________, _____________________, __________________......." strategy is working very well. Keep it up.
Never said how I was voting.
I bet she can spell potato unlike a former R VP
He was waiting on congress to do their job and when it was clear they couldnt do anything because of MAGA and DJT he handled it
Then release the island files so they can all hang(but he says he wont now Alex Jones will cry more)
video is AI and fake and she was paid off to say that by some invisible R donor
Talk about a cult follower! Do you like watching children get abused? You sure seem to advocate for those that do.
Talk about a cult follower! Do you like watching children get abused? You sure seem to advocate for those that do.

Precisely. And one of the things I honestly don't understand about the left. They accuse their opponents having a board in their eye....Failing to recognize they have a dozen in their own.

Any Biden voter has no business claiming the moral high ground over a Trump voter.

The other amazing thing liberals do is refuse to admit their hypocrisy, because what their guy did, is not EXACTLY what the conservative did. For example.....

"Conservative Candidate Bob is a murderer. He shot a guy in cold blood"
"Yeah, well Liberal Candidate Jim is a murderer too"
"Well, that is different"
"How so? Both killed people"
"But Liberal Candidate didn't shoot anyone. He pushed a guy out of a window".

That's your distinction, and the basis for claiming superiority? It happens on this board almost every day.

An election lie is worse than a business lie
A riot on federal property is worse than a riot on state property
A riot incited by a President is worse than a riot incited by a member of Congress.

It boggles my mind.
I'm just curious as I've seen this many, many times on message boards... why is it anytime someone comes in to prop up Joe while bashing Trump and the republicans then gets pushed on how they will vote they always, always use the "never said I was voting democrat", "never said I'm a liberal", "never said how I was going to vote" line?? Why not own it?
Yeah there are a few of those phonies on here. A couple lie about, "oh, I used to be a Republican but I just couldn't stomach it anymore, it got so bad". Pulleeeeze.
It causes me to picture them sitting at their keyboard while they dab paint on their face from their Official Emmett Kelly Autographed Clown Makeup Kit.
Precisely. And one of the things I honestly don't understand about the left. They accuse their opponents having a board in their eye....Failing to recognize they have a dozen in their own.

Any Biden voter has no business claiming the moral high ground over a Trump voter.

The other amazing thing liberals do is refuse to admit their hypocrisy, because what their guy did, is not EXACTLY what the conservative did. For example.....

"Conservative Candidate Bob is a murderer. He shot a guy in cold blood"
"Yeah, well Liberal Candidate Jim is a murderer too"
"Well, that is different"
"How so? Both killed people"
"But Liberal Candidate didn't shoot anyone. He pushed a guy out of a window".

That's your distinction, and the basis for claiming superiority? It happens on this board almost every day.

An election lie is worse than a business lie
A riot on federal property is worse than a riot on state property
A riot incited by a President is worse than a riot incited by a member of Congress.

It boggles my mind.
Man you nailed this. This tells me all i need to know about "trump haters" . Their isn't a moral equilancy in any rational mans eye between what trump did to stormy and what joe and hunter do to little girls.

I think the real questions is why aren't they concerned about Joe and hunters sexual previsions yet so focused on trumps.

I think most ration people also would vote for a mean twitter vs someone with Joe and hunters perversions.

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