Nepo baby destroyed by DEI hire in nationally televised debate


National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 22, 2022
I try not to look online during debates, I want to form my own independent opinions. My reaction last night as I watched, was surprise. I thought she debated / handled Trump better than anyone in the last nine years.

I still can't vote for her...but I no longer fear her incompetence. She'll do alright.

As for Trump, my biggest takeaway was how easily he is baited and manipulated. She played him like a fiddle. Those of you who think he is some brilliant mastermind on the world stage are leaders can play him just as well. And as an aside, it could be no other way, anyone who is that prideful and self absorbed is easy prey to skilled handlers. Trump is a puppet and his own pride is the strings.
I try not to look online during debates, I want to form my own independent opinions. My reaction last night as I watched, was surprise. I thought she debated / handled Trump better than anyone in the last nine years.

I still can't vote for her...but I no longer fear her incompetence. She'll do alright.

As for Trump, my biggest takeaway was how easily he is baited and manipulated. She played him like a fiddle. Those of you who think he is some brilliant mastermind on the world stage are leaders can play him just as well. And as an aside, it could be no other way, anyone who is that prideful and self absorbed is easy prey to skilled handlers. Trump is a puppet and his own pride is the strings.
His first week in office was consumed by endless arguments about the size of his inauguration crowd. I didn’t vote for Trump or Clinton and I tried to keep an open mind, but I knew we were screwed by the end of his first week. Anyone that obsessed with such an entirely inconsequential issue does not have the temperament to be POTUS and he has proven my initial evaluation correct for eight years and running.
I try not to look online during debates, I want to form my own independent opinions. My reaction last night as I watched, was surprise. I thought she debated / handled Trump better than anyone in the last nine years.

I still can't vote for her...but I no longer fear her incompetence. She'll do alright.

As for Trump, my biggest takeaway was how easily he is baited and manipulated. She played him like a fiddle. Those of you who think he is some brilliant mastermind on the world stage are leaders can play him just as well. And as an aside, it could be no other way, anyone who is that prideful and self absorbed is easy prey to skilled handlers. Trump is a puppet and his own pride is the strings.
This is the perfect example of why you don’t vote on the person or personality of the candidate or emotions. I personally don’t care for Trump but I will vote for him because he is the GOP candidate. To be a conservative and say you’re voting for Harris because you dislike Trump is just idiotic reasoning. For career politicians like the Cheney’s and others to back Harris just tells me that they care more about feelings than conservative principles.
This is the perfect example of why you don’t vote on the person or personality of the candidate or emotions. I personally don’t care for Trump but I will vote for him because he is the GOP candidate. To be a conservative and say you’re voting for Harris because you dislike Trump is just idiotic reasoning. For career politicians like the Cheney’s and others to back Harris just tells me that they care more about feelings than conservative principles.

Or...they're embracing the old "lesser of two evils" line of thought that Trump apologist have used for nine years.
He’s very happy, he thinks that his communist Puppet Kamala is going to gain ground on this.
Do you really believe this?

Simple question for you. Between the two candidates, who do you think is more inclined to cut off aid to Ukraine and force a deal that results in Putin keeping much or all of the land he has taken? Based on everything said to date, including the debate last night, Trump is the candidate far more likely to give Putin what he wants in Ukraine. Any other answer is ignoring reality.
Do you really believe this?

