Not hiding their extremist positions - now trying to pack the Supreme Court

Next up are DC and Puerto Rico for the senate.

you know it's off the table...
I wonder how many EOs will be challenged?
Next up are DC and Puerto Rico for the senate.

So he’s going to ignore the demands of BLM for 4 years after saying they were justified.

Like I’ve said those issues deserved riots then lying and pathetic Dems do nothings.

Dem voters are content keeping them on the plantation!
Tell me again how statehood for two large concentrations of American citizens is extreme?
Well DC is internally not a state so the seat of the federal government is controlled or influenced by a state government. That’s why it was put in the constitution that way.
Puerto Rico is I’m unincorporated territory. There 12 others, are we making the Northern Mariana Islands a state too? It’s still not clear they even want to be a state. Although some claim they voted to become a state that’s not exactly correct. Although 54% wanted to change their status, many voters left blank the question about becoming a state so it’s very possible that the majority doesn’t even want to be part of the US. Every vote before this one they voted to not become a state.
Wouldn’t a better plan be to allow them to return to being their own country? Hell, there are a bunch of Hawaiians who want to leave the US.
Next up are DC and Puerto Rico for the senate.

Honestly it’s not that extremist. I’m not a fan of court packing, but the door was opened here by Republicans.

The approach cited by Republicans in denying Merrick Garland in 2016 and approving Amy Coney Barrett in 2020 was that it was Constitutional. It was very obviously unfair, hypocritical and out of precedent, but the Republican Party had the power to do it.

at this point it’s hard to deny the Democrats the same power under the Constitution to add 2 seats to the Supreme Court and nominate their candidates. There’s nothing constitutionally to say that’s extreme. We’ve varied the number of justices historically - nine isn’t a sacred number.
Well DC is internally not a state so the seat of the federal government is controlled or influenced by a state government. That’s why it was put in the constitution that way.
Puerto Rico is I’m unincorporated territory. There 12 others, are we making the Northern Mariana Islands a state too? It’s still not clear they even want to be a state. Although some claim they voted to become a state that’s not exactly correct. Although 54% wanted to change their status, many voters left blank the question about becoming a state so it’s very possible that the majority doesn’t even want to be part of the US. Every vote before this one they voted to not become a state.
Wouldn’t a better plan be to allow them to return to being their own country? Hell, there are a bunch of Hawaiians who want to leave the US.

Right, well, what is the operable difference between the seat of the federal government being controlled or influenced by a state government vs. controlled and influenced by a mayor/city council? I am all for self determination, frankly. But suggesting that large population centers that pay federal tax should have representation the senate isn't extreme. EXTREME would be abolishing the senate, though there is a strong argument for that as well. I get that 50 is a nice round number (even if 52 is the number in a deck of cards).
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Right, well, what is the operable difference between the seat of the federal government being controlled or influenced by a state government vs. controlled and influenced by a mayor/city council? I am all for self determination, frankly. But suggesting that large population centers that pay federal tax should have representation the senate isn't extreme. EXTREME would be abolishing the senate, though there is a strong argument for that as well. I get that 50 is a nice round number (even if 52 is the number in a deck of cards).
Easy solution. Allow DC residents to vote for Maryland’s senators and the closest representative district. They would be their constituents and would give them the representation they want.
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Easy solution. Allow DC residents to vote for Maryland’s senators and the closest representative district. They would be their constituents and would give them the representation they want.

I don’t think MD Rs are going to go for that.
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I don’t think MD Rs are going to go for that.
I don’t think your party is going to go for anything less than two new senators from a totally socialist state. Which is fun for me to watch. It is going to blow up in your faces. Might take 5, 10 years, but y’all will screw the pooch senseless. Bad, bad plans.
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