So Trump is doing a rally in New York today...........

No, I did not attend the rally in the Bronx.

That’s the problem with lies. They always require more lies to try and cover for the original lie.

The photo was shown on the evening news at 11:09PM and clearly shows Trump on stage with his security detail stationed around the podium.
I have a plenty of liberal news sources (surprise) and what I am seeing is mocking Trump and team for claiming it was 10x the actual attendance.

I've seen highlights, which I about all I can take.

I'm on record saying Trump will find a reason to avoid the June debate. If I'm wrong, we will all get to see the battle of the octogenarians and we can decide if one is mentally superior to the other.
It's funny...I look forward to the debate for entertainment value more than content. Both sides will probably show their asses.

Now that being said, you state that Trump will find a reason to avoid the debate...will you acknowledge if that is a good reason due to Biden continuing to put up ridiculous stipulations?
It's funny...I look forward to the debate for entertainment value more than content. Both sides will probably show their asses.

Now that being said, you state that Trump will find a reason to avoid the debate...will you acknowledge if that is a good reason due to Biden continuing to put up ridiculous stipulations?
Biden isn’t going to be the candidate. It’s going to be the greaseball who ruined the Golden State.
Again, I haven't heard DJT state a hard number of 25 to 30K were in attendance and the campaign staff has stated up to 25K. Officers on the scene and credible news outlets have given estimates of 8 to 10K. Focusing on a head count at a political rally is nothing more than a distraction and a weak ass criticism of an opponent. Let's focus on inflation, orderly immigration, violations of the bill of rights, the affordability of health insurance and policies that make a difference to the governed. There are plenty of policy debates that need to be addressed and that is where we should be focusing. Not whether JB shat his depends or if DJT exaggerates.
Thinks he rather focus on making something into a lie. That is all they/he have, issues be damned. He is on a mission, only there are maybe at the most 100 people on here.

And pretty sure they all have their minds made up, no one is sitting on the fence……as most people have IMHO…..nothing is working, people have had enough. Could be a “bloodbath” if Biden does indeed stay in the race.

Will’s admitted “bias” toward Trump has rendered anything he posts about him at the best questionable and most all not credible.
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Dude, can you not see it's daylight? You're being insolent.
Dude, do you not understand that the local news often shows video that isn’ live and when they do show a live feed it typically indicates that on the screen, right?

Again, who is the big blond guy on the stage surrounded by security?

This entire debate is MAGA summarized.

Next you’ll argue that Trump was well received by the libertarians last night.

Right, because first hand evidence is the only path to knowledge. Are you kidding me?

I can’t believe how ridiculous this entire thread is. I provided an aerial photo that clearly shows Trump onstage with an audience that is three to four thousand max, and the response is were you there? How about offering any evidence at all that the attendance is 10k, much less 25k.

The number of brains that Trump has completely broken is both impressive and depressing.

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.“ - George Orwell, 1984.
Again, I haven't heard DJT state a hard number of 25 to 30K were in attendance and the campaign staff has stated up to 25K. Officers on the scene and credible news outlets have given estimates of 8 to 10K. Focusing on a head count at a political rally is nothing more than a distraction and a weak ass criticism of an opponent. Let's focus on inflation, orderly immigration, violations of the bill of rights, the affordability of health insurance and policies that make a difference to the governed. There are plenty of policy debates that need to be addressed and that is where we should be focusing. Not whether JB shat his depends or if DJT exaggerates.
Trump has been obsessed with and exaggerating crowd since his inauguration in 2016. It’s weak and pathetic.
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Trump has been obsessed with and exaggerating crowd since his inauguration in 2016. It’s weak and pathetic.
I just stroked a check for my 1800.00 per monthly health insurance and I'm also awaiting a bill for 7500.00 for my deductible after a short stay in the hospital. I really dgaf if Trump exaggerates the crowd size at his rallies. I'm wanting substantive debate on issues that affect families like mine that are net tax payers and are being forced to pay the way for folks that refuse to live responsibly. I want a debate about who belongs in a diversion program and who belongs in prison. I want a government that feels constrained by the laws they also enforce. But feel free to worry about how many New Yorkers showed up to a rally.
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Dude, do you not understand that the local news often shows video that isn’ live and when they do show a live feed it typically indicates that on the screen, right?

