Wondering how Chat Dem's are feeling about having one man choosing who's your candidate? Your primary vote means NOTHING

Not a problem for me. Yall keep trying though. A party’s nominating process is never controlled by the government, so your faulty logic in considering this anti-democratic is unconvincing. Unless you want to say that the states that Nikki Haley won ij the primary should have her on the ballot?
You know, it doesn't bother me either.

Just can't figure out how a person that didn't get any delegates in 2020 and dropped out of the race is all of a sudden stepping into a situation like she is.

I mean, what did she do as a VP that she now becomes the rep, or between then and now,.....what am I missing??
You know, it doesn't bother me either.

Just can't figure out how a person that didn't get any delegates in 2020 and dropped out of the race is all of a sudden stepping into a situation like she is.

I mean, what did she do as a VP that she now becomes the rep, or between then and now,.....what am I missing??
Same thing happened with Biden, Daddy Bush, and every other VP in history. They tend to be somewhat accomplished pols who couldn’t win a presidential primary.
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I havent gaslighted anyone. My position has always been that joe should've been a 1 term president from the beginning. Good news though....we only have 6 more months of Joe Biden. Then he is gone.

But watching people's heads spin off their shoulders in the last 2 days really has been fun. Now rumors are there's buyers remorse for Vance. His positions aren't polling well in swing states. His rally yesterday was Jeb Bush awkward. He has the charisma of a shoe box.
LMAO if only JD had Kamala's charisma
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Same thing happened with Biden, Daddy Bush, and every other VP in history. They tend to be somewhat accomplished pols who couldn’t win a presidential primary.
Biden got delegate support when he ran on the Democratic ticket in ‘20….the way the process should work imo. But I guess that can be argued too.

Politics/politicians are mostly all dirty and has been for awhile. Trick is, is to pick the lesser of the evils.

Point is, it certainly appears that donors are contributing and influencing the decisions…. but it has probably been that way for some time.

Subverting the voter and skirting the system from the way it should be. Certainly don’t think a handful of people should decide on who the candidate for the party is.

We will probably never be able to prove any of it though.

But again, it doesn’t matter to me, can’t control it. It is what it is. As I guess the Republicans can play the same game if/when it is ever needed.

But don’t believe they have to, Trump’s record speaks for itself.

The Democrats will still have the same policies/platform they ran on before…..people have felt the hurt, monetarily speaking & safety.

Pretty sure most rationally thinking people don’t want to do it all over again, for another 4 years.
The teeth gnashing and knicker-twisting that is happening in trump world is something to behold. They can't STAND that Biden is no longer the nominee.

It's like they are totally unprepared for this. They had to have seen this as a possibility in the last 30 days.

Yes because this has happened never in history this late in a cycle and only once period. Can’t believe his camp wasn’t prepared
Biden got delegate support when he ran on the Democratic ticket in ‘20….the way the process should work imo. But I guess that can be argued too.

Politics/politicians are mostly all dirty and has been for awhile. Trick is, is to pick the lesser of the evils.

Point is, it certainly appears that donors are contributing and influencing the decisions…. but it has probably been that way for some time.

Subverting the voter and skirting the system from the way it should be. Certainly don’t think a handful of people should decide on who the candidate for the party is.

We will probably never be able to prove any of it though.

But again, it doesn’t matter to me, can’t control it. It is what it is. As I guess the Republicans can play the same game if/when it is ever needed.

But don’t believe they have to, Trump’s record speaks for itself.

The Democrats will still have the same policies/platform they ran on before…..people have felt the hurt, monetarily speaking & safety.

Pretty sure most rationally thinking people don’t want to do it all over again, for another 4 years.
You’re a rational guy and worth talking to. I disagree about the last 4 years from my own experience. But that’s all any of us really have.
So are we. All you goofballs telling us that Kamala is the best candidate ever , even though we all know she couldnt run an HOA is absolutely hilarious.

Or how about the one where you Dems CONSTANTLY tell us how great and sharp Joe B is only to put him out to pasture thinking nobody will notice.

Truly good stuff. This is what happens when your only policy is Orange Man Bad.

As a Democrat I can honestly say I did not pay much attention to videos of President Biden. With sooo much AI stuff and Meme's it's difficult to tell what's true vs. fake.

