Remember when Trump said...

Still waiting on my 401(k) to go to hell...
Well, it's unlikely to crash but you are not making nearly as much as you would be under Trump. Under Trump(excluding the pandemic) the stock market increased about 40%. Under Bide/Harris it has only increased about 25% of 4 years.

Throw in inflation and you are getting screwed.
I saw a really interesting thing about that - a) she hasn't endorsed that policy.

but b) a saw someone pointing out that the people complaining the loudest about this (hedgies, fi-guys, and brokers) are dependent on fees that are charged based on unrealized gains.

i.e. if you are paying 1% per year to your money manager (which is about the median of the standard range) you are paying based on the total portfolio, which of course includes unrealized gains.
A) she’s talked about it, which is scary in itself and should give anyone pause in voting for her.

B) appreciating assets can cover a lot of things, not just stocks.

She has also talked about “Medicare for all” including illegals. Quite frankly, not sure what she stands for or wants to do.. Which also give anyone pause.

But if she is thinking about it, she is halfway there. Prefer to stick with th devil I know, I know what I get.
A) she’s talked about it, which is scary in itself and should give anyone pause in voting for her.
where has she talked about it?
if she is thinking about it, she is halfway there.
Is that the way thought / action work for you?

Because when it comes to making law, and especially raising new taxes, my understanding is that you need to pass the House.
where has she talked about it?

Is that the way thought / action work for you?

Because when it comes to making law, and especially raising new taxes, my understanding is that you need to pass the House.
A) it’s out there, look it up.

Question 2: It’s enough for me, doesn’t sound like she is fighting for me and my best interests. Besides, who knows what the house will look like and what they will do.

Kinda silly to want to have her elected then find out.
Well, it's unlikely to crash but you are not making nearly as much as you would be under Trump. Under Trump(excluding the pandemic) the stock market increased about 40%. Under Bide/Harris it has only increased about 25% of 4 years.

Throw in inflation and you are getting screwed.
Now we are just moving goal posts.

Either it's crashing like trump says (your original post) or it's not. Gotta pick one and stick with it. Maybe one day he will be right...but I doubt it.

Myself? I'm gonna keep throwing money in...Don't need it for 30+ years anyway...
Now we are just moving goal posts.

Either it's crashing like trump says (your original post) or it's not. Gotta pick one and stick with it. Maybe one day he will be right...but I doubt it.

Myself? I'm gonna keep throwing money in...Don't need it for 30+ years anyway...
Trump supporters could make a living moving goal posts.

It's very similar to the election fraud issue. Trump didn't say that there were areas of concern that needed to be investigated. He claimed to have absolute proof of massive fraud that resulted in a different outcome in nearly every battleground state. Now that we know it was a lie at the time and remains a lie nearly four years later, Trump supporters have memory-holed the claims and point to supposedly suspicious but entirely unproven conspiracy theories to justify not holding Trump to account for his nearly five years of outright, destructive lies that continue to this day.
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Trump supporters could make a living moving goal posts.

It's very similar to the election fraud issue. Trump didn't say that there were areas of concern that needed to be investigated. He claimed to have absolute proof of massive fraud that resulted in a different outcome in nearly every battleground state. Now that we know it was a lie at the time and remains a lie nearly four years later, Trump supporters have memory-holed the claims and point to supposedly suspicious but entirely unproven conspiracy theories to justify not holding Trump to account for his nearly five years of outright, destructive lies that continue to this day.
Me either.
I have. It wasn't because of Biden, it was because of me. I didn't do well at all during the pandemic, but didn't think to blame Trump. It's just so peculiar to me how Republicans love the free market and to let the economy do its thing . . . until you don't. Then we need government to intervene. Maybe the guy that lost his ass in the freaking casino industry and has to resort to selling sneakers and bibles can save us all.

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