OMG...Trump just lost the black vote at the NABJ. Wow this is just brutal.

Kamala Devi Harris, Born October 20^(th) 1964 as Kamala Iyer Harris, was the Daughter of Donald Jasper Harris (Father 8/23/1938) and Shyamala Gopalan (Mother 12/7/1938)

**On her maternal side,** Kamala’s Mother Shamala was the daughter of Painganadu Venkataraman Gopalan (Grandfather 1911) and Rajam Rajah (Grandmother 1923)

Her Grandfather Painganadu was son of Venkataraman Iyer Gopalan (Great G.F.) and Seethalakshmi Iyer (Great G.M.).

Her Grandmother Rajam was the daughter Maruthukud V (Great G.F) and Meenakshi R Aiyar (Great G.M. 1980) All recorded Ancestors on Kamala’s maternal side are from India.

**On her Paternal side,** Kamala’s father’s Donald was the son of Oscar Joseph Harris (Grandfather 04/05/1914) and Beryl Christie Finegan (Grandmother 1921)

**Kamala’s Paternal Grandfather’s Side:**

Oscar was the Son of Joseph Alexander Harris (Great Grandfather 4/24/1871) and Christiana Brown (Great Grandmother 8/13/1888)

Joseph was the son of James Henny Harris (G.G. Grandfather) and Elizabeth (Eliza) Brown (G.G. Grandmother 1834)

James is descendant of Thomas Harris (G.G.G. Grandfather 1784) of England and Catherine Jane Watson (G.G.G. Grandmother 1792) of Scotland.

Elizabeth was the daughter of Thomas Brown (G.G.G. Grandfather 1816) of Scotland and Mary Ann Taylor (G.G.G. Grandmother 1792) of Scotland.

Christiana was the Daughter of Hamilton Brown (G.G. Grandfather 11/9/1833) and Jessian Prince (G.G. Grandmother 1844)

Hamilton Brown was to the son of Kate Williams (English Decent and Hamilton Brown Sr. (G.G.G. Grandfather 1776) from Ireland.

Jessian was the daughter of William Prince (G.G.G Grandfather of English Decent) and Sahra Forbes (G.G.G. Grandmother)

**Kamala’s Paternal Grandmother’s Side:**

Beryl Was the daughter of Patrick Alhanasous Finnegan (Great Grandfather 1882) and Orah Iris Allen (Great Grandmother 8/13/1888)

Patrick was the Son of Patrick Finnegan (G.G. Grandfather 1843) From Ireland and Mary Watson (G.G. Grandmother 1836) from Ireland.

Orah was the daughter of John Allen (G.G. Grandfather 1858) and Joanna Elizabeth Moses (G.G. Grandmother 1868)

John Allen and Joanna relationship is where it gets more difficult to track

Joanna is the Daughter of Peter Moses (G.G.G. Grandfather 1920) the Son of Charles A. Moses (G.G.G.G Grandfather 1798)

Joanna Married Alfred Augustus McCook (1864) on May 2^(nd) 1894 after the birth of Orah, McCook’s lineage is traced back through John McCook who’s family Linage is from Ireland.

This leaves Kamala’s Ancestry as follows:

**Mom's Side:**

Great GF Indian

Great GM Indian

Great GF Indian

Great GM Indian

GF/FM 100% Indian -> Mother Indian -> Kamala 50% Indian

**Dad's Side**

GGGG GF English

GGGG GM Scottish

GGGG GF Scottish

GGGG GM Scottish


GGGG GM English

GGGG GF English

GGGG GM Unknown





GGGG GF Unknown

GGGG GM Unknown

GGGG GF Unknown

GGGG GM Unknown

Out of the 16 Paternal Ancestor, 11 are from United Kingdom (34.375%) and (5) are not confirmed (15.625%)

**TLDR:** This would mean Kamala is 50% Indian, & 37.5% European, & 12.5% Jamaican
This is some killer oppo research. Hopefully Trump and the GOP will focus on debating whether Kamala is an Octeroon or not.

