Not that y'all care but my top two choices for president are

Ted Cruz or Donald trump : I'm ok with either one . Chris Christie a far third .

I'm sick of the same old crap .
I wish Ted Cruz was a viable candidate.

I just don't think he would pull the vote of those who are center to just left of center.....which are the votes we're going to need to win this thing.

As for Trump, I don't trust him. He may very well be working to get Hillary elected.
I wish Ted Cruz was a viable candidate.

I just don't think he would pull the vote of those who are center to just left of center.....which are the votes we're going to need to win this thing.

As for Trump, I don't trust him. He may very well be working to get Hillary elected.

I kinda like you about trump . I have said that something but he knows he would have a lot of PO people . Having Obama and that crap people may snap if he didn't deliver .
I wish Ted Cruz was a viable candidate.

I just don't think he would pull the vote of those who are center to just left of center.....which are the votes we're going to need to win this thing.

As for Trump, I don't trust him. He may very well be working to get Hillary elected.

With all due respect I disagree with you, 34. First of all, Trump may not be a conservative, but he clearly leans to the right. Over the past 7 years its not difficult to realize which side of the fence one sits on. Trump, as disastrous as he is, I'm sure he has what he thinks is America's best interest in mind. Unlike BO, Bernie, or Hillary (Party First).

Cruz, with the exception of Rubio (imo), is as close to Reagan as we have in the presidential race. Reagan won two landslides running on conservative ideals. Cruz, if he stops his stuttering, can do the same, imo, I hope. Cruz/Rubio.
With all due respect I disagree with you, 34. First of all, Trump may not be a conservative, but he clearly leans to the right. Over the past 7 years its not difficult to realize which side of the fence one sits on. Trump, as disastrous as he is, I'm sure he has what he thinks is America's best interest in mind. Unlike BO, Bernie, or Hillary (Party First).

Cruz, with the exception of Rubio (imo), is as close to Reagan as we have in the presidential race. Reagan won two landslides running on conservative ideals. Cruz, if he stops his stuttering, can do the same, imo, I hope. Cruz/Rubio.
I am in absolute agreement with you on Cruz/Rubio. That would be my first-choice ticket.

We'll have to agree to disagree on Trump. However, I do agree that he'd be nowhere near the disaster that Obama has been.....easily the worst, most divisive president of ALL time.

I just don't think Trump would be able to get much done in Washington.
Ted Cruz or Donald trump : I'm ok with either one . Chris Christie a far third .

I'm sick of the same old crap .

I like Cruz but I am willing to give Trump a chance mainly because he is not a politician.

I am SICK of politicians' promises, lying and lining their pockets.

We need term limits and we need then NOW.
Ted Cruz or Donald trump : I'm ok with either one . Chris Christie a far third .

I'm sick of the same old crap .
Cruz Christy Rubio trump not in this order it sucks Christy is not getting any sport light. We need some one with attitude like Regan. Heck if one of them put these guys as cabnet members wow.
I am in absolute agreement with you on Cruz/Rubio. That would be my first-choice ticket.

We'll have to agree to disagree on Trump. However, I do agree that he'd be nowhere near the disaster that Obama has been.....easily the worst, most divisive president of ALL time.

I just don't think Trump would be able to get much done in Washington.
Trump and Christy would be good too they would get crap done. Tell China and the teorist to suck it and Iran to give back out guys.
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I am in absolute agreement with you on Cruz/Rubio. That would be my first-choice ticket.

We'll have to agree to disagree on Trump. However, I do agree that he'd be nowhere near the disaster that Obama has been.....easily the worst, most divisive president of ALL time.

I just don't think Trump would be able to get much done in Washington.

See, I think Trump is probably one of the few who could get things done in Washington. He's a master negotiator and would bring an amazing administration from the his business world. Cruz would reform every government entity of the Executive Branch, ie IRS, Department of Energy, Department of Education, etc. and appoint Conservative lifetime positions, and Conservative Judges at every level. I would not have an issue with Trump/Cruz at all.
See, I think Trump is probably one of the few who could get things done in Washington. He's a master negotiator and would bring an amazing administration from the his business world. Cruz would reform every government entity of the Executive Branch, ie IRS, Department of Energy, Department of Education, etc. and appoint Conservative lifetime positions, and Conservative Judges at every level. I would not have an issue with Trump/Cruz at all.
Put Christy is charge of education or something like that him and Cruz would be a democrats nightmare with trump as there boss.
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See, I think Trump is probably one of the few who could get things done in Washington. He's a master negotiator and would bring an amazing administration from the his business world. Cruz would reform every government entity of the Executive Branch, ie IRS, Department of Energy, Department of Education, etc. and appoint Conservative lifetime positions, and Conservative Judges at every level. I would not have an issue with Trump/Cruz at all.
I would much rather your feelings on Trump be true vs my conspiracy theory. The next few months are going to be very interesting.
I would much rather your feelings on Trump be true vs my conspiracy theory. The next few months are going to be very interesting.

