Not that my opinion matters...cause I've been a Dawg for 55yrs...


Diehard supporter
Nov 15, 2002
North Georgia
and seen a lot of stuff over those years...season ticket holder since 71'..

But I think I can say this either way..

If we're just banking on KS and no one else...that concerns me...surely and I say surely the press is pushing KS bc of all the obvious connections...another surely is and I hope surely that GM is got the search firm out and his feelers out collecting interest on this position....bc there are potentially a buffet line of quality coaches that could possibly be leaps and bounds above just settling for KS.

Lincoln Riley OC at Oklahoma...
Mike Yurcich OC at Okl St..
Sonny Cumbie OC at TCU..
John Grass HC/OC at Jacksonville State U..
Chip Kelley HC ..ya'll know about him..
DJ Durkin DC at Michigan is a far better choice than KS
Kendall Briles OC at Baylor...
Tom Herman HC Houston
Matt Rhule HC Temple...

I can go on with other candidates...I just think KS as first choice is a bigger risk than seeking out and possibly finding a gem ...JD was a risk as a previous HC...MR was a risk...NS was a risk at one time...any of them and all of them will be a risk period..and don't give me Mullen or Fisher as candidates...or Tuberville...those would suck


Signing off...
and seen a lot of stuff over those years...season ticket holder since 71'..

But I think I can say this either way..

If we're just banking on KS and no one else...that concerns me...surely and I say surely the press is pushing KS bc of all the obvious connections...another surely is and I hope surely that GM is got the search firm out and his feelers out collecting interest on this position....bc there are potentially a buffet line of quality coaches that could possibly be leaps and bounds above just settling for KS.

Lincoln Riley OC at Oklahoma...
Mike Yurcich OC at Okl St..
Sonny Cumbie OC at TCU..
John Grass HC/OC at Jacksonville State U..
Chip Kelley HC ..ya'll know about him..
DJ Durkin DC at Michigan is a far better choice than KS
Kendall Briles OC at Baylor...
Tom Herman HC Houston
Matt Rhule HC Temple...

I can go on with other candidates...I just think KS as first choice is a bigger risk than seeking out and possibly finding a gem ...JD was a risk as a previous HC...MR was a risk...NS was a risk at one time...any of them and all of them will be a risk period..and don't give me Mullen or Fisher as candidates...or Tuberville...those would suck


Signing off...
Kirby is as good at football as anyone. He works at it or he wouldn't have risen to the position where he is. But the one hole in the bucket for almost 100% of the people you mentioned is recruiting the black athlete in the south. In the SEC it is different man. It is life and death of a program. None of these folks you mention know the HS coaches, the academic advisors, the preachers and yes the UGA boosters who will help the coach recruiting the kid financially. But Kirby does. None of them have been inside the guts and feathers of a strong, strong recruiting system like he has. It would take them years to build the relationships and they would never build the detailed system. By then that train has left the station. UGA best get somebody who can do damage right now! Dabo to the east. Saban and the vultures @ AU, LSU's and Ole Miss cutthroats to the west. B Jones and U Meyer to the north and the fine folks in Tallahassee, Gainesville and Coral Gables to the south. I'm sure they would all be understanding and give the "NEW, out of town guy" some time to get his feet on the ground before they closed in. BAWAAAAAHAAA.

Maybe Smart is not the guy but it is inviting disaster to invision most of the ones you mention having much chance. And at least he will bring a bazooka with him instead of a knife to a gun fight.
Everyone of those coaches recruit players they recruit in all regions of the's no different bc it's in the south...they all recruit in the south and many athletes leave the south to go play at Okl, Ok St, Neb, Oh St, USC..etc...I think if Chip Kelley knocked on a door of a top recruit in punksville deep south Ga and said,,How would you like to play for UGA...that carries just as much weight if not more than NS, UM, or any other coach doing the same...

It's all a matter who gets the job...
I'm not sure that ADGM can close the deal unless he gives KS complete control over assistants etc. He better have a plan B or plan C might be to be looking for a job.
Everyone of those coaches recruit players they recruit in all regions of the's no different bc it's in the south...they all recruit in the south and many athletes leave the south to go play at Okl, Ok St, Neb, Oh St, USC..etc...I think if Chip Kelley knocked on a door of a top recruit in punksville deep south Ga and said,,How would you like to play for UGA...that carries just as much weight if not more than NS, UM, or any other coach doing the same...

