So there was a cabal of FBI agents that conspired


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jan 5, 2006
to throw the election to Hillary Clinton by exonerating her on the email scandal and frame DT. Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, Bruce Ohr, and probably Mueller were involved.

Email intercepts from a top FBI agent,Peter Strzok, in a meeting with Andrew McCabe said “ We can’t take the risk that Trump wins.” “We have a backup insurance plan to insure he doesn’t win.” Strzok speaks of saving the country from Trump as if he is a modern day James Bond. Thus showing intent to conspire to derail our democracy. Constitution be damned.

The cabal thought they had a higher purpose. Instead they committed treason by spying on an opposition candidate to take him down by illegal means with a rigged investigation based on a false opposition research report.
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If we were to conflict out every person who called Trump an idiot, we wouldn't have many educated people left to investigate the Russian collusion.

That is all u can say. That is it?

I know that is the democrat talking point but this is far deeper scandal, Think for yourself don't use talking points.

Do u really think that is what my post said. If that is all u got out of my post, then your reading comprehension needs to improve.
For your perusal if u are interested , below is some of the questioning of Rosenstein by the House Intelligence committee.this week.

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If we were to conflict out every person who called Trump an idiot, we wouldn't have many educated people left to investigate the Russian collusion.
The democrat machine has y'all nutjobs fooled with this "Russian collusion" BS. However, if there was "Russian collusion," then Vladimir Putin needs to be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for saving America.
to throw the election to Hillary Clinton by exonerating her on the email scandal and frame DT. Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, Bruce Ohr, and probably Mueller were involved.

Email intercepts from a top FBI agent,Peter Strzok, in a meeting with Andrew McCabe said “ We can’t take the risk that Trump wins.” “We have a backup insurance plan to insure he doesn’t win.” Strzok speaks of saving the country from Trump as if he is a modern day James Bond. Thus showing intent to conspire to derail our democracy. Constitution be damned.

The cabal thought they had a higher purpose. Instead they committed treason by spying on an opposition candidate to take him down by illegal means with a rigged investigation based on a false opposition research report ?
Yes, that's why Comey opened up the investigation on hillary 12 days before the election just as a cover-up for that well layed out plan.
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Yes, that's why Comey opened up the investigation on hillary 12 days before the election just as a cover-up for that well layed out plan.


The additional emails were discovered by regular fbi agents just doing their jobs so he couldn' just ignore the additional emails. So he opened up the investigation and put Peter Strzok in charge knowing that Peter would end the counting quickly and in reality probably not even read most of them.
to throw the election to Hillary Clinton by exonerating her on the email scandal and frame DT. Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, Bruce Ohr, and probably Mueller were involved.

Email intercepts from a top FBI agent,Peter Strzok, in a meeting with Andrew McCabe said “ We can’t take the risk that Trump wins.” “We have a backup insurance plan to insure he doesn’t win.” Strzok speaks of saving the country from Trump as if he is a modern day James Bond. Thus showing intent to conspire to derail our democracy. Constitution be damned.

The cabal thought they had a higher purpose. Instead they committed treason by spying on an opposition candidate to take him down by illegal means with a rigged investigation based on a false opposition research report.
I hear you, but good luck with that. The majority of this country gets his news from either the Internet, MSM, CNN or MSNBC. Thus, they have no clue whatsoever.

The additional emails were discovered by regular fbi agents just doing their jobs so he couldn' just ignore the additional emails. So he opened up the investigation and put Peter Strzok in charge knowing that Peter would end the counting quickly and in reality probably not even read most of them.
That's funny, he ignored the whole russian thing at the time. If your are going to bring up the emails then bring up the Russian meddling and possible collusion in the race.
That's funny, he ignored the whole russian thing at the time. If your are going to bring up the emails then bring up the Russian meddling and possible collusion in the race.[/

Comey took the dossier and presented it to Trump as part of a summary presentatioin on the Russian interference in the election. This allowed the media to treat the dossier as real news. Before that ,since there wasn't any corroboration of the claims, it wasn't considered by most news outfits as legitimate until then..It soon was out in the news

The fbi also paid Christopher Steele for further research in Rjussia on Trump.So he certainly didn't ignore the collusion.allegation.
Comey wrote an exoneration letter 2 months before Hil was finally cleared in July 2016. He let the letter be watered down by Peter Strzop to make Hil look better.

