So there was a cabal of FBI agents that conspired

Hoffman, can you explain why trump would walk in the dressing room of the Miss Teenage America pagent while they were naked and some as young as 15 years old? His reply was "he's seen before".

He owned the event. Some of the contestants said he oogled them. Big deal. That is all u have??? Give it up.

This illustrates one thing to me. If Roy Moore were a dem, u would be defending him just like u are "trying" to defend the 26 trips n the lolita express by WJC.
He owned the event. Some of the contestants said he oogled them. Big deal. That is all u have??? Give it up.

This illustrates one thing to me. If Roy Moore were a dem, u would be defending him just like u are "trying" to defend the 26 trips n the lolita express by WJC.
"He owned the event". That's what you have. Does that give him permission to eyeball naked 15 year old girls. Sounds creepy to me and I'm even surprised you would try to defend him on that. Who am i kidding, of course I'm not surprised you would defend your master on anything.
I bet you contributed to the moore campaign didn't you?
Fyi, I'm not trying to defend clinton on the trips but I'm just pointing out trump had the same issues with him with you fail to see because of your blind loyalty of being a trumpster. You know he was talking about you when trump said he could shoot someone on the middle of 5th ave and people would still vote for him.
"He owned the event". That's what you have. Does that give him permission to eyeball naked 15 year old girls. Sounds creepy to me and I'm even surprised you would try to defend him on that. Who am i kidding, of course I'm not surprised you would defend your master on anything.
I bet you contributed to the moore campaign didn't you?
Fyi, I'm not trying to defend clinton on the trips but I'm just pointing out trump had the same issues with him with you fail to see because of your blind loyalty of being a trumpster. You know he was talking about you when trump said he could shoot someone on the middle of 5th ave and people would still vote for him.
Looks to me like being ogled is what those contestants live for, so screw 'em, they got ogled. Half of them probably ended up as strippers. Who GAS? It's not like they are being kept on a Bahamian island for Hillary's lunch.
Looks to me like being ogled is what those contestants live for, so screw 'em, they got ogled. Half of them probably ended up as strippers. Who GAS? It's not like they are being kept on a Bahamian island for Hillary's lunch.
I'm sure you thought that sounded better in your head.
"He owned the event". That's what you have. Does that give him permission to eyeball naked 15 year old girls. Sounds creepy to me and I'm even surprised you would try to defend him on that. Who am i kidding, of course I'm not surprised you would defend your master on anything.
I bet you contributed to the moore campaign didn't you?
Fyi, I'm not trying to defend clinton on the trips but I'm just pointing out trump had the same issues with him with you fail to see because of your blind loyalty of being a trumpster. You know he was talking about you when trump said he could shoot someone on the middle of 5th ave and people would still vote for him.

Age requirements are 17-24 yrs of age. .U must have some fantasy about 15 yr old girls since u keep bringing that up. Oogling beauty contestants sounds like something every man in America except u would do.
As for defending Trump, if he had taken 26 trips on the Lolita Express, I would condemn him. Just like u should do with Clinton but won't because the dem party is your master and u only say what they want u to say.
Age requirements are 17-24 yrs of age. .U must have some fantasy about 15 yr old girls since u keep bringing that up. Oogling beauty contestants sounds like something every man in America except u would do.
As for defending Trump, if he had taken 26 trips on the Lolita Express, I would condemn him. Just like u should do with Clinton but won't because the dem party is your master and u only say what they want u to say.
Our Trim Navigator teaches us that eyeing exhibitionist naked teenage trim is bad, but screwing naked teenage trim in the Bahamas or on an airplane is to be ignored as long as somebody's giving them some money. Oh, what a rudderless ship we would be without our Trim Navigator.
Age requirements are 17-24 yrs of age. .U must have some fantasy about 15 yr old girls since u keep bringing that up. Oogling beauty contestants sounds like something every man in America except u would do.
As for defending Trump, if he had taken 26 trips on the Lolita Express, I would condemn him. Just like u should do with Clinton but won't because the dem party is your master and u only say what they want u to say.
Not sure where youy get your info but it seems to be wrong like the rest of your posts. 13-17 age requirement.
Our Trim Navigator teaches us that eyeing exhibitionist naked teenage trim is bad, but screwing naked teenage trim in the Bahamas or on an airplane is to be ignored as long as somebody's giving them some money. Oh, what a rudderless ship we would be without our Trim Navigator.
Trump give them money?
Not sure wh ere youy get your info but it seems to be wrong like the rest of your posts. 13-17 age requirement.

