Migrants in Germany have

committed 142,500 crimes during the first 6 months this year. The police are losing control of the streets. Germany descends into lawlessness. Hillary will do for the USA what Merkel did for Germany.
Only problem with that is Hillary ain't gonna have an opportunity to bring down the USA. Trump gonna save what remains of America on 11-8-16. Maybe she'll do some serious prison time for espionage; however, it is amazing there are actually people who would still vote for that criminal known as Hillary Rotten Clinton.
committed 142,500 crimes during the first 6 months this year. The police are losing control of the streets. Germany descends into lawlessness. Hillary will do for the USA what Merkel did for Germany.
Well I just got finished with a 7 month deployment to Germany and can tell you your description of lawlessness in Germany is false. Any day of the week that country is saver than the US
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Awwwww man really you're quoting the Daily Express. lol. Ok let me school you yet again Hoff since I'm stationed in England and have lived here for over 7 years. The Daily Express is a tabloid paper that is heavily anti-immigrant. They are by no means a nonbiased news sources validated by the fact that they are an open financial backer of UKip (British version of Tea Party/Trump supporters).

May want to stop digging through Briebart, Drudge or any other alt-right websites and look for a news source more legitimate.
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Awwwww man really you're quoting the Daily Express. lol. Ok let me school you yet again Hoff since I'm stationed in England and have lived here for over 7 years. The Daily Express is a tabloid paper that is heavily anti-immigrant. They are by no means a nonbiased news sources validated by the fact that they are an open financial backer of UKip (British version of Tea Party/Trump supporters).

May want to stop digging through Briebart, Drudge or any other alt-right websites and look for a news source more legitimate.

I don't need a lecture from an arrogant liberal on media sources. By legitimate news sources do you mean the CNN journalist who give Hillary questions before debates or media members whose reporters go to dinner parties with Clinton advisors? or maybe those news sites that ignore wikileaks? Or maybe you like the news sources like the reporter at the NYT who call the Clinton campaign and give them veto power over their headlines and/or story content? The favorability rating of the media in the USA is the only group that is even lower than the politicians. And you can sit there and tell me I need to use only sources that you in your liberal world view approve of. LOL
I don't need a lecture from an arrogant liberal on media sources. By legitimate news sources do you mean the CNN journalist who give Hillary questions before debates or media members whose reporters go to dinner parties with Clinton advisors? or maybe those news sites that ignore wikileaks? Or maybe you like the news sources like the reporter at the NYT who call the Clinton campaign and give them veto power over their headlines and/or story content? The favorability rating of the media in the USA is the only group that is even lower than the politicians. And you can sit there and tell me I need to use only sources that you in your liberal world view approve of. LOL
You constantly link right wing Web sites and even satirical news that you believe (pledge of allegiance). Maybe you need to do a little more digging. By the way, are you ok with Russia hacking government emails and private citizens emails because Trump has no problem with it.
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You constantly link right wing Web sites and even satirical news that you believe (pledge of allegiance). Maybe you need to do a little more digging. By the way, are you ok with Russia hacking government emails and private citizens emails because Trump has no problem with it.

Your dumbass candidate made it possible. You should have to sleep with that filthy b!t@h.
Hoff, I must say you really need to look for the truth. It really does matter. This guy was literally boots on the ground in Germany and yet you believe some crazy ass tabloid over someone that just spent 7 months there while serving our country. Please stop.
As for you Cobbdawg....aww never mind it is absolutely useless to engage you in any kind of discussion.
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Awwwww man really you're quoting the Daily Express. lol. Ok let me school you yet again Hoff since I'm stationed in England and have lived here for over 7 years.

You must be at Lakenheath, pushing paperwork because no real military man ever votes democrat, at least not the ones of us who have been in combat. Factoid: liberals never, never take care of the military.

You constantly link right wing Web sites and even satirical news that you believe (pledge of allegiance). Maybe you need to do a little more digging. By the way, are you ok with Russia hacking government emails and private citizens emails because Trump has no problem with it.
When has Trump said he'd have no problem with Russia hacking government and private emails?
When has Trump said he'd have no problem with Russia hacking government and private emails?
Oh I don't know but maybe when he told Russia to go after Clintons emails. I'm guessing since he said that he would have no problem with Russians doing that. Wouldn't that be a logical description? He also said Putin is a great world leader or maybe you didn't know that either.
You constantly link right wing Web sites and even satirical news that you believe (pledge of allegiance). Maybe you need to do a little more digging. By the way, are you ok with Russia hacking government emails and private citizens emails because Trump has no problem with it.