He was asked about Harris being a DEI hire. That introduced race and sex.

The topic of Harris claiming different heritage isn't new.

Don't think this moved the needle one way or the other.
Trump repeatedly demeans and denigrates illegal immigrants as a useless drag on society and people who are poisoning the blood of our country. Then he claims that they are taking all of the “black jobs“. When asked to clarify what he means by black jobs, he can’t answer the question because the only answer is that he means jobs for the unskilled, uneducated and untalented.

That will definitely move the needle, and it should.
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This is some killer oppo research. Hopefully Trump and the GOP will focus on debating whether Kamala is an Octeroon or not.

Trump repeatedly demeans and denigrates illegal immigrants as a useless drag on society and people who are poisoning the blood of our country. Then he claims that they are taking all of the “black jobs“. When asked to clarify what he means by black jobs, he can’t answer the question because the only answer is that he means jobs for the unskilled uneducated and untalented.

That will definitely move the needle, and it should.
Trump will be 47.

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This is such a strange hill to die on. But I'm here to watch the GOP consume itself with something so trivial as whether Kamala is black or not.

Trump shat the bed yesterday. So bad they yanked him from the stage the minute project 2025 was mentioned. Yes...I know they started late....but the abrupt ending of the interview was comical. But from the start it was a trainwreck because trump has a fragile ego.

He did himself no favors yesterday and his staff should be fired but they won't be.... because he "crushed it"...
I doa lot of genealogy research as a hobby. It’s reasonably to question since her mother is 100% Indian for multiple generations. All born in Tamil Nadu, India. Her father is mixed race. Her father’s dad is a descendant of Hamilton Brown a man born in Ireland who ran a sugar plantation in Jamaica and had children with some of his slaves. He was a slave owner and apparently on top of that a pretty nasty guy. Her father’s mother was Beryl Christie Finegan. Looked at her family line due to the Irish name in Jamaica. Patrick Finegan b 1833 in Ireland also married a black native from Jamaica. Patrick is Kamala’s ggrandfather on that line. There was someone else born in England and someone referred to as Creole in another of his lines. All I’m saying is her dad has a mixture of black and Irish/white dna in recent generations with a little English thrown in. Personally I don’t care what color she is. I do think it’s odd she focuses only on her black lineage since her parents divorced when she was young and she was raised only by her mother and was reported to have a cold relationship with her dad. One would think IF she was going to choose a line she would go with her mother since it makes up a much larger part of her dna and she raised her. Trump should not have brought this up. IF anyone discussed it, it should have been a surrogate. I think the only reason it would be brought up is because she focuses so much on race and division by race. It will be blown out of proportion by MSM. Trump shows up thinking it will be him and Kamala and she no shows. He wanted to do via zoom they said no must be in person yet they are letting Kamala do via zoom. I’m sure between that and being delayed 35 mins with audio issues he was ticked since he’s on a tight campaign schedule. Kamala doesn’t even have the guts to show up for in person questions in the friendly media. They plan to hide her and let her robotically speak from teleprompters until the election. I hope people are smart enough to see through this crap from her. Her policies are left of Sanders. She’s changing ALL her policies because she knows people won’t vote for her but it’s all lies. She will get in office and set about the final destruction of the country.
Her policies are not left of Sanders. But please. keep the race thing coming. Question her race. Please do it, over and over again. Please. Make it the no. 1 issue for Trump.
Part of me is thinking that Trump doesn't want to be POTUS anymore and is going to tank on purpose. The only reason he ran again on the first place is to "Beat the allegations" through presidentsl immunity. But with the latest SCOTUS rulings it's pretty much guaranteed he won't be brought to trail for anything related to Jan 6 including the documents case. So he's basically a free man so he doesn't need the office of POTUS anymore to stay out of prison and he knows it.
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Her policies are not left of Sanders. But please. keep the race thing coming. Question her race. Please do it, over and over again. Please. Make it the no. 1 issue for Trump.
Her policies line up very closely with Bernie’s. She may change in public while running for president, but she proved this by how she voted. What she supported while in congress. You can’t have it both ways.

