Migrants in Germany have

I was saying it was minor compared to the play for pay Clinton Foundation where she sold her office to foreign governments.
You mean the same foundation that gets higher marks then red Cross? Or you could say it's minor to the Trump foundation or you could say it's minor to the trump/Russian connection.
You mean the same foundation that gets higher marks then red Cross? Or you could say it's minor to the Trump foundation or you could say it's minor to the trump/Russian connection.

Ok, I get it. Hil is not corrupt. But she sure has a lot of baggage for being as the clean as the wind driven snow.
Hillary is the one who signed off on giving 50% of our future uranium deposits ending up in Russia and the Clinton Foundation making millions. Now that is a russian connection. There is no trump russian connection
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Ok, I get it. Hil is not corrupt. But she sure has a lot of baggage for being as the clean as the wind driven snow.
In truth they both have baggage. I like hers
Ok, I get it. Hil is not corrupt. But she sure has a lot of baggage for being as the clean as the wind driven snow.
Hillary is the one who signed off on giving 50% of our future uranium deposits ending up in Russia and the Clinton Foundation making millions. Now that is a russian connection. There is no trump russian connection
Good news for the Trump campaign. The KKK endorsed Donald tonight. That should make some on here happy. I know for a fact that trump gets his caviar from Russia at a deep discount. Read that on Brietbart I believe.
In truth they both have baggage. I like hers

Good news for the Trump campaign. The KKK endorsed Donald tonight. That should make some on here happy. I know for a fact that trump gets his caviar from Russia at a deep discount. Read that on Brietbart I believe.

Yeah and the communist party has endorsed Hillary. Btw, a right wing source of mine says the FBI has investigated the FBI connection with Trump and found nothing.This is a biased source so I am not sure how honest it is.
Trim, if The Donald was the democrat, and Hillary Rodman was the republican, who would you be voting for this year?

I would vote for Hillary or anyone else if they would appoint conservatives to the supreme ct, repeal Obamacare, protect our borders, and promise to rid the swamp in DC of corruption. But that person is Trump. It is all about issues and Dems don't talk about issues.
Trim, if The Donald was the democrat, and Hillary Rodman was the republican, who would you be voting for this year?
I'll say this, I have a lot of friends plus my brother and sister in law who are republicans and they are either sitting out the presidential race or writing in a candidate. As for me on your question, there is no way I would vote for trump, just too dangerous so I would vote for Hillary and yes I have voted republican before. Hope that answers your question and by the way, Donald used to be a democrat.
I would vote for Hillary or anyone else if they would appoint conservatives to the supreme ct, repeal Obamacare, protect our borders, and promise to rid the swamp in DC of corruption. But that person is Trump. It is all about issues and Dems don't talk about issues.
No way you would ever vote for someone with a D beside there name so don't pretend like it.
You must be at Lakenheath, pushing paperwork because no real military man ever votes democrat, at least not the ones of us who have been in combat. Factoid: liberals never, never take care of the military.

Kinda like when Rummy took care of the military by refusing to get the armor needed for the personel carriers, or the vests for the troops. But, you go to war with what you got right? Or when Cheney's company Haliburton supplied our troops with bad water and rations.
Kinda like when Rummy took care of the military by refusing to get the armor needed for the personel carriers, or the vests for the troops. But, you go to war with what you got right? Or when Cheney's company Haliburton supplied our troops with bad water and rations.
There have been some worthless republicans, too. The Bush klan was 'bout as bad as the Clinton Machine. I went to two of pappy Bush's wars, and to Dubya's Iraqi redeem his pappy. However, the democrats, by nature, don't take care of the military.
No way you would ever vote for someone with a D beside there name so don't pretend like it.

i voted for Zell Miller. But dems have become extremely left in the last 8 years. Open borders is mainstream in Dem circles. That is a losing issue for me right at the start.
i voted for Zell Miller. But dems have become extremely left in the last 8 years. Open borders is mainstream in Dem circles. That is a losing issue for me right at the start.
Zell was a Dino and bat crazy. Remember when he challenged someone to a gun fight. The dems have not gone to the extreme left it's just the reps have gone to the extreme right so much it has fractured your party.
Zell was a Dino and bat crazy. Remember when he challenged someone to a gun fight. The dems have not gone to the extreme left it's just the reps have gone to the extreme right so much it has fractured your party.