Now I do agree that Comey's July 3 presentation summary on the email investigation was very negative on Hil even though at the end, he said she shouldn't be indicted.
Comey took the dossier and presented it to Trump as part of a summary presentatioin on the Russian interference in the election. This allowed the media to treat the dossier as real news. Before that ,since there wasn't any corroboration of the claims, it wasn't considered by most news outfits as legitimate until then..It soon was out in the news

The fbi also paid Christopher Steele for further research in Rjussia on Trump.So he certainly didn't ignore the collusion.allegation.
Comey wrote an exoneration letter 2 months before Hil was finally cleared in July 2016. He let the letter be watered down by Peter Strzop to make Hil look better.

Now I do agree that Comey's July 3 presentation summary on the email investigation was very negative on Hil even though at the end, he said she shouldn't be indicted.
Oh, you think that was negative? That swung the race.
Oh, you think that was negative? That swung the race.

"swung the race" is an exaggeration. I went back and looked at the Presidential polls. Looking at multiple polls, Hil was up by a range of 4-10 points in late October and even up an average of 4 points the day before the election.
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Anyone else notice that all the talk of the FBI being crooked started after Flynn pleaded guilty, guess it had nothing to do with the Trumpsters being scared sh*tless that Mueller had the goods on Trump.

Hoffman, have to admit I don't know how many a cabol is, from what I've heard, two agents were texting back and forth what a disaster it would be if Trump were to become President ( a sentiment shared by approx 70% of the population now), the one who was on Mueller's team was let go, but I guess this means that 2 FBI agents out of thousands saying this means the whole agency is crooked.
If these two fbi employees were taking action to swing the election, two points: 1) they obviously didn’t learn from Vladimir, and 2) they should be taken care of. Just a bunch of noise to distract from the real issues surrounding the 2016 election.

Or maybe we should have a special counsel to see if trump would have won the popular vote if it weren’t for those two people. Seems like a wise use of millions. Would be an exceedingly trumpian thing to do honestly.
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I also find it nearly metallic that it’s being suggested that text messages of two (of god knows how many total employees) rogue agents is proof positive that the fbi is rotten to the core and criminal charges for one and guilty pleas of two of a much small number of people that made up trumps campaign are just anamolies to be written off.
I also find it nearly metallic that it’s being suggested that text messages of two (of god knows how many total employees) rogue agents is proof positive that the fbi is rotten to the core and criminal charges for one and guilty pleas of two of a much small number of people that made up trumps campaign are just anamolies to be written off.
Nobody said that. But it’s evident that the investigative team had done seriously biased and flawed members. Ask Whoopi Goldberg is she’d feel comfortable if David Duke was on her jury.
Nobody said that. But it’s evident that the investigative team had done seriously biased and flawed members. Ask Whoopi Goldberg is she’d feel comfortable if David Duke was on her jury.
What investigation? That of Hillary? The person who lost the election? Is this a discussion of whether Hillary should be criminally charged and not the election? Because their actions didn’t have much of an affect on the election obviously.
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Also any causation argument re: mueller probe (ie that this one guy somehow wrongly influenced the whole probe) are cut off when Flynn and popundopalous (sp?) pleaded guilty.
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What investigation? That of Hillary? The person who lost the election? Is this a discussion of whether Hillary should be criminally charged and not the election? Because their actions didn’t have much of an affect on the election obviously.
Great question. What is Mueller investigating and why?
Anyone else notice that all the talk of the FBI being crooked started after Flynn pleaded guilty, guess it had nothing to do with the Trumpsters being scared sh*tless that Mueller had the goods on Trump.

Hoffman, have to admit I don't know how many a cabol is, from what I've heard, two agents were texting back and forth what a disaster it would be if Trump were to become President ( a sentiment shared by approx 70% of the population now), the one who was on Mueller's team was let go, but I guess this means that 2 FBI agents out of thousands saying this means the whole agency is crooked.

Definition of cabal. 1 : the contrived schemes of a group of persons secretly united in a plot (as to overturn a government); also : a group engaged in such schemes. McCabe, Rosenstein, Strzok, Lisa Page, Comey,Ohr and wife, and Mueller,

It boils down to this.

There is strong evidence that the FBI colluded with the Hil campaign & the O admin in an attempt to defeat the Republican candidate (DT). They worked together on the anti-DT dossier and presented in to a FISA court as an fbi investigative report. The FISA court thus gave them approval to spy on the Trump campaign. Members of the BO admin spied on Trump people by unmasking hundreds DT admin officials during the 2016 campaign and during the transition.