The race thing I think was played by trump to make her seem disingenuous. The fact that she has more Eastern European ancestry is just another race she can claim. Biden claimed he was Greek, Irish, Italian, Hungarian, African American etc. there was an ad out there with him on camera doing all of this.

I don’t think this is a great tactic. I actually agree with you there. One thing I am noticing. No one. And I mean no African Americans didn’t back Obama in this situation. There are so many that have come out online against Kamala. The tea leaves are reading different things this time around. Messing with someone’s money can make you overlook quite a lot. That is still a huge problem for Kamala.
Her policies line up very closely with Bernie’s. She may change in public while running for president, but she proved this by how she voted. What she supported while in congress. You can’t have it both ways.

The race thing I think was played by trump to make her seem disingenuous. The fact that she has more Eastern European ancestry is just another race she can claim. Biden claimed he was Greek, Irish, Italian, Hungarian, African American etc. there was an ad out there with him on camera doing all of this.

I don’t think this is a great tactic. I actually agree with you there. One thing I am noticing. No one. And I mean no African Americans didn’t back Obama in this situation. There are so many that have come out online against Kamala. The tea leaves are reading different things this time around. Messing with someone’s money can make you overlook quite a lot. That is still a huge problem for Kamala.
One thing about social media is that it can amplify the voice of a small group and make it seem much larger than it is. This happens at the extremes of both parties.

And then there are people like MAGA shitposter Joey Mannarino, who outed himself when he forgot to log out of his regular account and into his fake account before posting as a “proud black woman”.

Trump will be 47.
If the election were held today, polling tells us it would probably be a 2020 type too close to call for weeks affair.

All the trends are for Harris, and she has yet to choose a running mate or hold her convention, which together will likely result in a modest bump. What does Donald Trump need to do to seize back the momentum?
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If the election were held today, it would probably be a 2020 type too close to call for weeks affair.

All the trends are for Harris, and she has yet to choose a running mate or hold her conventions, which will likely result in a modest bump bump. What does Donald Trump need to do to seize back the momentum?
Focus his messaging on policy and stop the personal attacks about race.

Ain’t happening.

See my post below. I researched her ancestry. Her dad has several Irish men in recent generations (his grandfather on one line) as well as English. There may be more white dna mixed in as the race is not always clear. Mother is 100% Indian at least 4 generations back. I didn’t go back any further.
Yep…. really don’t give 2 shats what race she is, or sex. Pretty sure most normal thinking people don’t either.

Really don’t see what Trump said wrong other than just staying away from answering the question. But he is who he is, ask him a question and he’ll answer it.

Rather have him that way than to dodge questions (in general). Sick of politicians.

Thinks most all of the media have become HO’s. All they GAS about is ratings. Trump is no racist, but they certainly want to paint it that way.

“Whatever it takes”….controversy, lies, half-truths to getting people tuning in.

The one question that people need to ask, is are you better off now or were you better off with the last guy.

“KAMALA” will run on the same platform/policies as Joe. I certainly don’t want another 4 years of the same shat.

Stick to the facts, not too hard.
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If the election were held today, polling tells us it would probably be a 2020 type too close to call for weeks affair.

All the trends are for Harris, and she has yet to choose a running mate or hold her convention, which together will likely result in a modest bump. What does Donald Trump need to do to seize back the momentum?
Trump was down 9 in national polling heading into the 2020 election. And down meaningfully in every battleground state. He is up by an average of 1.4 pts in the RCP average right now.

Even Texas was considered a potential get for Democrats in 2020. Harris may end up winning, but the polls need to move a shit ton between now and then for her to have a chance.
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Trump was down 9 in national polling heading into the 2020 election. And down meaningfully in every battleground state. He is up by an average of 1.4 pts in the RCP average right now.
He's ahead more in 538. But most analysts who don't have Biden-era data weighting the model are acknowledging that the race is a statistical tie. So... again I ask you ... what does he do to shift the momentum?

