One thing you need to understand about child sexual abuse...


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Dec 3, 2019
Is that in many cultures it is the norm. Here we have an occasional choir director or fake clergy creep, but it is not endemic to our culture. For chatlibs that means normal. However in other cultures, partucularly the Afghan culture and many of our south of the border cultures it is much more normal than the way we think about it. That is well known in law enforcement, who are powerless to stop it, and accepted in the political class that exploits uncontrolled border intrusions for their political and financial gain. That group doesn't care and they have the dem PR machine, the legacy media, and dimwits such as the chatlibs to cover for their sins.
What a load of nonsense. If an open border somehow promotes child abuse in Afghanistan (?) and other “south of the border cultures” (?), then every Pub who voted against the recent
bi-partisan border bill for partisan reasons has the blood of the abused children on their souls.
assinine to think those that view things differently are proponents of child sex offenders. Or that it is "normal".
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What a load of nonsense. If an open border somehow promotes child abuse in Afghanistan (?) and other “south of the border cultures” (?), then every Pub who voted against the recent
bi-partisan border bill for partisan reasons has the blood of the abused children on their souls.
You libs are accusing Trump of the things that Biden’s is guilty of. Same old communist propaganda it never changes.
What a load of nonsense. If an open border somehow promotes child abuse in Afghanistan (?) and other “south of the border cultures” (?), then every Pub who voted against the recent
bi-partisan border bill for partisan reasons has the blood of the abused children on their souls.
That’s not what OP posted and you know that.
assinine to think those that view things differently are proponents of child sex offenders. Or that it is "normal".
See my above reply. That isn’t what OP said. He didn’t say your chose word “proponent”. He said it is acceptable in other culturess and that is true. It doesn’t mean they advocate for it; only that the culture accepts it as a “thing”.
What a load of nonsense. If an open border somehow promotes child abuse in Afghanistan (?) and other “south of the border cultures” (?), then every Pub who voted against the recent
bi-partisan border bill for partisan reasons has the blood of the abused children on their souls.
If I hear bi-partisan border bill again, I’m gonna puke. Just like inflation reduction act. Call it what you want but it was worthless. Was just a gimmick ti more illegals here faster and more efficiently. Did nothing ti slow the invasion. Actually the opposite.
What a load of nonsense. If an open border somehow promotes child abuse in Afghanistan (?) and other “south of the border cultures” (?), then every Pub who voted against the recent
bi-partisan border bill for partisan reasons has the blood of the abused children on their souls
Maybe this can help clarify. Let’s not be naive and think all cultures view and punish pedophilia the same at we do in America.
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Is that in many cultures it is the norm. Here we have an occasional choir director or fake clergy creep, but it is not endemic to our culture. For chatlibs that means normal. However in other cultures, partucularly the Afghan culture and many of our south of the border cultures it is much more normal than the way we think about it. That is well known in law enforcement, who are powerless to stop it, and accepted in the political class that exploits uncontrolled border intrusions for their political and financial gain. That group doesn't care and they have the dem PR machine, the legacy media, and dimwits such as the chatlibs to cover for their sins.
As Andrew Wilkow says "You can't bring there to here and here not becoming there".
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