Wondering how Chat Dem's are feeling about having one man choosing who's your candidate? Your primary vote means NOTHING

Imagine tying your manhood to a political candidate. And further imagine that man being small hands Trump.
Or “hot dog down a hallway” Camela. First time she got promoted by a man pulling out. Your can hang your hat there.
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I’ve decided to just stop worrying and just appreciate this period for what it is- hilarious. A time when real people not only supported politically, but staked their whole personality on the most transparent huckster of all time. You couldn’t have made this up. They made a damn game show around his larger than life used car salesman thing. The whole thing is really funny if we just appreciate it.
I’ve decided to just stop worrying and just appreciate this period for what it is- hilarious. A time when real people not only supported politically, but staked their whole personality on the most transparent huckster of all time. You couldn’t have made this up. They made a damn game show around his larger than life used car salesman thing. The whole thing is really funny if we just appreciate it.
You should appreciate that time where you elected a vegetable to the highest office in the land. Then pretended for four years he was mentally fit, while not being mentally fit to run a food truck. I didn’t enjoy that period of time. As did a lot of people. Which is why your brethren forced him out by gunpoint.
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The nominations have nothing to do with the government. The Democrats could decide tomorrow to base their nominee on a game of tic tac toe and there’s nothing stopping them.
So none of those democrats are tied in any way to our government! Ok. Sounds completely logical.
So none of those democrats are tied in any way to our government! Ok. Sounds completely logical.
the process itself is whatever each party decides it is

if the Libertarians decided to have a foot race to decide their candidate, they could do that. If the Democrats wanted to just always nominate the tallest person, they could do that too. The government has no role in determining how each party decides their candidate
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the process itself is whatever each party decides it is

if the Libertarians decided to have a foot race to decide their candidate, they could do that. If the Democrats wanted to just always nominate the tallest person, they could do that too. The government has no role in determining how each party decides their candidate
The parties represent our actual government. There is no separation from party and government. The parties have their POLITICAL platforms extolling their so called values. They may act like they are elected officials, but they are often bought and paid for to gain money and power for themselves and their party.