Simple question for you. Between the two candidates, who do you think is more inclined to cut off aid to Ukraine and force a deal that results in Putin keeping much or all of the land he has taken? Based on everything said to date, including the debate last night, Trump is the candidate far more likely to give Putin what he wants in Ukraine. Any other answer is ignoring reality.
Kamala’s policies are what are socialist. Price controlling super markets that don’t make enough money as is to artificially control inflation and put them out of business, send jobs overseas, not to mention her failure at the border… Tact on that’s she, like Biden, will never be held accountable to the American people with the media completely in her pocket as the debate last night showed, with them refusing to fact check her statements like the bloodbath comment which was about the ECONOMY not some f*cking threat of insurrection talk, and it feels like we’re well on our way to becoming a dead country walking.
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Kamala’s policies are what are socialist. Price controlling super markets that don’t make enough money as is to artificially control inflation and put them out of business, send jobs overseas, not to mention her failure at the border… Tact on that’s she, like Biden, will never be held accountable to the American people with the media completely in her pocket as the debate last night showed, with them refusing to fact check her statements like the bloodbath comment which was about the ECONOMY not some f*cking threat of insurrection talk, and it feels like we’re well on our way to becoming a dead country walking.
That's a lot of words that completely failed to answer a direct question.

Putin wants the war to end, and he wants Ukrainian territory. That is by far Putin's top focus and Trump is FAR more likely to give him what he wants than Harris. Trump was given multiple opportunities last night to make even a tepid statement of support for Ukraine and he wouldn't do it. He just kept saying that the war had to end, not what he would be willing to support to make that happen.

Anything else regarding Putin's agenda for our next election is noise.
Except we've seen Trump on the world stage before.

He took over when ISIS was sawing the heads off American hostages and posting the videos.
He left with ISIS virtually destroyed, relative peace in the ME, Iran broke and the Abraham Accords.

He took over with little rocket man shooting missiles over Japan and left with him in a box.

He took over after Putin had annexed Crimea and left without Putin taking 1 inch of ground during his term.

He took over after decades of NATO allies shorting their financial commitments, he left with NATO allies upping their contribution.

He took over with Germany trying to complete a deal to literally enrich Putin. Trump put pressure on Germany to buy from their ally and mutual defense partner instead of the country most responsible for the formation of NATO.

Trump WAS laughed at by Germany due to him warning of becoming too dependent on green energy too quickly. In 2022, they weren't laughing as they were forced to turn to firewood to heat their homes.

Trump's political communication skills are odd at best and absurd at times but I don't think laughter is the reaction of friends or foes abroad.
Most of the people who make these statements can't even define socialism. Can you?

Socialism political and economic system that is based on the idea that the community should own and manage property and natural resources, rather than individuals (straight from a google search, you can look it up). Socialist Governments always result in a complete corruption of power as in order to implement their policies the government has to seize and directly influence the economy in order to remove control from individuals. Most socialist governments as you see in South America where we are currently getting our mass illegal Emigration from are fleeing governments that became corrupt from overstepping of their governments and the destruction of true political processes and getting away with it by manipulating the media coverage in their countries. Harris has admitted that she intends to directly influence small businesses to manipulate prices artificially as she blames them for the growing inflation that has occurred under her and Biden’s administration, that’s a socialist policy. She is endorsed by Bernie Sanders, a self admitted socialist who has admitted that Harris is basically manipulating the people by hiding her socialist ideas in order to get elected. Kamala Harris was installed with zero votes from the people as a candidate once Joe Biden was revealed to be suffering from Dementia, something that was hidden from the American people by corrupt media analysts on platforms like ABC that claimed he was fully competent.

I can go on, but at this point I think I’m done. If you want to see this country and freedom itself burn and relish in your own suffering, fine. You don’t know what you’re voting for.
How do you feel about democracy, elections and the peaceful transfer of power?
I think Kamala Harris wasn’t Democratically nominated to even be your f*cking candidate and she received 0 votes in the primary she did participate in. On top of pushing RFK jr. out of the party for wanting to run against Biden. So clearly you don’t care about Democracy or you would be livid at your own party right now.
Except we've seen Trump on the world stage before.

