Oh boy, this is getting really entertaining...

I challenge you to watch that press conference and then watch a press conference from four years ago and tell me he isn’t diminished. If you do that and still disagree, that’s certainly your right.

Do you think Trump is going to get stronger as we get closer to the election? Are you concerned that he has only one public appearance in Montana of all places in a week when his opponent has grabbed all the momentum and completely flipped the polls? So do you think angrily claiming that he had a bigger turnout than MLK, or that abortion isn’t really an issue in the election helped him today? Was today a net positive, negative or neutral?

Given the last two weeks, Trump needed a good performance today and he didn’t provide it. The days of chalking up his crazy statements to “Trump being Trump” as if they don’t matter any more are likely over.
He’s doing an off the cuff press conference with hostile questions, and Kamala is doing ……..checking my notes……..nothing.

She’s done the same exact speech 5 times in a row. Loser mentality. She’s got the IQ of a shoe and everyone knows it.
I challenge you to watch that press conference and then watch a press conference from four years ago and tell me he isn’t diminished. If you do that and still disagree, that’s certainly your right.

Do you think Trump is going to get stronger as we get closer to the election? Are you concerned that he has only one public appearance in Montana of all places in a week when his opponent has grabbed all the momentum and completely flipped the polls? So do you think angrily claiming that he had a bigger turnout than MLK, or that abortion isn’t really an issue in the election helped him today? Was today a net positive, negative or neutral?

Given the last two weeks, Trump needed a good performance today and he didn’t provide it. The days of chalking up his crazy statements to “Trump being Trump” as if they don’t matter any more are likely over.
Hell you and I are diminished from 4 years ago. But putting him and Biden in the same conversation is utterly ridiculous. I understand the things he says of the cuff are strange at times and he stretches the truth and outright at times says what he wants the truth to be. But he has diminished very little since 2020.
You didn’t mention my Biden question. If you were not aware of how much Biden was diminished until the debate and how much of a difference there was in mental capabilities between Trump and Biden before then you are either as diminished as Biden, dishonest or had your head in the sand.
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Hell you and I are diminished from 4 years ago. But putting him and Biden in the same conversation is utterly ridiculous. I understand the things he says of the cuff are strange at times and he stretches the truth and outright at times says what he wants the truth to be. But he has diminished very little since 2020.
You didn’t mention my Biden question. If you were not aware of how much Biden was diminished until the debate and how much of a difference there was in mental capabilities between Trump and Biden before then you are either as diminished as Biden, dishonest or had your head in the sand.
It is amazing how many millions of people stopped pretending on the same day. Ten year olds knew he was toast four years ago.
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It is amazing how many millions of people stop pretending on the same day.
Talking about dishonesty. So many people were complicit in the coverup. Kamala should be pressed to answer questions about this. The left just continues to hide their deception and deflect by talking about people being weird. I would take weird over the crap they have pulled.
Gotcha … you loves you some clarification. I admire your ability to clarify your posts after being proven wrong. Today it was only federal offices you were talking abo. But all of the offices he cited are federal. Right?

Keep going. I can bust you up all night.

The context was very obvious to anyone without TDS. The post I replied to specifically mentioned the Vice Presidential pick.

If that’s your idea of “busting me up”, it’s pathetic. But also par for the course for you.
The Harris campaign just had to walk back something else. They claimed Walz chaired the arm services committee when he was in congress....only he didn't, he was just ranking member.

Well, that really looks like the race is over. For sure a vote swinger.
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You do realize that Josh Shaprio is... a Dem, right?
Elected by Dems? To govern Pennsylvania? Just over a year and a half ago?

26 Jewish Members of Congress
Dem: 24
GOP: 2

9 Jewish Senators
Dem: 8
Ind: 1
GOP: 0
And yet for the first time in history, NY Jews are polling at 50% for the GOP candidate (and his name is Trump). If Kamala keeps pushing her pro Hamas stance, to the delight of the NYT I might add, that number will grow over the next 90 days.
I challenge you to watch that press conference and then watch a press conference from four years ago and tell me he isn’t diminished. If you do that and still disagree, that’s certainly your right.

Do you think Trump is going to get stronger as we get closer to the election? Are you concerned that he has only one public appearance in Montana of all places in a week when his opponent has grabbed all the momentum and completely flipped the polls? So do you think angrily claiming that he had a bigger turnout than MLK, or that abortion isn’t really an issue in the election helped him today? Was today a net positive, negative or neutral?

