Peter Strzok certainly came across as the......

BIG winner today! He is a dedicated, intelligent FBI agent who has his country’s best interest at heart who knows that Trump is an idiot!
INTELLIGENT? You'd have to be a special kind of dumbass to send those texts. And now he's out of a job, all ballsed up with congress, and likely sleeping on the couch thanks to boinking another dipshit who looks like a horse. Oh yeah, he's brilliant.

Dedicated? Yeah, to undermining the will of the people.

FBI agent? Suspended, soon to be former, FBI agent.

Did you wake up this morning and decide to post the stupidest shit you could think of?
How can one believe Strzok, he took oath to protect and serve and uphold the Constitution says he’s telling the truth, seems he took another vow and or oath called marriage, a contract made to a higher power than his job.!,He lived a lie daily facing his wife,living,cheating, how can you believe the scum douche bag lie once you lie twice.....
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INTELLIGENT? You'd have to be a special kind of dumbass to send those texts. And now he's out of a job, all ballsed up with congress, and likely sleeping on the couch thanks to boinking another dipshit who looks like a horse. Oh yeah, he's brilliant.

Dedicated? Yeah, to undermining the will of the people.

FBI agent? Suspended, soon to be former, FBI agent.

Did you wake up this morning and decide to post the stupidest shit you could think of?

Strzok next stop should be trial for treason.
BIG winner today! He is a dedicated, intelligent FBI agent who has his country’s best interest at heart who knows that Trump is an idiot!

Only someone retarded, a partisan left winger or both could find his lame excuses for his own written words plausible. He’ll eventually be fired or forced to resign once the internal investigation of his actions is completed, but he’ll no doubt become a great future commentator on CNN.
...took oath to protect and serve and uphold the Constitution says he’s telling the truth, seems he took another vow and or oath called marriage, a contract made to a higher power than his job.!,He lived a lie daily facing his wife,living,cheating, how can you believe the scum douche bag lie once you lie twice.....

I assume the same conditions and expectations apply to the orange guy golfing all the time?
BIG winner today! He is a dedicated, intelligent FBI agent who has his country’s best interest at heart who knows that Trump is an idiot!
He didn't come across that to me. I really don't Trump and idiot but somebody on this board is. Open borders is what the American Indians had and that didn't work out very well for them. It's only American History but who cares
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PS came across as extremely intelligent and dumbfounded the ignorant, red-neck R’s on the committee and probably half of the members on the DV that are of that same ilk.

Luckily it’s folks who think just like you who will guarantee Trump is re-elected in 2020. Arrogant and pompous left wing idiots who pride yourselves in being so tolerant, open minded, and accepting of all people. But just like your favorite FBI agent you don’t have a clue.
The hearing was a circus but Strzok got blown out of the water if you paid attention. The whole idea that FBI agents leave their bias at the door got destroyed when pointed out that he violated that standard around 50K times by sending his text from his office on his FBI device.

Next Rep Steve Russell cited the IG report to show Strzok violated numerous rules, regs and directives. Strzok left the hearing with no credibility.

The hearing was a circus but Strzok got blown out of the water if you paid attention. The whole idea that FBI agents leave their bias at the door got destroyed when pointed out that he violated that standard around 50K times by sending his text from his office on his FBI device.

Next Rep Steve Russell cited the IG report to show Strzok violated numerous rules, regs and directives. Strzok left the hearing with no credibility.

Russell's was not the loudest or most dramatic session, but his are the points that could put Strzok in jail. Horowitz will definitely have to recommend firing him. I just hope they can catch him lying. Just once, that's all it will take.
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Russell's was not the loudest or dramatic session, but his are the points that could put Strzok in jail. Horowitz will definitely have to recommend firing him. I just hope they can catch him lying. Just once, that's all it will take.

Hopefully Meadows is alluding to some very good things coming from Ms. Page in her closed door testimony that began yesterday and will continue Monday. Sure sounds like it.

The hearing was a circus but Strzok got blown out of the water if you paid attention. The whole idea that FBI agents leave their bias at the door got destroyed when pointed out that he violated that standard around 50K times by sending his text from his office on his FBI device.

Next Rep Steve Russell cited the IG report to show Strzok violated numerous rules, regs and directives. Strzok left the hearing with no credibility.

How anyone can know about his affair and the lying that it took to fool his wife -- who knows him better than anyone -- and watch this entire circus and believe a single word that comes out of his mouth is beyond me. Zero credibility is what his actions should garner him. However the MSM and dem politicians are making him out to be a victim. Sad state of affairs in my mind.
BIG winner today! He is a dedicated, intelligent FBI agent who has his country’s best interest at heart who knows that Trump is an idiot!
How would you feel if Strozk had expressed those feelings of disgust against you and was investigating you for no reason. Would you still think he was such a rock star.

