Oh man .. we are screwed either way

Manchin would be great. And I’m Conservative
This kind of stuff is like a Korean man who told me when I first came to Korea that he would let me marry his daughter.

It was convenient that he didn't have one.
That's really not true. Currently, I have a huge problem with the direction of the Dem party and wouldn't support a dem POTUS/VP combo regardless. Having said that, I'd say Joe Manchin would be a credible candidate. Bob Casey would be a credible candidate as would Mark Warner and on and on. That doesn't mean I support their politics but they aren't brain addled zombies or cackling word salad speakers.

Joe Manchin? He’s more Republican than most Republicans. that’s not what they want. They want another puppet.
True, but let's be honest here. Most of you would say whoever was the Dem VP candidate would not be presidential.

And most of you now hate Trump's last VP candidate because he followed the Constitution and didn't throw the country into a Constitutional crisis.
I do not hate Pence. Saying most is over stated. Pence did what he had to do and needed to do.
But there isn't any of that stuff. There isn't. You are listening to who you want to listen to. See, if there was that stuff Rudy wouldn't say "we just need the evidence" and the court wouldn't ask "Where is your evidence?" and the Trump lawyers wouldn't say "We're still getting that" or whatever they said.
There were irregularities for sure. But very little out right provable fraud. There were so many changes in voting in general that it created concern.
Maybe Whitmer.

Trump told lie after lie and just outright refused to answer several important questions. An opponent with a pulse could have crushed him and Biden totally failed. He’s toast.
Willdup, you are still out in left field. Have you gone to the grocery store lately, bought gas, paid your insurance bill, etc. Must not have.