Given the last two weeks, Trump needed a good performance today and he didn’t provide it. The days of chalking up his crazy statements to “Trump being Trump” as if they don’t matter any more are likely over.
What's Kamala's position abt reinstating military with back pay who were kicked out over refusal to take the shot?

Serious Q. And I have a lot more just like this that you can't answer. To be fair, nobody can. That's kinda the point, isn't it?
Talking about dishonesty. So many people were complicit in the coverup. Kamala should be pressed to answer questions about this. The left just continues to hide their deception and deflect by talking about people being weird. I would take weird over the crap they have pulled.
The idea that Biden is too old to be president for the next four years means that he was too old for the last four doesn’t hold water. You and Zinger feel he’s been a disaster, most of the left doesn’t. We could argue for hours and not agree on that and the topic is tiresome at this point.

You obviously believe that the guy who held that presser yesterday is mentally and emotionally suited to be president for another four years. I think he proved during his time in office, particularly during his last year, that he wasn’t suited at all to be POTUS and all those same factors have only grown more concerning. Nearly every word out of his mouth yesterday was a lie, and the amount of time and energy he focused on crowd size (bigger than MLK) was just one aspect of what made it a pathetic display.

This will all get sorted before Inauguration Day next year, which I say because we all know that if Trump losses it’s going to be utter chaos again with the lies about fraud and more complicit participants at the state level this time.

The good news for the country is, more performances like Trump’s yesterday and it may not be close enough for the fraud routine to stick.

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The idea that Biden is too old to be president for the next four years means that he was too old for the last four doesn’t hold water. You and Zinger feel he’s been a disaster, most of the left doesn’t. We could argue for hours and not agree on that and the topic is tiresome at this point.

You obviously believe that the guy who held that presser yesterday is mentally and emotionally suited to be president for another four years. I think he proved during his time in office, particularly during his last year, that he wasn’t suited at all to be POTUS and all those same factors have only grown more concerning. Nearly every word out of his mouth yesterday was a lie, and the amount of time and energy he focused on crowd size (bigger than MLK) was just one aspect of what made it a pathetic display.

This will all get sorted before Inauguration Day next year, which I say because we all know that if Trump losses it’s going to be utter chaos again with the lies about fraud and more complicit participants at the state level this time.

The good news for the country is, more performances like Trump’s yesterday and it may not be close enough for the fraud routine to stick.

Bolton is a dolt. Harris is too stupid for the job.

The idea that Biden is too old to be president for the next four years means that he was too old for the last four doesn’t hold water. You and Zinger feel he’s been a disaster, most of the left doesn’t. We could argue for hours and not agree on that and the topic is tiresome at this point.

You obviously believe that the guy who held that presser yesterday is mentally and emotionally suited to be president for another four years. I think he proved during his time in office, particularly during his last year, that he wasn’t suited at all to be POTUS and all those same factors have only grown more concerning. Nearly every word out of his mouth yesterday was a lie, and the amount of time and energy he focused on crowd size (bigger than MLK) was just one aspect of what made it a pathetic display.

This will all get sorted before Inauguration Day next year, which I say because we all know that if Trump losses it’s going to be utter chaos again with the lies about fraud and more complicit participants at the state level this time.

The good news for the country is, more performances like Trump’s yesterday and it may not be close enough for the fraud routine to stick.

2 of the biggest Trump deranged people in the world said something bad about Trump?

Well damn it must be true, Im voting for the Commie now.
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The idea that Biden is too old to be president for the next four years means that he was too old for the last four doesn’t hold water. You and Zinger feel he’s been a disaster, most of the left doesn’t. We could argue for hours and not agree on that and the topic is tiresome at this point.

You obviously believe that the guy who held that presser yesterday is mentally and emotionally suited to be president for another four years. I think he proved during his time in office, particularly during his last year, that he wasn’t suited at all to be POTUS and all those same factors have only grown more concerning. Nearly every word out of his mouth yesterday was a lie, and the amount of time and energy he focused on crowd size (bigger than MLK) was just one aspect of what made it a pathetic display.

This will all get sorted before Inauguration Day next year, which I say because we all know that if Trump losses it’s going to be utter chaos again with the lies about fraud and more complicit participants at the state level this time.

The good news for the country is, more performances like Trump’s yesterday and it may not be close enough for the fraud routine to stick.