Again, who is the big blond guy on the stage surrounded by security?

This entire debate is MAGA summarized.

Next you’ll argue that Trump was well received by the libertarians last night.

My God, Will, c’mon! Is that you on the right?

I just stroked a check for my 1800.00 per monthly health insurance and I'm also awaiting a bill for 7500.00 for my deductible after a short stay in the hospital. I really dgaf if Trump exaggerates the crowd size at his rallies. I'm wanting substantive debate on issues that affect families like me that are net tax payers and are being forced to pay the way for folks that refuse to live responsibly. I want a debate about who belongs in a diversion program and who belongs in prison. I want a government that feels constrained by the laws they also enforce. But feel free to worry about how many New Yorkers showed up to a rally.
Thats what dims do. They cannot run on the issues just make up petty crap. Border a disaster, healthcare unaffordable unless you are not working and making money, Crime a disaster, Gas prices, food prices, home loan rates, new/used car prices, left over a billion dollars worth of weapons in afghanistan and now in africa along with bases. Cant define a woman or man, lets men shower with young girls, antisemits. If Trump is such a russian asset, why is biden turning our base in africa over to the russians?
Thats what dims do. They cannot run on the issues just make up petty crap. Border a disaster, healthcare unaffordable unless you are not working and making money, Crime a disaster, Gas prices, food prices, home loan rates, new/used car prices, left over a billion dollars worth of weapons in afghanistan and now in africa along with bases. Cant define a woman or man, lets men shower with young girls, antisemits. If Trump is such a russian asset, why is biden turning our base in africa over to the russians?
And why was one of Biden's first acts the approval of Nordstream II and retarding energy production in the U.S. that raised prices for Russian oil.
And why was one of Biden's first acts the approval of Nordstream II and retarding energy production in the U.S. that raised prices for Russian oil.
The Biden administration has waived sanctions on a company building a controversial gas pipeline between Russia and Germany.
The US also lifted sanctions on the executive - an ally of Russia's Vladimir Putin - who leads the firm behind the Nord Stream 2 project.
The move came in a report on Russian sanctions delivered to Congress by the Department of State.
Critics say the pipeline is a major geopolitical prize for the Kremlin.
The project, which would take gas from the Russian Arctic under the Baltic Sea to Germany, is already more than 95% complete.
As of April 25, 2024, Russia's crude oil production was 10.13 million barrels per day (b/d), which is down from 10.46 million b/d one year ago. In 2023, Russia produced nearly 10.8 million b/d of total liquid fuels, which is a 2% decrease from 2022. Russia's oil and gas condensate production has been declining since its peak of 11.7 million b/d in 2019 due to actions taken in coordination with OPEC. In November 2022, Russia announced production cuts as part of OPEC+, and in February 2023, it announced additional voluntary cuts of 500,000 b/d. As of January 1, 2024, Russia's proven oil reserves were 80 billion barrels.


Russia orders companies to cut oil output to meet OPEC+ target | Reuters
Mar 25, 2024 — Russian oil and gas condensate production have declined from an annual peak of 11.7 million bpd in 2019 to around 10.8 million in recent months as a result of coordinated actions with OPEC.

United States produces more crude oil than any country, ever
Mar 11, 2024 — Average annual production in Russia peaked in 2019 at 10.8 million b/d, when it trailed the United States by 1.4 million b/d. More recently, Russia was among the OPEC+ countries that announced production cuts in November 2022, and in February 2023, it separately announced additional voluntary cuts of 500,000 b/d.
International - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Russia Energy Report - EIA
Apr 29, 2024 — Petroleum and other liquids. Russia's proved oil reserves were 80 billion barrels as of January 1, 2024. ... Russia produced nearly 10.8 million barrels per day (b/d) in total liquid fuels in 2023, a 2% decrease from 2022 (Figure 3). ... Russia's total liquid fuels consumption decreased 2% from 3.7 million b/d in 2021 to 3.6 million b/d in 2022 (Figure 3). ... In early 2023, as an OPEC+ participant, Russia set crude oil production for 2024 at 9.949 million b/d. ... Western Siberia accounted for 87% of Russia's crude oil and condensate production in 2023, down from 90% in 2019, according to Rystad Energy data.