Not sure where youy get your info but it seems to be wrong like the rest of your posts. 13-17 age requirement

DT owned Miss USA not Miss Teenage America. Nice try though

Who is wrong most of the time? I am not the one who was so sure Hil was going to win. I am not the one who thinks DT is going to be impeached. How is that working out for u?
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So Hoffman, let me get this straight, you are saying as owner of the event, it was ok for Trump to walk in on teenage girls why they were dressing?

What if one of those girls were your daughter?

Please don't just answer the Lolita Express again, if Clinton was having any type of sexual relations with underage girls, he should be locked away for the rest of his life.
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So Hoffman, let me get this straight, you are saying as owner of the event, it was ok for Trump to walk in on teenage girls why they were dressing?

What if one of those girls were your daughter?

Please don't just answer the Lolita Express again, if Clinton was having any type of sexual relations with underage girls, he should be locked away for the rest of his life.
Yeah he's ok with it. Unless it was his granddaughter then he would probably have different feelings about it.
So Hoffman, let me get this straight, you are saying as owner of the event, it was ok for Trump to walk in on teenage girls why they were dressing?

What if one of those girls were your daughter?

Please don't just answer the Lolita Express again, if Clinton was having any type of sexual relations with underage girls, he should be locked away for the rest of his life.

Again it wasn't Miss Teenage America but Miss USA which he owned.MISS USA Contestants: Must be at least 18 years of age and under 28 years of age

I am still wondering how u are ok with Bill Clinton taking 26 trips on the lolita Express. There is no other reason that Clinton would take 26 trips on the plane of a convicted child molester. The dems don't seem to care though do they?
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actually i do remember you saying trump was going to lose after the p***y grabbing tapes came out. So yeah, you also said hillary would win.
actually i do remember you saying trump was going to lose after the p***y grabbing tapes came out. So yeah, you also said hillary would win.

There were a few weeks I was scared because of the tape but the other 50 weeks I thought DT would win. But u had picked out the drapes' paint jobs new furniture, wall hangings, and bedding,etc. Must have been quite a shock. I would give anything to have seen your face that night.
There were a few weeks I was scared because of the tape but the other 50 weeks I thought DT would win. But u had picked out the drapes' paint jobs new furniture, wall hangings, and bedding,etc. Must have been quite a shock. I would give anything to have seen your face that night.
Just look in the mirror when trump gets impeached and you will see.
Again it wasn't Miss Teenage America but Miss USA which he owned.MISS USA Contestants: Must be at least 18 years of age and under 28 years of age

I am still wondering how u are ok with Bill Clinton taking 26 trips on the lolita Express. There is no other reason that Clinton would take 26 trips on the plane of a convicted child molester. The dems don't seem to care though do they?

Hoffman, as usual, you are wrong with the facts, the pageant that Trump walked in on was the 1997 Miss TEEN USA pageant, and one of the girls dressing was 15 (this was very easy to find, you must not have wanted to look too hard).

Again, are you ok with him doing that?

Finally, with Clinton, I said it above, I will say it again, if he had relations with underage girls, I hope he rots in jail.
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Maybe, but educated people (unless they are also small minded) should not have to resort to name calling. They should certainly not make name calling their primary form of declaring their position on social, financial or political topics. But......
By your standard Trump's Secretary of State and his National Security Advisory wouldn't be qualified to investigate. Quite a high standard there.
Maybe, but educated people (unless they are also small minded) should not have to resort to name calling. They should certainly not make name calling their primary form of declaring their position on social, financial or political topics. But......
Not to pile on but let's play "who said it?"