He is. Asked him this about a week or so ago in another thread. No problem on his side is espionage helps them. True patriots those guys.
He is. Asked him this about a week or so ago in another thread. No problem on his side is espionage helps them. True patriots those guys.
Seriously, he has no problem with it? If that is the case then damn. I don't know what to say. I wouldn't even want Great Britain to release emails against Trump much less Russia but I guess that is the difference between myself and some others on this board.
Oh I don't know but maybe when he told Russia to go after Clintons emails. I'm guessing since he said that he would have no problem with Russians doing that. .
IF the Clinton Machine wasn't corrupt, there wouldn't be any problems with the stolen e-mails because it would have shown to the American people the Clinton people were good, honest folks, who always put America first; however, the e-mails validated what most Americans already knew............the mighty Clinton Machine is fully, 100%, unadulterated, money hungry & corrupt. Good luck in 2020.
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Seriously, he has no problem with it? If that is the case then damn. I don't know what to say. I wouldn't even want Great Britain to release emails against Trump much less Russia but I guess that is the difference between myself and some others on this board.

Yep. Just tagged you in it. Patriots my ass
Oh I don't know but maybe when he told Russia to go after Clintons emails. I'm guessing since he said that he would have no problem with Russians doing that. Wouldn't that be a logical description? He also said Putin is a great world leader or maybe you didn't know that either.
And what evidence is there that there's a connection between Trump and the Russians? As well, quotes when he told Russia to go after Clinton's emails? And to go after private citizens emails?
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You constantly link right wing Web sites and even satirical news that you believe (pledge of allegiance). Maybe you need to do a little more digging. By the way, are you ok with Russia hacking government emails and private citizens emails because Trump has no problem with it.

I link websites. You characterize them as right wing. Once in my years here I was fooled and linked a website that was fake. How many times Trim-man are you going to use that? I count at least 3.
And what evidence is there that there's a connection between Trump and the Russians? As well, quotes when he told Russia to go after Clinton's emails? And to go after private citizens emails?

There is no evidence of a link between Trump and the Russians. Trump said if Russia could find the deleted emails, he was sure the media would like to see them. Dems like Trim blew that out of proportion.
Seriously, he has no problem with it? If that is the case then damn. I don't know what to say. I wouldn't even want Great Britain to release emails against Trump much less Russia but I guess that is the difference between myself and some others on this board.

I don't have any problem with Wikileaks. As for the Russian accusation, where is the evidence? Russia asked for the evidence and I haven’t heard a response made public. Publicly exposing Russia if they had ironclad evidence would embarrass them to the world and maybe make them stop. That is if they have the evidence.

So far, the Wikileaks have just exposed corruption, hypocrisy, and dishonesty of those with government power. So why should I care? Whoever is hacking is really just helping our country expose the organized crime syndicate of the Clintons, Lynch, Obama, and the govt agencies they have corrupted.

Does it bother any of you that during the IRS scandal that 20 IRS computers associated with Lois Lerner were destroyed? How about the EPA where a computer hard drive crashed after they learned there was a congressional investigation? Does it bother you that obama, clinton, and the state dept stonewalled the benghazi investigation? That is why it took so long. Hillary lied to the FBI, lied repeatedly to the American people, stonewalled multiple investigations, obstructed justice, committed perjury, and risked our national security.Not to mention the play for pay schemes of the Clinton Foundation. That bothers me far more than Wikileaks.

Does it bother you that the MSM has colluded with the Clinton campaign not only against Trump but also Bernie? That the Dem National Convention was corrupt. Is there anything about the democrat party that isn't corrupt?

The dishonesty and corruption of these people is disgusting and needs to be exposed. DRAIN THE SWAMP AND THANK YOU WIKILEAKS.
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There is no evidence of a link between Trump and the Russians. Trump said if Russia could find the deleted emails, he was sure the media would like to see them. Dems like Trim blew that out of proportion.
Trump has business interest in Russia (As does Manafort) and thinks Putin is a great world leader. He constantly praises putin so yeah I see a link there. Could be why he won't release hours taxes because of ties to russia.
I don't have any problem with Wikileaks. As for the Russian accusation, where is the evidence? Russia asked for the evidence and I haven’t heard a response made public. Publicly exposing Russia if they had ironclad evidence would embarrass them to the world and maybe make them stop. That is if they have the evidence.

So far, the Wikileaks have just exposed corruption, hypocrisy, and dishonesty of those with government power. So why should I care? Whoever is hacking is really just helping our country expose the organized crime syndicate of the Clintons, Lynch, Obama, and the govt agencies they have corrupted.

