So we are supposed to believe that Kemp voters…

Are also voting for Warnock? Totally believable I tell ya.

the whole freakin thing is rigged folks.
Yes, many Kemp voters (like myself, wife, and the majority of our friends) also voted for Warnock.

Cannot have a Trump MAGA candidate win, did you watch what took place on Jan. 6?

If Trump's candidates win, his control on the Pub party will be unstoppable.

Has nothing to do with the issues, it is about protecting our republic from a tyrant like Trump.
Kemp is solid and Herschel has major baggage. It makes perfect sense that 4% split their ticket. Not everything is a conspiracy.

Seems it would be more reflected down's not so far
Yes, many Kemp voters (like myself, wife, and the majority of our friends) also voted for Warnock.

Cannot have a Trump MAGA candidate win, did you watch what took place on Jan. 6?

If Trump's candidates win, his control on the Pub party will be unstoppable.

Has nothing to do with the issues, it is about protecting our republic from a tyrant like Trump.
So brave… keep fighting that evil Orangeman…
Yes, many Kemp voters (like myself, wife, and the majority of our friends) also voted for Warnock.

Cannot have a Trump MAGA candidate win, did you watch what took place on Jan. 6?

If Trump's candidates win, his control on the Pub party will be unstoppable.

Has nothing to do with the issues, it is about protecting our republic from a tyrant like Trump.
Here I was thinking Trump wasn’t president anymore
Yes, many Kemp voters (like myself, wife, and the majority of our friends) also voted for Warnock.

Cannot have a Trump MAGA candidate win, did you watch what took place on Jan. 6?

If Trump's candidates win, his control on the Pub party will be unstoppable.

Has nothing to do with the issues, it is about protecting our republic from a tyrant like Trump.

I just can't understand this way of thinking.... This why we have Biden.....
I can honestly say I was happy to vote for Kemp, but was hesitant to vote for Walker. I wasn’t going to vote for Warnock either, but Walker has no business running for office. I almost just didn’t vote in the senate race, but I decided to do so only to help stop Warnock from winning. Every republican I have talked to felt the same way.
Are also voting for Warnock? Totally believable I tell ya.

the whole freakin thing is rigged folks.
Actually I know some Dems that found Stacy Abrams so despicable they voted for Kemp. It was the first time they had ever voted for a Republican. There was actually some liberal PAC for the Kemp/ Warnock ticket
It’s people like you who think someone is a moron if they dont agree with everything you believe that is running this country into the ground.
They're called punctuation marks skippy. One uses them so that others might understand WTF one is trying to say. Not knowing how to use them tends to make one appear to be a dipshit moron.
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Yes, many Kemp voters (like myself, wife, and the majority of our friends) also voted for Warnock.

Cannot have a Trump MAGA candidate win, did you watch what took place on Jan. 6?

If Trump's candidates win, his control on the Pub party will be unstoppable.

Has nothing to do with the issues, it is about protecting our republic from a tyrant like Trump.
Lol okay. Trump Republicans might be struggling, but so are 1/6 committee members who pander that hoax.
Yes, many Kemp voters (like myself, wife, and the majority of our friends) also voted for Warnock.

Cannot have a Trump MAGA candidate win, did you watch what took place on Jan. 6?

If Trump's candidates win, his control on the Pub party will be unstoppable.

Has nothing to do with the issues, it is about protecting our republic from a tyrant like Trump.
Just utterly asinine.
Yes, many Kemp voters (like myself, wife, and the majority of our friends) also voted for Warnock.

Cannot have a Trump MAGA candidate win, did you watch what took place on Jan. 6?

If Trump's candidates win, his control on the Pub party will be unstoppable.

Has nothing to do with the issues, it is about protecting our republic from a tyrant like T

Here I was thinking Trump wasn’t president anymore
Trump is not a tyrant!! What is wrong with "Making America great Again?" Only a liberal, socialist, American hating, woke, non-Christian, Biden loving person would vote for Warnock.
Are also voting for Warnock? Totally believable I tell ya.

the whole freakin thing is rigged folks.
U.S. elections are not "rigged." That's what the Russians want everyone to believe, that our democracy is flawed and that elections are rife with bogus votes and election-rigging. It simply is not true. Voter fraud in the U.S. is extremely rare, is never systematic and is protected by checks and balances and systematic recounts which insure the integrity of the vote. It's only raging egomaniacs like Donald Trump and Stacey Abrams who cannot accept the outcome of any election that they lost fair and square who perpetuate this sort of B.S. Georgia, in particular, has very safe elections. The Georgia state legislature went to great lengths to insure election integrity after the last election was so controversial (even though several independent audits ultimately revealed no evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election).

I am so tired of sore losers. The peaceful transfer of power and the intrinsic integrity of elections in this country are threatened by people who simply cannot believe that they lost and choose to question the "fairness" of elections, instead of doing the honorable thing and conceding and moving on. Idiotic comments like yours simply fan the flames of stupidity.
U.S. elections are not "rigged." That's what the Russians want everyone to believe, that our democracy is flawed and that elections are rife with bogus votes and election-rigging. It simply is not true. Voter fraud in the U.S. is extremely rare, is never systematic and is protected by checks and balances and systematic recounts which insure the integrity of the vote. It's only raging egomaniacs like Donald Trump and Stacey Abrams who cannot accept the outcome of any election that they lost fair and square who perpetuate this sort of B.S. Georgia, in particular, has very safe elections. The Georgia state legislature went to great lengths to insure election integrity after the last election was so controversial (even though several independent audits ultimately revealed no evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election).