This is a threat to our democracy when the top law enforcement agency is used as a weapon to spy on an opposing presidential candidate. This means the Mueller investigation is based on illegal collusion as I have described above. Wouldn’t it be treason for the natiions top law enforcement agency to attempt to influence an election and/or take down a President by illegal means such as a rigged investigation based on false documents?

The FBI has stonewalled attempts by congress to get answers. McCabe and Ohr have found excuses not to be questioned by congress.
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If we were to conflict out every person who called Trump an idiot, we wouldn't have many educated people left to investigate the Russian collusion.

Maybe, but educated people (unless they are also small minded) should not have to resort to name calling. They should certainly not make name calling their primary form of declaring their position on social, financial or political topics. But......
Definition of cabal. 1 : the contrived schemes of a group of persons secretly united in a plot (as to overturn a government); also : a group engaged in such schemes. McCabe, Rosenstein, Strzok, Comey,Ohr and wife, Mueller,

It boils down to this.

There is strong evidence that the FBI colluded with the Hil campaign & the O admin in an attempt to defeat the Republican candidate (DT). They worked together on the anti-DT dossier and presented in to a FISA court as an fbi investigative report. The FI8SA court thus gave them approval to spy on the Trump campaign. Members of the BO admin spied on Trump people by unmasking hundreds DT admin officials during the 2016 campaign and during the transition.

This is a threat to our democracy when the top law enforcement agency is used as a weapon to spy on an opposing presidential candidate. This means the Mueller investigation is based on illegal collusion as I have described above. Wouldn’t it be treason for the natiions top law enforcement agency to attempt to influence an election and/or take down a President by illegal means such as a rigged investigation based on false documents?

The FBI has stonewalled attempts by congress to get answers. McCabe and Ohr have found excuses not to be questioned by congress.
pretty sure if that was the case then they would let the public know like they did with hillary. The reason the court gave them permission to spy on trump is they had pretty good evidence for doing so.
Trump is the first and only president that compared our intelligence community to the Nazis. Now if Obama had done that y'all would have called him everything but a American. The point is that fox and trump are constantly talking anti Mueller and the reason is they know he's on to something and are afraid of his findings.
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pretty sure if that was the case then they would let the public know like they did with hillary. The reason the court gave them permission to spy on trump is they had pretty good evidence for doing so.
Trump is the first and only president that compared our intelligence community to the Nazis. Now if Obama had done that y'all would have called him everything but a American. The point is that fox and trump are constantly talking anti Mueller and the reason is they know he's on to something and are afraid of his findings.

Not sure what u mean. The FBI is in coverup mode right now. FN is getting info from congressional committees investigating these issues. That is the only news outlet that will not ignore this. The MSM ignores anything that might be pro-Trump.
Not sure what u mean. The FBI is in coverup mode right now. FN is getting info from congressional committees investigating these issues. That is the only news outlet that will not ignore this. The MSM ignores anything that might be pro-Trump.
You wouldn't happen to listen to Alex Jones would you? It amazing to me how trump has y'all brainwashed on the media.
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Not sure what u mean. The FBI is in coverup mode right now. FN is getting info from congressional committees investigating these issues. That is the only news outlet that will not ignore this. The MSM ignores anything that might be pro-Trump.
You wouldn't happen to listen to Alex Jones would you? It amazing to me how trump has y'all brainwashed on the media.

It is somewhat arrogant for u to discredit my post by bring up Alex Jones. We keep trying to tell u that the MSM is so biased they only give one side of the story..

.Go up to my post where Jim Jordan and Trey Gowdy are questioning Rosenstein. They and many in Congress believe exactly what I have posted. It is just not reported by the MSM. Do u equate our congressmen to Alex Jones? I get my info from the congressional investigation committees, some from Judicial Watch who get info from the FOIA and some from investigative reporters Solomon and Carter..
It is somewhat arrogant for u to discredit my post by bring up Alex Jones. We keep trying to tell u that the MSM is so biased they only give one side of the story..

.Go up to my post where Jim Jordan and Trey Gowdy are questioning Rosenstein. They and many in Congress believe exactly what I have posted. It is just not reported by the MSM. Do u equate our congressmen to Alex Jones? I get my info from the congressional investigation committees, some from Judicial Watch who get info from the FOIA and some from investigative reporters Solomon and Carter..
Just wondering because trump is a Alex Jones fan. Does that discredit him?
Definition of cabal. 1 : the contrived schemes of a group of persons secretly united in a plot (as to overturn a government); also : a group engaged in such schemes. McCabe, Rosenstein, Strzok, Lisa Page, Comey,Ohr and wife, and Mueller,

It boils down to this.

