Media already lying for Harris even though we have the receipts

The media is lying? Say it ain’t so!
Thank goodness there is so much out there in her own words that they will never be able to erase it all..but the effort is definitely on by the state run Dem media to erase as much as possible..its unbelievable
These organizations are basically Pravda.

These are just outright lies, and it would be hilarious if it weren’t also, so scary. Is there anything Democrats won’t lie about in the media? Do we even have “media“ anymore? The whole purpose of newspapers is to dig into and question the government… Do we really have them doing that anymore? Or only badmouthing the half of the country that they don’t like?

Another note: just remember that the people pointing all this stuff out on Twitter, would have been de platformed, or D amplified by Twitter, if it was not owned by Elon musk. Now, at least, you can actually see this information which is just lies.
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