So there was a cabal of FBI agents that conspired

Anyone else notice that all the talk of the FBI being crooked started after Flynn pleaded guilty, guess it had nothing to do with the Trumpsters being scared sh*tless that Mueller had the goods on Trump.

Hoffman, have to admit I don't know how many a cabol is, from what I've heard, two agents were texting back and forth what a disaster it would be if Trump were to become President ( a sentiment shared by approx 70% of the population now), the one who was on Mueller's team was let go, but I guess this means that 2 FBI agents out of thousands saying this means the whole agency is crooked.

Then you should really try multiple news services. There is now more evidence of the intelligence community being out to get Trump (as he was warned they would) instead of Trump hatching a plot with Putin. If the FBI presented unverified docs to get Trump and the IRS can get away with targeting political orgs then Ds and Rs should be outraged.
It’s like trying to teach quantum physics to snails. We get it Hoffman, but shonuf and Backdoor trim-man are not educated enough to formulate an opinion based on fact and logical reasoning. You have provided the facts thouroghly enough.
Why would you teach quantum physics to snails Dorothy?
It's my favorite turd burglar (Backdoor-Trim-man). I can always tell my associates I know a gay guy. I'll let them know we do not hang out though.
Silly, silly trouser pilot, that was another analogy, which you seem to have trouble grasping.
I'm sure you know plenty of gay guys but why would you tell your "ass-ociates" that.
to throw the election to Hillary Clinton by exonerating her on the email scandal and frame DT. Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, Bruce Ohr, and probably Mueller were involved.

Email intercepts from a top FBI agent,Peter Strzok, in a meeting with Andrew McCabe said “ We can’t take the risk that Trump wins.” “We have a backup insurance plan to insure he doesn’t win.” Strzok speaks of saving the country from Trump as if he is a modern day James Bond. Thus showing intent to conspire to derail our democracy. Constitution be damned.

The cabal thought they had a higher purpose. Instead they committed treason by spying on an opposition candidate to take him down by illegal means with a rigged investigation based on a false opposition research report.
if they are indeed doing so, then they are patriots of the highest order. Conservatives have lost all dignity to support this bankrupting liberal lion in sheeps clothing. May as well ride him out, youve already turned against law and order, and have supported a child molestor for senate that even Alabama said "dont hang that thing around our neck."
if they are indeed doing so, then they are patriots of the highest order. Conservatives have lost all dignity to support this bankrupting liberal lion in sheeps clothing. May as well ride him out, youve already turned against law and order, and have supported a child molestor for senate that even Alabama said "dont hang that thing around our neck."
Yes obama and hillary are regular pillars of the church going community. They love America and want to preserve its charm and warmth. All liberals are the best people and have never done any harm to anyone.
if they are indeed doing so, then they are patriots of the highest order. Conservatives have lost all dignity to support this bankrupting liberal lion in sheeps clothing. May as well ride him out, youve already turned against law and order, and have supported a child molestor for senate that even Alabama said "dont hang that thing around our neck."

I think it is treason if a few high level agents in our top law enforcement agency attempt to defeat an opposition presidential candidate and/or take down a President by illegal means such as a rigged investigation based on false documents? U think that is patriotism? REALLY?.

I guess u heard the latest news that Lisa Bloom was paying witnesses to come out and accuse Trump of sexual misconduct right before the election.
To me that puts in doubt any unsubstantiated allegations right before an election. If a woman has been sexually molested, she should come forth when it happens not decades later right before an election. This has been part of the democrat dirty politics forever.
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Yes obama and hillary are regular pillars of the church going community. They love America and want to preserve its charm and warmth. All liberals are the best people and have never done any harm to anyone.
like the man said, the president supported a pedofile. Can't get much lower then that.
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Trump did not support obama. It was proven that obama lied about Benghazi and left Americans to die and then lied about it. NICE!!!If you hate this nation.
Not sure what any of this has to do Obama Delores the Duke but carry on.
Lol, i don't guess you are going to say anything about how he and trump are friends.

This from the same article.

"Other politicians, celebrities and businessmen, including presidential candidate Donald Trump, have been accused of fraternizing with Epstein. Trump lawyer Alan Garten told in a statement Trump and Epstein are not pals."

“There was no relationship between Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump,” he said. “They were not friends and they did not socialize together.”

You are throwing a lot of crap out there that u have no evience on.
This from the same article.

"Other politicians, celebrities and businessmen, including presidential candidate Donald Trump, have been accused of fraternizing with Epstein. Trump lawyer Alan Garten told in a statement Trump and Epstein are not pals."

“There was no relationship between Jeffrey Epstein and Donald Trump,” he said. “They were not friends and they did not socialize together.”
I guess if you don't count having dinner at his house then he's right or saying in a interview in 2002 that's he known Epstein for 15 years and he's a good guy.
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I guess if you don't count having dinner at his house then he's right or saying in a interview in 2002 that's he known Epstein for 15 years and he's a good guy.

