My gut is telling me Trump is going to win this thing


National Champion
Sep 3, 2005
And I didn’t feel that way in July. In fact, I was telling myself to get used to hearing ‘President Kamala Harris’.

Trump has focused on the issues, where he should, and that’s where he’s winning. Kamala is selling a conflicted message: things are great but I’m going to be the vehicle for change. She’s running like the opposition candidate when she’s in charge, and every time she tries to hold a genuine interview or town hall, she just comes out looking like a worse candidate. She didn’t win a single delegate in 2020; independent voters who pay attention are seeing why.

I didn’t think this would be possible post-Jan 6 for Trump to win. I really thought that he burned his brand so badly that the memory of his behavior would be so indelibly marked in history that he’d be forever shunned in American politics. I was wrong on that one. His raised fist after the assassination attempt showed his veracity, but his donning a McDonald’s apron and serving through the drive through shows his ability to connect with regular Americans.

If he’s elected, I expect some bad behavior by Democrats. I think they’ll unleash a riot a la 2020. Joe Biden and Kamala will let the country burn and obfuscate the will of the people. But the people, the regular Americans, will rise up after the Dems have thrown their tantrum, we’ll pick up the country and FIGHT*!

Go Dawgs!!

* in a civil but resolute way to restore order, justice, and prosperity to all.