Ok Zoso you've found one black unit formed under the confederates that was disbanded a year later by the Louisiana legislature. The reason they were disbanded, well maybe you didn't get that far in the Wikipedia article, was because the legislature created a law that only "free white males capable of bearing arms" serve. Do you realize that you've found an article that proves my point and totally discredits everything you just said. They created a unit of blacks to fight for them but a year later then disband said unit because they were black. What a freaking idiot!!!!!!!!
Now this one unit doesn't even begin to compared to the union that had over 160 black units and north of 160K black troops serve for the union. Again you Civil War revisionist come out looking like idiots.
And Rolo as for this Hadley's Raiders claim, please provide a reference. I'm not saying you're full of $#it but...........I find no reference at all of this unit. And if you're going to sit here and tell me that the first grand wizard of the KKK (Nathan Bedford Forrest) lead a unit of black soldiers during the Civil War then you best provide some facts. Otherwise you're full of $#it.
I didn't say anything princess...just provided a link to show you were wrong. The link was not my words. And just because legislation was passed in Louisiana doesn't mean that law applied to the entire confederate army. African Americans also served with the Confederate First Regiment Texas Rangers and the First Georgia Rangers.
Please provide a link where I said Forrest lead a unit of black soldiers during the Civil War.
Didn't say anything about the rest of your drivel, just merely responded to your statement that blacks didn't get involved until the end of the war. Proved you wrong. Don't take it personal. People are wrong every day. Hell, the Supreme Court got it wrong 2x's last week alone.