You also said that Trump appeared in control and mentally competent when you were crying about Biden’s performance. Lest we forget your gameday posts. Likely the most honest….free of AI and spin.

Harris gonna win the popular vote but lose swing States. California, Illinois, and New York margins will be huge as the democrat circleJ around Kamala is in full effect.
You also said that Trump appeared in control and mentally competent when you were crying about Biden’s performance. Lest we forget your gameday posts. Likely the most honest….free of AI and spin.

Harris gonna win the popular vote but lose swing States. California, Illinois, and New York margins will be huge as the democrat circleJ around Kamala is in full effect.
I absolutely did not say that about Trump, and you will have to pull a quote to prove me wrong. I also didn't cry, I took my medicine in a way that you and others on here who support Trump have not and likely will not ever do.

To clarify, I said that Trump did as poorly as I was expecting, the problem was that it was entirely overshadowed by Biden's absolutely awful performance.

Feel free to prove me wrong.

And should we re-up our friendly wager? I'm game if you are.
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Pelosi thanked this fool for his service on the battlefield, this guy might actually get charges for stolen valor

The idea that Biden is too old to be president for the next four years means that he was too old for the last four doesn’t hold water. You and Zinger feel he’s been a disaster, most of the left doesn’t. We could argue for hours and not agree on that and the topic is tiresome at this point.

You obviously believe that the guy who held that presser yesterday is mentally and emotionally suited to be president for another four years. I think he proved during his time in office, particularly during his last year, that he wasn’t suited at all to be POTUS and all those same factors have only grown more concerning. Nearly every word out of his mouth yesterday was a lie, and the amount of time and energy he focused on crowd size (bigger than MLK) was just one aspect of what made it a pathetic display.

This will all get sorted before Inauguration Day next year, which I say because we all know that if Trump losses it’s going to be utter chaos again with the lies about fraud and more complicit participants at the state level this time.

The good news for the country is, more performances like Trump’s yesterday and it may not be close enough for the fraud routine to stick.

People hear want they want to hear. Obviously you despise him. So much of what you said in the previous post was slanted by that belief. You keep saying how diminished he is and I am not seeing that. I understand you don’t like what he says and he talks off the cuff and then says things that are not accurate but that is Trump. I would prefer another candidate but this is who we have. Kamala would be much worse under that scenario. She struggles with the easiest of situations. If she had to field that many questions we would be hearing about the next Democratic candidate next week. They would put her in a room with Biden and hide them both.
It is amazing how some people can see the same thing and only notice certain things and ignore other parts.
I will quit responding to your posts. I do not think you can truly be impartial or honest about certain things. I am sure you feel the same way about me and others.
I do hope our country turns for the better and all sides can find common ground and we can mostly agree.
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People hear want they want to hear. Obviously you despise him. So much of what you said in the previous post was slanted by that belief. You keep saying how diminished he is and I am not seeing that. I understand you don’t like what he says and he talks off the cuff and then says things that are not accurate but that is Trump. I would prefer another candidate but this is who we have. Kamala would be much worse under that scenario. She struggles with the easiest of situations. If she had to field that many questions we would be hearing about the next Democratic candidate next week. They would put her in a room with Biden and hide them both.
It is amazing how some people can see the same thing and only notice certain things and ignore other parts.
I will quit responding to your posts. I do not think you can truly be impartial or honest about certain things. I am sure you feel the same way about me and others.
I do hope our country turns for the better and all sides can find common ground and we can mostly agree.
Good post, and I generally find you to be a fair and even handed contributor, even when we strongly disagree. Thanks for that.

Sure, I’m biased against Trump but that’s like accusing Charlie Brown of being biased against Lucy when it comes to kicking the football. I’ve followed Trump since the ‘80s, I lived in NY for three years, my wife lived in NY for a decade, I have family in the NY commercial real estate business, I watched Trump get political airtime with the racist (yes, racist) accusations that Obama wasn’t a citizen starting in 2012 and then I’ve obviously been following very closely since his announcement in 2015. I didn’t just wake up one day and decide that I didn’t like him.

Any of us can be subject to the influence of bias, both positive and negative. I was 100% wrong about Biden’s current state and there isn’t a chance in hell he could serve four more years. It’s been an interesting lesson for me regarding sources of information and I’ve made adjustments.

