So ....

That means she has some smart people behind her telling her to quickly get out in front of that. When she didn’t have those smart people behind her will, what did she do. Oh yea, bail out violent protesters. One who shot a round of bullets at the police. Who remembers that.

Well. There is this. But I get he has very little defending here. But again another falsehood
Sorry, one statement after the fact doesn't matter much when he praised them at the time and continues to praise them to this day. But I stand corrected. Trump definitely checked that box, probably at the advice of his legal team. He condemned them once and has praised them repeatedly since then.

Well to be fair, if Willdup doesn't read it, it doesn't exist. I kid, I kid.

It is an epidemic around here. Will put that out there without checking. Took me a one minute research to prove him wrong. I am sure there will be some kind of comeback. Yea but he planned it. Yea but he is responsible. Yea his words started the whole thing. Has he changed his tune. Sounds like it. But just like Kamala he condemned it the day after. Which was the point of his post. She was a basic squad member when in congress. If she weren’t vp, she would have been carrying Hamas water I am sure of it. She was the most liberal person in Washington at one point.

Will isn’t the only one. Mrdawg hasn’t had one accurate post ever. Brimur struggles with being remotely accurate and my favorite lefty here hit me with several falsehoods yesterday.
Sorry, one statement after the fact doesn't matter much when he praised them at the time and continues to praise them to this day. But I stand corrected. Trump definitely checked that box, probably at the advice of his legal team. He condemned them once and has praised them repeatedly since then.

Just like Kamala checked that box yesterday. She was the most liberal woman in dc in 2019. If not vp, we both know she is standing next to Omar holding a sign supporting Hamas. And the burning of a flag.

He has definitely changed his tune, because of the information that has come out about 1-6. It isn’t all on the up and up. What else is new. Can anyone tell the truth anymore.

1-6 was still a terrible day, but there are some massive gray areas here. That is what trump’s constituents believe along with now a majority percentage of the country. Weird things happened that day more than just the storming of the capital.

Edit: her husband is Jewish. My response would be worse in Her shoes. Surprised by her old takes on this. She did ride the middle more than most hard core progressives. That is something I guess.
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Just like Kamala checked that box yesterday. She was the most liberal woman in dc in 2019. If not vp, we both know she is standing next to Omar holding a sign supporting Hamas. And the burning of a flag.

He has definitely changed his tune, because of the information that has come out about 1-6. It isn’t all on the up and up. What else is new. Can anyone tell the truth anymore.

1-6 was still a terrible day, but there are some massive gray areas here. That is what trump’s constituents believe along with now a majority percentage of the country. Weird things happened that day more than just the storming of the capital.
Hey Zinger - little known fact. Kamala is married to a Jew and has Jewish step kids she is close to and helped raise. She has never even come close to stating support for Hammas. She has condemned them repeatedly.

She has stated concern about the humanitarian disaster in Gaza, which is in no way an unreasonable position.

The only place there are "massive grey areas" regarding J6 is in the fever dreams of conspiracy-minded MAGA true believers. No, the "majority percentage of the country" does agree with you or Trump on this topic, although I don't doubt Fox has told you that on a daily basis. The mental gymnastics required to continue to defend Trump on this topic are truly Olympian. Unreal.
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Hey Zinger - little known fact. Kamala is married to a Jew and has Jewish step kids she is close to and helped raise. She has never even come close to stating support for Hammas. She has condemned them repeatedly.

She has stated concern about the humanitarian disaster in Gaza, which is in no way an unreasonable position.

The only place there are "massive grey areas" regarding J6 is in the fever dreams of conspiracy-minded MAGA true believers. No, the "majority percentage of the country" does agree with you or Trump on this topic, although I don't doubt Fox has told you that on a daily basis. The mental gymnastics required to continue to defend Trump on this topic are truly Olympian. Unreal.
I posted that in a couple of threads and edited the post you quoted here right before your response hit. I saw that when reading. Crazy. But go look up her responses. They have been middle ground at best. Till today. Many of them have been posted in other threads. You are wrong there. Way wrong. She hasn’t taken a hard line stance at all. She should be against Hamas. If she wasn’t 100 percent, something is wrong with her.

I can’t find the poll. Google has buried it someday. It was a poll about strange happenings. Not who was responsible in someone’s opinion. I looked for a while. Have to work so I will see if I can find it tonight.

Why do you call it mental gymnastics? There is no mental gymnastics by pelosi’s own words. There is no mental gymnastics that it is out there that the national guard was offered and turned down. It is completely strange to allow someone on the domestic terrorist watch list to walk around in the capital in costume prior to the events. It is even more strange that he was released two weeks after the video was leaked. The whole I had to punch my secret service agent. Totally a lie. And if he did plan it, why not be there among his people.

Turning to something a little more interesting now. That is old news. Kamala will have to certify the election results. lol. That could be interesting

This isn’t going away for her.
That means she has some smart people behind her telling her to quickly get out in front of that. When she didn’t have those smart people behind her will, what did she do. Oh yea, bail out violent protesters. One who shot a round of bullets at the police. Who remembers that.

Well. There is this. But I get he has very little defending here. But again another falsehood
Sounds like she has quickly (over the last three years) learned to be an effective politician. The job is too big for any one person and you need to have smart people behind you advising you - and you need to listen carefully. Unfortunately that hasn't worked for Trump and his mouth is not going to help him - he's not changing. As I've said before, I don't care for most politicians but some learn how to operate even if they might be despicable. Unfortunately, I don't see politics changing in my lifetime.
Sounds like she has quickly (over the last three years) learned to be an effective politician. The job is too big for any one person and you need to have smart people behind you advising you - and you need to listen carefully. Unfortunately that hasn't worked for Trump and his mouth is not going to help him - he's not changing. As I've said before, I don't care for most politicians but some learn how to operate even if they might be despicable. Unfortunately, I don't see politics changing in my lifetime.
I don’t either Celtic. It is a rough time for sure. If she does win, I hope she will admit the problems that are here. Swallow your pride and admit we need some change. I don’t know if Trump will do what he says. I do know he at least tried last time. A poster and friend listed those a while back. Positive things he accomplished. The list was pretty damn long. I don’t trust her dealing with our enemies. They may not respect Trump but they recognize he is crazy enough to not be messed with.

I agree trump’s mouth is his biggest enemy along with his ego. I don’t really enjoy listening to him speak. Either way it isn’t going to turn out well, but imo no politician wants to admit they were wrong. That is enough for me to want a change. Just my basics brother.
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You have been known to miss quite a bit while trying to claim the moral high ground.

How about Harris refusing to preside over the speech from the leader of our greatest and longest ally from the Middle East? If that’s not a dog whistle, I don’t know what is. How about the Democrat false equivalency of October 7th and the IDF going into Gaza to defend themselves? Looks like we actually have a moment of “very fine people” for the Biden-Harris administration but this one is actually true.
Most of the Israelis want him out after the war is over. They feel he failed them in October.
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To be fair, a lot of Israelis want him out before the war is over.
Exactly. It's not like he's a popular leader over there. They all support the war, but they blame his handling of their defense for October happening.
I agree trump’s mouth is his biggest enemy along with his ego. I don’t really enjoy listening to him speak.
I wish Trump would speak at his rallies like he does in his studio interviews. He needs to start trying to appear Presidential to woo over undecided voters.
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