He took over when ISIS was sawing the heads off American hostages and posting the videos.
He left with ISIS virtually destroyed, relative peace in the ME, Iran broke and the Abraham Accords.
Hmm... Trump got to run the ball over the goal line and declare victory (he does that kind of stuff). But Obama made ISIS a priority, assembled the team, developed the game plan and drove the ball down the field.
He took over with little rocket man shooting missiles over Japan and left with him in a box.
He tried diplomacy with North Korea, but in regular Trump fashion, just claimed success and ignored failure. You believe this because of Trumps narrative. North Korea's nuclear program developed quite far under Trump.
He took over after Putin had annexed Crimea and left without Putin taking 1 inch of ground during his term.
This is a valid talking point. I will say, Biden has strategically led our allies into exposing Russia for the paper tiger they are.
He took over after decades of NATO allies shorting their financial commitments, he left with NATO allies upping their contribution.
Not true. NATO contributions were increasing several years prior to Trump, stemming from an Obama era 2014 agreement.
He took over with Germany trying to complete a deal to literally enrich Putin. Trump put pressure on Germany to buy from their ally and mutual defense partner instead of the country most responsible for the formation of NATO.

Trump WAS laughed at by Germany due to him warning of becoming too dependent on green energy too quickly. In 2022, they weren't laughing as they were forced to turn to firewood to heat their homes.
No doubt Trump was right here.
Trump's political communication skills are odd at best and absurd at times but I don't think laughter is the reaction of friends or foes abroad.
No one is ever 100% right or wrong. Trump being right is the exception not the norm. He is a fool.
I think Kamala Harris wasn’t Democratically nominated to even be your f*cking candidate and she received 0 votes in the primary she did participate in. On top of pushing RFK jr. out of the party for wanting to run against Biden. So clearly you don’t care about Democracy or you would be livid at your own party right now.

Do you know how primaries work? Conventions?

And I'm not a democrat. I'm a conservative who grew up on Reagan, Buckley and Friedman and who thinks this new brand of republicans is a total clown show.

Socialism political and economic system that is based on the idea that the community should own and manage property and natural resources, rather than individuals (straight from a google search, you can look it up). Socialist Governments always result in a complete corruption of power as in order to implement their policies the government has to seize and directly influence the economy in order to remove control from individuals. Most socialist governments as you see in South America where we are currently getting our mass illegal Emigration from are fleeing governments that became corrupt from overstepping of their governments and the destruction of true political processes and getting away with it by manipulating the media coverage in their countries. Harris has admitted that she intends to directly influence small businesses to manipulate prices artificially as she blames them for the growing inflation that has occurred under her and Biden’s administration, that’s a socialist policy. She is endorsed by Bernie Sanders, a self admitted socialist who has admitted that Harris is basically manipulating the people by hiding her socialist ideas in order to get elected. Kamala Harris was installed with zero votes from the people as a candidate once Joe Biden was revealed to be suffering from Dementia, something that was hidden from the American people by corrupt media analysts on platforms like ABC that claimed he was fully competent.

I can go on, but at this point I think I’m done. If you want to see this country and freedom itself burn and relish in your own suffering, fine. You don’t know what you’re voting for.
Words matter. They carry precise meanings and help navigate nuance. Words should make things clearer not more confusing.

I'm a conservative. I disagree with Kamala Harris on a lot...probably disagree with her more than I agree.

But...words matter. She is not a socialist.
Words matter. They carry precise meanings and help navigate nuance. Words should make things clearer not more confusing.

I'm a conservative. I disagree with Kamala Harris on a lot...probably disagree with her more than I agree.

But...words matter. She is not a socialist.
So what is she?
She wants Medicare for all
She wants federal government to control free speech, abortion, health decisions for your kids, banning straws, redistribution of wealth, giving freebies out w/o any consideration of where she will pay for it, decriminalization of fentanyl, etc.

What is your definition of a conservative? She is the most liberal candidate ever in the US.
Hmm... Trump got to run the ball over the goal line and declare victory (he does that kind of stuff). But Obama made ISIS a priority, assembled the team, developed the game plan and drove the ball down the field.
LMAO, Obama's JV was running wild when Trump took over and LITERALLY sawing the heads off of Americans and burning people in cages when Trump took office. I guess you can give O credit for allowing ISIS to grow so Trump could crush them.