As an aside, I have a good friend who is engaged with politics at a national level and he was told by several sources that the first debate was absolutely as much about convincing the Dem power brokers and money base that Joe could pull this off as it was any potential voter impact. Given the challenges and potential negative fallout of trying to convince a sitting president that he needed to step aside (very, very rare in our history), i’d say the Dems handled it quite effectively. There is more energy in the party then they have seen since 2008.

Regarding Trump, there are plenty of reason to stand against him that aren’t about diminished capacity, but I do think that’s an issue as well. I get that you don’t see it, but perhaps you are also impacted by the bias that I outlined above. We see what we want to see. Trump has such a long history of outrageous statements that he gets the “Trump being Trump” free pass when at the end of the day he should be held accountable for his statements just like any other politician. I think we will see that more of that moving forward.

I think we will see more prominent republicans, of which there are already a number, who will reject Trump for the same reasons the Republican mayor of Mesa, AZ communicated last night.

Edit: last night, Trump paused for so long Fox cut away from their coverage.

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Good post, and I generally find you to be a fair and even handed contributor, even when we strongly disagree. Thanks for that.

Sure, I’m biased against Trump but that’s like accusing Charlie Brown of being biased against Lucy when it comes to kicking the football. I’ve followed Trump since the ‘80s, I lived in NY for three years, my wife lived in NY for a decade, I have family in the NY commercial real estate business, I watched Trump get political airtime with the racist (yes, racist) accusations that Obama wasn’t a citizen starting in 2012 and then I’ve obviously been following very closely since his announcement in 2015. I didn’t just wake up one day and decide that I didn’t like him.

Any of us can be subject to the influence of bias, both positive and negative. I was 100% wrong about Biden’s current state and there isn’t a chance in hell he could serve four more years. It’s been an interesting lesson for me regarding sources of information and I’ve made adjustments.

As an aside, I have a good friend who is engaged with politics at a national level and he was told by several sources that the first debate was absolutely as much about convincing the Dem power brokers and money base that Joe could pull this off as it was any potential voter impact. Given the challenges and potential negative fallout of trying to convince a sitting president that he needed to step aside (very, very rare in our history), i’d say the Dems handled it quite effectively. There is more energy in the party then they have seen since 2008.

Regarding Trump, there are plenty of reason to stand against him that aren’t about diminished capacity, but I do think that’s an issue as well. I get that you don’t see it, but perhaps you are also impacted by the bias that I outlined above. We see what we want to see. Trump has such a long history of outrageous statements that he gets the “Trump being Trump” free pass when at the end of the day he should be held accountable for his statements just like any other politician. I think we will see that more of that moving forward.

I think we will see more prominent republicans, of which there are already a number, who will reject Trump for the same reasons the Republican mayor of Mesa, AZ communicated last night.

Edit: last night, Trump paused for so long Fox cut away from their coverage.

Did you even bother to watch the pausing video? There was something going on in the crowd. They were in his earpiece. Probably another tds deranged moron Soros soldier wanting to shoot him.

Your side, no longer posts the truth online. Ever. You don’t have any credibility man. I have stopped watching what you post from social media because it is always compete and utter bullshit. And quite frankly I am tired of calling you out about it. I see you are avoiding the treason thread. Don’t blame you.

You don’t even have the expectation of your own Democrat ads being truthful. No call out. For things that aren’t even remotely true. Yet you want to call out Trump for lying or exaggerating. His ads so far don’t lie. It is funny. They just call out lies in Dem ads. All it is.
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Did you even bother to watch the pausing video? There was something going on in the crowd. They were in his earpiece. Probably another tds deranged moron Soros soldier wanting to shoot him.

Your side, no longer posts the truth online. Ever. You don’t have any credibility man. I have stopped watching what you post from social media because it is always compete and utter bullshit. And quite frankly I am tired of calling you out about it. I see you are avoiding the treason thread. Don’t blame you.

You don’t even have the expectation of your own Democrat ads being truthful. No call out. For things that aren’t even remotely true. Yet you want to call out Trump for lying or exaggerating. His ads so far don’t lie. It is funny. They just call out lies in Dem ads. All it is.
Do I need to start posting with a trigger warning? It does seem that there was some sort of medical issue in the crowd, so you are correct that he didn’t glitch like he did when he was speaking at the NRA a month or two ago.

And some random posting on X is in no way equivalent to the GOP candidate lying over and over again in every appearance. Sorry, not equivalent in any way.