Me too, brother! But at this point, I'm not sure even the Donald could help Hillary, with all the dirt the Republicans have on her, win the White House. The Dem's just don't have much hope this coming election. As I noted before, their only chance is to motivate their constituents by agitating to the point of conflict, while demagoguing ever issue and demonizing every Republican on earth. Their ideas are brainless, worthless, and beyond hope.
Ted Cruz or Donald trump : I'm ok with either one . Chris Christie a far third .

I'm sick of the same old crap .
I would agree with you. I have always been a Cruz fan, he is a constitutionalist and is not afraid to stand for the constitutional values we are supposed to have.
I did not think Trump would get this far, either will be a vast improvement over now!
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Me too, brother! But at this point, I'm not sure even the Donald could help Hillary, with all the dirt the Republicans have on her, win the White House. The Dem's just don't have much hope this coming election. As I noted before, their only chance is to motivate their constituents by agitating to the point of conflict, while demagoguing ever issue and demonizing every Republican on earth. Their ideas are brainless, worthless, and beyond hope.

You have to see the irony in accusing democrats of demonizing, right ?
You have to see the irony in accusing democrats of demonizing, right ?

LOL..."I think Lex Luthor is the ultimate supervillain, after all, Superman is the ultimate superhero."

"If The Riddler would only stop stuttering, he'd be the best supervillain."

"Don't forget about The Joker, he's given Batman a hard time throughout the years..."

"Yes, but Two-Face is the only supervillain who has actually been elected to office. Harvey Dent has what it takes to appeal to the voters. If the Republicans could just obtain a flesh mask for that other side of his face..."

"NO! I'm sick and tired of comic book supervillains leading the Republicans to defeat. The only supervillain who can beat Hillary is Ernst Stavro Blofeld!"
Both sides do it, no doubt. But, Dems take it to a whole different level. And you know it.

Honestly, no, I don't know it.
Republicans hold their own, at least, when it comes to demonizing their opponents.
Much of the divisions in Obama's Presidency were strategic choices made by Republicans, not all of course, but it's been clear since he took office the strategy has been and still is to never cooperate with The POTUS.
LOL..."I think Lex Luthor is the ultimate supervillain, after all, Superman is the ultimate superhero."

"If The Riddler would only stop stuttering, he'd be the best supervillain."

"Don't forget about The Joker, he's given Batman a hard time throughout the years..."

"Yes, but Two-Face is the only supervillain who has actually been elected to office. Harvey Dent has what it takes to appeal to the voters. If the Republicans could just obtain a flesh mask for that other side of his face..."

"NO! I'm sick and tired of comic book supervillains leading the Republicans to defeat. The only supervillain who can beat Hillary is Ernst Stavro Blofeld!"

Fat Bastard would be a perfect fit if not for the foreign accent, those frighten them almost as much as skin tone.
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Honestly, no, I don't know it.
Republicans hold their own, at least, when it comes to demonizing their opponents.
Much of the divisions in Obama's Presidency were strategic choices made by Republicans, not all of course, but it's been clear since he took office the strategy has been and still is to never cooperate with The POTUS.

When we fundamentally disagree on every single level and issue, what is there to cooperate with? And another thing, if you don't think the Establishment Republicans haven't been cooperating with Obama on many issues/subjects behind the scenes than you're a bigger fool than I thought you were.

BO brought this upon himself by stating the following...

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Trump is a buffoon and an idiot. He would be a monumental disaster for this country, and the fact that we have Americans who would really vote for that self-promoting asswipe says it all.
When we fundamentally disagree on every single level and issue, what is there to cooperate with? And another thing, if you don't think the Establishment Republicans haven't been cooperating with Obama on many issues/subjects behind the scenes than you're a bigger fool than I thought you were.

BO brought this upon himself by stating the following...

Yeah, cause no other POTUS has run on the promise of change, good Gosh you're lost in your own imaginings.
As for Republican strategy, it's not speculation, there has been memo after memo from republicans informing their people to throw a wrench into anything the POTUS proposes. It's the most negatively focused Congress in modern times.