He had a D by his name. That was the only criteria you listed.

With respect to the repub party, there is a rift. The establishment repubs and establishment dems are basically in agreement. Most are globalist open borders advocates. Many in the base don't want global trade deals and open borders. That is an issue nether side will compromise on.
George Bush wanted a North American Partnership between the USA, Canada, and Mexico. Hillary wants a hemispheric union including North, Central, and South America. Both with open borders. We want a sovereign country for American citizens only. That is why Jeb or Kasich didn't get the nomination.
He had a D by his name. That was the only criteria you listed.

With respect to the repub party, there is a rift. The establishment repubs and establishment dems are basically in agreement. Most are globalist open borders advocates. Many in the base don't want global trade deals and open borders. That is an issue nether side will compromise on.
George Bush wanted a North American Partnership between the USA, Canada, and Mexico. Hillary wants a hemispheric union including North, Central, and South America. Both with open borders. We want a sovereign country for American citizens only. That is why Jeb or Kasich didn't get the nomination.
There is always the KKK. Have you looked into them, sounds like that is what you are shooting for.
There is always the KKK. Have you looked into them, sounds like that is what you are shooting for.

This is what I get trying to have a decent conversation with you. Your side is becoming unhinged. Whenever dems don't have a rational point, they bring up racism. Go to Hell.
This is what I get trying to have a decent conversation with you. Your side is becoming unhinged. Whenever dems don't have a rational point, they bring up racism. Go to Hell.
After you. Seems I got under your skin, maybe you are unhinged. I mean all the things you mentioned in your post that you are for that is what the KKK is for.
After you. Seems I got under your skin, maybe you are unhinged. I mean all the things you mentioned in your post that you are for that is what the KKK is for.

So anyone who wants a sovereign country with borders is a racist. That encompasses millions maybe the majority of people in the USA. And yes you have become unhinged with all your baseless accusations.
So anyone who wants a sovereign country with borders is a racist. That encompasses millions maybe the majority of people in the USA. And yes you have become unhinged with all your baseless accusations.
Wait, you tell me to go to hell and you want to continue this conversation?
I try to treat people with respect until they show me they don't deserve it.
Ok, I will play your game. You remind me of Hitler. I don't know if you are a fascist or not but you remind me of one.
IF I was that would mean you would be saluting me. I bet you even goose step around the house.
There have been some worthless republicans, too. The Bush klan was 'bout as bad as the Clinton Machine. I went to two of pappy Bush's wars, and to Dubya's Iraqi redeem his pappy. However, the democrats, by nature, don't take care of the military.
Thanks for your service.I was in during Nam, but didn't go over. However i truly believe the democrats, especially in congress, have done more to try to help vets. Glad to see they didn't gpo after the bonuses they said they would.
You constantly link right wing Web sites and even satirical news that you believe (pledge of allegiance). Maybe you need to do a little more digging. By the way, are you ok with Russia hacking government emails and private citizens emails because Trump has no problem with it.

Our own government hacks the leadership of our "friends" in Europe. The "he did it, so I can do it" angle some of us cling to, is as childish as it sounds. And the most damning habit some of us have is feigning outrage over whatever bits of truth our brains embrace as whole truth. Nobody gets a pass. Everyone spies on everyone with whatever means they have. Breathless reaction to any of it is a waste of time. Deal with the world as it is, not as we wish it to be.

As for dangerous, crime ridden cities or streets in this country, our fearless leadership in Washington DC has been promising to fix all of it using the same promises for over 40 years of both parties pretense. How can metro DC be in such bad shape? No better than Detroit or Chicago's Southside or East St. Louis and so on. Because inner city woes and women's inequaliity issues matter only as political fodder to get those same 90% blocs to be duped over and over.