Was the statement that I shared above from the longtime Republican mayor talking about why he refuses to support Trump also bullshit? He’s one of a growing list of republicans who will be voting for Harris.
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Do I need to start posting with a trigger warning? It does seem that there was some sort of medical issue in the crowd, so you are correct that he didn’t glitch like he did when he was speaking at the NRA a month or two ago.

And some random posting on X is in no way equivalent to the GOP candidate lying over and over again in every appearance. Sorry, not equivalent in any way.

Was the statement that I shared above from the longtime Republican mayor talking about why he refuses to support Trump also bullshit? He’s one of a growing list of republicans who will be voting for Harris.
Which GOP candidate lied over and over and what are the lies? Lay them out.

Russia hoax?
Southern border agents whipping illegals?
Southern border is secure?
Inflation is transitory?
Best Biden ever?
Vax will prevent the spread?
When Biden entered office, inflation was 9%?

Shall I continue? Am I getting warmer?
Good post, and I generally find you to be a fair and even handed contributor, even when we strongly disagree. Thanks for that.

Sure, I’m biased against Trump but that’s like accusing Charlie Brown of being biased against Lucy when it comes to kicking the football. I’ve followed Trump since the ‘80s, I lived in NY for three years, my wife lived in NY for a decade, I have family in the NY commercial real estate business, I watched Trump get political airtime with the racist (yes, racist) accusations that Obama wasn’t a citizen starting in 2012 and then I’ve obviously been following very closely since his announcement in 2015. I didn’t just wake up one day and decide that I didn’t like him.

Any of us can be subject to the influence of bias, both positive and negative. I was 100% wrong about Biden’s current state and there isn’t a chance in hell he could serve four more years. It’s been an interesting lesson for me regarding sources of information and I’ve made adjustments.

As an aside, I have a good friend who is engaged with politics at a national level and he was told by several sources that the first debate was absolutely as much about convincing the Dem power brokers and money base that Joe could pull this off as it was any potential voter impact. Given the challenges and potential negative fallout of trying to convince a sitting president that he needed to step aside (very, very rare in our history), i’d say the Dems handled it quite effectively. There is more energy in the party then they have seen since 2008.

Regarding Trump, there are plenty of reason to stand against him that aren’t about diminished capacity, but I do think that’s an issue as well. I get that you don’t see it, but perhaps you are also impacted by the bias that I outlined above. We see what we want to see. Trump has such a long history of outrageous statements that he gets the “Trump being Trump” free pass when at the end of the day he should be held accountable for his statements just like any other politician. I think we will see that more of that moving forward.

I think we will see more prominent republicans, of which there are already a number, who will reject Trump for the same reasons the Republican mayor of Mesa, AZ communicated last night.

Edit: last night, Trump paused for so long Fox cut away from their coverage.

I appreciate your input and opinions as well. I try to be fair and I know we all have biases and that affects us. Did you watch Trump play golf with Bryson Dechambeau? He was much better at the game than I thought he would be and the way he played showed me a lot about his physical and mental capabilities. I know he is an ass and he exaggerates etc. When I look at the candidates they both lie and they are both immoralin my opinion. The main difference is you know what you have with Trump and he has done it before and things were better in my opinion when he was president. Kamala has changed her stances and positions more than anyone I can remember. She also is very radical and when she has had responsibilities as a VP she has failed terribly. She lied about Biden’s health and mental state and she knew more than most others besides his family. She is the ultimate ends justify the means type of politician and thus I could never trust her or those who are behind her.
Biden’s health have been bad for quite sometime and it has been hidden by the left and the media. Neither option is good but I think one option is better for the next 4 years.
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Do I need to start posting with a trigger warning? It does seem that there was some sort of medical issue in the crowd, so you are correct that he didn’t glitch like he did when he was speaking at the NRA a month or two ago.

And some random posting on X is in no way equivalent to the GOP candidate lying over and over again in every appearance. Sorry, not equivalent in any way.

Was the statement that I shared above from the longtime Republican mayor talking about why he refuses to support Trump also bullshit? He’s one of a growing list of republicans who will be voting for Harris.
Ads tell the story here. One group lies in every single ad. The other group runs ads saying come on people, you can’t be that stupid. They are lying again. It is on a repeating cycle. Like Kamala’s word for word speeches that never change. Glad the left is dumbing down her responsibilities. She is only applying for the potus job.

I have said this in many posts. No one ever denies she is being dumbed down. That is the sad thing. No one ever denies that her ads are complete bs promises. Twilight zone stuff