O OlecountryDawg Pillar of the DawgVent Jan 24, 2008 18,413 10,683 172 May 14, 2015 #1 and I don't think people going to listen too him . He a big time failure at calming fears .
S special Letterman and National Champion Jul 5, 2001 1,789 271 137 May 14, 2015 #2 OlecountryDawg said: and I don't think people going to listen too him . He a big time failure at calming fears . Click to expand... Did you vote for him-yes or no.
OlecountryDawg said: and I don't think people going to listen too him . He a big time failure at calming fears . Click to expand... Did you vote for him-yes or no.
O OlecountryDawg Pillar of the DawgVent Jan 24, 2008 18,413 10,683 172 May 14, 2015 #3 No! Just in the dawgchat poll.