[Arianna Huffington is a] "dummy"
[David Brooks is a] "dummy"
[Matt Bai is a] "dummy"
[Harry Hurt is a] "dummy dope"
[Cheri Jacobus is a] "dummy"
[Bill Kristol is a] "dummy"
[John Kasich is a] "dummy"
[John McCain is a] "dummy"
[Karl Rove is a] "dummy"
[Tim O'Brien is a] "really stupid talking head"
[The Republican Party of Virginia is] "stupid"

etc, etc, etc,
Not to pile on but let's play "who said it?"

[Arianna Huffington is a] "dummy"
[David Brooks is a] "dummy"
[Matt Bai is a] "dummy"
[Harry Hurt is a] "dummy dope"
[Cheri Jacobus is a] "dummy"
[Bill Kristol is a] "dummy"
[John Kasich is a] "dummy"
[John McCain is a] "dummy"
[Karl Rove is a] "dummy"
[Tim O'Brien is a] "really stupid talking head"
[The Republican Party of Virginia is] "stupid"

etc, etc, etc,
I'm guessing Fred Sanford.
Not to pile on but let's play "who said it?"

[Arianna Huffington is a] "dummy"
[David Brooks is a] "dummy"
[Matt Bai is a] "dummy"
[Harry Hurt is a] "dummy dope"
[Cheri Jacobus is a] "dummy"
[Bill Kristol is a] "dummy"
[John Kasich is a] "dummy"
[John McCain is a] "dummy"
[Karl Rove is a] "dummy"
[Tim O'Brien is a] "really stupid talking head"
[The Republican Party of Virginia is] "stupid"

etc, etc, etc,

My point has nothing to do with Trump. We all know he’s an outlier by DC frat boy standards. Our collective and enduring problems are about us citizens regardless of political banner. We can fix things, but not by blaming each other and rarely getting past name calling ourselves. Eliminate Trump tomorrow, and our (we the people) most common problems go where? Most of them have been with us for decades if not generations. Trump is a symptom of the poor relationships at our level. We should learn and improve, not just keep moving the same chess pieces around the board and expecting (dreaming of) substantive change.
My point has nothing to do with Trump. We all know he’s an outlier by DC frat boy standards. Our collective and enduring problems are about us citizens regardless of political banner. We can fix things, but not by blaming each other and rarely getting past name calling ourselves. Eliminate Trump tomorrow, and our (we the people) most common problems go where? Most of them have been with us for decades if not generations. Trump is a symptom of the poor relationships at our level. We should learn and improve, not just keep moving the same chess pieces around the board and expecting (dreaming of) substantive change.
It may not have been your intention but you made a strong point about Trump.
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It may not have been your intention but you made a strong point about Trump.

Must we insist that our elected officials double as role models for not only our children, but for us adults as well? Monkey see, monkey do? We have a much bigger problem than who sits in the Oval Office. But we’ve surrendered our problem solving concerns and skills to anyone we can blame for not getting it right. WE, not “them” are to blame for most enduring problems in our families and communities. Open, honest dialogue with emphasis on solutions is what we need. Blaming wont get us there. It more likely moves us all further apart. Not a good tact regardless of one’s political stripe or personality type.
Must we insist that our elected officials double as role models for not only our children, but for us adults as well? Monkey see, monkey do? We have a much bigger problem than who sits in the Oval Office. But we’ve surrendered our problem solving concerns and skills to anyone we can blame for not getting it right. WE, not “them” are to blame for most enduring problems in our families and communities. Open, honest dialogue with emphasis on solutions is what we need. Blaming wont get us there. It more likely moves us all further apart. Not a good tact regardless of one’s political stripe or personality type.
That's all fine and dandy but you, maybe inadvertently, called our President "small-minded" no matter how many words you want to throw out there to distort that fact.
That's all fine and dandy but you, maybe inadvertently, called our President "small-minded" no matter how many words you want to throw out there to distort that fact.

