Obama gonna march....'s become yawn-worthy here, but drive by media eats it up.?**

Didnt He tell a black group that His parents met at the Selma march?

Even though He older than the Selma march, itself.
I seem to recall this facts of which He had been speaking.

He a lie.
Yes, and Al Gore's mama sang him the American Garment Workers song

when he was a baby..........the dipshat.
I saw somewhere this morning, a young black actress telling

Oprah she (she young actress) was not african-American but rather, American. That comment did not sit well with Oprah. Very glad to hear least this gal, wants only to be recognized as an american. Wish more would wake up and understand how they've been manipulated
I'm hoping for a reprise of Hillary's "I don't feel no ways tired" speech


This post was edited on 3/7 9:14 AM by JohnnyBeeDawg
it was right then and there, when the patronized black folk cheered that

ridiculous embarrassment of a mocking speech that I knew they were done. Uncle Toms but for a new massa.
I would loved to have been a fly on the wall within her circle. Did she

think she nailed the phony characterization of blacks? Did anyone on her staff cringe or what? What was Bill's reaction? That was the single most pathetic think I can remember.
and the group that finds racism at every turn doesn't recognize it

when it's staring them in the face. Instead the cheer the person mocking them.
Evidently, he was in Columbia yesterday decrying Ferguson abuses. I'm sick of his azz.