Russian influence indictments


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jan 31, 2002
So apparently, Russia funneled $10m to right-wing Tenet Media as part of an illegal influence campaign in the US.

Right wing media and Russia…who knew? Actually, many people.

Oh, and great to see Tucker bringing the heat with a Nazi apologist who claims Winston Churchill was the greatest villain of WW2. Good times.

ok? America (CIA) has been overthrowing gubments and interfering with elections in damn near every country in this WORLD...............but the dims panties are in a wad that "somebody" might do the same here? (They aren't)

Foreign gubments been interfering with our elections since paper was its social media.

Won't help you this time................MAGA landslide incoming.
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So apparently, Russia funneled $10m to right-wing Tenet Media as part of an illegal influence campaign in the US.

Right wing media and Russia…who knew? Actually, many people.

Oh, and great to see Tucker bringing the heat with a Nazi apologist who claims Winston Churchill was the greatest villain of WW2. Good times.

Did you listen to the Twitter post? Are we still going down this Russia, Russia Russia road. It just leads to fools gold every time. The opinion is a little much, but i didn’t hear Tucker say man you are so right. The Nazi’s are great. Nor did this guy say the Nazi’s are great. Far from it. Fact is he said the exact opposite. He called Churchill the villian because he believes the war doesn’t happen without him. I don’t agree at all, but this is where I guess you guys are today. Reaching for anything. He said the Nazi’s treated their prisoners like suffering animals. Saying they should just put them out of their misery. I didn’t take that as a positive description
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Did you listen to the Twitter post? Are we still going down this Russia, Russia Russia road. It just leads to fools gold every time. The opinion is a little much, but it didn’t hear Tucker say man you are so right. Thr Nazi’s are great. Nor did this guy say the Nazi’s are great. Far from it. Fact is he said the exact opposite. He called Churchill the villian because he believes the war doesn’t happen without him. I don’t agree at all, but this is where I guess you guys are today. Reaching for anything.
They're unfamiliar with the concept of disagreeing and remaining civil. They are the party of the blue haired shouters and "tolerance".
The national endowment for democracy just removed the bangladesh pm from her country because she would not accept a USA naval base in bangladesh
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Looks like dems are going back to the Clinton playbook and blame Russia in case they lose the election. The first one turned out to be a scam. Only hard core lunatics will go along with the charade this time.
Like zuck didn't spend 400 million influencing the last election and censoring information. Also, does soros not spend a gazillon for dim propaganda? etc etc etc. Your russia russia russia is very old and laughable. BTW, How much you think the Chinese are doing to help communist sympathizer kamala and Manchurian walz???
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Did you listen to the Twitter post? Are we still going down this Russia, Russia Russia road. It just leads to fools gold every time. The opinion is a little much, but i didn’t hear Tucker say man you are so right. The Nazi’s are great. Nor did this guy say the Nazi’s are great. Far from it. Fact is he said the exact opposite. He called Churchill the villian because he believes the war doesn’t happen without him. I don’t agree at all, but this is where I guess you guys are today. Reaching for anything. He said the Nazi’s treated their prisoners like suffering animals. Saying they should just put them out of their misery. I didn’t take that as a positive description
I listened to most of the interview and will listen to the rest when I have time. That guy is a straight up Nazi apologist who suggests so many absurd explanations for the Nazis that I don’t have time to list them all here.

Simply having him on tells much about Tucker, but anyone paying attention already knew.

If you want me to go deep on this one, I will. WW2 is a long-standing hobby of mine and if I can make time I’d enjoy listing more of that guy’s BS.

Did you read the indictment?
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Looks like dems are going back to the Clinton playbook and blame Russia in case they lose the election. The first one turned out to be a scam. Only hard core lunatics will go along with the charade this time.
Yes, it’s a total stretch to think that this right-wing pundit was getting direction and funding from Russia.

So apparently, Russia funneled $10m to right-wing Tenet Media as part of an illegal influence campaign in the US.

Right wing media and Russia…who knew? Actually, many people.

Oh, and great to see Tucker bringing the heat with a Nazi apologist who claims Winston Churchill was the greatest villain of WW2. Good times.

Russia Russia Russia. You Democrats keep falling for these hoaxes
I listened to most of the interview and will listen to the rest when I have time. That guy is a straight up Nazi apologist who suggests so many absurd explanations for the Nazis that I don’t have time to list them all hear.

Simply having him on tells much about Tucker, but anyone paying attention already knew.

If you want me to go deep on this one, I will. WW2 is a long-standing hobby of mine and if I can make time I’d enjoy listing more of that guy’s BS.

Did you read the indictment?
You will end up with egg on your face again. Maybe that blind squirrel will finally find a nut for you. I wouldn’t hold my breath.

