So, Owebama used a raw onion to force that phony tear today


National Champion
Nov 1, 2013
Murder in this nation was at a 50 year low before Owebama started his Black Lies Matter/War on Cops even though there are 100 million more people in this country.

FBI stats show NO guns bought at gun shows used in murders as the vast majority of murder weapons that have been recovered were shown to have been stolen by the individuals, given to them by friends or family members, or bought from other thugs who peddle stolen weapons or those made by straw purchasers and brought from distant states and sold on the street. Nothing Owebama said or did will stop a single murder in this nation from taking place.

More "We have to do something to show we care even though it won't actually do any good " liberal BS
Murder in this nation was at a 50 year low before Owebama started his Black Lies Matter/War on Cops even though there are 100 million more people in this country.

FBI stats show NO guns bought at gun shows used in murders as the vast majority of murder weapons that have been recovered were shown to have been stolen by the individuals, given to them by friends or family members, or bought from other thugs who peddle stolen weapons or those made by straw purchasers and brought from distant states and sold on the street. Nothing Owebama said or did will stop a single murder in this nation from taking place.

More "We have to do something to show we care even though it won't actually do any good " liberal BS
He is appealing to his base which considers themselves as victims. Playing the crowd like LBJ, Huey P and Big Jim Folsom. I'm all you got standing between you and the big man, the merchant, your boss, the better off middle class. And his act is a natural since he considered himself a victim most of his life and still does with his rants of disagreement with his policies being racism. And he is doubling down to set the people and this country straight before he leaves office. To him the people who have prospered the most have victimized the minorities, the blue collar working class and he is going to get some revenge even if getting even means doing permanent damage and down grading our country in the world. He really believes the USA owes the world for our elevated standard of living. The gun thing is just another slap at the middle class who is armed to the teeth and have really stepped up the buying of guns since his election. Because they know what's up. Honestly his constituency are for a very large part...victims of the middle class. And shall stay that way.
He is appealing to his base which considers themselves as victims. Playing the crowd like LBJ, Huey P and Big Jim Folsom. I'm all you got standing between you and the big man, the merchant, your boss, the better off middle class. And his act is a natural since he considered himself a victim most of his life and still does with his rants of disagreement with his policies being racism. And he is doubling down to set the people and this country straight before he leaves office. To him the people who have prospered the most have victimized the minorities, the blue collar working class and he is going to get some revenge even if getting even means doing permanent damage and down grading our country in the world. He really believes the USA owes the world for our elevated standard of living. The gun thing is just another slap at the middle class who is armed to the teeth and have really stepped up the buying of guns since his election. Because they know what's up. Honestly his constituency are for a very large part...victims of the middle class. And shall stay that way.

he is such a fake , all part of the plan to chip away any way he can . be a great day when this radical goes back to chicago .
Could be a ploy to drive the stock of gun manufacturers up. You could form a shadow corporation to go long on the stock before you do a press conference. You could make a small fortune. I bet these MFs do this kind of stuff all the time.

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