One area of agreement we might have is putting more boots on the ground against ISIS. Nothing like the 400K I've seen suggested here, and not a U.S. led force that leads to endless occupation though.
If we can put a force in the field that truly represents most of the world, I could see it being psychologically and militarily destructive to ISIS.
Getting Russia and Assad to turn their weapons on ISIS would be a critical step.
I wish Ted Cruz was a viable candidate.

I just don't think he would pull the vote of those who are center to just left of center.....which are the votes we're going to need to win this thing.

As for Trump, I don't trust him. He may very well be working to get Hillary elected.

Congrats, that's the first post I've read from a republican that shows a grasp of political reality.
Trump is a buffoon and an idiot. He would be a monumental disaster for this country, and the fact that we have Americans who would really vote for that self-promoting asswipe says it all.

no, what says it all , is the " numbskulls " that voted for the " fake " we have now , and especially the ones who did it twice , WOW !
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Yeah, cause no other POTUS has run on the promise of change, good Gosh you're lost in your own imaginings.
As for Republican strategy, it's not speculation, there has been memo after memo from republicans informing their people to throw a wrench into anything the POTUS proposes. It's the most negatively focused Congress in modern times.

One area of agreement we might have is putting more boots on the ground against ISIS. Nothing like the 400K I've seen suggested here, and not a U.S. led force that leads to endless occupation though.
If we can put a force in the field that truly represents most of the world, I could see it being psychologically and militarily destructive to ISIS.
Getting Russia and Assad to turn their weapons on ISIS would be a critical step.

It wasn't just change he promised. The objective was to move America away from a nation built on liberty, economic freedom, and Individualism towards a Government welfare and dependency state. Collectivism, Socialized Medicine, Wealth Redistribution, class warfare, the gutting of our military, erosion of our foreign affair influence, etc. Everything conservatives, the Republican base, are fundamentally against. The exact reasons I don't hide my hate for BO. And just so you know, I was a Liberal Democrat hating Conservative long before I ever heard the name BO.

We can agree on boots on the ground against Isis, however I'm not a fan of this idea until we've bombed this area to the point it's unrecognizable. I want to pound these miscreants into mother earth.
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My problem is this. I generally agree with people like Cruz and Trump on policy and direction. But, I also recognize that our Govt is a series of compromises. I worry about people like Trump who are used to getting their way all of the time. The best example is Obama. When anyone disagrees with him he throws a tantrum. That's not leadership.
Ted Cruz or Donald trump : I'm ok with either one . Chris Christie a far third .

I'm sick of the same old crap .
Then you are about to get the same old crap. Money on both sides have there candidates locked up. Voting is a joke.
Fat Bastard would be a perfect fit if not for the foreign accent, those frighten them almost as much as skin tone.
Isn't there a transgender, an
Then you are about to get the same old crap. Money on both sides have there candidates locked up. Voting is a joke.
The same old crap would be a female candidate incapable of telling the truth. Mr Cruz or Trump would be the anti-establishment, and before you say they could not handle the job look at the career politicians and the crap they have given us. I think a deceased Reagan would have done more positive for this nation than the last 7 years.
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It wasn't just change he promised. The objective was to move America away from a nation built on liberty, economic freedom, and Individualism towards a Government welfare and dependency state. Collectivism, Socialized Medicine, Wealth Redistribution, class warfare, the gutting of our military, erosion of our foreign affair influence, etc. Everything conservatives, the Republican base, are fundamentally against. The exact reasons I don't hide my hate for BO. And just so you know, I was a Liberal Democrat hating Conservative long before I ever heard the name BO.

We can agree on boots on the ground against Isis, however I'm not a fan of this idea until we've bombed this area to the point it's unrecognizable. I want to pound these miscreants into mother earth.

Of course those depictions are YOUR interpretations.
I was, and remain convinced We couldn't continue on the path We were on with healthcare. We had to do something and republicans were content to let the healthcare industry run roughshod.
We should have reduced our defense budget to 300 billion years ago. It would force Congress to clean up their thieving ways or let it become clear what they are really about.
It's strange the 'wealth redistribution'' over the past 35 years has all gone to the most wealthy. Everybody else has been either stagnant or regressed financially, yet republicans are still parroting an obvious lie they're told to repeat.
We CAN'T bomb occupied cities and kill many thousands of innocent men, women and children, We're by God better than that, whether you want to be or not.
We have to do a better job of locating the criminals in real time and drop hell on top of them.
Clinton has come out and stated we have to have boots on the ground in Syria as part of a coalition force. So we all agree with Hilary, and just about everybody else but The POTUS, he simply has this one wrong. I don't want to take the lead with a huge American force though. Hell. LET Putin keep an occupying force in Syria, what would we actually lose, other than weapons and casket sales ?
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