Questions about Ukraine and our role.


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Sep 4, 2006
I will say a few things just to give perspective. I vote republican 75% of the time, was not a trump supporter in 16,20 but voted for him (held nose) did again 24 as he was the only option. Day this to show I am not a MAGA but a 44 year old republican.

I admit I don’t know the history of Ukraine. But I do believe it was part of the Soviet Union. I don’t know if there are or are not legitimate claims that it is Russian territory. I say this to stress i am not versed in historical land claims of Eastern Europe.

What I do know
-in a perfect world Russia leaves it alone.
- and this really important. Ukraine is not and will not win this war with out US ground forces in Ukraine.

- is that what people want?
- do we want to keep sending money (we are going in debt for) to fight a war that can’t be won? For how long ? How much? No amount can win this war without troops. Unfortunately, “I stand with Ukraine” on Facebook only does so much.

I am 44 years old. We have been paying for wars my entire life. We are broke. We cannot do it anymore.

For those that disagree, what am I missing? Honest question.

Do I trust Putin? No. But do I trust Zelensky? No.

Do I want to side wit Russians? No but these forever wars have to end.
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I will say a few things just to give perspective. I vote republican 75% of the time, was not a trump supporter in 16,20 but voted for him (held nose) did again 24 as he was the only option. Day this to show I am not a MAGA but a 44 year old republican.

I admit I don’t know the history of Ukraine. But I do believe it was part of the Soviet Union. I don’t know if there are or are not legitimate claims that it is Russian territory. I say this to stress i am not versed in historical land claims of Eastern Europe.

What I do know
-in a perfect world Russia leaves it alone.
- and this really important. Ukraine is not and will not win this war with out US ground forces in Ukraine.

- is that what people want?
- do we want to keep sending money (we are going in debt for) to fight a war that can’t be won? For how long ? How much? No amount can win this war without troops. Unfortunately, “I stand with Ukraine” on Facebook only does so much.

I am 44 years old. We have been paying for wars my entire life. We are broke. We cannot do it anymore.

For those that disagree, what am I missing? Honest question.

Do I trust Putin? No. But do I trust Zelensky? No.

Do I want to side wit Russians? No but these forever wars have to end.
At the start of the conflict Ukraine had the second largest military ( 980,000) in Europe behind Russia. In the old Soviet Union Ukraine was the premier part of that military; in other words they know how to fight. If it is true that they are down to conscripts, then Ukraine has probably had as many casualties as Russia.

If Russia could be trusted, which they can't, a peaceful settlement may be the only thing to save the Ukraine. If this was the United States, I would hope we would be willing to fight to the last soldier and take as many of those bastards out as possible. Putin is in trouble at home and if Ukraine keeps killing Russians at the rate they have been there is a real possibility of regime change over there. Who knows if a new regime would be any better, but it could be enough to save the Ukraine. I would draw the line at American boots on the ground in Ukraine, but I would help them as much as we possibly can.

If things do digress to the point we need to get involved, it needs to be all out with everything in the arsenal.

Today was not pretty by any means. There is nothing wrong with frank discussions between world leaders, but it should be done at a place like Camp David away from the press. I sure hope discussions can begin soon. I am not sure how I feel about Zelenskyy , but it is high time to tell Putin to F off.
At the start of the conflict Ukraine had the second largest military ( 980,000) in Europe behind Russia. In the old Soviet Union Ukraine was the premier part of that military; in other words they know how to fight. If it is true that they are down to conscripts, then Ukraine has probably had as many casualties as Russia.

If Russia could be trusted, which they can't, a peaceful settlement may be the only thing to save the Ukraine. If this was the United States, I would hope we would be willing to fight to the last soldier and take as many of those bastards out as possible. Putin is in trouble at home and if Ukraine keeps killing Russians at the rate they have been there is a real possibility of regime change over there. Who knows if a new regime would be any better, but it could be enough to save the Ukraine. I would draw the line at American boots on the ground in Ukraine, but I would help them as much as we possibly can.

If things do digress to the point we need to get involved, it needs to be all out with everything in the arsenal.

Today was not pretty by any means. There is nothing wrong with frank discussions between world leaders, but it should be done at a place like Camp David away from the press. I sure hope discussions can begin soon. I am not sure how I feel about Zelenskyy , but it is high time to tell Putin to F off.
If we keep helping Ukraine at a larger level we are possibly opening up WWIII. US needs to stay out of this from any military standpoint. A ceasefire is the only way Ukraine will remain to exist
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I will say a few things just to give perspective. I vote republican 75% of the time, was not a trump supporter in 16,20 but voted for him (held nose) did again 24 as he was the only option. Day this to show I am not a MAGA but a 44 year old republican.

I admit I don’t know the history of Ukraine. But I do believe it was part of the Soviet Union. I don’t know if there are or are not legitimate claims that it is Russian territory. I say this to stress i am not versed in historical land claims of Eastern Europe.

What I do know
-in a perfect world Russia leaves it alone.
- and this really important. Ukraine is not and will not win this war with out US ground forces in Ukraine.

- is that what people want?
- do we want to keep sending money (we are going in debt for) to fight a war that can’t be won? For how long ? How much? No amount can win this war without troops. Unfortunately, “I stand with Ukraine” on Facebook only does so much.

I am 44 years old. We have been paying for wars my entire life. We are broke. We cannot do it anymore.

For those that disagree, what am I missing? Honest question.

Do I trust Putin? No. But do I trust Zelensky? No.

Do I want to side wit Russians? No but these forever wars have to end.
I love realism! Great post!