He’s nothing but a well polished turd.
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PS came across as extremely intelligent and dumbfounded the ignorant, red-neck R’s on the committee and probably half of the members on the DV that are of that same ilk.

You must have used a dictionary, thesaurus and an english major write that post for you. A sentence of that subject matter strung together without grammatical errors is almost impossible. You know the dimwit trailer trash leftist and all.
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Russell's was not the loudest or dramatic session, but his are the points that could put Strzok in jail. Horowitz will definitely have to recommend firing him. I just hope they can catch him lying. Just once, that's all it will take.

I hope they keep him around until they squeeze all the juice out of him so they can take everyone else involved out with him.

I heard the government / congress wield’s more power & influence to get him to testify than if he were a private citizen.
How anyone can know about his affair and the lying that it took to fool his wife -- who knows him better than anyone -- and watch this entire circus and believe a single word that comes out of his mouth is beyond me.

You realize your words apply just as accurately to trump's behavior. Just a much bigger circus for him.
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You realize your words apply just as accurately to trump's behavior. Just a much bigger circus for him.

You’ve got a good point.

I’d rather just take Peter Strzok at his words that his intentions as the #3 man at the FBI & lead investigator was to stop a presidential candidate from being elected and when that failed to implement an insurance policy to see a duly elected president impeached.

We’re talking sedition & treason based on his own words.
You realize your words apply just as accurately to trump's behavior. Just a much bigger circus for him.
Trump is not under oath after screwing the citizens of this country over. Trump has actually brought real hope back to the hard working citizens of this nation. He has kept the promises he made on the campaign trail, unlike every other politician on either side of the aisle. If you do not like the positive things he has done for this nation , you just hate the USA.
I hope they keep him around until they squeeze all the juice out of him so they can take everyone else involved out with him.

I heard the government / congress wield’s more power & influence to get him to testify than if he were a private citizen.

Also, the IG cannot make a criminal referral against him if he does not work for the FBI.
You realize your words apply just as accurately to trump's behavior. Just a much bigger circus for him.
Haven't seen trump answering questions under oath in front of a congressional committee yet either. Last president I remember lying under oath was Billy boy. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Difference between making claims on Twitter and in press conferences and under oath. Would you not agree?
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Haven't seen trump answering questions under oath in front of a congressional committee yet either. Last president I remember lying under oath was Billy boy. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Difference between making claims on Twitter and in press conferences and under oath. Would you not agree?

Darned right! Let's get ole orange head and his boys a matching set of subpoenas!

What's that? You say he's refusing to testify under oath?? Hmmm...
Darned right! Let's get ole orange head and his boys a matching set of subpoenas!

What's that? You say he's refusing to testify under oath?? Hmmm...

For what? Folks don't generally testify under oath about criminal behavior when there has been exactly zero evidence of a crime presented. The Rosenstein memo and IG report destroys any obstruction case and to this point, there has been no evidence that DJT would have any details about a conspiracy between anyone involved with his campaign and hostile foreign actors.
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Darned right! Let's get ole orange head and his boys a matching set of subpoenas!

What's that? You say he's refusing to testify under oath??

Based on what? The dossier? Stroz's testimony? What good reason does Congress have to subpoena a sitting president?
For what? Folks don't generally testify under oath about criminal behavior when there has been exactly zero evidence of a crime presented.

Zero evidence? Really? Have you not seen the 131 indictments against 30-something individuals? Have you not seen orange head's former campaign director's latest mugshot? Have you not heard orange head's infamous "Russia, if you're listening..." musing, happening about the same time (according to the indictments) as the Russian hacking? Have you not heard his little boy junior eager to talk with Russians about dirt from Clinton's emails?

Edited to add NYT May 15th article:
White House Eliminates Cybersecurity Coordinator Role

Why do that, with what we've known/suspected for the last 18 months? Or does orange head trust Putin that much?
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Zero evidence? Really? Have you not seen the 131 indictments against 30-something individuals? Have you not seen orange head's former campaign director's latest mugshot? Have you not heard orange head's infamous "Russia, if you're listening..." musing, happening about the same time (according to the indictments) as the Russian hacking? Have you not heard his little boy junior eager to talk with Russians about dirt from Clinton's emails?

Edited to add NYT May 15th article:
White House Eliminates Cybersecurity Coordinator Role

Why do that, with what we've known/suspected for the last 18 months? Or does orange head trust Putin that much?
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Zero evidence? Really? Have you not seen the 131 indictments against 30-something individuals? Have you not seen orange head's former campaign director's latest mugshot? Have you not heard orange head's infamous "Russia, if you're listening..." musing, happening about the same time (according to the indictments) as the Russian hacking? Have you not heard his little boy junior eager to talk with Russians about dirt from Clinton's emails?