I’ll give you that. He’s comparatively small minded. Do we all have to be small minded as well? And what’s your excuse for obsessing over his persona as if blaming him for all things wrong with our country and our culture?
I’ll give you that. He’s comparatively small minded. Do we all have to be small minded as well? And what’s your excuse for obsessing over his persona as if blaming him for all things wrong with our country and our culture?
Never once have I blamed him for everything wrong with "our country and culture" nor am I "obsessed" with his persona. I do believe his small mindedness is a distraction to moving the country forward on our best days. If that's an obsession, my question to you is, why do you hate America?
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Never once have I blamed him for everything wrong with "our country and culture" nor am I "obsessed" with his persona. I do believe his small mindedness is a distraction to moving the country forward on our best days. If that's an obsession, my question to you is, why do you hate America?

Hyperbole is easily recognizable, right? Most of your commentary just today at least borders on hyperbole if not obsession. And you failed to address the “what if” Trump (latest, biggest target of blame for most of us) disappeared tomorrow or never existed, how would your daily existence and choices have changed?
I’ll give you that. He’s comparatively small minded. Do we all have to be small minded as well? And what’s your excuse for obsessing over his persona as if blaming him for all things wrong with our country and our culture?
He's not small minded. Not at all. In less than a year, he won an election to the highest office on Earth with zero experience, and he beat the Clinton Machine, which includes the MSM, to get there. Since then, in very short order he's learned how the system really works and smartly recognized that unlike Obama he doesn't have a bunch of ass kissers who will constantly promote him and cover for him. It's basically The Don and Ivanka, who I also think is very smart, against pretty much everyone else. Obama for all his praise and adulation, actually was rather mediocre and not particularly brilliant. He spoke well publicly (meaning he used big words and didn't sound black) which is the hypocritical reason why the the Left loved him so much.

And before you accuse me of being some delusional right-wing nut, I didn't vote for Trump in the Primary. I'm still not enamored with his tone, but I generally agree with his policies, and I cannot deny he's a strong leader who seems to be getting chit done.
He's not small minded. Not at all. In less than a year, he won an election to the highest office on Earth with zero experience, and he beat the Clinton Machine, which includes the MSM, to get there. Since then, in very short order he's learned how the system really works and smartly recognized that unlike Obama he doesn't have a bunch of ass kissers who will constantly promote him and cover for him. It's basically The Don and Ivanka, who I also think is very smart, against pretty much everyone else. Obama for all his praise and adulation, actually was rather mediocre and not particularly brilliant. He spoke well publicly (meaning he used big words and didn't sound black) which is the hypocritical reason why the the Left loved him so much.

And before you accuse me of being some delusional right-wing nut, I didn't vote for Trump in the Primary. I'm still not enamored with his tone, but I generally agree with his policies, and I cannot deny he's a strong leader who seems to be getting chit done.
Obama, who certainly was not an infallible leader, was a constitutional law professor at an institution one very small rung down from Ivy League. You completely lost me, and anyone with a rational bone left in their body, with saying he wasn't "particularly brilliant" (whatever that means).
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He's not small minded. Not at all. In less than a year, he won an election to the highest office on Earth with zero experience, and he beat the Clinton Machine, which includes the MSM, to get there. Since then, in very short order he's learned how the system really works and smartly recognized that unlike Obama he doesn't have a bunch of ass kissers who will constantly promote him and cover for him. It's basically The Don and Ivanka, who I also think is very smart, against pretty much everyone else. Obama for all his praise and adulation, actually was rather mediocre and not particularly brilliant. He spoke well publicly (meaning he used big words and didn't sound black) which is the hypocritical reason why the the Left loved him so much.

And before you accuse me of being some delusional right-wing nut, I didn't vote for Trump in the Primary. I'm still not enamored with his tone, but I generally agree with his policies, and I cannot deny he's a strong leader who seems to be getting chit done.