I don’t like the guy’s opinions at all but getting takes from everyone is an unheard of concept these days. I forget. You guys love to silence anyone you can. Believe like me or be gone.
Simply having him on tells much about Tucker, but anyone paying attention already knew.

Tucker has discussed this before & I don't understand why this isn't self-evident: Interviewing subjects is not indicative of agreement. This is similar to saying that Jake Tapper interviewing Donald Trump means Tapper is in full agreement with him. Having a discussion w/ someone is just that...a discussion. That's it.

Your point here is a black eye on what journalism has become, not on Tucker, imo.
So apparently, Russia funneled $10m to right-wing Tenet Media as part of an illegal influence campaign in the US.

Right wing media and Russia…who knew? Actually, many people.

Oh, and great to see Tucker bringing the heat with a Nazi apologist who claims Winston Churchill was the greatest villain of WW2. Good times.

This is silly. Not worth the read. But Basically watch out for all those Republican talking points, It’s likely Russian disinformation? The real problem is Iran. Plots to kill Trump, influence the election, backing pro hamas protesters on campus, But ok. Russia Russia Russia.
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Tucker has discussed this before & I don't understand why this isn't self-evident: Interviewing subjects is not indicative of agreement. This is similar to saying that Jake Tapper interviewing Donald Trump means Tapper is in full agreement with him. Having a discussion w/ someone is just that...a discussion. That's it.

Your point here is a black eye on what journalism has become, not on Tucker, imo.
Geraldo Rivera is now considered a legend in that business. He started by interviewing and fighting skinheads.
Tucker has discussed this before & I don't understand why this isn't self-evident: Interviewing subjects is not indicative of agreement. This is similar to saying that Jake Tapper interviewing Donald Trump means Tapper is in full agreement with him. Having a discussion w/ someone is just that...a discussion. That's it.

Your point here is a black eye on what journalism has become, not on Tucker, imo.
Moose, this is why you can't have a discussion with the lefties here. They just puke out this kind of stuff. Always say sources like fox etc are nothing but right wing shills while posting stuff from huff post, pbs, msnbc are the gospel truth. SMH. They just dump on anyone that dares side with trump or questions their exalted potentates.
Dims running scared like a MFER..............they know the REAL polls have Trump dragging kumala's ass TODAY so what do they do....................yep, more Russia Russia Russia BS interference along with THREATS of arrest if any citizen "interferes" with any part of the election process right down to polling place volunteers.

Trump LANDSLIDE is imminent. 😁😁😁🙌
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So apparently, Russia funneled $10m to right-wing Tenet Media as part of an illegal influence campaign in the US.

Right wing media and Russia…who knew? Actually, many people.

Oh, and great to see Tucker bringing the heat with a Nazi apologist who claims Winston Churchill was the greatest villain of WW2. Good times.

Russian don't want Trump be president it's BS
Tucker has discussed this before & I don't understand why this isn't self-evident: Interviewing subjects is not indicative of agreement. This is similar to saying that Jake Tapper interviewing Donald Trump means Tapper is in full agreement with him. Having a discussion w/ someone is just that...a discussion. That's it.

Your point here is a black eye on what journalism has become, not on Tucker, imo.
Moose, I’m sorry but that’s just not the case here, at all, and I’m surprised you would still defend Tucker at this point.

Of course journalists can and should interview controversial figures and cover controversial topics. That’s not what Tucker does. He knowingly provides a platform for propaganda and validates it with his tone, manner and words.

Here is how Tucker introduces this historian in his tweet with the full interview:

“Darryl Cooper may be the best and most honest popular historian in the United States. His latest project is the most forbidden of all: trying to understand World War Two.”

Best and most honest? By whose standard? Who beyond Tucker has ever said that and what are their qualifications for determining such an objective evaluation of a historian?

Cooper isn’t even a historian by any traditional definition. He is a “largely self taught” podcaster known for controversial takes on a number of topics. But Tucker sets him up as not just a serious historian, but the “best and most honest”. That’s full validation and endorsement before the interview even starts.

Tucker not only completely fails to challenge even the most basic fallacies promoted by this guy, he validates them at every opportunity.

The clip I shared was about the Nazis being caught unprepared in 1941 to handle the POWs and “local political prisoners” (meaning Jews, gypsies, communists, gays and other undesirables) in their camp facilities. The first concentration camp, Dachau (perhaps you’ve heard of it) opened in March, 1933. That’s two months after Hitler first took power. Weird how the Nazis were supposedly caught unprepared in 1941. That’s a total joke of a position. It’s historically indefensible and a serious journalist would call it out as such.

And perhaps the fact the Hitler set up his first concentration camp two months after taking power and eight years before the time period referenced by this “historian” undercuts the argument that Churchill was the “true villain” and ultimately responsible for WW2?