Even if that is true, it doesn't equate to 26 trips on the Lolita Express that WJC had. Those flight logs don't lie. So you are a pedophile supporter and quoting u, "there is nothing lower than that."
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I know you are but what am I? You big fat dodo head.
Even if that is true, it doesn't equate to 26 trips on the Lolita Express that WJC had. Those flight logs don't lie. So you are a pedophile supporter and quoting u, "there is nothing lower than that."
It does when in 2002 he knew him for 15 years and also said he likes the women like he did. Although he did say Epstein likes them much younger.
How is flying on a airplane committing pedophilia?
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Your man Trump has been pals with Epstein for years, and you just ignore it.

But I guess if Trump's lawyer says it is not true, it must be, a lawyer would never lie for his client.

It does when in 2002 he knew him for 15 years and also said he likes the women like he did. Although he did say Epstein likes them much younger.
How is flying on a airplane committing pedophilia?

So Trump likes women and knew Epstein. Wow! That is smoking gun evidence which means absolutely NOTHING. Face it the Dems incuding u have supported and made a pedophile. a hero in your party. Yet u with a straight face have the nerve to say DT supported a pedophile knowing you have supported pedophile WJC for the last 25 years. Hypocrites!
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So Trump likes women and knew Epstein. Wow! That is smoking gun evidence which means absolutely NOTHING. Face it the Dems incuding u have supported and made a pedophile. a hero in your party. Yet u with a straight face have the nerve to say DT supported a pedophile knowing you have supported pedophile WJC for the last 25 years. Hypocrites!
That's the same guilt by association that you used so if its good for clinton it's good for trump. Clinton never supported a pedo running for office like trump did. I do find it funny that you said earlier trump didn't even know Epstein though. Next thing you know you'll be saying he didn't support moore.
It does no good to talk facts with the libdimorat socialist America hating cop/baby killing mommy basement dwelling chat scum. They have their talking points and to heck with the truth. They would rather hate America and destroy it turning it into a 3rd world country,,,(funny post by the troubled dog idiot calling Trump the bankrupter in chief or whatever he said, when ODUMBUS added more debt to the Country than all other presidents combined, and ruined the economy and tried to tell us it was the new normal... HA HA HA) How stupid ignorant and gullible do you have to be to believe anything the dims say. They are lying mafia types only interested in their power and riches.
That's the same guilt by association that you used so if its good for clinton it's good for trump. Clinton never supported a pedo running for office like trump did. I do find it funny that you said earlier trump didn't even know Epstein though. Next thing you know you'll be saying he didn't support moore.

I quoted the article I linked which said he didn't know the man Epstein. . So are you saying everyone that knew Epstein is a pedophile just so u can accuse DT?. . U would have been a great right hand man for McCarthy.

Can u explain why WJC would make 26 trips on the lolita express?
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I quoted the article I linked which said he didn't know the man Epstein. . So are you saying everyone that knew Epstein is a pedophile just so u can accuse DT?. . U would have been a great right hand man for McCarthy.

Can u explain why WJC would make 26 trips on the lolita express?
Im using the same logic as you are so you tell me. Can you explain to me why trump said Epstein was a good man after he's known him 15 years?
Im using the same logic as you are so you tell me. Can you explain to me why trump said Epstein was a good man after he's known him 15 years?

I asked u first.
Im using the same logic as you are so you tell me. Can you explain to me why trump said Epstein was a good man after he's known him 15 years?

There are people in my neighborhood who I know. They seem to be good people but I don't know everything about them. Some could be pedophiles for all I know.

Now answer my question which u ignore. Can u explain why WJC would make 26 trips on the lolita express?
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I asked u first.

There are people in my neighborhood who I know. They seem to be good people but I don't know everything about them. Some could be pedophiles for all I know.

Now answer my question which u ignore. Can u explain why WJC would make 26 trips on the lolita express?
Lol, trump didn't just meet Epstein one time at a party and he sounded like he knew him pretty well.
Why would you think i would know why clinton made those trips with him. He doesn't tell me those things.
Lol, trump didn't just meet Epstein one time at a party and he sounded like he knew him pretty well.
Why would you think i would know why clinton made those trips with him. He doesn't tell me those things.

Just use simple logic if u can.
Just use simple logic if u can.
I'm using the same logic you are. If clinton is guilty of flying on his plane (and that is all you have) then Trump must be guilty for knowing him for 15 years and saying what a good guy he is. Can't get more simpler then that.
Hoffman, can you explain why trump would walk in the dressing room of the Miss Teenage America pagent while they were naked and some as young as 15 years old? His reply was "he's seen before".