(also - while it is true that polling undervalued Trump in 2016 and 2020, it also routinely undervalues young voters, who do not show up in polls. What is he doing to court young voters?)
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If the election were held today, polling tells us it would probably be a 2020 type too close to call for weeks affair.

All the trends are for Harris, and she has yet to choose a running mate or hold her convention, which together will likely result in a modest bump. What does Donald Trump need to do to seize back the momentum?
Polls are shit. I quit following them in 2016. The far more accurate "poll" is the betting odds, not to mention just general knowledge. It's true that Trump could blow this thing, but it's his to lose. And with all due respect to Sho, he doesn't speak for all blacks. Both Amber Rose and Sage Steele came out yesterday pretty forcefully in favor of how Trump handled the interview and how badly the chick from ABC handled it.

We'll see, won't we?
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He's ahead more in 538. But most analysts who don't have Biden-era data in the model are acknowledging that the race is a statistical tie. So... again I ask you ... what does he do to shift the momentum?

(also - while it is true that polling undervalued Trump in 2016 and 2020, it also routinely undervalues young voters, who do not show up in polls. What is he doing to court young voters? If you aren't paying attention to Gen Z, at this point, good luck with that.)
Pollsters supposedly "learned their lesson" after 2016, only to totally underestimate Trump in the election in 2020. Any time Trump is on the ballot, republicans outperform the polls.

Don't know how much momentum he will build, but I do think the combination of the receding sugar high of her replacing a senile old white dude on the ballot, as well as folks now actually looking at her past positions / record, and maybe most importantly - listening to how annoying and un-intelligent she sounds........the polls will settle where they were pre-biden debate. And that is not good news for dems.

Biggest problems - the country is not in good shape economically at the middle and low levels. And Kamala is not likeable. The "Obama in a skirt" characterization is an insult to Obama, who is highly intelligent and a smooth / skilled politician. When Obama cruised in 2008, he was facing an incumbent party who owned a bad economy. Now the Biden / Harris admin owns this one, with Trump polling 20 pts better on the economy. You know what the ragin cajun says....
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Polls are shit. I quit following them in 2016. The far more accurate "poll" is the betting odds, not to mention just general knowledge. It's true that Trump could blow this thing, but it's his to lose. And with all due respect to Sho, he doesn't speak for all blacks. Both Amber Rose and Sage Steele came out yesterday pretty forcefully in favor of how Trump handled the interview and how badly the chick from ABC handled it.

We'll see, won't we?
To characterize current polling and betting odds as fluid is an understatement.

Polls are shit. I quit following them in 2016. The far more accurate "poll" is the betting odds, not to mention just general knowledge. It's true that Trump could blow this thing, but it's his to lose. And with all due respect to Sho, he doesn't speak for all blacks. Both Amber Rose and Sage Steele came out yesterday pretty forcefully in favor of how Trump handled the interview and how badly the chick from ABC handled it.

We'll see, won't we?
I got y'all 13th. What ya say?
One thing about social media is that it can amplify the voice of a small group and make it seem much larger than it is. This happens at the extremes of both parties.

And then there are people like MAGA shitposter Joey Mannarino, who outed himself when he forgot to log out of his regular account and into his fake account before posting as a “proud black woman”.

That works both ways. If it were one or two I would give this post more credence. I have seen close to 100 different ones myself. They could all be fakes like you hope. But I doubt it. Everytime you turn around there is another one posted here. It is rich you giving me a lesson on this. Since about 80 percent of your social media you put forward I have proven to be complete bullshit over the last 2 months. lol. If it isn’t me, someone else is making a mockery of the validity of it. Most of you couldn’t post something factual if you had to. Just move on to the next one. You have to admit. It has been getting pretty deep from your end lately.

Kind of like another post of Kamala making a speech that makes zero sense. Seems like there is 100’s of those too. Keep up the fight. We have to get worst vp ever promoted.

Is this a deep fake like biden’s gaffes? I need you guys to help me know the difference between real or not. 🤦‍♂️
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How many here have heard of the "One drop rule"?