The debate gave me the opportunity for myself to see the President and obviously I was shocked at what I saw. That's when I became a "The President should not run" wagon. The age issue was now in full view. I think he is still functional. He will have his moments of energy spurts, but father time is undefeated. President Biden should spend the remember of his term continuing to work with the major corporations who are partly responsible for this stubborn inflation. These corporations are enjoying record profits and could reduce their price some, and still set records. Lastly, he needs to find a way to settle the Russia/Ukraine conflict.

All other major topics should be left alone until the next President is sworn in. The Border. The Economy. Defense. Hamas/Isreal.
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You know, it doesn't bother me either.

Just can't figure out how a person that didn't get any delegates in 2020 and dropped out of the race is all of a sudden stepping into a situation like she is.

I mean, what did she do as a VP that she now becomes the rep, or between then and now,.....what am I missing??
It's simply about the campaign funds and the laws that determine who can use those funds. I think everyone knows this is a tough sale, but the way the laws are written, it's really the only logical play they could do, if President Biden decided not to run for relection.
As a Democrat I can honestly say I did not pay much attention to videos of President Biden. With sooo much AI stuff and Meme's it's difficult to tell what's true vs. fake.

The debate gave me the opportunity for myself to see the President and obviously I was shocked at what I saw. That's when I became a "The President should not run" wagon. The age issue was now in full view. I think he is still functional. He will have his moments of energy spurts, but father time is undefeated. President Biden should spend the remember of his term continuing to work with the major corporations who are partly responsible for this stubborn inflation. These corporations are enjoying record profits and could reduce their price some, and still set records. Lastly, he needs to find a way to settle the Russia/Ukraine conflict.

All other major topics should be left alone until the next President is sworn in. The Border. The Economy. Defense. Hamas/Isreal.
This is exactly the how I got to Biden must step down. Contrary to what most on the Chat believe Biden stepping down was a move supported by the overwhelming majority of the party. I'm glad he did the right thing for the party and country.
He didnt listen, he got knifed in the back and dragged out the back door. Do you guys listen to yourselves at all?
He absolutely had to be convinced that him stepping aside was the best thing for the party...and the Dem party put a full court press to show him he could no longer win at the top of the ticket.
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I think there are a lot of Republicans out there who wish their party had the same balls to get rid of Trump the way the Dems dumped Biden. If Trump loses again in November does he run again in 2027? He'll be roughly the same age as Biden is now.
I think there are a lot of Republicans out there who wish their party had the same balls to get rid of Trump the way the Dems dumped Biden. If Trump loses again in November does he run again in 2027? He'll be roughly the same age as Biden is now.
Dude has never won a majority of the vote. Maybe he finally can this time? It would be hilarious to see him lose again and still the GOP not be able to shake him in 2028
Dude has never won a majority of the vote. Maybe he finally can this time? It would be hilarious to see him lose again and still the GOP not be able to shake him in 2028
His ceiling is 47% of the vote. Keep him from winning the right states and he's not setting foot in DC.
He absolutely had to be convinced that him stepping aside was the best thing for the party...and the Dem party put a full court press to show him he could no longer win at the top of the ticket.
You mean like how the Mafia convinces you to pay up or they kill your family? Like that?
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You mean like how the Mafia convinces you to pay up or they kill your family? Like that?
Will Ferrell Anchorman GIF by AOK
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I think there are a lot of Republicans out there who wish their party had the same balls to get rid of Trump the way the Dems dumped Biden. If Trump loses again in November does he run again in 2027? He'll be roughly the same age as Biden is now.
Dude has never won a majority of the vote. Maybe he finally can this time? It would be hilarious to see him lose again and still the GOP not be able to shake him in 2028
His ceiling is 47% of the vote. Keep him from winning the right states and he's not setting foot in DC.
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Oh man I've really missed this complain about Biden finally listening to the Dem party and asking him to step down.

It's going to be the Prosecutor Vs. The Felon at the next debate...if Trump has the balls to show up that is. 😅
"Asking him" is quite the spin. Only the most gullible could believe that.
You’re a rational guy and worth talking to. I disagree about the last 4 years from my own experience. But that’s all any of us really have.
Seems very narrow minded. What would it take for you to see the damage done over the past 4?

