Love u guys.....Go Dawgs.....and vote*

Some people need a reminder constantly of what a true grifter/fraud actually looks like.
Donald Trump Idk GIF by Election 2016

They can't hide it, but nice deflection.
hiding what we arent in a recession.....people are working, gas is cheap

People dont know what a recession didnt live in the 70s and 80s also people wouldnt be able to buy Trump bibles and sneakers...if we were truly in a recession
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I am confused, you are happy he increased our fuel prices? You do you I guess.
LOL comparing gas prices when everyone is working to when Donald Fraud needlessly shut everything down and gave people $1200 to live on for months........
LOL comparing gas prices when everyone is working to when Donald Fraud needlessly shut everything down and gave people $1200 to live on for months........
How about voting no for Trump or Kamala.
And $3.00 is at its best under Uncle Joe. That is still about. 1.5 times higher than what was when he took over. The $5.00 per under Uncle Joe, was just a nightmare, but won’t mention that.

Inflation, at Biden’s lowest is 3%. Trump is still 2X better (1.4%). 8% was another Biden nightmare. But I won’t mention that either.

REAL wages….last I looked Biden is in negative territory. Trump finished plus 3% for his full term. Went all the way back to the Carter days and no one finished better.

Also not gonna mention the border that has been left wide FF open.

If you’re happy with all this, vote Dem. Your safety, your money.

But IMO, just think you are conflicted. Probably don’t know whether to root for GT or Georgia, or whether to wear a dress or pants……not that there is anything wrong with all of that too.
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hiding what we arent in a recession.....people are working, gas is cheap

People dont know what a recession didnt live in the 70s and 80s also people wouldnt be able to buy Trump bibles and sneakers...if we were truly in a recession
Gas is cheap? Compared to the recent highs yes. Compared to 3 to 6 years ago no.
It is also only down because we are entering an election time frame.
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What fact? Gas is more exp today then 20 years ago...why stop there go back to the 70s when it was .19 a gallon.

had a woman/coworker just walk up say,
"vote blue".

I have no reason to lie to friends.
And $3.00 is at its best under Uncle Joe. That is still about. 1.5 times higher than what was when he took over. The $5.00 per under Uncle Joe, was just a nightmare, but won’t mention that.

Inflation, at Biden’s lowest is 3%. Trump is still 2X better (1.4%). 8% was another Biden nightmare. But I won’t mention that either.

REAL wages….last I looked Biden is in negative territory. Trump finished plus 3% for his full term. Went all the way back to the Carter days and no one finished better.

Also not gonna mention the border that has been left wide FF open.

If you’re happy with all this, vote Dem. Your safety, your money.

But IMO, just think you are conflicted. Probably don’t know whether to root for GT or Georgia, or whether to wear a dress or pants……not that there is anything wrong with all of that too.
$5.00 his chart didnt even show wife went to GT and I went to UGA but why my handle has anything to do with Biden getting gas prices lower by drilling which is what u guys wanted....too bad u cant vote for him this time around.....
Give it up, Dude. Your side is way out over its skis.
Skiing is for the rich....Im a working man and Im glad Biden is making the economy strong.....Some billionaires over pay for a company then brag about firing 80% of the work force but somehow Bidens job numbers over came that disaster

had a woman/coworker just walk up say,
"vote blue".

I have no reason to lie to friends.

$5.00 his chart didnt even show wife went to GT and I went to UGA but why my handle has anything to do with Biden getting gas prices lower by drilling which is what u guys wanted....too bad u cant vote for him this time around.....
Well, you must have slept through that period ($5.00). The gtanduga thingy is cute, but either you are or either you ain’t, no in-betweens.

Guess you skipped the math classes at UGA, it never lies.
Skiing is for the rich....Im a working man and Im glad Biden is making the economy strong.....Some billionaires over pay for a company then brag about firing 80% of the work force but somehow Bidens job numbers over came that disaster
let it go,
you are getting beat


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