The "one-drop rule" is a social and legal principle of racial classification that was prominent in the United States, particularly during the 20th century. It stated that any person with even one ancestor of Black ancestry ("one drop" of Black blood) is considered Black. This rule was used to enforce racial segregation and maintain the racial hierarchy, especially in Southern states, by ensuring that anyone with any African heritage would be classified as Black, regardless of their appearance or majority ancestry.

The rule was never codified into federal law but was enforced through state laws and social practices. It reflects the historical context of racism and the desire to maintain white supremacy by strictly defining racial boundaries. The one-drop rule has had a lasting impact on racial identity and social dynamics in the United States.

So a rule put into place by white racist (not all white people are racist) to prevent race mixing is the source of racial classification of many bi-racial Americans with black ancestry as big B...Black. So to accuse Harris of being phony when she and millions of other bi-racial Ameicans have been following the rules setup by racist white people (again not all white people are racist) over a hundred years ago is pathetic and shows the panic in the Trump campaign.
How many here have heard of the "One drop rule"?

The "one-drop rule" is a social and legal principle of racial classification that was prominent in the United States, particularly during the 20th century. It stated that any person with even one ancestor of Black ancestry ("one drop" of Black blood) is considered Black. This rule was used to enforce racial segregation and maintain the racial hierarchy, especially in Southern states, by ensuring that anyone with any African heritage would be classified as Black, regardless of their appearance or majority ancestry.

The rule was never codified into federal law but was enforced through state laws and social practices. It reflects the historical context of racism and the desire to maintain white supremacy by strictly defining racial boundaries. The one-drop rule has had a lasting impact on racial identity and social dynamics in the United States.

So a rule put into place by white racist (not all white people are racist) to prevent race mixing is the source of racial classification of many bi-racial Americans with black ancestry as big B...Black. So to accuse Harris of being phony when she and millions of other bi-racial Ameicans have been following the rules setup by racist white people (again not all white people are racist) over a hundred years ago is pathetic and shows the panic in the Trump campaign.
Should the Democrats fight back?

Let's talk. What has she changed? Not a whole lot of meat here in this post. Sounds like "Somebody I like said this, so it must be true".
She was a defund the police as she praised the defund the police movement in June 2020.
She was against prosecuting illlegals cross the border and called for getting rid of ICE.
She now supports border funding to increase border control. Purely because of polling no doubt.
She pledged to ban fracking in 2020 and now is okay with fracking and off shore drilling. Trying to win Pennsylvania votes with the fracking change.
She wanted Medicare for all, a single-payer health system and now no longer supports that stance.
She was all for the green new deal and now not so much.
Sounds like I didn’t have time to list is more like it. She has changed very often just to appease those she needs to help her get where she wants to be. I know all politicians do it to some extent. She has done it a lot over a 4 to 5 year period.
Most of these changes have not been said by her but were released through written statements or said by a representative. That just reinforces my thought she does not truly mean it and it is just for effect.
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you must be talking to black people on her payroll lol
the black people in dekalb county are tired of the dems lol
come on man you are better than this
again you are really trying to hard
What black people in Dekalb county...not my family in The Dek. Not my family in NW ATL off Joseph Boone. Not my family in Clayton and Gwinnett counties....but keep fooling yourself that yesterday helps Trump and Republicans with the black vote.
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She was a defund the police as she praised the defund the police movement in June 2020.
She was against prosecuting illlegals cross the border and called for getting rid of ICE.
She now supports border funding to increase border control. Purely because of polling no doubt.
She pledged to ban fracking in 2020 and now is okay with fracking and off shore drilling. Trying to win Pennsylvania votes with the fracking change.
She wanted Medicare for all, a single-payer health system and now no longer supports that stance.
She was all for the green new deal and now not so much.
Sounds like I didn’t have time to list is more like it. She has changed very often just to appease those she needs to help her get where she wants to be. I know all politicians do it to some extent. She has done it a lot over a 4 to 5 year period.
Most of these changes have not been said by her but were released through written statements or said by a representative. That just reinforces my thought she does not truly mean it and it is just for effect.
So she's like all the other ones.

