Nancy P is too drunk to keep her lies straight.

Here is your current Democratic Party , Chat party people. A bunch of scumbags , simps and suckers.

The vodka queen
Her vodka and ice cream bills she runs up on her flights back and forth to San Fran are unbelievable..and so harmful to the environment..our tax dollars being pissed away by this alch bi+ch .and all the carbon emissions she’s placing in the environment jetting across the country every weekend is terrible 🤣
When she got booted out of the speakership, did she lose her Air Force like sized jet ?

She sure showed Joe Biden a thing or two

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Thinks I would pay good money to hear a conversation between her and Maxine Waters….
Especially after Nancy downs a couple of Double Vodkas on the rocks, and Maxine smokes a few Newport’s mixed in with some weed

I could live off the twos annual plastic surgery bills ..I wonder if our tax dollars pay for that shi+ as well
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Especially after Nancy downs a couple of Double Vodkas on the rocks, and Maxine smokes a few Newport’s mixed in with some weed

I could live off the twos annual plastic surgery bills ..I wonder if our tax dollars pay for that shi+ as well
Have said this before…Maxine still filled with piss & vinegar, got to admire that. Hope to still that way too when I get there.

She is who she is, that’s not changing.

Think’s Pelosi is just full of BS…..that is probably not changing either.
The vodka queen
Her vodka and ice cream bills she runs up on her flights back and forth to San Fran are unbelievable..and so harmful to the environment..our tax dollars being pissed away by this alch bi+ch .and all the carbon emissions she’s placing in the environment jetting across the country every weekend is terrible 🤣
When she got booted out of the speakership, did she lose her Air Force like sized jet ?

She sure showed Joe Biden a thing or two