He tried diplomacy with North Korea, but in regular Trump fashion, just claimed success and ignored failure. You believe this because of Trumps narrative. North Korea's nuclear program developed quite far under Trump.
I believe Trump had success because Un stopped firing missiles over an ally and they stopped their sabre rattling.

Not true. NATO contributions were increasing several years prior to Trump, stemming from an Obama era 2014 agreement.
This is a valid talking point. I will say, Biden has strategically led our allies into exposing Russia for the paper tiger they are.
Paper tiger with nukes. I'd much rather have had them acting as they did under Trump.
So what is she?
She wants Medicare for all
She wants federal government to control free speech, abortion, health decisions for your kids, banning straws, redistribution of wealth, giving freebies out w/o any consideration of where she will pay for it, decriminalization of fentanyl, etc.

What is your definition of a conservative? She is the most liberal candidate ever in the US.
Assuming all your characterizations are true, she still wouldn't be a socialist.
As for Trump, my biggest takeaway was how easily he is baited and manipulated. She played him like a fiddle. Those of you who think he is some brilliant mastermind on the world stage are leaders can play him just as well. And as an aside, it could be no other way, anyone who is that prideful and self absorbed is easy prey to skilled handlers. Trump is a puppet and his own pride is the strings.
yup. no notes here. well said.
I try not to look online during debates, I want to form my own independent opinions. My reaction last night as I watched, was surprise. I thought she debated / handled Trump better than anyone in the last nine years.

I still can't vote for her...but I no longer fear her incompetence. She'll do alright.

As for Trump, my biggest takeaway was how easily he is baited and manipulated. She played him like a fiddle. Those of you who think he is some brilliant mastermind on the world stage are leaders can play him just as well. And as an aside, it could be no other way, anyone who is that prideful and self absorbed is easy prey to skilled handlers. Trump is a puppet and his own pride is the strings.
CNN poll said Harris lost trust from voters to fix economy after the debate, the most important issue in the country and Trump gained voters. Your biggest takeaway has nothing to do with policy.
I try not to look online during debates, I want to form my own independent opinions. My reaction last night as I watched, was surprise. I thought she debated / handled Trump better than anyone in the last nine years.

I still can't vote for her...but I no longer fear her incompetence. She'll do alright.

As for Trump, my biggest takeaway was how easily he is baited and manipulated. She played him like a fiddle. Those of you who think he is some brilliant mastermind on the world stage are leaders can play him just as well. And as an aside, it could be no other way, anyone who is that prideful and self absorbed is easy prey to skilled handlers. Trump is a puppet and his own pride is the strings.
You trust this nut? stated by her, her mandatory buy back position was focused on 5.2 million assault weapons. Not universal gun confiscation.

She has changed her positions on several things, and most for the better...and yet I'm told this is a bad thing. We all grow, learn, are exposed to differing ideas and view points, undergo unique life experiences. Only a fool would go through life and not alter their opinions.

I personally like the humility and growth it bespeaks of her.

Trump doubles down on error and refuses to acknowledge wrong.
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Reactions: rednblack4life stated by her, her mandatory buy back position was focused on 5.2 million assault weapons. Not universal gun confiscation.

She has changed her positions on several things, and most for the better...and yet I'm told this is a bad thing. We all grow, learn, are exposed to differing ideas and view points, undergo unique life experiences. Only a fool would go through life and not alter their opinions.

I personally like the humility and growth it bespeaks of her.

Trump doubles down on error and refuses to acknowledge wrong.
The Reversal of policy is more to do with the gain of votes. Let's not pretend that isn't a majority of the reason why. Has she learned some.....ok maybe a little, I'm a benefit of the doubt type. But her reversing policy is clearly because she was and would be getting hammered in the booth on some of those stances.