It would be like interviewing David Duke and introducing him as the leading and most respected voice on race relations in the country and then agreeing with his many statements about the superiority of the white race.

But of course this is what we get from Tucker. Just like his propaganda tour where he walked the “model” grocery store in Moscow and promoted how much better and more affordable it was than the US, completely ignoring the average income differences of the two countries and the fact that what he was touring was in no way the average experience in Russia. That and more about that trip was straight Russian propaganda.

Tucker is a propagandist, not a serious journalist.
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You will end up with egg on your face again. Maybe that blind squirrel will finally find a nut for you. I wouldn’t hold my breath.

I don’t like the guy’s opinions at all but getting takes from everyone is an unheard of concept these days. I forget. You guys love to silence anyone you can. Believe like me or be gone.
Interesting you guys are for hearing from and discussing WWII history with a freaking Nazi sympathizer but God forbid provide funding for AP African American Studies course in GA high schools🤔.

You feel this POS should be able to spread his hate filled version of history but don't teach high schoolers about slavery? All around the country theirs been an assault on public education with silencing voice in the black community, with silencing voices in the LGBTQ community but this POS deserves to have his voice heard? Do you guys not see how utterly F'd that is or just don't care. It's obvious which one you guys feel is important to you.

Interesting you guys are for hearing from and discussing WWII history with a freaking Nazi sympathizer but God forbid provide funding for AP African American Studies course in GA high schools🤔.

You feel this POS should be able to spread his hate filled version of history but don't teach high schoolers about slavery? All around the country theirs been an assault on public education with silencing voice in the black community, with silencing voices in the LGBTQ community but this POS deserves to have his voice heard? Do you guys not see how utterly F'd that is or just don't care. It's obvious which one you guys feel is important to you.

There's quite a difference between a single interview & an AP class being taught in the GA HS System (which I have no issue with, fwiw). That's false equivalency.
Interesting you guys are for hearing from and discussing WWII history with a freaking Nazi sympathizer but God forbid provide funding for AP African American Studies course in GA high schools🤔.

You feel this POS should be able to spread his hate filled version of history but don't teach high schoolers about slavery? All around the country theirs been an assault on public education with silencing voice in the black community, with silencing voices in the LGBTQ community but this POS deserves to have his voice heard? Do you guys not see how utterly F'd that is or just don't care. It's obvious which one you guys feel is important to you.

I figured this might draw you out. I already know who you are sho. You showed that for everyone to see. You don’t get to post like you are a humanitarian in this. I know who you hate.

I wouldn’t want this guy teaching this in schools. That is quite the leap. The same way I wouldn’t want the LGBTQ stuff taught in schools. I have no issue with African studies or history taught in schools. I do have an issue if it comes with teaching white guilt to a bunch of kids who have done nothing to feel guilty about.

Plenty of people have been interviewed about African studies, LGBTQ and nazi idiocy. The whole response was about the op claiming this makes Tucker a nazi supporter. Or you trying to do the same to me. Straight out of the playbook. You missed the part where I said I in no way agree with him.
There's quite a difference between a single interview & an AP class being taught in the GA HS System (which I have no issue with, fwiw). That's false equivalency.
Were talking silencing opinions and historical facts...the medium of the discussion maybe different but it's the same thing
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Of course journalists can and should interview controversial figures and cover controversial topics. That’s not what Tucker does. He knowingly provides a platform for propaganda and validates it with his tone, manner and words.

Sorry, but that's weak & I don't really care about this particular individual. It's an interview.
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I figured this might draw you out. I already know who you are sho. You showed that for everyone to see. You don’t get to post like you are a humanitarian in this. I know who you hate.

I wouldn’t want this guy teaching this in schools. That is quite the leap. The same way I wouldn’t want the LGBTQ stuff taught in schools. I have no issue with African studies or history taught in schools. I do have an issue if it comes with teaching white guilt to a bunch of kids who have done nothing to feel guilty about.

Plenty of people have been interviewed about African studies, LGBTQ and nazi idiocy. The whole response was about the op claiming this makes Tucker a nazi supporter. Or you trying to do the same to me. Straight out of the playbook. You missed the part where I said I in no way agree with him.
Yes but you said he should be heard but AP African American courses shouldn't be heard? Is that your view point?
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Were talking silencing opinions and historical facts...the medium of the discussion maybe different but it's the same thing
1st amendment specifically protects unpopular and even abhorrent speech. But that doesn't mean the speaker cannot be shamed and ostracized.

An AA class in school is an unrelated issue.
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And AP African American history is a class that was to be offered not mandated for GA high schoolers but the GA GOP doesn't like that.
Well, when Tucker Carlson becomes a member of the GA GAP and votes down an AP course, you might have a point...or maybe not, since we're still talking about an interview vs a HS course
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