Russia Crude Oil Production Monthly Insights - YCharts
Russia Crude Oil Production is at a current level of 10.13M, up from 10.05M last month and down from 10.46M one year ago. This is a change of 0.75% from last month and -3.19% from one year ago.

Generative AI is experimental.

Did you see the arial photo posted above that clearly shows Trump, his Secret Service detail and the crowd?

So the photo above is 25k people? State Farm Arena holds 16k for a basketball game and you are suggested that Trump’s crowd is 50% more than State Farm’s entire capacity?

Trump lies about his crowd size constantly but you are compelled to get on here and defend him even though there is a perfectly clear photo that shows a few thousand people. Why? It’s not like it’s the worst lie he’s ever told.
Depends on when the photo is taken. All the agencies reporting the numbers, which have nothing to do with politics said it brought 25 thousand or so. I have no idea if they attended the speech. They could take a photo at any time during a Biden speech anywhere in the country and it wouldn’t matter. You could count the number on your hands yourself. You wouldn’t even have to guess.

He said himself Biden is careful because even little kids are flipping him off these days. FWIW.
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Depends on when the photo is taken. All the agencies reporting the numbers, which have nothing to do with politics said it brought 25 thousand or so. I have no idea if they attended the speech. They could take a photo at any time during a Biden speech anywhere in the country and it wouldn’t matter. You could count the number on your hands yourself. You wouldn’t even have to guess.

He said himself Biden is careful because even little kids are flipping him off these days. FWIW.
great post
I can’t believe how ridiculous this entire thread is. I provided an aerial photo that clearly shows Trump onstage with an audience that is three to four thousand max, and the response is were you there? How about offering any evidence at all that the attendance is 10k, much less 25k.

Depends on when the photo is taken. All the agencies reporting the numbers, which have nothing to do with politics said it brought 25 thousand or so. I have no idea if they attended the speech. They could take a photo at any time during a Biden speech anywhere in the country and it wouldn’t matter. You could count the number on your hands yourself. You wouldn’t even have to guess.

One thing I agree with Willdup on is that I can't believe how ridiculous this entire thread is. I find most of the arguments to be filled with irrelevance and people desperately clinging to the parts they want to hear. It is not that hard, people!

Here's the facts. I don't care what anyone's opinions are. Tried to diffuse this mess earlier in the thread, but folks weren't having it. Against my better judgment, I'm going to try again with some info I didn't have at the time.

Donald Trump held a political rally in the South Bronx. He's the first Republican candidate in 40 years to campaign in the Bronx, let alone the South Bronx. That is historically significant, by any measure.

According to the local Fire Marshall, the parks service and reported on various MSM news outlets, about 25,000 people came to see this event. General admission, no seating, line up to get in.

According to local and national (CNN, MSNBC) news reporters on site, there were some people who came from outside the Bronx to attend this event (people from other Burroughs of New York, New York state, New Jersey, and Trump groupies who follow the rallies) but a lot of the people there were locals.

There were some protestors at the park. They did not get in. Police kept the attendees and the protestors mostly separated.

The permit allowed use of a designated area within the park for this event that did not interfere with park services or streets. The stated capacity on the permit for this event was 3,500 people. The area was fenced off and only 3,500 people were allowed to enter. That's what you see on the local news screenshot.

The picture does not show all the people who came, only the ones who got in the fenced off area for the rally speakers. The video footage does not show the people outside the gates in the overflow area, or the people in the rest of the park.

Some social media influencers showed people who did not get in, leaving the area. These people were not leaving the rally early. They never got in. Some left, some stayed in other parts of the park or the surrounding area.

There was an overflow area outside the gates where many stayed, at times chanting "Let us in!" I don't blame them. From where they stood, they could see a lot of space where more people could have entered very comfortably. Nonetheless, the permit said 3500.

No, the screenshot from the video was not taken at 11:09 a.m. It is not a trick. It was taken as Trump took the stage in front of the 3500 people allowed into the gated area for the rally. The timestamp is from the local nightly news broadcast where they showed aerial and ground footage from the event along with selected interviews, all recorded earlier in the day. Even the temperature shown fits with the 11 p.m. frame. Daily high was in the upper 80's, overnight low was 64 (about 6 hours after the news was on). The 75 degree reading fits. Yes, I looked it up.