Key word: “comparatively” small minded. The twitter excess and thin skin does his image no favors. I did vote for him to hopefully be different, to effect substantive change within the festering, incestuous DC system. He’s done that. He’s rebuilding a more conservative judicial system. All good. He could quit at year end, and he’s earned my vote. But, pettiness is something we already had an abundance of.
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Obama, who certainly was not an infallible person, was a constitutional law professor at an institution one very small rung down from Ivy League. You completely lost me, and anyone with a rational bone left in their body, with saying he wasn't "particularly brilliant" (whatever that means).

Which makes what he did/did not do even more criminal. He absolutely despises our constitution. He was able to get away with so much underhanded bull skate, and with being an absolute disaster for America because the liberal media was so busy having perpetual hyperventilation at the mere mention of his name. They would cover up murder,,,, (which they did, Bengazi) for him. He hates America and you libs do as well.
Which makes what he did/did not do even more criminal. He absolutely despises our constitution. He was able to get away with so much underhanded bull skate, and with being an absolute disaster for America because the liberal media was so busy having perpetual hyperventilation at the mere mention of his name. They would cover up murder,,,, (which they did, Bengazi) for him. He hates America and you libs do as well.
I think that's a better argument (at least the first sentence) than saying he isn't smart.
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Obama, who certainly was not an infallible leader, was a constitutional law professor at an institution one very small rung down from Ivy League. You completely lost me, and anyone with a rational bone left in their body, with saying he wasn't "particularly brilliant" (whatever that means).
Let me borrow a quote from Isiah Thomas. If Obama was white, he wouldn't stand out in a crowd. He's not brilliant. I think it's fair to say he's above average. If he were white I highly doubt he would have gotten the job at that school just one rung down from the Ivies.
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Let me borrow a quote from Isiah Thomas. If Obama was white, he wouldn't stand out in a crowd. He's not brilliant. I think it's fair to say he's above average. If he were white I highly doubt he would have gotten the job at that school just one rung down from the Ivies.
Graduate of Columbia. Graduate of Harvard Law. Editor of Harvard Law Review. U.S. Senator. Etc., Etc., I'm sure all were given to him because he's black.
Hoffman, as usual, you are wrong with the facts, the pageant that Trump walked in on was the 1997 Miss TEEN USA pageant, and one of the girls dressing was 15 (this was very easy to find, you must not have wanted to look too hard).

Again, are you ok with him doing that?

Finally, with Clinton, I said it above, I will say it again, if he had relations with underage girls, I hope he rots in jail.


On the beauty pagents, if DT did that, it was wrong, But I can't help but see how the Dems know all about Trump walking into a dressing rom for beauties at pagents but turn their heads the other way on the 26 lolita flights which is far more serious,
And don't give me this "as usual I am wrong with the facts" No offense but you are one of the least knowledgeable people on this board. Not because u are dumb but because u just take Dem talking points and run with them.
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Hoffman, as usual, you are wrong with the facts, the pageant that Trump walked in on was the 1997 Miss TEEN USA pageant, and one of the girls dressing was 15 (this was very easy to find, you must not have wanted to look too hard).

Again, are you ok with him doing that?

Finally, with Clinton, I said it above, I will say it again, if he had relations with underage girls, I hope he rots in jail.

You questioned my veracity so I will illustrate your ignorance with one of your recent posts below:.

Anyone else notice that all the talk of the FBI being crooked started after Flynn pleaded guilty, guess it had nothing to do with the Trumpsters being scared sh*tless that Mueller had the goods on Trump.This statement is absolutely false. How can anyone be scared of an investigation that after a year, has found no evidence of collusion between DT/Russia.
Hoffman, have to admit I don't know how many a cabol is( I am glad u now know what a cabal is),from what I've heard, two agents were texting back and forth what a disaster Where did u get the idea that this was only about 2 agents talking back and forth? It doesn't talke much effort to learn the details. it would be if Trump were to become President ( a sentiment shared by approx 70% of the population now, the one who was on Mueller's team was let go, but I guess this means that 2 FBI agents out of thousands saying this means the whole agency is crooked.(a meaningless meandering and dishonest assumption.

In summary, there is not one fact in your post and your assumptions are not only wrong but show your total ignorance on the subject. Typical of your posts
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