I am so tired of sore losers. The peaceful transfer of power and the intrinsic integrity of elections in this country are threatened by people who simply cannot believe that they lost and choose to question the "fairness" of elections, instead of doing the honorable thing and conceding and moving on. Idiotic comments like yours simply fan the flames of stupidity.
Preach GIF
U.S. elections are not "rigged." That's what the Russians want everyone to believe, that our democracy is flawed and that elections are rife with bogus votes and election-rigging. It simply is not true. Voter fraud in the U.S. is extremely rare, is never systematic and is protected by checks and balances and systematic recounts which insure the integrity of the vote. It's only raging egomaniacs like Donald Trump and Stacey Abrams who cannot accept the outcome of any election that they lost fair and square who perpetuate this sort of B.S. Georgia, in particular, has very safe elections. The Georgia state legislature went to great lengths to insure election integrity after the last election was so controversial (even though several independent audits ultimately revealed no evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election).

I am so tired of sore losers. The peaceful transfer of power and the intrinsic integrity of elections in this country are threatened by people who simply cannot believe that they lost and choose to question the "fairness" of elections, instead of doing the honorable thing and conceding and moving on. Idiotic comments like yours simply fan the flames of stupidity.
You don't think the fact that both sides being represented at the highest levels by election deniers isn't a sign that our political system and elections are already in crisis?

I'm glad you acknowledged both Trump and Abrams instead of taking a side. That alone puts you ahead of most Americans. You can also throw in Hillary Clinton and many others from both sides for the past 22 years or so who have openly denied results and/or expressed grave concerns about the integrity of our election management infrastructure. This includes our intelligence agencies who have also made claims about "election interference" without providing specific details on how a single vote has been altered, added, or removed from any tally.

You might not like sore losers, but that's what our elections are now based on to the point of voter suppression being a primary campaign topic and using terms like "Jim Crowe 2.0", even uttered by a sitting President. This too is a claim that hasn't been supported by a single instance of an eligible voter being denied their right to vote without remedy.

What are we the people going to do about it? How do we get election integrity off the table as campaign topics and talking points so that we can get back to issues?
Yes, many Kemp voters (like myself, wife, and the majority of our friends) also voted for Warnock.

Cannot have a Trump MAGA candidate win, did you watch what took place on Jan. 6?

If Trump's candidates win, his control on the Pub party will be unstoppable.

Has nothing to do with the issues, it is about protecting our republic from a tyrant like Trump.
If she wins, you will get exactly what you asked for. WOKE schools, etc.
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U.S. elections are not "rigged." That's what the Russians want everyone to believe, that our democracy is flawed and that elections are rife with bogus votes and election-rigging. It simply is not true. Voter fraud in the U.S. is extremely rare, is never systematic and is protected by checks and balances and systematic recounts which insure the integrity of the vote. It's only raging egomaniacs like Donald Trump and Stacey Abrams who cannot accept the outcome of any election that they lost fair and square who perpetuate this sort of B.S. Georgia, in particular, has very safe elections. The Georgia state legislature went to great lengths to insure election integrity after the last election was so controversial (even though several independent audits ultimately revealed no evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election).

I am so tired of sore losers. The peaceful transfer of power and the intrinsic integrity of elections in this country are threatened by people who simply cannot believe that they lost and choose to question the "fairness" of elections, instead of doing the honorable thing and conceding and moving on. Idiotic comments like yours simply fan the flames of stupidity.
I stand corrected. Who needs to rig anything when we have so many useful morons amongst us willing to sell us down the the lefitist utopian path?
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Yes, many Kemp voters (like myself, wife, and the majority of our friends) also voted for Warnock.

Cannot have a Trump MAGA candidate win, did you watch what took place on Jan. 6?

If Trump's candidates win, his control on the Pub party will be unstoppable.

Has nothing to do with the issues, it is about protecting our republic from a tyrant like Trump.

The globalist commies in charge thank you for your faithful service.
People typically don't like complete and utter ignorant buffoons representing them in government. Herschel Walker is the most unintelligent and unqualified person to ever run for federal office (and that is saying a lot seeing the people in our current congress). He is a caricature. All he has is that he played football at UGA. That is buoying him. The man is an embarrassment. It's not hard to see Kemp/Warnock voters across the exurbs/suburbs.
People typically don't like complete and utter ignorant buffoons representing them in government. Herschel Walker is the most unintelligent and unqualified person to ever run for federal office (and that is saying a lot seeing the people in our current congress). He is a caricature. All he has is that he played football at UGA. That is buoying him. The man is an embarrassment. It's not hard to see Kemp/Warnock voters across the exurbs/suburbs.
and, pending in AZ, Masters is already bitching as if it were an impossibility that people prefer Kelly, who served his country and is able to act a gentleman.