It's all a matter who gets the job...
It's not about carrying weight. It's about relationships and getting things done. These schools know. McElwain is struggling some recruiting at UF because he was brought in as an offensive gunslinger by Saban from out west and was there for a couple/three years and was never involved in the process (recruiting) much. Damn good coach but this years (and last year's) classes will hurt him down the road. And he didn't do much to close out a bad azz group that was leaning and commited to UF last winter. AU poached several. And others. SC is looking for a local guy who knows everybody. AU basically made a deal with WM for close to $2M for one year. They bought him as a coach but more over they purchased the rights to the kids he and T Robinson had in their pockets. This thing is a nasty business. It's a rat race and the rats are winning. BOBO would have a better chance than most of the guys on your list.
It's not about carrying weight. It's about relationships and getting things done. These schools know. McElwain is struggling some recruiting at UF because he was brought in as an offensive gunslinger by Saban from out west and was there for a couple/three years and was never involved in the process (recruiting) much. Damn good coach but this years (and last year's) classes will hurt him down the road. And he didn't do much to close out a bad azz group that was leaning and commited to UF last winter. AU poached several. And others. SC is looking for a local guy who knows everybody. AU basically made a deal with WM for close to $2M for one year. They bought him as a coach but more over they purchased the rights to the kids he and T Robinson had in their pockets. This thing is a nasty business. It's a rat race and the rats are winning. BOBO would have a better chance than most of the guys on your list.

I like BoBo but Colorado State has a $5 million buyout. ADGM is too cheap to come off that kind of money.
It's not about carrying weight. It's about relationships and getting things done. These schools know. McElwain is struggling some recruiting at UF because he was brought in as an offensive gunslinger by Saban from out west and was there for a couple/three years and was never involved in the process (recruiting) much. Damn good coach but this years (and last year's) classes will hurt him down the road. And he didn't do much to close out a bad azz group that was leaning and commited to UF last winter. AU poached several. And others. SC is looking for a local guy who knows everybody. AU basically made a deal with WM for close to $2M for one year. They bought him as a coach but more over they purchased the rights to the kids he and T Robinson had in their pockets. This thing is a nasty business. It's a rat race and the rats are winning. BOBO would have a better chance than most of the guys on your list.

South Carolina is a dumpster fire of a football program and their fans are delusional. They still think they are getting Tom Herman or Kirby Smart. If they're lucky, they might end up with Muschamp or Chizik. If they're unlucky, they'll end up promoting that interim coach.
I'm not sure that ADGM can close the deal unless he gives KS complete control over assistants etc. He better have a plan B or plan C might be to be looking for a job.

I'd be very surprised if any conditions were placed on who the new HC's assistants are.
I hope he keeps Our whole D staff, but obviously that's not likely.

I keep coming back to Kirby and Herman, they each seemingly have the potential to be great HCs at this level. Herman is incredibly bright, energetic and enthusiastic. Kirby has all the ties, He's passionate, detailed, a great culture fit and He's been preparing for this His entire adult life.
Pruitt and Kirby worked together at Alabama. I would love to see those two on the same team both recruiting and coaching. My top choice though would be Herman. It would take longer for him to get traction with recruiting but better in the long run imo.
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Pruitt and Kirby worked together at Alabama. I would love to see those two on the same team both recruiting and coaching. My top choice though would be Herman. It would take longer for him to get traction with recruiting but better in the long run imo.

Absolutely, they have even adapted to the spread revolution very similarly since Pruitt left Bama. Kirby will be very pleased with the players and development Pruitt has put in place. We're going to have exactly the DL Bama has been developing the past 3 seasons.
I'd take Chip kelley over all and every considerable coach on any list...He is the only solid choice...everyone else is risky..
I'd take Chip kelley over all and every considerable coach on any list...He is the only solid choice...everyone else is risky..

Kelly would be a bad fit IMO He is said to have trouble relating to players from this region for starters.
He also is said to be very impatient and likes to constantly tinker for the sake of tinkering.
IDK about anything you just said...but based off what he did at Oregon and being in the NC game and Conference Championship games..and his offense was pure fire and brimstone...and he kept the peddle down the entire game...I'd go for that in a second over anything anyone else brings to the table...
IDK about anything you just said...but based off what he did at Oregon and being in the NC game and Conference Championship games..and his offense was pure fire and brimstone...and he kept the peddle down the entire game...I'd go for that in a second over anything anyone else brings to the table...

I obviously like his record at Oregon, but Georgia has a different culture.
He has no interest in his players off the field. He is an autocrat who treats players like cogs in his engine. Those who he perceives as not jumping when he snaps are sent packing.
Worst is the perception he dislikes black culture in general and southern blacks in particular think he's dismissive and looks down on them.

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