There is strong evidence that the FBI colluded with the Hil campaign & the O admin in an attempt to defeat the Republican candidate (DT). They worked together on the anti-DT dossier and presented in to a FISA court as an fbi investigative report. The FISA court thus gave them approval to spy on the Trump campaign. Members of the BO admin spied on Trump people by unmasking hundreds DT admin officials during the 2016 campaign and during the transition.

This is a threat to our democracy when the top law enforcement agency is used as a weapon to spy on an opposing presidential candidate. This means the Mueller investigation is based on illegal collusion as I have described above. Wouldn’t it be treason for the natiions top law enforcement agency to attempt to influence an election and/or take down a President by illegal means such as a rigged investigation based on false documents?

The FBI has stonewalled attempts by congress to get answers. McCabe and Ohr have found excuses not to be questioned by congress.
Now there you go again Hoff making shit up. There is no evidence and I mean no evidence that the FBI or the Obama Admin worked or payed for the dossier that was started by republicans and funding picked up by the Clinton campaign. Second there is no evidence that the dossier or what facts from the dossier (the IC is saying they can in fact prove portions of the dossier are fact) were presented to the FISA court for a warrant. Please for once just be honest and not a Trump d*ck licker
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Not sure what u mean. The FBI is in coverup mode right now. FN is getting info from congressional committees investigating these issues. That is the only news outlet that will not ignore this. The MSM ignores anything that might be pro-Trump.
FN is getting info that people in the government think Trump is an idiot, count his Sec of State as one..........Mic drop
Interesting how two FBI agents texting back and forth that a Trump presidency would be a disaster for the country (no sh*t), has evolved into strong evidence that the FBI colluded to not elect Trump.

Mueller's got thousands of Trump's transition Emails, Flynn and the Greek guy are cooperating so they (and Flynn Jr) don't spend tens of years in jail, so Trump has only one card left to play, and that is trash the investigators. Fox News, Breibart and the right wing Pubs are doing their part, but this is just a desperation move because they know that Mueller has them dead to right.

Of course, Hoffman, and the other Trumpers buy this bulsh*t hook, line and sinker.
FN is getting info that people in the government think Trump is an idiot, count his Sec of State as one..........Mic drop

The liberal agenda preys on weakness & feelings of inferiority in the populace. They create perceptions of victimization, augment primative feelings of envy and satisfying infantile claims of entitlement & compensation. That explains why u are who u are Shonuff..Mike drop! LOL

Shonuff you are so uninformed. Did u listen to the congressional hearing with Rosenburg? I know u didn't. Did u at least listen to the cross examining of Rosenburg by Gowdy and Jordan I posted above?. No u didn't. The man stonewalled Congress as has the FBI. McCabe can't find the time to testify. Why won't the FBI answer questions? They won't say whether they paid for Christopher Steele to do more research on DT/Russia. They won't say if obama with FBI help used the anti-Trump discredited dossier to obtain the FISA warrrant. We do know that Obama admin spied on the Trump people unmasking hundreds of communications.If the FBI is clean they wouldn't stonewall. Contempt of congress will soon be issued.

Email intercepts from a top FBI agent,Peter Strzok, in a meeting in Aug 2016, with Andrew McCabe and others said “ We can’t take the risk that Trump wins.” “We have a backup insurance plan to insure he doesn’t win.” Thus showing intent to conspire to derail our democracy. Constitution be damned. They thought they had a higher purpose. Soon after, the DT/Russia collusion investigation was launched.He has been transferred out of the FBI.

Peter Strzok changed language in Comey's summary of the Hil investigation to say "extremely careless" instead of "gross negligence" which is the language in the statute she was accused of violating and used other language to make her sound less guillty. A tough job indeed to make crooked Hillary sound not so crooked. .

Bruce Ohr, a top FBI agent met secretly with foreign agent, Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS President who combined to concoct the anti-trump dossier without notifying superiors. Not only that but Ohr's wife, an expert on Russia, was hired by Fusion GPS in the fall of 2016. OHr met with Fusion GPS both before and after the election. He has been demoted. He will also be subpoened as will Strzok.
Mueller has another problem. Most of his investigators are dems and donated to Hillary. In adition to those biased above, .
Jeannie Rhee was a lawyer for the Clinton Foundation, represented Hillary in the email representation. & represented Ben Rhodes
Weissman-went to Hillary’s election night party, donated the max and praised Sally Yates refusing to comply with DT’ ban. That really shows bad judgement on his part because if this ever went to trial, prosecutorial bias could easily be proven.