She isn't growing and learning if her values are not changing ( her words).
The Reversal of policy is more to do with the gain of votes. Let's not pretend that isn't a majority of the reason why. Has she learned some.....ok maybe a little, I'm a benefit of the doubt type. But her reversing policy is clearly because she was and would be getting hammered in the booth on some of those stances.

She isn't growing and learning if her values are not changing ( her words).
Please explain to me why Trump couldn’t articulate a health care plan yet at the beginning of his first race supported single payer? Or why he won’t say he would veto a national abortion ban? But says it should be left to the states? And previously for many years proclaimed to be pro-choice?
The Reversal of policy is more to do with the gain of votes. Let's not pretend that isn't a majority of the reason why. Has she learned some.....ok maybe a little, I'm a benefit of the doubt type. But her reversing policy is clearly because she was and would be getting hammered in the booth on some of those stances.

She isn't growing and learning if her values are not changing ( her words).
The job of representing the people of California is different from the job of VP is different from the job of POTUS. 2016 is different from 2020 is different from 2024.

Y'all seem to be responding like a move towards the middle by a national candidate is some devious new trick devised by the Dems to confuse the country. It happens all the time.

She was accused of being an idiot who couldn't string a cogent thought together on the fly. Last night dispelled with that one.

She was accused of being a communist, and her proposed policies show she will be a center-left POTUS focused on the middle class, shoring up the social safety net, protecting reproductive rights and ensuring a strong national security stance via in part a stronger NATO alliance.

I get that a move to the middle makes it far more difficult to dismiss her as some crazy radical, and that this is what you want people to believe because it will be needed for Trump and all his baggage to compare favorably to the other candidate. Harris did a great job last night of undercutting the current GOP talking points and Trump is going to continue to struggle to land punches when he doesn't have a clear message.
The job of representing the people of California is different from the job of VP is different from the job of POTUS. 2016 is different from 2020 is different from 2024.

Y'all seem to be responding like a move towards the middle by a national candidate is some devious new trick devised by the Dems to confuse the country. It happens all the time.

She was accused of being an idiot who couldn't string a cogent thought together on the fly. Last night dispelled with that one.

She was accused of being a communist, and her proposed policies show she will be a center-left POTUS focused on the middle class, shoring up the social safety net, protecting reproductive rights and ensuring a strong national security stance via in part a stronger NATO alliance.

I get that a move to the middle makes it far more difficult to dismiss her as some crazy radical, and that this is what you want people to believe because it will be needed for Trump and all his baggage to compare favorably to the other candidate. Harris did a great job last night of undercutting the current GOP talking points and Trump is going to continue to struggle to land punches when he doesn't have a clear message.
Serving in the executive branch also has a way of "moderating" a candidate....unless you are trump, who wants the executive branch to have limitless power.
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So what is she?
She wants Medicare for all
She wants federal government to control free speech, abortion, health decisions for your kids, banning straws, redistribution of wealth, giving freebies out w/o any consideration of where she will pay for it, decriminalization of fentanyl, etc.

What is your definition of a conservative? She is the most liberal candidate ever in the US.
She evidently did not impress independent voters ( whoever that may be in these days), but she was 7 points down with them before the debate and appears she lost some ground. No movement in other independent polls.
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Serving in the executive branch also has a way of "moderating" a candidate....unless you are trump, who wants the executive branch to have limitless power.
word. see: Obama reversing course on a lot of his promises (to close Guantanamo Bay detention camp, just for an obvious instance) once he got a different set of briefings.
Do you really believe this?

Simple question for you. Between the two candidates, who do you think is more inclined to cut off aid to Ukraine and force a deal that results in Putin keeping much or all of the land he has taken? Based on everything said to date, including the debate last night, Trump is the candidate far more likely to give Putin what he wants in Ukraine. Any other answer is ignoring reality.
I would think most American taxpayers would be inclined to cut off spending their money on a war that doesn't involve us.
That's a lot of words that completely failed to answer a direct question.