Everything above is from multiple sources and video review. I looked up the map of the park and the fenced off area within the park for the rally. I watched every minute of a heavily biased local news report. I watched CNN and MSNBC coverage. I went through numerous social media posts covering the spectrum from the left to the right.

I hope this helps, but I'm not holding my breath.
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Why don’t you fire back at the Biden backers when they draw a bingo crowd? You libs won’t talk about this stuff. Trump draws thousands and Biden lucky to draw hundred.
Another trump chump!🤣 Biden sucks also. 2 80 year Olds is the best this Country has to offer is bs!😌
Another trump chump!🤣 Biden sucks also. 2 80 year Olds is the best this Country has to offer is bs!😌
Well, the younger rocket surgeons we've elected over the last 40 yrs put us in a ridiculous financial mess, raided SS in order to fund pork spending and created division among the citizenry. Maybe we should start doing a deeper dive into how we are being governed instead of focusing on the POTUS beauty contest type elections and start demanding a government that gives us a good bang for our buck, stays out of our personal lives and performs the proper functions of government efficiently and fairly.
Well, we have a wager on that one.

If the makeup of a 3k person rally was really that upsetting for liberals, Trump and Co wouldn't feel compelled to blatantly lie about how many people were there by inflating it 10x. That stinks of desperation and won't add to the base of hardcore Trump supporters, which is what he needs to win.
Joe Biden can’t draw 500. As for inflating, we have a Pres who was raised in a black/catholic/puerto rican/muslim church, has been a black protestor/demonstrator, arrested with Mandela in S Africa, driven a long haul tractor-trailer, flown a jet, ridden 5mill miles on Amtrak, spurned the Naval Academy because of Joe Bellino, played football at Delaware, attended HBCU Delaware St, was first in his family to attend college even though he claims his grandfather was a runner up for Heisman at Santa Clara even though they didn’t have football and no record of his grandfather being in any Heisman ballloting can be found, his uncle was shot down in S Pacific then eaten by cannibals, he attended law school on a full academic scholarship even though there’s no such record, he finished top of his law class even though he flunked out once, finished 83 out of 87. That’s not all 😵‍💫
Well, we have a wager on that one.

If the makeup of a 3k person rally was really that upsetting for liberals, Trump and Co wouldn't feel compelled to blatantly lie about how many people were there by inflating it 10x. That stinks of desperation and won't add to the base of hardcore Trump supporters, which is what he needs to win.
here is the deal. the rally was in a pre-dominantly blue area of NYC .. and mostly hispanic neighborhood. Now THAT is a fact... and 2500, 3000 or more show up? Pretty good bro. How many would Biden have show up in he same mostly lib neighborhood? Yeah .. right. :cool:
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My God, Will, c’mon! Is that you on the right?

And no doubt cheated to get that
Joe Biden can’t draw 500. As for inflating, we have a Pres who was raised in a black/catholic/puerto rican/muslim church, has been a black protestor/demonstrator, arrested with Mandela in S Africa, driven a long haul tractor-trailer, flown a jet, ridden 5mill miles on Amtrak, spurned the Naval Academy because of Joe Bellino, played football at Delaware, attended HBCU Delaware St, was first in his family to attend college even though he claims his grandfather was a runner up for Heisman at Santa Clara even though they didn’t have football and no record of his grandfather being in any Heisman ballloting can be found, his uncle was shot down in S Pacific then eaten by cannibals, he attended law school on a full academic scholarship even though there’s no such record, he finished top of his law class even though he flunked out once, finished 83 out of 87. That’s not all 😵‍💫
And that's just the tip of the iceberg of Joe's many lies.
One thing I agree with Willdup on is that I can't believe how ridiculous this entire thread is. I find most of the arguments to be filled with irrelevance and people desperately clinging to the parts they want to hear. It is not that hard, people!

Here's the facts. I don't care what anyone's opinions are. Tried to diffuse this mess earlier in the thread, but folks weren't having it. Against my better judgment, I'm going to try again with some info I didn't have at the time.

Donald Trump held a political rally in the South Bronx. He's the first Republican candidate in 40 years to campaign in the Bronx, let alone the South Bronx. That is historically significant, by any measure.

According to the local Fire Marshall, the parks service and reported on various MSM news outlets, about 25,000 people came to see this event. General admission, no seating, line up to get in.

