Recession likely coming

I really want to see a dem win, recession is coming and they need to own this crap show.
They revised prior months' numbers down, as has been SOL under Biden, and they'll likely reduce today's numbers down further next month.

It's about the economy, stupid.
With as much real time data available, it is criminal that instead of using it, we continue to use ridiculously outdated criteria to calculate inflation, employment stats, etc. It is the reason the fed performs so spectacularly terrible - late to the inflation game, and late getting us out. Way too much power. They, along with the ridiculous party-line second stimulus in tandem with prolonged shutdowns in blue states, have phucked a lot of people.
They revised prior months' numbers down, as has been SOL under Biden, and they'll likely reduce today's numbers down further next month.

It's about the economy, stupid.
Wait, chat dims have been assuring us the economy is great and we should be thrilled how Biden/harris turned things around after Trump nearly brought the country to ruin.

Are you saying they were WRONG???
Imagine how bad it would look if they were reporting real data
I knew something like this would come out a few days later. The whole lefty crew came to crow about the economic numbers. It is a band aid being held together. And these guys want to elect someone who has no idea what the economy even is. Or how it works.
LOL…No surprise here..and they want four more yrs of a radical leftist in office?
And the DEI queen is now trying to blame the Dem owned shi=t economy on can’t make this shi+ up..Do dems ever take ownership of anything they cause

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LOL…No surprise here..and they want forum more yrs of a radical leftist in office?
And the DEI queen is now trying to blame the Dem owned shi=t economy on can’t make this shi+ up..Do dems ever take ownership of anything they cause

Maybe Trump just got lucky, 2% CPI average for 4 years ain’t easy…..couldn’t have been planned/thought out.
Be unburdened by what has been with past administrations and imagine what can be with sensible American first policies…
I don't know man, ignoring history and isolationism (a/k/a: "The Original America First Policy") haven't worked out too well for us.
I don't know man, ignoring history and isolationism (a/k/a: "The Original America First Policy") haven't worked out too well for us.
Being isolationist is extremely difficult, when our so-called Allies kept dragging us into war, both 1 and 2. Once we dropped the isolationist position after WW2, we went for being the global hegemon and stirred up regime changes in the Middle East and Central and South America and Asia, which got us into the Vietnam disaster.

And the EU with Ukraine and Israel with Iran are trying to do the same to us again. Americans are tired of wars and we are on one hell of a losing streak, except for that big win in '83 vs Grenada.
Ignoring history and isolationism are the original America first policy?… hmmmm, didn’t know that… do you have a link… sounds about as sus as posting on the chat within 24 hours of joining… welcome aboard though ya lunatic:)
Being isolationist is extremely difficult, when our so-called Allies kept dragging us into war, both 1 and 2. Once we dropped the isolationist position after WW2, we went for being the global hegemon and stirred up regime changes in the Middle East and Central and South America and Asia, which got us into the Vietnam disaster.

And the EU with Ukraine and Israel with Iran are trying to do the same to us again. Americans are tired of wars and we are on one hell of a losing streak, except for that big win in '83 vs Grenada.
I get it, but it's not a zero sum game. Isolationism and war are not our only choices.
Ignoring history and isolationism are the original America first policy?… hmmmm, didn’t know that… do you have a link… sounds about as sus as posting on the chat within 24 hours of joining… welcome aboard though ya lunatic.
Be unburdened by what has been with past administrations = ignoring history, right?
"America First" = Like isolationism?

Neither of those things have been great for us. That's all I'm saying.
Be unburdened by what has been with past administrations = ignoring history, right?
"America First" = Like isolationism?

Neither of those things have been great for us. That's all I'm saying.
I guess if you worry about your mortgage payment before your neighbors you are some sort of hermit?

America First is not isolationism.
The last 5 recessions either started during, or were wholly within, a Republican president's term. I'm sure we're going to hold them to the same standard.
James Carville, Prominent Democrat, thinks Biden/Harris own this and will be their demise. As he famously uttered in the past “It’s the economy stupid” but you may not be old enough to have been born when he first said it.
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James Carville, Prominent Democrat, thinks Biden/Harris own this and will be their demise. As he famously uttered in the past “It’s the economy stupid” but you may not be old enough to have been born when he first said it.
I’m 43 and Carville hasn’t been relevant since the Clinton Administration.

I’m also not a democrat.
For one thing, it means stop digging a hole deeper by sending billions down a Ukrainian rat hole of money laundering. You must think sending money - that we don't have - is good foreign policy.
No, I wanted to know what yall thought it meant. Guess the $7.8 trillion Trump added to the deficit isn’t digging the hole deeper? What about that boondoggle of a wall that won’t stop anybody? How much money that we don’t have is that going to cost?

I think good foreign policy is containing Russia. And if you think Putin is stopping at Ukraine, you’re deluding yourself. Especially with the way your boy undermines NATO.