Edited to add NYT May 15th article:
White House Eliminates Cybersecurity Coordinator Role

Why do that, with what we've known/suspected for the last 18 months? Or does orange head trust Putin that much?

LOL, Please provide a link to actual evidence of a CRIME supposedly committed by DJT or his staff related to seeking to assist Russia in sabotaging the campaign. Remember, it is NOT illegal to accept meetings with Russians, nor is it illegal to fire personnel, nor is it illegal to eliminate staff or restructure responsibilities. In short, there is no evidence a crime has been committed that DJT would have information to provide to the investigators.
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In short, there is no evidence a crime has been committed that DJT would have information to provide to the investigators.

Orange head said he'd talk to Mueller under oath in January. Now, apparently not so much. Why? Is he afraid of something?

Let's wait to see what Mueller's findings tell us, assuming the gop congress doesn't stop him from completing the investigation. If orange head is cleared as a result of those findings, great. If he isn't, is that going to be acceptable to you? Or are you of the mind that anything orange head does or says is okay with you?
Orange head said he'd talk to Mueller under oath in January. Now, apparently not so much. Why? Is he afraid of something?

Let's wait to see what Mueller's findings tell us, assuming the gop congress doesn't stop him from completing the investigation. If orange head is cleared as a result of those findings, great. If he isn't, is that going to be acceptable to you? Or are you of the mind that anything orange head does or says is okay with you?

If Trump broke a law or even ran a scam real estate course, he should be held to the same standards as any other American. If he made promises about a real estate course and didn't deliver, he should be required to reimburse plaintiffs. If he broke a campaign finance law by using money he gave to his campaign to pay a stripper to shut up, he should pay the usual and customary fine. The guy is no angel but I don't think he was a treasonous Manchurian candidate either and to this point there is no evidence that he interacted with say an admitted domestic terrorist that was determined to overthrow our system of government.

So, I see you can't identify a crime that has occurred that would require the testimony of the POTUS under oath. I guess what changed is the POTUS team convinced him that he didn't need to sit under oath to answer questions about a fishing expedition. By all accounts he's provided all requested documents.
Orange head said he'd talk to Mueller under oath in January. Now, apparently not so much. Why? Is he afraid of something?

Let's wait to see what Mueller's findings tell us, assuming the gop congress doesn't stop him from completing the investigation. If orange head is cleared as a result of those findings, great. If he isn't, is that going to be acceptable to you? Or are you of the mind that anything orange head does or says is okay with you?
This is sounding like a mother-child separation issue, a painful longing for someone ripped from your life. Don't fret, bump bump, Black Head is still out there fighting for your welfare and illegal immigrants. Although I just read Black Head is presently back in his birth country helping the people of Kenya. Or, wait, my mistake, he's promoting a book for his sister.
How can one believe Strzok, he took oath to protect and serve and uphold the Constitution says he’s telling the truth, seems he took another vow and or oath called marriage, a contract made to a higher power than his job.!,He lived a lie daily facing his wife,living,cheating, how can you believe the scum douche bag lie once you lie twice.....
Are you talking about Trump or Strzok?
Zero evidence? Really? Have you not seen the 131 indictments against 30-something individuals? Have you not seen orange head's former campaign director's latest mugshot? Have you not heard orange head's infamous "Russia, if you're listening..." musing, happening about the same time (according to the indictments) as the Russian hacking? Have you not heard his little boy junior eager to talk with Russians about dirt from Clinton's emails?

Edited to add NYT May 15th article:
White House Eliminates Cybersecurity Coordinator Role

Why do that, with what we've known/suspected for the last 18 months? Or does orange head trust Putin that much?


Notes from recent court proceedings:

“Evidence or argument relating to Mr. Manafort's work for then-candidate Trump's campaign in 2016 or the Special Counsel's investigation of the campaign's alleged collusion with the Russian government," the Manafort team wrote in a June 22 motion, "is wholly irrelevant to whether Mr. Manafort's personal income tax returns were false, whether he willfully failed to file reports of foreign accounts, and whether he conspired to commit, or committed, bank fraud."

Mueller's response was two-fold. On the issue of collusion, the special counsel, in a motion filed July 6, flatly said, "The government does not intend to present at trial evidence or argument concerning collusion with the Russiangovernment and, accordingly does not oppose the defendant's motion in that respect."

To those Trump opponents who had hopedMueller would unveil evidence of Trump-Russia collusion involving Manafort, it was a sharp andstunning admission: there's no collusion in thecase against Manafort.”