According to local and national (CNN, MSNBC) news reporters on site, there were some people who came from outside the Bronx to attend this event (people from other Burroughs of New York, New York state, New Jersey, and Trump groupies who follow the rallies) but a lot of the people there were locals.

There were some protestors at the park. They did not get in. Police kept the attendees and the protestors mostly separated.

The permit allowed use of a designated area within the park for this event that did not interfere with park services or streets. The stated capacity on the permit for this event was 3,500 people. The area was fenced off and only 3,500 people were allowed to enter. That's what you see on the local news screenshot.

The picture does not show all the people who came, only the ones who got in the fenced off area for the rally speakers. The video footage does not show the people outside the gates in the overflow area, or the people in the rest of the park.

Some social media influencers showed people who did not get in, leaving the area. These people were not leaving the rally early. They never got in. Some left, some stayed in other parts of the park or the surrounding area.

There was an overflow area outside the gates where many stayed, at times chanting "Let us in!" I don't blame them. From where they stood, they could see a lot of space where more people could have entered very comfortably. Nonetheless, the permit said 3500.

No, the screenshot from the video was not taken at 11:09 a.m. It is not a trick. It was taken as Trump took the stage in front of the 3500 people allowed into the gated area for the rally. The timestamp is from the local nightly news broadcast where they showed aerial and ground footage from the event along with selected interviews, all recorded earlier in the day. Even the temperature shown fits with the 11 p.m. frame. Daily high was in the upper 80's, overnight low was 64 (about 6 hours after the news was on). The 75 degree reading fits. Yes, I looked it up.

Everything above is from multiple sources and video review. I looked up the map of the park and the fenced off area within the park for the rally. I watched every minute of a heavily biased local news report. I watched CNN and MSNBC coverage. I went through numerous social media posts covering the spectrum from the left to the right.

I hope this helps, but I'm not holding my breath.
A well-researched and detailed post, as usual. Thank you.

FYI, Trump surrogates are still lying about crowd size (NJ was absolutely not 100K).

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A well-researched and detailed post, as usual. Thank you.

FYI, Trump surrogates are still lying about crowd size (NJ was absolutely not 100K).

Don't worry, the exaggerations come from both sides. That's why we have to do work to find the real answers.

Regardless of which set of adjectives and diversions we want to use to dull the point, the fact remains that he pulled a large, diverse crowd in a deep blue region. What does that mean?
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Don't worry, the exaggerations come from both sides. That's why we have to do work to find the real answers.

Regardless of which set of adjectives and diversions we want to use to dull the point, the fact remains that he pulled a large, diverse crowd in a deep blue region. What does that mean?
I hear what you are saying on exaggerations on both sides and agree that all politicians lie. This is a fact. I still contend that Trump has achieved a different level of lying with different stakes involved.

There are over three hundred felony convictions from J6 and every one of those people believed the lie that the election was stolen.

How many people died because Trump told the country that Covid was just like the flu while he was telling Bob Woodward that it was deadly?

Both lies go well beyond the typical BS that so many politicians lie about.

Jenna Ellis is just the latest member of the Trump's election fraud team to face severe penalties for their illegal participation in his efforts to stay in office. She pled guilty to a felony and was suspended by the CO Bar for three years. Add her to the list that includes Rudy, Clark, Eastman, Bobb and Kraken Lady herself Sidney Powell. Again, that's a different level of lying associated with Trump.

Regarding the rally, if we knew how many attendees were truly local versus travelled for the event, I might have an opinion, but even then, likely not. As we saw in 2020, attendance at rallies really isn't much of an indicator of election outcomes.
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A well-researched and detailed post, as usual. Thank you.

FYI, Trump surrogates are still lying about crowd size (NJ was absolutely not 100K).

Just some info cant paste the second video but it will show people lined up trying to get in. scroll to the second video jfyi
Unfortunately, Trump’s speech ended before more than half the line was allowed in. Allegedly, the NYPD had a hard time getting everyone in to hear Trump speak.
“This is suspicious, given that the NYPD take orders from Democrat politicians,” said a rally-goer with children. “They made us wait hours on end and we didn’t even get inside in time to see Mr. Trump. My son was so disappointed.”
Regardless, kids had a great time outside waiting on line and dancing in the streets “jooking for Trump”.
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