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Hoffman, listen to what you are saying, the Trumpers are no longer talking about whether there was any collusion, because they know that there was, and that Mueller is close to having all the evidence he needs. The only defense left is to trash the investigation, and Jordan, Gowdy, and Fox News are all in because there are no other options.
The liberal agenda preys on weakness & feelings of inferiority in the populace. They create perceptions of victimization, augment primative feelings of envy and satisfying infantile claims of entitlement & compensation. That explains why u are who u are Shonuff..Mike drop! LOL

Shonuff you are so uninformed. Did u listen to the congressional hearing with Rosenburg? I know u didn't. Did u at least listen to the cross examining of Rosenburg by Gowdy and Jordan I posted above?. No u didn't. The man stonewalled Congress as has the FBI. McCabe can't find the time to testify. Why won't the FBI answer questions? They won't say whether they paid for Christopher Steele to do more research on DT/Russia. They won't say if obama with FBI help used the anti-Trump discredited dossier to obtain the FISA warrrant. We do know that Obama admin spied on the Trump people unmasking hundreds of communications.If the FBI is clean they wouldn't stonewall. Contempt of congress will soon be issued.

Email intercepts from a top FBI agent,Peter Strzok, in a meeting in Aug 2016, with Andrew McCabe and others said “ We can’t take the risk that Trump wins.” “We have a backup insurance plan to insure he doesn’t win.” Thus showing intent to conspire to derail our democracy. Constitution be damned. They thought they had a higher purpose. Soon after, the DT/Russia collusion investigation was launched.He has been transferred out of the FBI.

Peter Strzok changed language in Comey's summary of the Hil investigation to say "extremely careless" instead of "gross negligence" which is the language in the statute she was accused of violating and used other language to make her sound less guillty. A tough job indeed to make crooked Hillary sound not so crooked. .

Bruce Ohr, a top FBI agent met secretly with foreign agent, Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS President who combined to concoct the anti-trump dossier without notifying superiors. Not only that but Ohr's wife, an expert on Russia, was hired by Fusion GPS in the fall of 2016. OHr met with Fusion GPS both before and after the election. He has been demoted. He will also be subpoened as will Strzok.
Mueller has another problem. Most of his investigators are dems and donated to Hillary. In adition to those biased above, .
Jeannie Rhee was a lawyer for the Clinton Foundation, represented Hillary in the email representation. & represented Ben Rhodes
Weissman-went to Hillary’s election night party, donated the max and praised Sally Yates refusing to comply with DT’s. That really shows bad judgement on his part because if this ever went to trial, prosecutorial bias could easily be proven.

It’s like trying to teach quantum physics to snails. We get it Hoffman, but shonuf and Backdoor trim-man are not educated enough to formulate an opinion based on fact and logical reasoning. You have provided the facts thouroghly enough.
Regardless of party affiliation or associated team spirit, it’s been laughably obvious for generations that the FBI, CIA and NSA are political in nature and substance. Anyone’s belief to the contrary should make that person’s grasp of reality suspect. Heck, even our “justice department” rarely deals in whole truth. Those of us, who prefer to be treated as children will be eagerly treated as children. We all could stand more time in introspection. Do we really want truth and justice or will we continue to be appeased by pleasant narratives and entertainment value?
Hoffman, listen to what you are saying, the Trumpers are no longer talking about whether there was any collusion, because they know that there was, and that Mueller is close to having all the evidence he needs. The only defense left is to trash the investigation, and Jordan, Gowdy, and Fox News are all in because there are no other options.
Huh? Quit watching MSNBC. They don’t report news. They talk about their aspirations. Nobody on the Right talks collusion because there wasn’t any. It’s been a year. There’s nothing. Thus, there’s nothing to talk about. How can you keep taking for a year about a fantasy?

Your reasoning that something is true because the Trump supporters aren’t talking about it would be hilarious if it wasn’t such a head scratcher. How did you come up with that one?
Huh? Quit watching MSNBC. They don’t report news. They talk about their aspirations. Nobody on the Right talks collusion because there wasn’t any. It’s been a year. There’s nothing. Thus, there’s nothing to talk about. How can you keep taking for a year about a fantasy?

Your reasoning that something is true because the Trump supporters aren’t talking about it would be hilarious if it wasn’t such a head scratcher. How did you come up with that one?
Read my post above, you are asking far to
Much of them to understand truth and logic. Like you said it does not fit their fantasy view of the world.