Cruz: "Vote your conscience"

Trump: Gave money to Democrats. Was Pro-choice.

JD: "He's like Hitler"
She was a defund the police as she praised the defund the police movement in June 2020.
She was against prosecuting illlegals cross the border and called for getting rid of ICE.
She now supports border funding to increase border control. Purely because of polling no doubt.
She pledged to ban fracking in 2020 and now is okay with fracking and off shore drilling. Trying to win Pennsylvania votes with the fracking change.
She wanted Medicare for all, a single-payer health system and now no longer supports that stance.
She was all for the green new deal and now not so much.
Sounds like I didn’t have time to list is more like it. She has changed very often just to appease those she needs to help her get where she wants to be. I know all politicians do it to some extent. She has done it a lot over a 4 to 5 year period.
Most of these changes have not been said by her but were released through written statements or said by a representative. That just reinforces my thought she does not truly mean it and it is just for effect.
You see this is the argument Trump should be making instead of bringing up her race. But the mistake isn't that he said it in the first's the double down that makes this a two news cycle or more thing. So instead of talking about the above issues which I wanted answered as well, we are talking about Trump telling a black woman she's not black
You see this is the argument Trump should be making instead of bringing up her race. But the mistake isn't that he said it in the first's the double down that makes this a two news cycle or more thing. So instead of talking about the above issues which I wanted answered as well, we are talking about Trump telling a black woman she's not black
No, no. He needs to bring up her race. What are we doing here?
They were just as far as Sanders 4 years ago.
No, they weren't. I mean I get it. Doesn't matter. Any Democrat that ends up being the candidate will be the farthest left after you listen to Sean and Laura, but it's really not the case.
You see this is the argument Trump should be making instead of bringing up her race. But the mistake isn't that he said it in the first's the double down that makes this a two news cycle or more thing. So instead of talking about the above issues which I wanted answered as well, we are talking about Trump telling a black woman she's not black
I know there is more than that as well. It would be easy to advise either side as far as advertising goes. She has said some radical stuff and held some far left positions. I would just make ads with her saying these things.
Trump says a lot of stupid stuff and those are ads themselves.
Most people unfortunately do not care about policy and the things that really matter.
There are too many people whose main goal is to divide our country and allow it to fold or reshape it into something totally different.
They are sadly succeeding.
What black people in Dekalb county...not my family in The Dek. Not my family in NW ATL off Joseph Boone. Not my family in Clayton and Gwinnett counties....but keep fooling yourself that yesterday helps Trump and Republicans with the black vote.
But what they saying in the SWATs?
is shapiro right or wrong?

First, the ABC journalist came off looking more like a surrogate for the DNC than a journalist wishing to engage in a meaningful discussion about issues that affect Americans. Her approach was rude, unprofessional and quite frankly not worthy of being on stage with a candidate for POTUS.

Having said that, Trump didn't handle it well at all and likely lost some votes or at least cemented some lean lefties that may have been open to his message. There is no doubt he was ambushed and he did what he does when attacked but he missed a few layups that could have flipped the script.
If the election were held today, polling tells us it would probably be a 2020 type too close to call for weeks affair.

All the trends are for Harris, and she has yet to choose a running mate or hold her convention, which together will likely result in a modest bump. What does Donald Trump need to do to seize back the momentum?
Especially all those mail in votes that were counter early in the morning right?
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First, the ABC journalist came off looking more like a surrogate for the DNC than a journalist wishing to engage in a meaningful discussion about issues that affect Americans. Her approach was rude, unprofessional and quite frankly not worthy of being on stage with a candidate for POTUS.

Having said that, Trump didn't handle it well at all and likely lost some votes or at least cemented some lean lefties that may have been open to his message. There is no doubt he was ambushed and he did what he does when attacked but he missed a few layups that could have flipped the script.
Agreed. Reporter wanted to make news and intentionally tried to draw first blood. Trump let her. Did himself no favors last night.