  1. Do you need to be Hit and run by an illegal?
  2. Do you need to see a man changing in your daughters or wifes locker room?
  3. Do you need to be passed over for a job because of your skin color?
  4. Do you need to get assaulted by a career criminal who is roaming the streets thanks to a soft on crime DA?
Seems very narrow minded. What would it take for you to see the damage done over the past 4?

  1. Do you need to be Hit and run by an illegal?
  2. Do you need to see a man changing in your daughters or wifes locker room?
  3. Do you need to be passed over for a job because of your skin color?
  4. Do you need to get assaulted by a career criminal who is roaming the streets thanks to a soft on crime DA?
1. Trump opposes comprehensive immigration reform so he will not be able to solve this problem- you think his stupid wall is going to fix it? Hahahaha.
2. There are local laws that govern this. Not something a president has anything to do with
3. The Supreme Court literally ended affirmative action. And I dont need a job, thanks. I own three very successful businesses.
4. Again, you are confusing local politics with presidential politics.
This is exactly the how I got to Biden must step down. Contrary to what most on the Chat believe Biden stepping down was a move supported by the overwhelming majority of the party. I'm glad he did the right thing for the party and country.
I think everyone on the chat believes Biden not running for President was supported simply because he was going to get destroyed.
They don’t care. They seek power. No problem with a concentrated few deciding for the mass to of course “save democracy” they are a joke
1. Trump opposes comprehensive immigration reform so he will not be able to solve this problem- you think his stupid wall is going to fix it? Hahahaha.
2. There are local laws that govern this. Not something a president has anything to do with
3. The Supreme Court literally ended affirmative action. And I dont need a job, thanks. I own three very successful businesses.
4. Again, you are confusing local politics with presidential politics.
Its national referendum on leftist policies all over the nation, from cities to states.

  1. He was doing much better with the problem than the left has done.
  2. The left wants that nonsense everywhere, including your town.
  3. They didnt end DEI. Do you hire people based on how queer they are, or based on merit?
  4. The left wants that nonsense everywhere, including your town.
As I told a family member a couple of weeks ago, Democrats are in this situation because they voted against Trump in 2020 instead of voting for someone they believed in.

Let it sink in that they could have prepared a legitimate candidate starting in 2016, yet they immediately started talking impeachment of Trump before he was sworn in.

They could have pushed for a legitimate VP in 2020; instead they took a candidate who called their nominee a racist during the primary campaign season.

Even after that, they've had 3 years to groom an exciting candidate who could have been thrust into this race. Obama was the last rising star of the Democratic party. No one has elevated their game as a person people could get behind since him.

That's how far gone the Democratic party is today. This is what happens when an agenda is pushed down from the Ivory Tower instead of rising politicians bringing something substantial to the table.

Before the whatabouts kick in, the GOP isn't any better so don't waste your breathe. Never Trumpers on the Right have lost.

I'm not here to tell you Trump is the greatest ever. But he is a person bringing his own vision to the table and a lot of Americans respect that even if they don't like him.
she's gonna beat his ass.
I think everyone on the chat believes Biden not running for President was supported simply because he was going to get destroyed.
Ummmm yeah. Why do you think so many Dems were freaking out after the debate.
His ceiling is 47% of the vote. Keep him from winning the right states and he's not setting foot in DC.

So you’re telling me if he doesn’t win the right states he won’t be president? Man you’re really goin out on a limb there 😂
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As a Democrat I can honestly say I did not pay much attention to videos of President Biden. With sooo much AI stuff and Meme's it's difficult to tell what's true vs. fake.
Is this real? I can’t tell if sarcasm or not. You couldn’t tell if it was AI or not?

You see, this is what we get when we have a left controlled media. I mean this statement alone proves how detrimental they are
Don’t you know it! A Republican has only won the popular vote a whopping ONE time since 1988.
Who cares?

The popular vote doesn't matter for POTUS.

Further, even at the local level where popular vote is relevant, most require a majority vote, hence all the runoffs.

So in 2016, Hilary didn't even win by that standard as she didn't get 50% + 1 of the popular vote. At best you folks could have cried for a runoff of Trump vs Clinton if ignoring the EC. I guess the Left ignores everything other than their desired outcome.