Putin wants the war to end, and he wants Ukrainian territory. That is by far Putin's top focus and Trump is FAR more likely to give him what he wants than Harris. Trump was given multiple opportunities last night to make even a tepid statement of support for Ukraine and he wouldn't do it. He just kept saying that the war had to end, not what he would be willing to support to make that happen.

Anything else regarding Putin's agenda for our next election is noise.
Kamala is in trouble with voters on immigration, the economy, and foreign policy. Foreign policy may be Trump's achilles heel as most voters do not want support to end for Ukraine or Israel.
I would think most American taxpayers would be inclined to cut off spending their money on a war that doesn't involve us.
Read up about the isolationist movement in this country leading up to WW2. They said the exact same thing.

There is no such thing as a European war that doesn't involve us, particularly when the belligerent has been very open about reconstituting the holdings of the former USSR. The global economy is far more connected now than at any time in the past and a threat to European democracies is a threat to global stability, which is absolutely a threat to the US and our interests.
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Read up about the isolationist movement in this country leading up to WW2. They said the exact same thing.

There is no such thing as a European war that doesn't involve us, particularly when the belligerent has been very open about reconstituting the holdings of the former USSR. The global economy is far more connected now than at any time in the past and a threat to European democracies is a threat to global stability, which is absolutely a threat to the US and our interests.
Well at this point, whatever it takes to end it and cut off the bleeding, needs to be done. Maybe it is too far down the road to just have everyone go back home and stay within their current borders. Do you think Kamala is going to get that done? Or do anything to stop the war? About a snowball's chance in hell. So then what, at least 4 more years of wasteful spending over there when we're suffering over here? GTFOH with that.
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I try not to look online during debates, I want to form my own independent opinions. My reaction last night as I watched, was surprise. I thought she debated / handled Trump better than anyone in the last nine years.

I still can't vote for her...but I no longer fear her incompetence. She'll do alright.

As for Trump, my biggest takeaway was how easily he is baited and manipulated. She played him like a fiddle. Those of you who think he is some brilliant mastermind on the world stage are leaders can play him just as well. And as an aside, it could be no other way, anyone who is that prideful and self absorbed is easy prey to skilled handlers. Trump is a puppet and his own pride is the strings.
Trump should never have agreed to the debate on the commie ABC channel to start with. He was attacked or baited into defending himself by these clowns all three of them.
The job of representing the people of California is different from the job of VP is different from the job of POTUS. 2016 is different from 2020 is different from 2024.

Y'all seem to be responding like a move towards the middle by a national candidate is some devious new trick devised by the Dems to confuse the country. It happens all the time.

She was accused of being an idiot who couldn't string a cogent thought together on the fly. Last night dispelled with that one.

She was accused of being a communist, and her proposed policies show she will be a center-left POTUS focused on the middle class, shoring up the social safety net, protecting reproductive rights and ensuring a strong national security stance via in part a stronger NATO alliance.

I get that a move to the middle makes it far more difficult to dismiss her as some crazy radical, and that this is what you want people to believe because it will be needed for Trump and all his baggage to compare favorably to the other candidate. Harris did a great job last night of undercutting the current GOP talking points and Trump is going to continue to struggle to land punches when he doesn't have a clear message.
97% of the post had nothing to do with response….fyi

Anyway im not arguing the fact of whether her change is good or bad center or left or right

The reasoning is my point

Every candidate has things I like and like don’t like. RFK had things I liked. Trump has things I like. He’ll Waltz has the school lunch thing I like.

My argument is her reasoning in the belief that if she ran a campaign standing firm on some of the issues she has flipped on she wouldn’t win. So she has flipped on them (Sandwrs quote) to win votes.

It’s a smart move….doesn’t take a genius to figure it out, but it’s smart.

Don’t come at me with she is a changed person. She has a lifetime of policy as a reference not a political campaign change of mind to stand on
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