Russia, Russia, Russia!


Pillar of the DawgVent
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Fairview, NC
So here comes another "October Surprise", a month early. Another worn out "Russia influencing" our elections BS news story.

In 2016 it was the $100k spent by a Russian company on Facebook to create division and put DJT in the Whitehouse. Now it is a company that took money from some RT employees to fund some conservative podcasters. The "Russians" didn't have to tell these podcasters which conservative topics to talk about. The podcasters just addressed what all the conservative media outlets like Fox, or the many on X, address.

If the DOJ really wants to go after this type of "foreign influencing" of our elections, they can easily find it on all the US cable companies' lineups. It is called BBC.

CBS reporting Russia, Russia, Russia!
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So here comes another "October Surprise", a month early. Another worn out "Russia influencing" our elections BS news story.

In 2016 it was the $100k spent by a Russian company on Facebook to create division and put DJT in the Whitehouse. Now it is a company that took money from some RT employees to fund some conservative podcasters. The "Russians" didn't have to tell these podcasters which conservative topics to talk about. The podcasters just addressed what all the conservative media outlets like Fox, or the many on X, address.

If the DOJ really wants to go after this type of "foreign influencing" of our elections, they can easily find it on all the US cable companies' lineups. It is called BBC.

CBS reporting Russia, Russia, Russia!
At some point I have faith that regular moderate Americans in large numbers begin rolling their eyes at just about everything the media says at this point, and ultimately this dynamic where the left owns the media begins to backfire.

The boomerang that was defending Biden, then throwing him under a bus…..and simultaneously doing the 180 on Harris as a terrible unpopular running mate to the next coming of Winston Churchill overnight…….just might be that eye rolling backfire.
So here comes another "October Surprise", a month early. Another worn out "Russia influencing" our elections BS news story.

In 2016 it was the $100k spent by a Russian company on Facebook to create division and put DJT in the Whitehouse. Now it is a company that took money from some RT employees to fund some conservative podcasters. The "Russians" didn't have to tell these podcasters which conservative topics to talk about. The podcasters just addressed what all the conservative media outlets like Fox, or the many on X, address.

If the DOJ really wants to go after this type of "foreign influencing" of our elections, they can easily find it on all the US cable companies' lineups. It is called BBC.

CBS reporting Russia, Russia, Russia!
Feel free to share similar examples from Fox or any other mainstream source.

Not even Moscow Marge Taylor-Green has banged a table and shouted that "Ukraine is our enemy" or that the war is being run by a criminal element of elected democrats.

The DOJ is pursuing 2 Russians based on the FARA law that applies to someone that tries to engage in foreign political donations internationally without reporting with the USA govt

Hunter Biden never acknowledged he was working on behalf of foreign govts from China, Russia, Romania, or Ukraine

Interestingly 2 months ago the USA was providing billions of aid to the Republic of Georgia,..but the Republic of Georgia passed a law that foreign money engaged towards its politics must declare themselves as foreign agents,....the next ****ing day Jack Sullivan and John Kirby declared the Republic of Georgia anti-democratic and they cut off all USA money to the Republic of Georgia

So it's anti democratic to question the influence of USA money on another country, but it's a scandal if Russian opinions of current events seeps in the USA around the dutiful fact checkers
Yet we have Alexa giving a glowing endorsement of Kamala but refusing to answer on Trump, Facebook, Google, Twitter prior to Musk, all knowingly suppressing conservative content.
Nothing to see here in our own back yard.
Feel free to share similar examples from Fox or any other mainstream source.

Not even Moscow Marge Taylor-Green has banged a table and shouted that "Ukraine is our enemy" or that the war is being run by a criminal element of elected democrats.

Do you really need to be spoon-fed on what the conservative media thinks about Ukraine draining our money and defense resources, or is this all about 'banging a table"? Change the channel from MSNBC and take a look yourself.

Podcasters are not "mainstream" sources like BBC. Try some alt-right Rumble channels, that get no money from Russia, that react the same way about the Ukraine "scam". Poole was probably getting his talking points from them. Just because BBC doesn't bang a table as they try to influence our elections, doesn't mean they should not be removed from our cable systems during our election years.

So the DOJ stated that the election interference they’ve ‘uncovered’ has the purpose of deepening divisions among groups in the US. I thought that is the modus operandi of the Democratic Party.
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We had 20 million illegals enter the country last year.

The ivans being on the long list of foreign influences isn't even on the totem pole of problems
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Do you really need to be spoon-fed on what the conservative media thinks about Ukraine draining our money and defense resources, or is this all about 'banging a table"? Change the channel from MSNBC and take a look yourself.

Podcasters are not "mainstream" sources like BBC. Try some alt-right Rumble channels, that get no money from Russia, that react the same way about the Ukraine "scam". Poole was probably getting his talking points from them. Just because BBC doesn't bang a table as they try to influence our elections, doesn't mean they should not be removed from our cable systems during our election years.

So the DOJ stated that the election interference they’ve ‘uncovered’ has the purpose of deepening divisions among groups in the US. I thought that is the modus operandi of the Democratic Party.
That was a serious bang