Does it bother any of you that during the IRS scandal that 20 IRS computers associated with Lois Lerner were destroyed? How about the EPA where a computer hard drive crashed after they learned there was a congressional investigation? Does it bother you that obama, clinton, and the state dept stonewalled the benghazi investigation? That is why it took so long. Hillary lied to the FBI, lied repeatedly to the American people, stonewalled multiple investigations, obstructed justice, committed perjury, and risked our national security.Not to mention the play for pay schemes of the Clinton Foundation. That bothers me far more than Wikileaks.

Does it bother you that the MSM has colluded with the Clinton campaign not only against Trump but also Bernie? That the Dem National Convention was corrupt. Is there anything about the democrat party that isn't corrupt?

The dishonesty and corruption of these people is disgusting and needs to be exposed. DRAIN THE SWAMP AND THANK YOU WIKILEAKS.
Oh maybe 17 intelligence branches said it was the Russians but you go ahead and believe the commies, I chose to believe u.s.officials. A great patriot you are.
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Trump has business interest in Russia (As does Manafort) and thinks Putin is a great world leader. He constantly praises putin so yeah I see a link there. Could be why he won't release hours taxes because of ties to russia.
What? So, you see a link? Glad we can put that to rest. Amazing!
I link websites. You characterize them as right wing. Once in my years here I was fooled and linked a website that was fake. How many times Trim-man are you going to use that? I count at least 3.
I characterize them as right wing because they are right wing. Not just once, you didn't know that trump said he knew more then the generals. I figure I can get 5 out of it and it'll still be fresh.
Oh maybe 17 intelligence branches said it was the Russians but you go ahead and believe the commies, I chose to believe u.s.officials. A great patriot you are.

According to Politico, "While the intelligence community said that leaks earlier this year from WikiLeaks were “consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts,” it has not directly tied the recent WikiLeaks release of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta’s personal emails to Russia." Here is another of my right wing links. Oh wait,
According to Politico, "While the intelligence community said that leaks earlier this year from WikiLeaks were “consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts,” it has not directly tied the recent WikiLeaks release of Clinton campaign chair John Podesta’s personal emails to Russia." Here is another of my right wing links. Oh wait,
OK. Everyone but one is what you are saying or is what politico is saying. I guess that makes you feel good doesn't it. Thanks for not linking Brietbart.
Well I just got finished with a 7 month deployment to Germany and can tell you your description of lawlessness in Germany is false. Any day of the week that country is saver than the US
Don't waste your time with this jerk, his sole purpose in life is to sell you on Trump,
he doesn't have anything better in his life at this point but to constantly post his BS.
Move to Canada
OK. Everyone but one is what you are saying or is what politico is saying. I guess that makes you feel good doesn't it. Thanks for not linking Brietbart.

No Politico is saying they have no evidence of a direct tie to Russia period.
Don't waste your time with this jerk, his sole purpose in life is to sell you on Trump,
he doesn't have anything better in his life at this point but to constantly post his BS.
Move to Canada


Yes it is important we get rid of the Democrat corruption in out government. I made calls for the Trump campaign today and will tomorrow as well. If that bothers you, too bad.

Yes it is important we get rid of the Democrat corruption in out government. I made calls for the Trump campaign today and will tomorrow as well. If that bothers you, too bad.
Is there any rep corruption in government or the reps clean?
Is there any rep corruption in government or the reps clean?

Sure corruption on both sides but there never has been a presidential candidate under so many ethical clouds as Clinton. There are 4 separate FBI investigations on the Clinton Foundation. The email scandal is actually a minor scandal even though there is obstruction of justice, perjury, and destruction of government property. She will be forever tied up with investigations just like Nixon except more so.
So politico is right and our intelligence community is wrong? Damn, seriously you believe politico?

No I believe you are the most knowledgeable of all Trim. You obviously know more than our entire intelligence community, Politico, obama, etc.
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Sure corruption on both sides but there never has been a presidential candidate under so many ethical clouds as Clinton. There are 4 separate FBI investigations on the Clinton Foundation. The email scandal is actually a minor scandal even though there is obstruction of justice, perjury, and destruction of government property. She will be forever tied up with investigations just like Nixon except more so.
You are right, the email scandal is minor, mountain meet mole hill.
I don't believe anybody said Watergate was minor. That was just another republican cheating.

I was saying it was minor compared to the play for pay Clinton Foundation where she sold her office to foreign governments.